A powerful and user-friendly binary analysis platform!



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angr is a platform-agnostic binary analysis framework. It is brought to you by the Computer Security Lab at UC Santa Barbara, SEFCOM at Arizona State University, their associated CTF team, Shellphish, the open source community, and @rhelmot.


angr is a suite of Python 3 libraries that let you load a binary and do a lot of cool things to it:

  • Disassembly and intermediate-representation lifting
  • Program instrumentation
  • Symbolic execution
  • Control-flow analysis
  • Data-dependency analysis
  • Value-set analysis (VSA)
  • Decompilation

The most common angr operation is loading a binary: p = angr.Project('/bin/bash') If you do this in an enhanced REPL like IPython, you can use tab-autocomplete to browse the top-level-accessible methods and their docstrings.

The short version of "how to install angr" is mkvirtualenv --python=$(which python3) angr && python -m pip install angr.


angr does a lot of binary analysis stuff. To get you started, here's a simple example of using symbolic execution to get a flag in a CTF challenge.

import angr

project = angr.Project("angr-doc/examples/defcamp_r100/r100", auto_load_libs=False)

def print_flag(state):
    print("FLAG SHOULD BE:", state.posix.dumps(0))


Quick Start

  • Simple example to parse metadata about functions for a binary

    Simple example to parse metadata about functions for a binary

    Hi angr team! I'm looking to do some simple binary analysis to get a listing of functions, and for each:

    1. the name of the function
    2. parameters and types, likely nested for structs, and more complex types
    3. the register that parameter is intended for, per system V abi document
    4. parsing of call sites
    5. bonus some kind of exception parsing

    Is this something you can do and point me to a good example? I'm currently using https://github.com/dyninst/dyninst for some of these things (except for 3. that is added / attempted separately) but I find it kind of bug laden and am hoping I could use Python to write the same. Thank you!

    question stale 
    opened by vsoch 51
  • Error using simuvex unicorn plugin on MacOS

    Error using simuvex unicorn plugin on MacOS

    I get an error when using the unicorn engine for the analysis:

    s = p.factory.blank_state(addr=0x401260, add_options=simuvex.o.unicorn, remove_options={simuvex.o.LAZY_SOLVES})

    I installed Angr in a pypy virtualenv so had to install unicorn manually (not available in pip), but I tried several unicorn scripts and they work ok and when installing Angr, it finds it:

    Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): unicorn in /Users/alvaro/virtualenvs/angr_pypy/site-packages/unicorn-1.0-py2.7.egg (from simuvex->angr)

    but when I select the unicorn engine I get the following error (add_options=simuvex.o.unicorn):

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "app_main.py", line 75, in run_toplevel
      File "solve_rock_angr.py", line 40, in <module>
        print main()
      File "solve_rock_angr.py", line 25, in main
        pg.explore(find=0x401428, avoid=0x40186d)
      File "/Users/alvaro/virtualenvs/angr_pypy/site-packages/angr/path_group.py", line 806, in explore
      File "/Users/alvaro/virtualenvs/angr_pypy/site-packages/angr/path_group.py", line 830, in run
        return self.step(n=n, step_func=step_func, until=until_func, stash=stash)
      File "/Users/alvaro/virtualenvs/angr_pypy/site-packages/angr/path_group.py", line 520, in step
        pg = pg._one_step(stash=stash, selector_func=selector_func, successor_func=successor_func, check_func=check_func, **kwargs)
      File "/Users/alvaro/virtualenvs/angr_pypy/site-packages/angr/path_group.py", line 311, in _one_step
        r = self._one_path_step(a, successor_func=successor_func, check_func=check_func, **kwargs)
      File "/Users/alvaro/virtualenvs/angr_pypy/site-packages/angr/path_group.py", line 208, in _one_path_step
        successors = a.step(**kwargs)
      File "/Users/alvaro/virtualenvs/angr_pypy/site-packages/angr/path.py", line 337, in step
      File "/Users/alvaro/virtualenvs/angr_pypy/site-packages/angr/path.py", line 368, in _make_sim_run
        self._run = self._project.factory.sim_run(self.state, **self._run_args)
      File "/Users/alvaro/virtualenvs/angr_pypy/site-packages/angr/factory.py", line 167, in sim_run
        r = SimUnicorn(state, stop_points=stops)
      File "/Users/alvaro/virtualenvs/angr_pypy/site-packages/simuvex/s_unicorn.py", line 29, in __init__
      File "/Users/alvaro/virtualenvs/angr_pypy/site-packages/simuvex/plugins/unicorn_engine.py", line 825, in setup
        self._uc_state = _UC_NATIVE.alloc(self.uc._uch, self.cache_key)
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'alloc'

