Extend the commitizen tools to create conventional commits and README that link to Jira and GitHub.



cz-github-jira-conventional is a plugin for the commitizen tools, a toolset that helps you to create conventional commit messages. Since the structure of conventional commits messages is standardized they are machine readable and allow commitizen to automaticially calculate and tag semantic version numbers as well as create CHANGELOG.md files for your releases.

This plugin extends the commitizen tools by:

  • require a Jira issue id in the commit message
  • create links to GitHub commits in the CHANGELOG.md
  • create links to Jira issues in the CHANGELOG.md

When you call commitizen commit you will be required you to enter the scope of your commit as a Jira issue id (or multiple issue ids, prefixed or without prefix, see config below).

> cz commit
? Select the type of change you are committing fix: A bug fix. Correlates with PATCH in SemVer
? JIRA issue number (multiple "42, 123"). XX-

The changelog created by cz (cz bump --changelog)will contain links to the commits in Github and the Jira issues.

## v1.0.0 (2021-08-06)

### Features

- **[XX-123](https://myproject.atlassian.net/browse/XX-123)**: create changelogs with links to issues and commits [a374b](https://github.com/apheris/cz-github-jira-conventional/commit/a374b93f39327964f5ab5290252b795647906008)
- **[XX-42](https://myproject.atlassian.net/browse/XX-42),[XX-13](https://myproject.atlassian.net/browse/XX-13)**: allow multiple issue to be referenced in the commit [07ab0](https://github.com/apheris/cz-github-jira-conventional/commit/07ab0e09de36712ab1db93fff0c821ecd80b5849)


Install with pip python -m pip install cz-github-jira-conventional

You need to use a cz config file that has the required additional values jira_base_url and github_repo and may contain the optional value jira_prefix if you are only using one Jira project (then the prefix for this project will be added automatically).

Example .cz.yaml config for this repository

  name: cz_github_jira_conventional
  tag_format: v$version
  version: 1.0.0
  jira_prefix: XX-
  jira_base_url: https://myproject.atlassian.net
  github_repo: apheris/cz-github-jira-conventional


Add this plugin to the dependencies of your commit message linting with pre-commit.

Example .pre-commit-config.yaml file.

  - repo: https://github.com/commitizen-tools/commitizen
    rev: v2.17.13
      - id: commitizen
        stages: [commit-msg]
        additional_dependencies: [cz-github-jira-conventional]

Install the hook with

pre-commit install --hook-type commit-msg


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


This plugin would not have been possible without the fantastic work from:

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