aiomisc - miscellaneous utils for asyncio


aiomisc - miscellaneous utils for asyncio

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Miscellaneous utils for asyncio.

The complete documentation is available in the following languages:


Installing from pypi:

pip3 install aiomisc

With uvloop:

pip3 install "aiomisc[uvloop]"

With aiohttp:

pip3 install "aiomisc[aiohttp]"

Installing from

pip3 install git+
pip3 install \


This software follows Semantic Versioning

How to develop?

Should be installed:

  • virtualenv
  • GNU Make as make
  • Python 3.5+ as python3

For setting up developer environment just type

make develop
  • Add aggregate decorator

    Add aggregate decorator

    Parametric decorator that aggregates multiple (but no more than max_count defaulting to None) single-argument executions (res1 = await func(arg1), res2 = await func(arg2), ...) of an asynchronous function with variadic positional arguments (async def func(*args, pho=1, bo=2) -> Iterable) into its single execution with multiple positional arguments (res1, res2, ... = await func(arg1, arg2, ...)) collected within a time window leeway_ms.

    opened by tzoiker 5
  • ERROR:aiomisc.periodic: Periodic task error:

    ERROR:aiomisc.periodic: Periodic task error:

    Я тут хочу запустить библиотеку aioimaplib через aiomisc.service.periodic но, при запуске получаю такой ответ:RuntimeError: Event loop is closed . Сам код нормально работает при запуске через asyncio loop. В чем могут быть проблемы? Log:

    opened by kholmatov 5
  • Can I safely use undocumented features?

    Can I safely use undocumented features?

    Can I safely use undocumented features, such as aiomisc.log.wrap.wrap_logging_handler() in production? Is it a stable API with just a poor documentation coverage, or is it just internal stuff that might change at any time?

    opened by cyber-chuvash 2
  • Decorators not preserving function signatures/typing

    Decorators not preserving function signatures/typing


    I found this library extremely useful, thank you for the awesome work.

    However, when I used the @threaded(_separate)? decorators in my typed codebase, the wrapped functions are typed as just Callable and the original type signatures are also lost. I get no type inference in my editor and my static type checker which will make things like refactors much more manually intensive process.

    I noticed that you use functools.wraps for your decorators and this is a long standing issue for it. It does not preserve function signatures and type information. That's why libraries like wrapt were created to try to address this issue.

    Do you think it would be possible to use wrapt instead of functools.wraps to create a better user experience for users who rely on type information? So what I'm trying to ask is, to what degree is user experience for users with typing important to this project? Because if it is important, it would make sense to use a library like wrapt.

    Thank you

    opened by petoknm 2
  • Duplicated values under different keys in JSON Logger

    Duplicated values under different keys in JSON Logger

    Hi, thank you for great library!

    What is the idea of writing the same values to the log under different keys, if we have already set new names for these fields?

    1. This is mapping for keys:
    2. Then we write under new names this keys:
    3. Then later we iterate over all keys in record_dict, and write same values again under old key names.

    Maybe we should iterate over record_dict - FIELD_MAPPING.keys()?

    opened by kruvasyan 2
  • не работает с python 3.5.3

    не работает с python 3.5.3

    Добрый день! Нам приходится работать исключительно на debian9 и astra linux 1.6 - к обоим дистрибутивам "прибита гвоздями" версия python 3.5.3 (к астре так точно прибита). В этой версии python не выполняется:

    from typing import AsyncContextManager 

    (AsyncContextManager появился в typing вроде только с версии 3.5.4)

    Сами вопрос сейчас решаем патчем такого вида:

    --- a/aiomisc/
    +++ b/aiomisc/
    @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
     from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
     from collections import defaultdict
     from random import random
    -from typing import AsyncContextManager
    +from typing_extensions import AsyncContextManager
     from .utils import cancel_tasks
    --- a/requirements.txt
    +++ b/requirements.txt
    @@ -1,2 +1,3 @@

    Забираем AsyncContextManager из стороннего пакета typing_extensions

    С уважением, Александр.

    bug wontfix 
    opened by oldbay 2
  • Fix `SO_REUSEADDR` and `SO_REUSEPORT` in `bind_socket`