    _UC_NATIVE seems to reference sim_unicorn.dylib in MacOS. Is this a simuvex library? I can only find libunicorn.dylib in my system.

    Thanks, A

    opened by pwntester 44
  • Use-def chain of a binary

    Use-def chain of a binary

    I want to extract use-def chain of memory addresses from a binary. angr uses VEX IR which is in SSA form, so extracting use-def chain shouldn't be hard. How can I do this? Any pointer is appreciated.

    I would be happy to contribute back.

    opened by riyadparvez 36
  • Timeout exploration technique

    Timeout exploration technique

    A common request is an easy (and clean) way to timeout symbolic exploration. I good beginner project for someone to get involved in angr would be to create this as an exploration technique.

    opened by zardus 34
  • KeyError: 'x86_cr0'

    KeyError: 'x86_cr0'

    When use 'b.analyses.CFG()', it promt "KeyError: 'x86_cr0'", where b = angr.Project('/bin/true'), why?

    File "/root/.virtualenvs/angr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyvex-", line 70, in __init__
    KeyError: 'x86_cr0'
    opened by ljun85 34
  • How to pickle and reload intermediate cfg?

    How to pickle and reload intermediate cfg?

    Hi all In case I would need to generate a CFGAccurate with a context_sensitivity_level really high can I pickle an intermediate result, close the project in order to free the RAM, reload the saved object and restart from where I left?

    Can I see a demo code?


    help wanted question feature 
    opened by fabiox77 31
  • Single-instruction stepping on MIPS causes incorrect results

    Single-instruction stepping on MIPS causes incorrect results

    Using path.step(num_inst=1) on MIPS architecture causes incorrect results if branch is involved due to delay slots.

    So consider a jal 0x00400770, followed by addu $at, $zero (essentially NOP). In binary, it would be b"\xDC\x01\x10\x0C\x21\x08\x20\x00".

    Let's take them both and observe that the result is correct.

    In [6]: pyvex.IRSB(b"\xDC\x01\x10\x0C\x21\x08\x20\x00", 0x4009FC, archinfo.ArchMIPS32()).pp()
    IRSB {
       t0:Ity_I32 t1:Ity_I32 t2:Ity_I32 t3:Ity_I32
       00 | IR-NoOp
       01 | IR-NoOp
       02 | IR-NoOp
       03 | IR-NoOp
       04 | IR-NoOp
       05 | IR-NoOp
       06 | IR-NoOp
       07 | IR-NoOp
       08 | IR-NoOp
       09 | IR-NoOp
       10 | IR-NoOp
       11 | IR-NoOp
       12 | IR-NoOp
       13 | IR-NoOp
       14 | IR-NoOp
       15 | ------ IMark(0x4009fc, 4, 0) ------
       16 | PUT(ra) = 0x00400a04
       17 | t0 = 0x00400770
       18 | PUT(pc) = 0x00400a00
       19 | ------ IMark(0x400a00, 4, 0) ------
       20 | t2 = GET:I32(at)
       21 | t1 = Add32(t2,0x00000000)
       22 | PUT(at) = t1
       23 | PUT(pc) = t0
       24 | t3 = GET:I32(pc)
       NEXT: PUT(pc) = t3; Ijk_Call

    Now, let's check them one by one:

