Linux/OSX/FreeBSD resource monitor

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Monitoring bpytop


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Resource monitor that shows usage and stats for processor, memory, disks, network and processes.

Python port of bashtop.


  • Easy to use, with a game inspired menu system.
  • Full mouse support, all buttons with a highlighted key is clickable and mouse scroll works in process list and menu boxes.
  • Fast and responsive UI with UP, DOWN keys process selection.
  • Function for showing detailed stats for selected process.
  • Ability to filter processes, multiple filters can be entered.
  • Easy switching between sorting options.
  • Send SIGTERM, SIGKILL, SIGINT to selected process.
  • UI menu for changing all config file options.
  • Auto scaling graph for network usage.
  • Shows message in menu if new version is available
  • Shows current read and write speeds for disks


Bpytop uses the same theme files as bashtop so any theme made for bashtop will work.

See themes folder for available themes.

The make install command places the default themes in /usr/local/share/bpytop/themes. If installed with pip3 the themes will be located in a folder called bpytop-themes in the python3 site-packages folder. User created themes should be placed in $HOME/.config/bpytop/themes.

Let me know if you want to contribute with new themes.

Support and funding

You can sponsor this project through github, see my sponsors page for options.

Or donate through paypal or ko-fi.

Any support is greatly appreciated!


Mac Os X

Will not display correctly in the standard terminal (unless truecolor is set to False)! Recommended alternative iTerm2

Will also need to be run as superuser to display stats for processes not owned by user.

OsX on Apple Silicon (arm) requires psutil version 5.8.0 to work and currently has no temperature monitoring. Upgrade psutil with sudo pip3 install psutil --upgrade

Linux, Mac Os X and FreeBSD

For correct display, a terminal with support for:

  • 24-bit truecolor (See list of terminals with truecolor support)
  • 256-color terminals are supported through 24-bit to 256-color conversion when setting "truecolor" to False in the options or with "-lc/--low-color" argument.
  • Wide characters (Are sometimes problematic in web-based terminals)

Also needs a UTF8 locale and a font that covers:

  • Unicode Block “Braille Patterns” U+2800 - U+28FF
  • Unicode Block “Geometric Shapes” U+25A0 - U+25FF
  • Unicode Block "Box Drawing" and "Block Elements" U+2500 - U+259F

Notice (Text rendering issues)

If you are having problems with the characters in the graphs not looking like they do in the screenshots, it's likely a problem with your systems configured fallback font not having support for braille characters.

See Terminess Powerline for an example of a font that includes the braille symbols.

See comments by @sgleizes link and @XenHat link in issue #100 for possible solutions.

If text are misaligned and you are using Konsole or Yakuake, turning off "Bi-Directional text rendering" is a possible fix.

Characters clipping in to each other or text/border misalignments is not bugs caused by bpytop, but most likely a fontconfig or terminal problem where the braille characters making up the graphs aren't rendered correctly. Look to the creators of the terminal emulator you use to fix these issues if the previous mentioned fixes don't work for you.

Notice (SSH)

Dropbear seems to not be able to set correct locale. So if accessing bpytop over ssh, OpenSSH is recommended.


Python3 (v3.7 or later)

psutil module (v5.7.0 or later)

Optionals for additional stats

(Optional OSX) coretemp (recommended), or osx-cpu-temp (less accurate) needed to show CPU temperatures.


Main UI showing details for a selected process. Screenshot 1

Main UI in mini mode. Screenshot 2

Main menu. Screenshot 3

Options menu. Screenshot 4


PyPi (will always have latest version)

Install or update to latest version

pip3 install bpytop --upgrade

Mac OsX

Install with Homebrew

brew install bpytop

Optional coretemp (Shows temperatures for cpu cores)

brew install hacker1024/hacker1024/coretemp

Alternatively install with MacPorts

port install bpytop

OsX on Apple Silicon (arm) requires psutil version 5.8.0 to work and currently has no temperature monitoring. Upgrade psutil with sudo pip3 install psutil --upgrade

Arch Linux

Available in the Arch Linux [community] repository as bpytop


sudo pacman -S bpytop

Debian based

Available in official Debian repository since Debian 11


sudo apt install bpytop

Available for debian/ubuntu from Azlux's repository

FreeBSD package

Available in FreeBSD ports

Install pre-built package

sudo pkg install bpytop

Fedora/CentOS 8 package

Available in the Fedora and EPEL-8 repository.


sudo dnf install bpytop

Gentoo / Calculate Linux

Available from adrien-overlay


sudo emerge -av sys-process/bpytop

Mageia Cauldron (Mageia 8)

Available in Mageia Cauldron and then Mageia 8 when it is released.


sudo urpmi bpytop
sudo dnf install bpytop

MX Linux

Available in the MX Test Repo as bpytop Please use MX Package Installer MX Test Repo tab to install.

