Alright, so, as you may have noticed there is a draft for a v2 of the bot in the Wavy project. This aims to fix a lot of the current issues the bot currently seems to have (FYI I have over 65k exceptions in Sentry, so something is wrong) whilst trying to make the code cleaner, more modular and more approachable.
I have already started work on it, and I would've made a pull request somewhere in the coming days if it wasn't for a Pycord announcement the other day:

And I'm a bit stuck at the moment. Should I wait for Pycord v3 to release or ditch it entirely and move to something else? (DiscordGo maybe? It would also significantly decrease the resource footprint. Or, I could try to learn some other language.)
Especially since this is not the first time this has happened; the same happened when Pycord v2 was released, and when got discontinued. And frankly, although this project deserves more attention from me, it's really hard to do because I'm quite limited on time and I don't want to rewrite it, again and again, every few months.
I'll definitely think about it for a while, and also ask about the best decision in other places, but if you want to leave feedback or your opinion here you're more than welcome to do so, and it would really help. :)
I should probably rant about this stuff somewhere else, but oh well.
~ Robert
help wanted question P1