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An easy-to-use framework for BERT models, with trainers, various NLP tasks and detailed annonations.
You can implement various NLP task conveniently with many functions such as adv training, fp16, gradient clip, r-drop, early stop, etc.
pip install fantasybert
The lastest verion is 0.1.3
Task in examples
semantic text similarity
Datasets and Results
The datasets are downloaded and evaluated on CLUE.
Some code are edited on transformers(tokenizaiton) and fastnlp(trainer), I simplified the code and added some new functions.
The part of models directly uses the pretrain model in transformers, I tried write bert models in bert4pytorch, but due to time limit and lack of ability, it failed to achieve the quality and efficiency of transformers as did.
This project is not for commerical use and is only for private use.