Snap package

by @kz6fittycent

Install the package

sudo snap install bpytop

Give permissions

sudo snap connect bpytop:mount-observe
sudo snap connect bpytop:network-control
sudo snap connect bpytop:hardware-observe
sudo snap connect bpytop:system-observe
sudo snap connect bpytop:process-control
sudo snap connect bpytop:physical-memory-observe

The config folder will be located in ~/snap/bpytop/current/.config/bpytop

Manual installation

Dependencies installation Linux

Install python3 and git with a package manager of you choice

Install psutil python module (sudo might be required)

python3 -m pip install psutil

Dependencies installation OSX

Install homebrew if not already installed

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Install python3 if not already installed

brew install python3 git

Install psutil python module

python3 -m pip install psutil

Install optional dependency coretemp (recommended), or osx-cpu-temp (less accurate)

brew install hacker1024/hacker1024/coretemp
brew install osx-cpu-temp

Dependencies installation FreeBSD

Install with pkg and pip

sudo pkg install git python3 py37-psutil

Manual installation Linux, OSX and FreeBSD

Clone and install

git clone
cd bpytop
sudo make install

to uninstall it

sudo make uninstall


All options changeable from within UI. Config files stored in "$HOME/.config/bpytop" folder

bpytop.cfg: (auto generated if not found)

"/etc/bpytop.conf" will be used as default seed for config file creation if it exists.

#? Config file for bpytop v. 1.0.58

#* Color theme, looks for a .theme file in "/usr/[local/]share/bpytop/themes" and "~/.config/bpytop/themes", "Default" for builtin default theme.
#* Prefix name by a plus sign (+) for a theme located in user themes folder, i.e. color_theme="+monokai"

#* If the theme set background should be shown, set to False if you want terminal background transparency

#* Sets if 24-bit truecolor should be used, will convert 24-bit colors to 256 color (6x6x6 color cube) if false.

#* Manually set which boxes to show. Available values are "cpu mem net proc", seperate values with whitespace.
shown_boxes="cpu mem net proc"

#* Update time in milliseconds, increases automatically if set below internal loops processing time, recommended 2000 ms or above for better sample times for graphs.

#* Processes update multiplier, sets how often the process list is updated as a multiplier of "update_ms".
#* Set to 2 or higher to greatly decrease bpytop cpu usage. (Only integers)

#* Processes sorting, "pid" "program" "arguments" "threads" "user" "memory" "cpu lazy" "cpu responsive",
#* "cpu lazy" updates top process over time, "cpu responsive" updates top process directly.
proc_sorting="cpu lazy"

#* Reverse sorting order, True or False.

#* Show processes as a tree

#* Which depth the tree view should auto collapse processes at

#* Use the cpu graph colors in the process list.

#* Use a darkening gradient in the process list.

#* If process cpu usage should be of the core it's running on or usage of the total available cpu power.

#* Show process memory as bytes instead of percent

#* Check cpu temperature, needs "osx-cpu-temp" on MacOS X.

#* Which sensor to use for cpu temperature, use options menu to select from list of available sensors.

#* Show temperatures for cpu cores also if check_temp is True and sensors has been found

#* Draw a clock at top of screen, formatting according to strftime, empty string to disable.

#* Update main ui in background when menus are showing, set this to false if the menus is flickering too much for comfort.

#* Custom cpu model name, empty string to disable.

#* Optional filter for shown disks, should be full path of a mountpoint, separate multiple values with a comma ",".
#* Begin line with "exclude=" to change to exclude filter, oterwise defaults to "most include" filter. Example: disks_filter="exclude=/boot, /home/user"

#* Show graphs instead of meters for memory values.

#* If swap memory should be shown in memory box.

#* Show swap as a disk, ignores show_swap value above, inserts itself after first disk.

#* If mem box should be split to also show disks info.

#* Filter out non physical disks. Set this to False to include network disks, RAM disks and similar.

#* Read disks list from /etc/fstab. This also disables only_physical.

#* Toggles io mode for disks, showing only big graphs for disk read/write speeds.

#* Set to True to show combined read/write io graphs in io mode.