    In [5]: pyvex.IRSB(b"\xDC\x01\x10\x0C", 0x4009FC, archinfo.ArchMIPS32()).pp()
    IRSB {
       t0:Ity_I32 t1:Ity_I32
       00 | IR-NoOp
       01 | IR-NoOp
       02 | IR-NoOp
       03 | IR-NoOp
       04 | IR-NoOp
       05 | IR-NoOp
       06 | IR-NoOp
       07 | IR-NoOp
       08 | IR-NoOp
       09 | IR-NoOp
       10 | IR-NoOp
       11 | IR-NoOp
       12 | IR-NoOp
       13 | IR-NoOp
       14 | IR-NoOp
       15 | ------ IMark(0x4009fc, 4, 0) ------
       16 | PUT(ra) = 0x00400a04
       17 | t0 = 0x00400770
       18 | PUT(pc) = 0x00400a00
       19 | t1 = GET:I32(pc)
       NEXT: PUT(pc) = t1; Ijk_Boring
    In [8]: pyvex.IRSB(b"\x21\x08\x20\x00", 0x400A00, archinfo.ArchMIPS32()).pp()
    IRSB {
       t0:Ity_I32 t1:Ity_I32 t2:Ity_I32
       00 | IR-NoOp
       01 | IR-NoOp
       02 | IR-NoOp
       03 | IR-NoOp
       04 | IR-NoOp
       05 | IR-NoOp
       06 | IR-NoOp
       07 | IR-NoOp
       08 | IR-NoOp
       09 | IR-NoOp
       10 | IR-NoOp
       11 | IR-NoOp
       12 | IR-NoOp
       13 | IR-NoOp
       14 | IR-NoOp
       15 | ------ IMark(0x400a00, 4, 0) ------
       16 | t1 = GET:I32(at)
       17 | t0 = Add32(t1,0x00000000)
       18 | PUT(at) = t0
       19 | PUT(pc) = 0x00400a04
       20 | t2 = GET:I32(pc)
       NEXT: PUT(pc) = t2; Ijk_Boring

    Branch is lost.

    opened by WGH- 31
  • DDG improvements

    DDG improvements

    I'm trying to understand the ddg.py analysis, and found multiple bugs in it.

    My questions are:

    • is it under internal changes, or may I send a pull-request with the fixes?
    • should we discuss the bugs/changes here or with the pull request?
    opened by axt 30
  • Handling of fake_rets is not consistent

    Handling of fake_rets is not consistent

    I'm not sure about the conception of fake_rets in the CFG, but I think I found an issue. To demonstrate this, here is the cfg for ais3_crackme:

    This is the CFG generated by angr: ais3_cfg_full_bad

    This is the CFG it should generate IMO: ais3_cfg_full_good

    The difference is only that in the second graph the 0x40060e -> 0x400618 fake_ret edge is not missing.

    This is the check in CFGAccurate, that "removes" that edge:

            # Let's check whether this address has been traced before.
            if pending_exit_tuple in self._nodes:
                node = self._nodes[pending_exit_tuple]
                if node in self.graph:
                    pending_exit_addr = self._simrun_key_addr(pending_exit_tuple)
                    # That block has been traced before. Let's forget about it
                    l.debug("Target 0x%08x has been traced before. " + "Trying the next one...", pending_exit_addr)
                    return None

    Can you please validate this issue?

    opened by axt 26
  • Couldn't decode IR for arm arch

    Couldn't decode IR for arm arch

    import pyvex,archinfo pyvex.lift(b'\xe9\x2d\xd9\xf0', 0x1000, archinfo.ArchARM()).pp()

    The result is:

    IRSB {

    NEXT: PUT(pc) = 0x00001000; Ijk_NoDecode } Vex can't lift? I am using angr int a docker image 'angr/angr'.

