Hashcrack - A non-object oriented open source, Software for Windows/Linux made in Python 3


Multi Force

This project is a non-object oriented open source, Software for Windows/Linux made in Python 3


You will need:

  • Python 3.6+ (Make sure to add python to PATH during installation)
  • A Windows/Linux Computer
  • Can be run on terminal emulator such as termux...
  1. Download the repository via github or git eg. git clone https://github.com/XnetwolfX/MultiForce
  2. install the required modules by running python -m pip install -r requirements.txt


Currently this program crack those hash:

  • md5
  • sha1
  • sha224
  • sha256
  • sha384
  • sha512
  • blake2b
  • blake2s

Quick Usage

  1. Run main.py and follow the instructions on screen
  2. You can use the provided modules made by me for other program check: `https://github.com/Xnetwolf/hashwolf
  3. Specifie hash type and also in hash input (b'{hash}') the b is for binary either way program won't work


If you need any help at all, feel free to open a "help" issue.

Error / Bugs

If you find any error, feel free to let me know



Project Created by Rad Taren am owning many nicknames(Netwolf, Radiationbolt) My old repo: https://github.com/XnetwolfX


This program is for educational purposes only! I take no responsibility or liability for own personal use.


copyright (c) Rad Taren. All rights reserved.

[license] under MIT(./license)

  • Automate logs

    Automate logs

    Hashwolf will create logs automatically, all error will be recorded, only the user can choose to keep the log or delete but you must make sure to use hashwolf to delete it, to avoid any misfunctionning hashwolf must keep some logs like (rainbow logs)

    opened by Xnetwolf 2
  • Lightweight


    The software will be light and will weigh around less than 1 mb (size<1mb) Hashcat size is 64 mb which is high and can be time consuming to download, if it only need to be used once

    opened by Xnetwolf 2
  • As a library

    As a library

    Hashwolf(library file) can be use independently from hashwolf(launcher or main file)

    Hashwolf library can be added to any other existing program or software for use, for cracking hash

    opened by Xnetwolf 1
  • Thread?


    Yes threading will be added but the script faces some error using threading modules Maybe because of the use of code=" #python code" exec(code) For easy and flexible hash generation

    opened by Xnetwolf 0
  • Bytes error

    Bytes error

    Using a byte like string create more error in script Hash stored in web database are in hexadecimal So the hashwolf script will be switched to hexadecimal

    opened by Xnetwolf 0
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