#* Set the top speed for the io graphs in MiB/s (10 by default), use format "device:speed" seperate disks with a comma ",".
#* Example: "/dev/sda:100, /dev/sdb:20"

#* Set fixed values for network graphs, default "10M" = 10 Mibibytes, possible units "K", "M", "G", append with "bit" for bits instead of bytes, i.e "100mbit"

#* Start in network graphs auto rescaling mode, ignores any values set above and rescales down to 10 Kibibytes at the lowest.

#* Sync the scaling for download and upload to whichever currently has the highest scale

#* If the network graphs color gradient should scale to bandwith usage or auto scale, bandwith usage is based on "net_download" and "net_upload" values

#* Starts with the Network Interface specified here.

#* Show battery stats in top right if battery is present

#* Show init screen at startup, the init screen is purely cosmetical

#* Enable check for new version from at start.

#* Set loglevel for "~/.config/bpytop/error.log" levels are: "ERROR" "WARNING" "INFO" "DEBUG".
#* The level set includes all lower levels, i.e. "DEBUG" will show all logging info.

Command line options:

usage: [-h] [-b BOXES] [-lc] [-v] [--debug]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -b BOXES, --boxes BOXES
                        which boxes to show at start, example: -b "cpu mem net proc"
  -lc, --low-color      disable truecolor, converts 24-bit colors to 256-color
  -v, --version         show version info and exit
  --debug               start with loglevel set to DEBUG overriding value set in config


  • Add gpu temp and usage.

  • Add cpu and mem stats for docker containers. (If feasible)

  • Change process list to line scroll instead of page change.

  • Add options for resizing all boxes.

  • Add command line argument parsing.

  • Miscellaneous optimizations and code cleanup.


Apache License 2.0

  • [BUG] Bpytop doesn't show temps on RPi4

    [BUG] Bpytop doesn't show temps on RPi4

    Hardware: Raspberry Pi 4B 8GB Software: Twister OS 1.5 (basically just a skin on top of Raspbian 32-bit)

    Bpytop doesn't show CPU temps for me on this platform, which is odd because Bashtop shows the temps just fine on the same machine. Doesn't seem to be a problem with the menu setting.

    Screenshot (Bashtop left, Bpytop right):


    opened by RedBearAK 71
  • [REQUEST] Add battery meter

    [REQUEST] Add battery meter

    It would be nice to have some battery/power info included in bpytop for battery backed systems (laptops, machines with UPS)

    must haves for a basic feature: battery power status/meter (battery at xx%, meter or gauge, etc) power state (on battery, on A/C power)

    nice to have: instantaneous power draw estimated time to empty

    htop does the basic bits (battery meter, plugged status) well

    opened by foundObjects 43
  • [REQUEST] Temp support for older machines

    [REQUEST] Temp support for older machines

    I have a laptop that is so old it isn't properly supported by psutil or apps like Psensor for CPU temperature.

    The CPU temperature is accessible via /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp.

    cat /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/hwmon1/name

    Result: acpitz

    This seems to be short for "ACPI Thermal Zone".

    cat /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/type

    Result: acpitz

    cat /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp

    Result: 48800 (or similar)

    Divide by 1000 and if the result is between 20C and 120C or so, and type or hwmon1/name is acpitz it should be a valid CPU temp. Theoretically.

    If you can try accessing /sys/devices/virtual/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp if there is no response from psutil on core temps, I think a lot of these older machines could be supported for at least the main CPU temp.

    This machine is a single-core Pentium 4, as many machines prior to Core Duo will be, so there would normally be only one main CPU temp. There were a few late-generation Pentiums with hyper-threading which would probably be reported as dual-core CPUs, but they are a couple of years newer and may be better supported by apps like psutil already.

    opened by RedBearAK 31
  • [REQUEST] add hostname to title bar

    [REQUEST] add hostname to title bar

    bpytop is awesome, so awesome, that i use it to monitor multiple machines, and not having the hostname in the title it can be confusing as to which instance is which!

    opened by joeroback 26
  • [BUG] PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/proc/diskstats' when running from snap

    [BUG] PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/proc/diskstats' when running from snap

    Upon invocation bpytop starts, displays loading screen and promptly exits with the error message: Bpytop exited with errorcode (1). See /root/snap/bpytop/147/.config/bpytop/error.log for more information! The log file boils down to PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/proc/diskstats' I can read /proc/diskstats as normal user (permission 444).