    CPUs are gigantic 
    opened by BlackLuny 25
  • How to check the constraint whether can solve or not

    How to check the constraint whether can solve or not

    Hello guys, I have a question want to ask. If I have the information like this, <Path with 88 runs (at 0x410eca : /bin/ls)>. I do the symbolic execution on /bin/ls. I want to know the path from the begin of ls benchmark to the special node, like the example above,0x410eca, whether this can solve or not. I read the doc, and find the function, satisfiable(), in claripy. I think this function will return the boolean value to let me know whether one path can solve or not, but I'm not sure how to use it. Please help me to use it. I'm just a beginner on angr. Thank you all very much.

    opened by kennynaoh 24
  • IndexError on memory store with Concat operation

    IndexError on memory store with Concat operation


    Recently introduced code in angr >= v9.2.29 (9995e2958bb248bbfd2e30ecde0c20acd0ab5853) to split memory stores which use the Concat operation seems to result in the following error:

      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/angr/storage/memory_mixins/unwrapper_mixin.py", line 8, in store
        return super().store(_raw_ast(addr), _raw_ast(data),
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/angr/storage/memory_mixins/name_resolution_mixin.py", line 54, in store
        return super().store(addr, data, size=size, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/angr/storage/memory_mixins/bvv_conversion_mixin.py", line 25, in store
        super().store(addr, data_bv, size=size, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/angr/storage/memory_mixins/simplification_mixin.py", line 11, in store
        super().store(addr, real_data, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/angr/storage/memory_mixins/clouseau_mixin.py", line 41, in store
        super().store(addr, data,
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/angr/storage/memory_mixins/actions_mixin.py", line 34, in store
        super().store(addr, data, size=size, action=action, condition=condition, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/angr/storage/memory_mixins/underconstrained_mixin.py", line 27, in store
        super().store(addr, data, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/angr/storage/memory_mixins/size_resolution_mixin.py", line 88, in store
        super().store(addr, data, size=size, condition=condition, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/angr/storage/memory_mixins/size_resolution_mixin.py", line 47, in store
        super().store(addr, data, size=out_size, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/angr/storage/memory_mixins/address_concretization_mixin.py", line 325, in store
        self._store_one_addr(addr, data, True, addr, condition, size, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/angr/storage/memory_mixins/address_concretization_mixin.py", line 319, in _store_one_addr
        super().store(concrete_addr, data, size=size, condition=sub_condition, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/angr/storage/memory_mixins/actions_mixin.py", line 74, in store
        return super().store(addr, data, action=action, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/angr/storage/memory_mixins/conditional_store_mixin.py", line 17, in store
        super().store(addr, data, size=size, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/angr/storage/memory_mixins/convenient_mappings_mixin.py", line 44, in store
        return super().store(addr, data, size=size, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/angr/storage/memory_mixins/dirty_addrs_mixin.py", line 8, in store
        super().store(addr, data, size=size, **kwargs)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/angr/storage/memory_mixins/paged_memory/paged_memory_mixin.py", line 186, in store
        sub_data, sub_data_base, sub_data_size = sub_gen.send(sub_size - written_size)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/angr/storage/memory_mixins/paged_memory/pages/cooperation.py", line 109, in _decompose_objects
        cur_data = data.args[start_offset].concat(*data.args[start_offset + 1:start_offset + size])
    IndexError: tuple index out of range

    data.args[start_offset] seems problematic, as args is a tuple of symbolic arguments, but it is being indexed by a memory offset.

    Steps to reproduce the bug

    Perform a memory store on an AST which involves a Concat operation on a state which uses paged memory; I think the object size must also be larger than the page size. For instance, st.memory.store(0xbe000000, claripy.Concat(claripy.BVS('foo', 3000 * 8), claripy.BVS('bar', 5000 * 8))) (where st is an angr.SimState) will reproduce the error if the page size is 4096 bytes.


    My environment is somewhat noncompliant with recommended defaults due to conflicts with other packages in use:

    • Installed without a virtual environment (in a Docker container).
    • Unicorn version 2.0.0 is installed, which is incompatible with angr, but I am not using Unicorn mode.

    I don't think these impact this issue, but let me know if it is not reproducible.

