Code and data for the EMNLP 2021 paper "Just Say No: Analyzing the Stance of Neural Dialogue Generation in Offensive Contexts". Coming soon!



Code and data for the EMNLP 2021 paper "Just Say No: Analyzing the Stance of Neural Dialogue Generation in Offensive Contexts".

Install dependencies

conda env create -f environment.yml


The train, dev, test split of the data are given in data/OC_S_post_thread/ folder

Offensive and Stance Classification models

Single instance Offensive Classification

NBOW model

We will train NBOW single sentence classification model initialized with GloVe embedding
To train NBOW model, you'd need to download and extract GloVe vectors into data/GloVe/ dir and then run python from within the directory

  • Training offensive classifier on OC_S_post_thread data
    python experiments/ -g data/GloVe/glove.6B.300d.pkl -td "{'OC_S':'data/OC_S_post_thread/'}" -s saved_models/OC_S_post_thread/NBOW_OC_S_offensive_e30 -o results/OC_S_post_thread/NBOW_OC_S_offensive_e30 -e 30 -dv 1 -t

BERT large cased model

  • Training offensive classifier on OC_S_post_thread data
    python experiments/ -e 8 -td "{'OC_S':'data/OC_S_post_thread/'}" -s saved_models/OC_S_post_thread/BERT_large_OC_S_offensive_e8 -o results/OC_S_post_thread/BERT_large_OC_S_offensive_e8 -t

Full Sequence Offensive Classification (DGPT)

We will train a DGPT model offensive classifier for the entire comment thread with EOS tokens used for sentence representations.

  • Training offensive classifier on OC_S_post_thread data
    python experiments/ -e 12 -td "{'OC_S':'data/OC_S_post_thread/'}" -s saved_models/OC_S_post_thread/DGPT_medium_OC_S_offensive_e12 -o results/OC_S_post_thread/DGPT_medium_OC_S_offensive_e12 -t
  • Training offensive classifier on OC_S_post_thread + SBF data
    python experiments/ -e 3 -td "{'OC_S':'data/OC_S_post_thread/', 'SBF':'data/SBF'}" -s saved_models/OC_S_post_thread/DGPT_medium_OC_S_and_SBF_offensive_e3 -o results/OC_S_post_thread/DGPT_medium_OC_S_and_SBF_offensive_e3 -t -dv 4

Stance Classification

Pairwise Stance Classification

NBOW model

We will train NBOW Sentence Pair classification model initialized with GloVe embedding

  • Training Stance classifier on OC_S_post_thread_data (cross entropy)
    python experiments/ -g data/GloVe/glove.6B.300d.pkl -td "{'OC_S':'data/OC_S_post_thread/'}" -s saved_models/OC_S_post_thread/NBOW_OC_S_pairwise_stance_e30 -o results/OC_S_post_thread/NBOW_OC_S_pairwise_stance_e30 -e 30 -dv 1 -t

BERT large cased model

We will train Bert Sentence Pair classification model

  • Training Stance classifier on OC_S_post_thread_data (cross entropy)
    python experiments/ -e 8 -td "{'OC_S':'data/OC_S_post_thread/'}" -s saved_models/OC_S_post_thread/BERT_large_OC_S_pairwise_stance_e8 -o results/OC_S_post_thread/BERT_large_OC_S_pairwise_stance_e8 -t

Full Sequence Stance Classification

We will train a DGPT model stance classifier for the entire comment thread with EOS tokens used for sentence representations.

  • Training Stance classifier on OC_S_post_thread_data (cross entropy)
    python experiments/ -e 12 -td "{'OC_S':'data/OC_S_post_thread/'}" -s saved_models/OC_S_post_thread/DGPT_medium_OC_S_stance_e12 -o results/OC_S_post_thread/DGPT_medium_OC_S_stance_e12 -t
  • Training Stance classifier on OC_S_post_thread_data (Focal Loss)
    python experiments/ -e 16 -td "{'OC_S':'data/OC_S_post_thread/'}" -s saved_models/OC_S_post_thread/DGPT_medium_OC_S_stance_e16_focal_lr5e_5 -o results/OC_S_post_thread/DGPT_medium_OC_S_stance_e16_focal_lr5e_5 -foc -lr 5e-5 -t

To download pretrained DGPT offensive and Stance (Focal) classifiers use the following link