    Fix `SO_REUSEADDR` and `SO_REUSEPORT` in `bind_socket`

    Delete SO_REUSEADDR = 0 and SO_REUSEPORT = 0 set after binding, as that options also need to be set when socket.listen call is performed to have an effect.

    opened by leenr 2
  • aiomisc_pytest + entrypoint + session fixture + yield + test w fixture + test wo fixture = 💔

    aiomisc_pytest + entrypoint + session fixture + yield + test w fixture + test wo fixture = 💔

    Noticed something strange in the following setting (tests fail on teardown):

    • Session scope loop with entrypoint;
    • Session scope fixture yielding value;
    • Test function using this fixture;
    • Another test function not using this fixture.
    pytest_plugins = (
    def loop():
        with entrypoint() as loop:
            yield loop
    async def fixture():
        yield 123
    async def test_1(fixture):
    async def test_2():


    Close <_UnixSelectorEventLoop running=False closed=False debug=True>
    def finalizer():  # type: ignore
    >           return event_loop.run_until_complete(gen.__anext__())
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
    /opt/miniconda3/envs/impulse/lib/python3.9/asyncio/ in run_until_complete
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
    self = <_UnixSelectorEventLoop running=False closed=True debug=True>
        def _check_closed(self):
            if self._closed:
    >           raise RuntimeError('Event loop is closed')
    E           RuntimeError: Event loop is closed
    /opt/miniconda3/envs/impulse/lib/python3.9/asyncio/ RuntimeError

    Any of the following changes makes it work without errors:

    • Replace session with any other scope;
    • Replace yield with return in the fixture;
    • Add the fixture to test_2;
    • Replace entrypoint with yield new_event_loop() in the loop fixture;
    • Add loop to the fixture explicitly.
    opened by tzoiker 1
  • True asynchronous file operations

    True asynchronous file operations

    It would be nice to add information to the docs about the aiofile library, which supports true asynchronous file operations, in addition to your thread-based implementation.

    opened by Olegt0rr 1
  • Tests TCP Service and TCP Client fail

    Tests TCP Service and TCP Client fail

    Hi All

    i have the following client TCP

        class MinosBaseClient:
            __slots__ = 'reader', 'writer', 'futures', 'loop', 'reader_task', '_serial'
           HEADER = struct.Struct(">I")
           def __init__(self, reader: asyncio.StreamReader,
                     writer: asyncio.StreamWriter,
                     loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop = None):
               self.reader = reader
               self.writer = writer
               self.futures = {}
               self._serial = None
               self.loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()
               self.reader_task = self.loop.create_task(self._response_reader())
           async def _response_reader(self):
                   while True:
                       log.debug("MRPC Client: Response Received")
                       body_size = self.HEADER.unpack(
                           await self.reader.readexactly(self.HEADER.size)
                       log.debug(f"MRPC Client: received data size of {body_size}")
                       response: MinosRPCResponse = MinosResponse.load(
                           await self.reader.readexactly(body_size),
                       future = self.futures.pop(, None)
                       if future is None:
                   while self.futures:
                       _, future = self.futures.popitem()
                       if future.done():
                       log.debug("MRPC Client: Set error")
           async def close(self):
               close the connection with the server
               log.debug("Client: Closing connection")
               await asyncio.gather(self.reader_task, return_exceptions=True)
           def send_headers(self, path: str):
               Send headers before all
               log.debug("MRPC Client: Send Headers")
               header_request: MinosRPCHeadersRequest =
               header_bytes: bytes = header_request.binary
               log.debug("MRCP Client: Send headers with ID: %d",
               self._serial =
               log.debug("MRPC Client: Headers, sent")
           def send_body(self, message: t.Any = None):
               log.debug("MRPC Client: Send Body")
               if message:
                   body_request: MinosRPCBodyRequest = \
                   body_request: MinosRPCBodyRequest =
               content_bytes: bytes = body_request.binary
               log.debug("MRCP Client: Send Body with ID: %d",
               log.debug("Body Sent")
           def send_close(self):
           def _send_bytes(self, data: bytes):
               with io.BytesIO() as f:
           def send(self, path: str, message: t.Any = None, **kwargs):
               self.futures[self._serial] = self.loop.create_future()
               return self.futures[self._serial]

    Is a lot of code but mainly is the same code used for TCP client in the example folder.