    Output of python3 -m angr.misc.bug_report:

    /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/angr/misc/bug_report.py:1: DeprecationWarning: the imp module is deprecated in favour of importlib; see the module's documentation for alternative uses
      import imp
    angr environment report                              
    Date: 2023-01-02 01:31:40.160383                     
    !!! running in global environment.  Are you sure? !!!
    Platform: linux-x86_64
    Python version: 3.8.10 (default, Nov 14 2022, 12:59:47)
    [GCC 9.4.0]
    ######## angr #########
    Python found it in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/angr
    Pip version angr 9.2.31
    Couldn't find git info
    ######## ailment #########
    Python found it in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/ailment
    Pip version ailment 9.2.31
    Couldn't find git info
    ######## cle #########
    Python found it in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/cle
    Pip version cle 9.2.31
    Couldn't find git info
    ######## pyvex #########
    Python found it in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pyvex
    Pip version pyvex 9.2.31
    Couldn't find git info
    ######## claripy #########
    Python found it in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/claripy
    Pip version claripy 9.2.31
    Couldn't find git info
    ######## archinfo #########
    Python found it in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/archinfo
    Pip version archinfo 9.2.31
    Couldn't find git info
    ######## z3 #########
    Python found it in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/z3
    Pip version z3-solver
    Couldn't find git info
    ######## unicorn #########
    Python found it in /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/unicorn
    Pip version unicorn 2.0.0
    Couldn't find git info
    ######### Native Module Info ##########
    angr: <CDLL '/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/angr/state_plugins/../lib/angr_native.so', handle 1a3f8c0 at 0x7f9da666c640>
    unicorn: <CDLL '/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/unicorn/lib/libunicorn.so.2', handle 144b610 at 0x7f9dab70aeb0>
    pyvex: <cffi.api._make_ffi_library.<locals>.FFILibrary object at 0x7f9dac3057c0>
    z3: <CDLL '/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/z3/lib/libz3.so', handle 18292d0 at 0x7f9dab647fa0>

    Additional context

    Downgrading to angr 9.2.28 mitigated the issue.

    Please let me know if more information is required.

    opened by picode98 4
  • Calling convention recovery

    Calling convention recovery


    Function strip_trailing_slashes , with source code:

    strip_trailing_slashes (char *file)
      char *base = last_component (file);
      char *base_lim;
      bool had_slash;
      /* last_component returns "" for file system roots, but we need to turn
         "///" into "/".  */
      if (! *base)
        base = file;
      base_lim = base + base_len (base);
      had_slash = (*base_lim != '\0');
      *base_lim = '\0';
      return had_slash;

    is decompiled as:

    int strip_trailing_slashes(unsigned long long a0, unsigned long a1, unsigned long a2, unsigned long a3)
        unsigned long v0;  // [bp-0x18]
        unsigned long v2;  // rax
        unsigned long long v3;  // r14
        char *v4;  // rax
        v0 = v2;
        v3 = a0;
        v4 = last_component(a0);
        *((char *)((*(v4) == 0? v3 : v4) + (unsigned long long)(unsigned int)base_len((*(v4) == 0? v3 : v4)))) = 0;

    Two things I noticed: 1. the number of input arguments is not the same 2. no return variable, which is not matching with the function return type. For the return type, it looks like the disassembler of angr considers this function as a void function: 234

    BTW, I am not sure whether the commits in #3698 can fix this. I will decompile again once the commit is merged into the master branch.

    Steps to reproduce the bug

    binary is attached basename.zip


    No response

    Additional context

    No response

    opened by Muqi-Zou 0
  • Cfg incorrectly recovered?

    Cfg incorrectly recovered?


