CvT2DistilGPT2 is an encoder-to-decoder model that was developed for chest X-ray report generation.



Improving Chest X-Ray Report Generation by Leveraging Warm-Starting

  • This repository houses the implementation of CvT2DistilGPT2 from [1].
  • CvT2DistilGPT2 is an encoder-to-decoder model that was developed for chest X-ray report generation.
  • Checkpoints for CvT2DistilGPT2 on MIMIC-CXR and IU X-Ray are available.
  • This implementation could be adapted for any image captioning task by modifying the datamodule.

CvT2DistilGPT2 for MIMIC-CXR. Q, K, and V are the queries, keys, and values, respectively, for multi-head attention. * indicates that the linear layers for Q, K, and V are replaced with the convolutional layers depicted below the multi-head attention module. [BOS] is the beginning-of-sentence special token. N_l is the number of layers for each stage, where N_l=1, N_l=4, and N_l=16 for the first, second, and third stage, respectively. The head for DistilGPT2 is the same used for language modelling. Subwords produced by DistilGPT2 are separated by a vertical bar.


The required packages are located in requirements.txt. It is recommended that these are installed in a virtualenv:

python3 -m venv --system-site-packages venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt --no-cache-dir



  1. Download MIMIC-CXR-JPG from:
  2. Place in dataset/mimic_cxr_jpg such that dataset/mimic_cxr_jpg/

  3. Download the Chen et al. labels for MIMIC-CXR from:
  4. Place annotations.json in dataset/mimic_cxr_chen

For IU X-Ray:

  1. Download the Chen et al. labels and the chest X-rays in png format for IU X-Ray from:
  2. Place files into dataset/iu_x-ray_chen such that dataset/iu_x-ray_chen/annotations.json and dataset/iu_x-ray_chen/images.

#####Note: the dataset directory can be changed for each task with the variable dataset_dir in task/mimic_cxr_jpg_chen/paths.yaml and task/mimic_cxr_jpg_chen/paths.yaml


The checkpoints for MIMIC-CXR and IU X-Ray can be found at (the download link is located at the top right): Place the checkpoints in the experiment directory for each version of each task, e.g., experiment/mimic_cxr_jpg_chen/cvt_21_to_gpt2_scst/epoch=0-val_chen_cider=0.410965.ckpt #####Note: the experiment directory can be changed for each task with the variable exp_dir in task/mimic_cxr_jpg_chen/paths.yaml and task/mimic_cxr_jpg_chen/paths.yaml


  • The model configurations for each task can be found in its config directory, e.g. task/mimic_cxr_jpg_chen/config.

  • A job for a model is described in the tasks jobs.yaml file, e.g. task/mimic_cxr_jpg_chen/jobs.yaml.

  • To test the CvT2DistilGPT2 + SCST checkpoint, set task/mimic_cxr_jpg_chen/jobs.yaml to (default):

        train: 0
        test: 1
        debug: 0
        num_nodes: 1
        num_gpus: 1
        num_workers: 5
  • To train CvT2DistilGPT2 with teacher forcing and then test, set task/mimic_cxr_jpg_chen/jobs.yaml to:

        train: 1
        test: 1
        debug: 0
        num_nodes: 1
        num_gpus: 1
        num_workers: 5

    or with Slurm:

        train: 1
        test: 1
        debug: 0
        num_nodes: 1
        num_gpus: 1
        num_workers: 5
        resumable: 1
        sbatch: 1
        time_limit: 1-00:00:00
  • To run the job:

    python3 --task mimic_cxr_jpg_chen

#####Note: data from the job will be saved in the experiment directory.


[1] Aaron Nicolson, Jason Dowling, and Aaron Nicolson, Improving Chest X-Ray Report Generation by Leveraging Warm-Starting, Under review (January 2022)

  • CvT-21-384x384-IN-22k.pth not available from mirco modelzoo.

    CvT-21-384x384-IN-22k.pth not available from mirco modelzoo.