Mitigating Offensive language using Controlled Text Generation

Dataset Preparation

We will first create a dataset of posts and comments from all of the reddit. Then we will create comment trees from these posts and comments and label them with our stance and offensive classifiers

Downloading the reddit posts and comments dumps

  1. Download the reddit comments and submissions dumps from August(08) to October(10), 2019 in the data folder
    mkdir -p data/reddit_dumps/comments_compressed
    cd data/reddit_dumps/comments_compressed
    wget -nc
    wget -nc
    wget -nc
    wget -nc
    wget -nc
    wget -nc
    cd ..
    mkdir posts_compressed
    cd posts_compressed
    wget -nc
    wget -nc
    wget -nc
    wget -nc
    wget -nc
    wget -nc
    cd ../../

Create posts and comments sample

  • python -f data/reddit_dumps/posts_compressed/RS_2019-10.zst data/reddit_dumps/posts_compressed/RS_2019-09.zst data/reddit_dumps/posts_compressed/RS_2019-08.zst data/reddit_dumps/posts_compressed/RS_2019-07.zst data/reddit_dumps/posts_compressed/RS_2019-06.zst data/reddit_dumps/posts_compressed/RS_2019-05.zst -p 0.8 -o data/reddit_dumps/posts/all_mitigating_sample/
  • python -f data/reddit_dumps/comments_compressed/RC_2019-05.zst data/reddit_dumps/comments_compressed/RC_2019-06.zst data/reddit_dumps/comments_compressed/RC_2019-07.zst data/reddit_dumps/comments_compressed/RC_2019-08.zst data/reddit_dumps/comments_compressed/RC_2019-09.zst data/reddit_dumps/comments_compressed/RC_2019-10.zst -p data/reddit_dumps/posts/all_mitigating_sample/all_subreddit_posts.jsonl -o data/reddit_dumps/comments/all_mitigating_sample/

Create threads from posts and comments sample

python -ip data/reddit_dumps/posts/all_mitigating_sample/all_subreddit_posts.jsonl -ic data/reddit_dumps/comments/all_mitigating_sample/all_subreddit_post_related_comments.jsonl -mc 3 -o data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/all_mitigating_sample/

Split the post comment threads into 4 splits

python -i data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/all_mitigating_sample/all_reddit_post_and_comments_3_threads.pkl -o data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/all_mitigating_sample/splits/ -n 4

Predict separately for each split

  • python -i data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/all_mitigating_sample/splits/split_0.pkl -sm saved_models/OC_S_post_thread/DGPT_medium_OC_S_stance_e16_focal_lr5e_5 -om saved_models/OC_S_post_thread/DGPT_medium_OC_S_and_SBF_offensive_e2 -o data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/all_mitigating_sample/splits/predictions_both/ -s data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/all_mitigating_sample/splits/predictions_both/split_0_preds.pkl
  • python -i data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/all_mitigating_sample/splits/split_1.pkl -sm saved_models/OC_S_post_thread/DGPT_medium_OC_S_stance_e16_focal_lr5e_5 -om saved_models/OC_S_post_thread/DGPT_medium_OC_S_and_SBF_offensive_e2 -o data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/all_mitigating_sample/splits/predictions_both/ -s data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/all_mitigating_sample/splits/predictions_both/split_1_preds.pkl
  • python -i data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/all_mitigating_sample/splits/split_2.pkl -sm saved_models/OC_S_post_thread/DGPT_medium_OC_S_stance_e16_focal_lr5e_5 -om saved_models/OC_S_post_thread/DGPT_medium_OC_S_and_SBF_offensive_e2 -o data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/all_mitigating_sample/splits/predictions_both/ -s data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/all_mitigating_sample/splits/predictions_both/split_2_preds.pkl
  • python -i data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/all_mitigating_sample/splits/split_3.pkl -sm saved_models/OC_S_post_thread/DGPT_medium_OC_S_stance_e16_focal_lr5e_5 -om saved_models/OC_S_post_thread/DGPT_medium_OC_S_and_SBF_offensive_e2 -o data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/all_mitigating_sample/splits/predictions_both/ -s data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/all_mitigating_sample/splits/predictions_both/split_3_preds.pkl

Merge predictions

python -i data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/all_mitigating_sample/splits/predictions_both/ -n 4 -o data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/all_mitigating_sample/splits/predictions_both/merged_split_predictions.pkl