    Decompiling function "argmatch_to_argument", whose source code is as followed:

    const char *
    argmatch_to_argument (const void *value,
                          const char *const *arglist,
                          const void *vallist, size_t valsize)
      size_t i;
      for (i = 0; arglist[i]; i++)
        if (!memcmp (value, (char const *) vallist + valsize * i, valsize))
          return arglist[i];
      return NULL;

    angr gives me the following decompiled code:

    int argmatch_to_argument(void *a0, unsigned long long *a1, void *a2, unsigned int a3)
        unsigned long long v1;  // r13
        unsigned long long *v3;  // rbx
        unsigned long long v4;  // rax
        void *v5;  // r15
        unsigned long long v6;  // rax
        v1 = *(a1);
        if (!(*(a1) != 0))
            v1 = 0;
            v6 = v1;
            return v6;
        else if (bcmp(a0, a2, a3) != 0)
            v5 = a2 + a3;
            v3 = &a1[1];
            while (true)
                v1 = *(v3);
                if (*(v3) != 0)
                    v4 = bcmp(a0, v5, a3);
                    v5 += a3;
                    v3 = &v3[1];
                    v6 = v1;
                    return v6;
                    v1 = 0;
                    v6 = v1;
                    return v6;
            v6 = v1;
            return v6;

    Note that there are two return v6; in the while(true) loop. And it looks like the value of v4 = bcmp(a0, v5, a3);, which correspond to memcmp (value, (char const *) vallist + valsize * i, valsize) in the source code, is not used in the while(true) loop. the disassembled code: 123

    Steps to reproduce the bug

    binary is attached dd.zip


    No response

    Additional context

    No response

    opened by Muqi-Zou 5
  • Return type recovery error, angr decompiles void function as int return function

    Return type recovery error, angr decompiles void function as int return function


    Decompiling function "set_quoting_style", whose source code looks like:

    set_quoting_style (struct quoting_options *o, enum quoting_style s)
      (o ? o : &default_quoting_options)->style = s;

    angr considers it as an int return function: image

    int set_quoting_style(unsigned long a0, unsigned long a1)
        *((unsigned int *)(a0 != 0? a0 : 4239984)) = a1;
        return (a0 != 0? a0 : 4239984);

    I also note that ghidra can decompile its return type correctly, not sure how ghidra does it though:

    void set_quoting_style(undefined1 *param_1,undefined4 param_2)
      if ((undefined4 *)param_1 == (undefined4 *)0x0) {
        param_1 = default_quoting_options;
      *(undefined4 *)param_1 = param_2;

    Steps to reproduce the bug

    binary is attached: getlimits.zip


    latest angr

    Additional context

    No response

    opened by Muqi-Zou 3
  • Extensibility/sub class of SimMemView

    Extensibility/sub class of SimMemView


    There are some problems that make it hard to develop extensions to SimMemView. I have looked into it while creating the debug variables state plugin, and now I have some suggestions:

    • The SimMemView class is the state plugin, the interface to get a specific memory location. And a specific memory location is an instance of SimMemView, too. I think these two use cases don't use overlapping properties/methods, so it should be straight forward to make two distinct classes out of it.
    • For accessing an array element of a memory location, it would be great if memview[i] worked. But memview's [i] expects an address not an array index, which makes sense for the state plugin. So one has to use memview.array(i) instead. Another argument to split the class into two.
    • The central internal method for navigating through the memory is called ._deeper(...). This method seems to copy the current memview, with modified properties given as arguments to ._deeper(...). Maybe add some documentation (docstring/comments) stating that. I also can't make any sense out of the name "deeper", maybe rename the method into ._copy_with(...).
    • Docstrings are missing for most of the methods/properties.
    • SimDebugVariable is equalized with SimMemView now (#3691). I tried to make it a subclass of the memory location part of SimMemView. But that turned out to be much more work than expected, so I gave it up. I think the suggestions above could possibly help here.


    No response

    Additional context

    No response

    opened by lks9 0
Next-generation binary analysis framework!
Cross-platform MachO/ObjC Static binary analysis tool & library. class-dump + otool + lipo + more

ktool Static Mach-O binary metadata analysis tool / information dumper pip3 install k2l Development is currently taking place on the @python3.10 branc

Kritanta 301 Dec 28, 2022
Binjago - Set of tools aiding in analysis of stripped Golang binaries with Binary Ninja

Binjago ?? Set of tools aiding in analysis of stripped Golang binaries with Bina

W3ndige 2 Jul 23, 2022
This is an API to get user details for competitive coding platforms - Codeforces, Codechef, SPOJ, Interviewbit. More Platform will be Added Soon.

