Code for paper PairRE: Knowledge Graph Embeddings via Paired Relation Vectors.



Code for paper PairRE: Knowledge Graph Embeddings via Paired Relation Vectors.

This implementation of PairRE for Open Graph Benchmak datasets (ogbl-wikikg and ogbl-biokg) is based on OGB. Thanks for their contributions.


To run the code, you need the following dependencies:


The results of PairRE on ogbl-wikikg, ogbl-biokg and ogbl-wikikg2 are as follows.


#Dim #Parameters Hardware Test MRR Valid MRR
PairRE 100 250,167,400 16GB GPU 0.4912 ± 0.004 0.5013 ± 0.004
PairRE 200 500,334,800 16GB GPU 0.5289 ± 0.003 0.5529 ± 0.001


#Dim #Parameters Hardware Test MRR Valid MRR
PairRE 2000 187,750,000 16GB GPU 0.8164 ± 0.0005 0.8172 ± 0.0005


#Dim #Parameters Hardware Test MRR Valid MRR
PairRE 100 250,167,400 16GB GPU 0.4849 ± 0.003 0.4941 ± 0.004
PairRE 200 500,334,800 16GB GPU 0.5208 ± 0.003 0.5423 ± 0.002

Running the code


cd wikikg && sh


cd biokg && sh


Please update ogb package to version 1.2.4. The hyperparameters are same to the experiments in ogbl-wikikg.

cd wikikg && sh

The details of the optional hyperparameters can be found in

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