    To Reproduce

    snap install bpytop

    Expected behavior bpytop starts in all its glory


    • bpytop version: 1.0.42
    • psutil version: 5.7.2
    • PopOs 20.04, linux pop-os 5.4.0-7642-generic # 46~ 1598628707~ 20.04~ 040157c-Ubuntu
    • Terminal used: bash
    • Font used:?
    • Python: 3.8.2
    • snap: 2.47.1
    • snapd: 2.47.1
    • series 16

    Additional context

    20/10/20 (22:04:37) | ERROR: Data collection thread failed with exception: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/proc/diskstats' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/snap/bpytop/147/usr/bin/bpytop", line 2597, in _runner collector._collect() File "/snap/bpytop/147/usr/bin/bpytop", line 2930, in _collect io_counters = psutil.disk_io_counters(perdisk=True if SYSTEM == "Linux" else False, nowrap=True) File "/snap/bpytop/147/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/psutil/", line 2063, in disk_io_counters rawdict = _psplatform.disk_io_counters(**kwargs) File "/snap/bpytop/147/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/psutil/", line 1123, in disk_io_counters for entry in gen: File "/snap/bpytop/147/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/psutil/", line 1074, in read_procfs with open_text("%s/diskstats" % get_procfs_path()) as f: File "/snap/bpytop/147/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/psutil/", line 727, in open_text return open(fname, "rt", **kwargs) PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/proc/diskstats' 20/10/20 (22:04:37) | WARNING: Exiting with errorcode (1). Runtime 0:00:02

    (try running bpytop with --debug flag if error.log is empty)

    opened by misieck 20
  • It's me again, with another snap...this time for bpytop

    It's me again, with another snap...this time for bpytop


    This is repeat of my "issue" I opened on bashtop. I've got a working snap for bpytop:

    We can transfer it to you via but I'm happy to keep maintaining it, as I have several snaps that I'm maintaining.

    Let me know!

    P.S. Thanks for your hard work! These tools are freaking awesome!

    opened by kz6fittycent 20
  • Feature request: Installability as a PyPI package

    Feature request: Installability as a PyPI package

    I think it would be easier (a one-liner) to install, if bpytop would be packaged as Python package, and be uploaded to the Python Package Index (PyPI). I can create a and open a PR, if desired.

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by csachs 20
  • [BUG] Individual core temperatures do not match labelled core and CPU Temperature appears wrong.

    [BUG] Individual core temperatures do not match labelled core and CPU Temperature appears wrong.

    Describe the bug

    Individual core temperatures do not match labelled core and CPU Temperature appears wrong.

    To Reproduce

    Launch bpytop-1.0.44. on lightly loaded system. Run a single-threaded program that is CPU bound (ie. 100% CPU usage of a thread.) Observe that the temperature for core showing 100% usage is not the "hot" core. Also, CPU temperature does not change with load. (I did try cycling through the CPU sensors options within bpytop, this did not help.)

    Expected behavior

    The one core that is running at 100% should be the "hot" core. Also I think the CPU temperature should be the CPU Package temperature.


    bpytop-screen.png: bpytop running with Core 2 at 100% showing temperature of 35C. It also shows Core 24 having a temperature of 57C, the "hot" core. bpytop-screen

    bpytop-sensors.png: partial output of lm-sensors showing Core 1 as the "hot" core, as it should. (Note lm-sensors starts numbering cores at zero instead of one like bpytop. Also the package temperature from lm-sensors is what the CPU temperature from bpytop should show, I think. Finally lm-sensors shows each core not each thread. bpytop-sensors

    bpytop-i7z.png: screen shot of i7z showing Core 2 as the core with about 100% load like bpytop and also showing it as the "hot" core. Like lm-sensors i7z only shows each core not each thread like bpytop. bpytop-i7z

    Info (please complete the following information):

    • bpytop version: 1.0.44
    • psutil version: 5.7.0-r1
    • (Linux) Linux distribution and version: Gentoo Base System release 2.7
    • (OSX/FreeBSD) Os release version: NA
    • Terminal used: xterm v. 351
    • Font used: terminus
    • Python version, python3 --version (version 3.6 or above is required): 3.7.9

    Additional context

    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-7940X CPU @ 3.10GHz

    contents of ~/.config/bpytop/error.log This is a zero length file on my system even after running with --debug.

    (try running bpytop with --debug flag if error.log is empty)

    opened by 88mm 18
  • [BUG] Core-CCD pairing is wrong for 3950x

    [BUG] Core-CCD pairing is wrong for 3950x

    Describe the bug

    The 3950x's CCDs are cores 0-7 + 16-23, and 8-15, 24-31.

    bpytop treats it like 0-15, and 16-31.