Competitive-Programming-Score-API An API to get user details for competitive coding platforms - Codeforces, Codechef, SPOJ, Interviewbit Platforms Ava

Aaditya Prakash 3 Jan 17, 2022
Automatically remove user join messages when the user leaves the server.

CleanLeave Automatically remove user join messages when the user leaves the server. Installation You will need to install poetry to run this bot local

null 11 Sep 19, 2022
PyLaboratory 0 Feb 7, 2022

Convert-Decimal-to-Binary-Octal-and-Hexadecimal We have a number in a decimal number, and we have to convert it into a binary, octal, and hexadecimal

Maanyu M 2 Oct 8, 2021
El_Binario - A converter for Binary, Decimal, Hexadecimal and Octal numbers

El_Binario El_Binario es un conversor de nĂºmeros Binarios, Decimales, Hexadecima

null 2 Jan 28, 2022
Fully cross-platform toolkit (and library!) for MachO+Obj-C editing/analysis

fully cross-platform toolkit (and library!) for MachO+Obj-C editing/analysis. Includes a cli kit, a curses GUI, ObjC header dumping, and much more.

cynder 301 Dec 28, 2022
HashDB Binary Ninja Plugin

HashDB Plugin (v0.1) Author: Vector 35 Inc Plugin for interacting with the OALABS HashDB service. Description: Plugin that can be used to lookup hashe

Jordan 3 Jul 30, 2022
Fast STL (ASCII & Binary) importer for Blender

blender-fast-stl-importer Fast STL (ASCII & Binary) importer for Blender based on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STL_(file_format) Technical notes: flo

Iyad Ahmed 7 Apr 17, 2022
Dump Data from FTDI Serial Port to Binary File on MacOS

Dump Data from FTDI Serial Port to Binary File on MacOS

pandy song 1 Nov 24, 2021
Some shitty programs just to brush up on my understanding of binary conversions.

Binary Converters Some shitty programs just to brush up on my understanding of binary conversions. Supported conversions formats = "unsigned-binary" |

Tim 2 Jan 9, 2022
SEH-Helper - Binary Ninja plugin for exploring Structured Exception Handlers

SEH Helper Author: EliseZeroTwo A Binary Ninja helper for exploring structured e

Elise 74 Dec 26, 2022
banking system with python, beginner friendly, preadvanced level

banking-system-python banking system with python, beginner friendly, preadvanced level Used topics Functions else/if/elif dicts methods parameters hol

Razi Falah 1 Feb 3, 2022
A free and powerful system for awareness and research of the American judicial system.

CourtListener Started in 2009, CourtListener.com is the main initiative of Free Law Project. The goal of CourtListener.com is to provide high quality

Free Law Project 332 Dec 25, 2022
HatAsm - a HatSploit native powerful assembler and disassembler that provides support for all common architectures

HatAsm - a HatSploit native powerful assembler and disassembler that provides support for all common architectures.

EntySec 8 Nov 9, 2022
Pattern Matching for Python 3.7+ in a simple, yet powerful, extensible manner.

Awesome Pattern Matching (apm) for Python pip install awesome-pattern-matching Simple Powerful Extensible Composable Functional Python 3.7+, PyPy3.7+

Julian Fleischer 97 Nov 3, 2022
Repo Home WPDrawBot - (Repo, Home, WP) A powerful programmatic 2D drawing application for MacOS X which generates graphics from Python scripts. (graphics, dev, mac)

DrawBot DrawBot is a powerful, free application for macOS that invites you to write Python scripts to generate two-dimensional graphics. The built-in

Frederik Berlaen 342 Dec 27, 2022
Mnemosyne: efficient learning with powerful digital flash-cards.

Mnemosyne: Optimized Flashcards and Research Project Mnemosyne is: a free, open-source, spaced-repetition flashcard program that helps you learn as ef

null 359 Dec 24, 2022