Create CTG fine-tuning dataset from post_comment threads with stance and offensive labels

python -i data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/all_mitigating_sample/splits/predictions_both/merged_split_predictions.pkl -o data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/CTG_experiments/all_mitigating_sample/final/

Fine-tune DGPT medium model for different CTG experiments


CTG using DAPT i.e. simply training on the subset we care about

1. Off Control [SAFE] subset (DAPT - [S])

python experiments/ -so [SAFE] -t data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/CTG_experiments/all_mitigating_sample/final/off_control_train.pkl -d data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/CTG_experiments/all_mitigating_sample/final/off_control_dev.pkl -s saved_models/CTG/Off_control_DGPT_safe_subset -o results/CTG/Off_control_DGPT_safe_subset -e 3

2. Safe Stance Control [NO-STANCE] subset (DAPT - [S][N])

python experiments/ -so [NO-STANCE] -t data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/CTG_experiments/all_mitigating_sample/final/safe_stance_control_train.pkl -d data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/CTG_experiments/all_mitigating_sample/final/safe_stance_control_dev.pkl -s saved_models/CTG/safe_stance_control_DGPT_no_stance_subset -o results/CTG/safe_stance_control_DGPT_no_stance_subset -e 3


CTG using control labels

1. Offensive Label Control (ATCON [S])

python experiments/ -t data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/CTG_experiments/all_mitigating_sample/final/off_control_train.pkl -d data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/CTG_experiments/all_mitigating_sample/final/off_control_dev.pkl -s saved_models/CTG/Off_control_DGPT -o results/CTG/Off_control_DGPT -e 3 -dv 100

2. Stance Label Control (Safe) (ATCON [N])

python experiments/ -t data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/CTG_experiments/all_mitigating_sample/final/safe_stance_control_train.pkl -d data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/CTG_experiments/all_mitigating_sample/final/safe_stance_control_dev.pkl -s saved_models/CTG/safe_stance_control_DGPT -o results/CTG/safe_stance_control_DGPT -e 3

3. Both Offensive and Stance Label Control (both) (ATCON [S][N])

python experiments/ -t data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/CTG_experiments/all_mitigating_sample/final/both_control_train.pkl -d data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/CTG_experiments/all_mitigating_sample/final/both_control_dev.pkl -s saved_models/CTG/both_control_DGPT -o results/CTG/both_control_DGPT -e 3

Generate Responses on test set using CTG models

Control labels [OFF]/[SAFE] and [AGREE]/[NO-STANCE]