    The server service is a bit more complex but i have tested the server and the client outside the pytest environment and work well.

    So, i have defined the following test

    def config():
        return {
            "controller": "tests.controllers.RootController"
    def services(config):
        return [
            MinosRPCServer(address='localhost', port=8900, conf=config)
    async def service_client() -> MinosBaseClient:
        reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(
            'localhost', 8900
        client_connector = MinosBaseClient(reader, writer)
            yield client_connector
            await client_connector.close()
    async def test_microservice_mrpc_client(service_client):
        result = await service_client.send("without_arg")
        assert True == False

    The assert is to have a better veiw of the logs and the error.

    when i start the following code i get the following error:

    async def test_microservice_mrpc_client(service_client):
    >       result = await service_client.send("without_arg")
    E       RuntimeError: Task <Task pending name='Task-61' coro=<test_microservice_mrpc_client() running at /Users/xxxx/PycharmProjects/minos_microservice_test/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/aiomisc_pytest/> cb=[run_until_complete.<locals>.done_cb()]> got Future <Future pending> attached to a different loop

    Have something that is wrong in my code, because i have reviewed everithing and seems that all is fine.

    thanks in advance for your help

    opened by ogonbat 1
  • Release mismatches

    Release mismatches

    Currently there is a release mismatch across the distribution channels:

    It would really be appreciated if the releases are in sync. Especially the source and the GitHub tags otherwise it would be tricky if distributions need to patch something.


    opened by fabaff 1
  • Tag the source

    Tag the source

    It would be very helpful if you could tag releases as well again. This would enable distributions who want to fetch the source from GitHub instead of PyPI.


    opened by fabaff 0
  • Add gather helper functions

    Add gather helper functions

    Adding several helper functions:

    async def gather(
        *tocs: Optional[ToC],
        loop: Optional[AbstractEventLoop] = None,
        return_exceptions: bool = False,

    Same as asyncio.gather but it is possible to safely pass Nones through.

        *tocs: Optional[ToC],
        wait_cancelled: bool = False,
    ) -> list

    If any of the tasks fails – others are cancelled. Allows to wait for the completion of the cancelled tasks. Returns a list of values or raises the first exception.

    async def gather_independent(
        *tocs: Optional[ToC],
        wait_cancelled: bool = False,
    ) -> list

    If any of the tasks fails – it is ok. Allows to wait for the completion of the cancelled tasks in the case of external cancellation. Returns a list of values or exceptions.

    async def gather_graceful(
        primary: Optional[Sequence[Optional[ToC]]] = None, *,
        secondary: Sequence[Optional[ToC]] = None,
        wait_cancelled: bool = False,
    ) -> Union[list, Tuple[list, list]]

    Gather tasks in two groups - primary and secondary. If any primary is somehow failed, then, other tasks are cancelled. If secondary is failed – it is ok. If any primary is failed, then, will raise the first exception. Returns two lists of results, one for the primary tasks (only values) and the other for the secondary tasks (values or exceptions). If only primary or secondary is passed, then, returns a single list.

    async def wait_graceful(
        primary: Optional[Iterable[Task]] = None,
        secondary: Optional[Iterable[Task]] = None,
        wait_cancelled: bool = False,

    Main logic is the same as for gather_graceful.

    async def wait_first_cancelled_or_exception(
        fs: Iterable[Future], *,
        loop: Optional[AbstractEventLoop] = None,
        timeout: float = None,

    Similar to asyncio.wait, but particularly waits for the first cancelled or failed task.

    opened by tzoiker 0
  • Extend log configuration by logging template

    Extend log configuration by logging template

    Hi, everyone!

    I need a set plain-text format with an ordered key sequence for my application. How I can properly change the default logging template or apply my own log-handler to asyncio.entrypoint?


    opened by nohitmai 1
  • Add graceful service shutdown

    Add graceful service shutdown

    Sometimes it is desirable to create tasks within a service that will either be awaited or cancelled upon service exit. Added

    • GracefulMixin - creates and stores tasks for cancellation or waiting;
    • GracefulService - performs graceful shutdown on stop.
    opened by tzoiker 2
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