    @johngrimes @lawley @jimsteel @bevankoopman @BauerLab

    Hi, the following pth is not available now. Can you share this model?
    Thank you very much.


    opened by congjianting 3
  • MIMIC-CXR labels not available

    MIMIC-CXR labels not available


    I have access to MIMIC-CXR but the labels of the google link was not authenticated. I contacted Chen, the original author but didn't get replied. Could you send me a copy of the labels?

    opened by 2533245542 8
  • 'GPT2Decoder' object has no attribute 'decoder'

    'GPT2Decoder' object has no attribute 'decoder'

    Hi Aaron, thank you for your great work. I tried to train for IU X-Ray data. But the program returns this error:

    AttributeError 'GPT2Decoder' object has no attribute 'decoder' File "/media/data/cvt2distilgpt2/transmodal/", line 234, in _getattr return getattr(obj, attr, *args) File "/media/data/cvt2distilgpt2/transmodal/", line 235, in rgetattr return functools.reduce(_getattr, [obj] + attr.split('.')) File "/media/data/cvt2distilgpt2/transmodal/", line 684, in configure_optimizers named_params = rgetattr(self, k).named_parameters() File "/media/data/lcvt2distilgpt2/", line 48, in objective, datamodule=dataset) File "/media/data/cvt2distilgpt2/", line 65, in main objective(config) File "/media/data/cvt2distilgpt2/", line 175, in main(clargs)

    I debug the bug, GPT2Decoder only has a similar attribute named 'encoder_decoder'. I suspect the problem is caused by the huggingface checkpoint version not matching your codes. Because the same error also exists in predict mode.

    I used your latest repository and installed all needed packages with your pip requirements.txt.

    transformers==4.15.0 download CvT2DistilGPT2 checkpoint from your website. download DistilGPT2 checkpoint from huggingface. download CvT-21 Checkpoint from Microsoft download Bert-base-uncased checkpoint from huggingface download chexbert from stanfordmlgroup repository

    opened by jinghaoliu 5
  • 'type' object is not subscriptable

    'type' object is not subscriptable

    After I ran "!python3 --task mimic_cxr_jpg_chen". I got the following error:

    warnings.warn(f"Workstation configuration for {socket.gethostname()} does not exist. Using default "

    • CUDA:
      • GPU:
        • A100-SXM4-40GB
      • available: True
      • version: 11.3
    • Packages:
      • numpy: 1.21.6
      • pyTorch_debug: False
      • pyTorch_version: 1.12.0+cu113
      • pytorch-lightning: 1.5.10
      • tqdm: 4.64.0
    • System:
      • OS: Linux
      • architecture:
        • 64bit
      • processor: x86_64
      • python: 3.7.13
      • version: #1 SMP Sun Apr 24 10:03:06 PDT 2022 Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 214, in main(clargs) File "", line 58, in main config = get_config(clargs) File "/content/drive/MyDrive/cvt2distilgpt2/transmodal/", line 54, in get_config config = load_config(clargs) File "/content/drive/MyDrive/cvt2distilgpt2/transmodal/", line 26, in load_config config = getattr(importlib.import_module(module), "config")() File "/usr/lib/python3.7/importlib/", line 127, in import_module return _bootstrap._gcd_import(name[level:], package, level) File "", line 1006, in _gcd_import File "", line 983, in _find_and_load File "", line 967, in _find_and_load_unlocked File "", line 677, in _load_unlocked File "", line 728, in exec_module File "", line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed File "/content/drive/MyDrive/cvt2distilgpt2/task/mimic_cxr_jpg_chen/config/", line 1, in from config.cvt_21_to_distilgpt2_chexbert import config as external_config File "/content/drive/MyDrive/cvt2distilgpt2/config/", line 1, in from config.cvt_21_to_distilgpt2 import config as external_config File "/content/drive/MyDrive/cvt2distilgpt2/config/", line 1, in from import spatial_position_feature_size File "/content/drive/MyDrive/cvt2distilgpt2/transmodal/network/", line 27, in class CvT(Module): File "/content/drive/MyDrive/cvt2distilgpt2/transmodal/network/", line 77, in CvT def forward(self, images: torch.FloatTensor) -> Union[dict[str, Tensor], dict[str, Union[Tensor, Any]]]:

    TypeError: 'type' object is not subscriptable

    Please guide me through this. Thank you.

    opened by jainnipun11 9
  • CE Metrics

    CE Metrics

    Thanks for sharing the code.

    I was trying to evaluate your model with the new labeler tool VisualCheXbert. However, I am unable to find your code for evaluating the CE metrics. Could you please provide the code you used to evaluate the CE metrics?


    opened by NatthananR 2
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