Auto translate textbox from Japanese to English or Indonesia



Auto translate textbox from Japanese to English or Indonesia


How to use

  • Install python first, Anaconda is recommended
  • Install python depedency with command: pip install -r requirement.txt
  • Install tesseract for windows, Download here, select tesseract-ocr-w64-setup-v5.0.0-alpha.20210811.exe
  • Download japanese datapack at this repository
  • Copy trainneddata file to C:\Program Files\Tesseract-OCR\tessdata
  • Run Princess Connect Re:Dive
  • Run with command : python --data fast --translate googleDict or just python

Available command


select japanese detection datapack.\

  • fast is lightweight but not accurate.
  • medium is not light but not heavy either, fairly accurate.
  • best is heavy but it is very accurate. default is best


Select translator endpoint.\

  • azure using bing translate, need API key, free is limited 2 millions of character
  • ibm using IBM Translate, not really accurate.
  • googleModule using googletrans module, not accurate, IP maybe blocked if too many request
  • googleDict using google dictionary endpoint, somewhat accurate. Default is googleDict

PR is wellcome!

Yes, I need your help to improve this program. My code is messy but at least it work.
If there any improvement, PR is always open!


Please open issue if there is any bug or have question!


  • Overlay to the game.
  • Improve performance with multithreading / multiprocessing
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