  • Baseline No Control
    python -m microsoft/DialoGPT-medium -d data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/CTG_experiments/all_mitigating_sample/final/test_threads.pkl -sm saved_models/OC_S_post_thread/DGPT_medium_OC_S_stance_e16_focal_lr5e_5 -om saved_models/OC_S_post_thread/DGPT_medium_OC_S_and_SBF_offensive_e3 -n 1 -bs 10 -o results/CTG/DGPT/test_threads_replies_and_off_stance_preds.pkl
  • DAPT Offensive Control Safe Subset (DAPT - [S])
    python -m saved_models/CTG/Off_control_DGPT_safe_subset -d data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/CTG_experiments/all_mitigating_sample/final/test_threads.pkl -sm saved_models/OC_S_post_thread/DGPT_medium_OC_S_stance_e16_focal_lr5e_5 -om saved_models/OC_S_post_thread/DGPT_medium_OC_S_and_SBF_offensive_e2 -n 1 -bs 10 -o results/CTG/Off_control_DGPT/DAPT_Off_control_safe_subset_test_threads_replies_and_off_stance_preds.pkl
  • DAPT Safe Stance Control No-Stance Subset (DAPT - [S][N])
    python -m saved_models/CTG/safe_stance_control_DGPT_no_stance_subset -d data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/CTG_experiments/all_mitigating_sample/final/test_threads.pkl -sm saved_models/OC_S_post_thread/DGPT_medium_OC_S_stance_e16_focal_lr5e_5 -om saved_models/OC_S_post_thread/DGPT_medium_OC_S_and_SBF_offensive_e2 -n 1 -bs 10 -o results/CTG/safe_stance_control_DGPT/DAPT_safe_stance_control_no_stance_subset_test_threads_replies_and_off_stance_preds.pkl
  • Offensive Control (ATCON - [S])
    python -m saved_models/CTG/Off_control_DGPT -p [SAFE] -d data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/CTG_experiments/all_mitigating_sample/final/test_threads.pkl -sm saved_models/OC_S_post_thread/DGPT_medium_OC_S_stance_e16_focal_lr5e_5 -om saved_models/OC_S_post_thread/DGPT_medium_OC_S_and_SBF_offensive_e2 -n 1 -bs 10 -o results/CTG/Off_control_DGPT/Off_control_test_threads_safe_replies_and_off_stance_preds.pkl
  • Stance Control (Safe) (ATCON - [N])
    python -m saved_models/CTG/safe_stance_control_DGPT -p [NO-STANCE] -d data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/CTG_experiments/all_mitigating_sample/final/test_threads.pkl -sm saved_models/OC_S_post_thread/DGPT_medium_OC_S_stance_e16_focal_lr5e_5 -om saved_models/OC_S_post_thread/DGPT_medium_OC_S_and_SBF_offensive_e2 -n 1 -bs 10 -o results/CTG/safe_stance_control_DGPT/safe_stance_control_test_threads_no_stance_replies_and_off_stance_preds.pkl
  • Both Control (ATCON - [S][N])
    python -m saved_models/CTG/both_control_DGPT -p [SAFE][NO-STANCE] -d data/reddit_dumps/post_comment_threads/CTG_experiments/all_mitigating_sample/final/test_threads.pkl -sm saved_models/OC_S_post_thread/DGPT_medium_OC_S_stance_e16_focal_lr5e_5 -om saved_models/OC_S_post_thread/DGPT_medium_OC_S_and_SBF_offensive_e2 -n 1 -bs 10 -o results/CTG/both_control_DGPT/both_control_test_threads_safe_no_stance_replies_and_off_stance_preds.pkl

Automatic evalaution of CTG test predictions

python -mg "[('DGPT medium baseline', 'results/CTG/DGPT/test_threads_replies_and_off_stance_preds.pkl'), ('ATCON - [S]', 'results/CTG/Off_control_DGPT/Off_control_test_threads_safe_replies_and_off_stance_preds.pkl'), ('ATCON [N]', 'results/CTG/safe_stance_control_DGPT/safe_stance_control_test_threads_no_stance_replies_and_off_stance_preds.pkl'), ('ATCON [N][S]', 'results/CTG/both_control_DGPT/both_control_test_threads_safe_no_stance_replies_and_off_stance_preds.pkl'), ('DAPT [S]', 'results/CTG/Off_control_DGPT/DAPT_Off_control_safe_subset_test_threads_replies_and_off_stance_preds.pkl'), ('DAPT [S][N]', 'results/CTG/safe_stance_control_DGPT/DAPT_safe_stance_control_no_stance_subset_test_threads_replies_and_off_stance_preds.pkl')]" -o results/CTG/auto_eval/


  title={Just Say No: Analyzing the Stance of Neural Dialogue Generation in Offensive Contexts},
  author={Baheti, Ashutosh and Sap, Maarten and Ritter, Alan and Riedl, Mark},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.11830},
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  • Getting different result on the baseline DGPT

    Getting different result on the baseline DGPT


    I am trying to reproduce the results in your paper given the codes and the model weights. I am getting different results. I run the experiment using the below command line, but I was not able to get the same results of yours.

    python -m microsoft/DialoGPT-medium -d ./final/test_threads.pkl -sm saved_models/OC_S_post_thread/DGPT_medium_OC_S_stance_e16_focal_lr5e_5 -om saved_models/OC_S_post_thread/DGPT_medium_OC_S_and_SBF_offensive_e3 -n 1 -bs 10 -o results/CTG/DGPT/test_threads_replies_and_off_stance_preds.pkl

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  • data description

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    Thanks for releasing the data and code. Could you please add some description of the collected data? An additional question: Why some u3stance labels are empty?

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  • Setting up the environment

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    Hello, thanks for the awesome work! I tried to install the environment as in the README, but unfortunately, it's not working :( I've tried it on Mac and Linux, but neither worked for me.. Any suggestions?

    opened by skywalker023 7
Ashutosh Baheti
I am a Computer Science PhD student working with Prof. Alan Ritter. I will be a graduate student at Georgia Tech starting from Fall 2020.
Ashutosh Baheti
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