    The two CCD's temperatures are flipped across 8-23 as a result

    To Reproduce

    Have a 3950x

    Expected behavior

    C1-C8 should use Tccd1 C9-16 should use Tccd2 C17-24 should use Tccd1 C25-32 should use Tccd2


    Cores marked yellow and pink need their temperatures flipped image

    CCD grouping; Orange is CCD1, Yellow is CCD2 image

    Info (please complete the following information):

    • bpytop version: 1.0.42
    • psutil version: 5.7.0
    • (Linux) Linux distribution and version: Opensuse Tumbleweed
    • Terminal used: Windows Terminal (VM), Tilda
    • Font used: Cascadia Code PL
    • Python version: 3.8.5

    Additional context

    contents of ~/.config/bpytop/error.log

    17/10/20 (16:15:07) | INFO: New instance of bpytop version 1.0.42 started with pid 14860 17/10/20 (16:15:07) | INFO: Loglevel set to DEBUG 17/10/20 (16:15:07) | DEBUG: Using psutil version 5.7.0 17/10/20 (16:15:07) | DEBUG: CMD: /usr/local/bin/bpytop --debug 17/10/20 (16:15:08) | DEBUG: Collect and draw completed in 0.064445 seconds 17/10/20 (16:15:09) | DEBUG: Init completed in 2.309829 seconds 17/10/20 (16:15:12) | INFO: Exiting. Runtime 0:00:06

    opened by Kodikuu 18
  • [BUG] Long pauses / freezing on Linux

    [BUG] Long pauses / freezing on Linux

    There are no errors in the error log for this condition, so I'm not sure how to begin troubleshooting it.

    On a newly installed Linux Mint 20 (XFCE) system, MacBook3,1 from 2007 with 6GBs of RAM.


    Entire UI just stops updating and is unresponsive. If I press any keys those actions will all be performed after the freeze is over.

    I've counted freeze durations of up to 20 seconds. Many of around 5-10 seconds.

    This is with the refresh rate generally set to 2000ms (2 seconds).

    I manually updated psutil using the instructions you provided, so the versions are:

    bpytop version: 1.0.20
    psutil version: 5.7.2

    When this happens there is no sign of the CPU being overwhelmed with activity, nor any sign of unusual disk activity.

    I can only surmise the bpytop (or some subcomponent like psutil) is encountering some sort of race condition in the background. Besides implementing time-based logic in the code that counts how long each function takes to respond and throws errors when it is longer than expected, I'm not sure how to even begin figuring out what is happening.

    I haven't noticed any similar symptoms in any other GUI or terminal application. Only bpytop seems to be behaving this way. And I haven't seen this as far as I know on other systems I have available.

    Starting with an empty error log, I ran bpytop --debug just long enough to experience an obvious long freeze, then exited. It didn't take long. This is the resulting log:

    23/08/20 (22:40:20) | INFO: New instance of bpytop version 1.0.20 started with pid 33142
    23/08/20 (22:40:20) | INFO: Loglevel set to DEBUG
    23/08/20 (22:40:20) | DEBUG: Using psutil version 5.7.2
    23/08/20 (22:40:20) | DEBUG: CMD: /usr/local/bin/bpytop --debug
    23/08/20 (22:40:22) | DEBUG: Collect and draw completed in 0.397569 seconds
    23/08/20 (22:40:23) | DEBUG: Init completed in 2.752632 seconds
    23/08/20 (22:41:05) | INFO: Exiting. Runtime 0:00:45 

    Seems to have no information about what is happening.

    opened by RedBearAK 18
  • [BUG] Glitching in init on a Linux Mint 20 system

    [BUG] Glitching in init on a Linux Mint 20 system

    I am experiencing a bunch of "glitch" type temporary errors being displayed during the init screen, but it usually goes away so fast I can't even catch a screenshot of what it says. It seems to happen during the "Doing some maths and drawing" phase of the init screen. It throws text all over the bottom half of the terminal window, then almost immediately disappears and the green check mark appears, and then the init process continues.

    This is on a 2007 MacBook with (as far as I know) a fairly clean install of 64-bit Linux Mint 20, so I really want to get to the bottom of whatever I'm seeing.

    If you can briefly tell me where to find the bpytop error log and what log level to set in the menu to hopefully catch these errors, I will try to clear the log and then get a clean log file with a single run of bpytop at the appropriate log level.

    opened by RedBearAK 18
  • [CONSULT] Is there a way to overcome the 100ms and sync the frequency to the monitor?

    [CONSULT] Is there a way to overcome the 100ms and sync the frequency to the monitor?

    Hello, I was wondering if there is a particular reason we can't go further than the 100ms ( 9fps) update frequency. Is it a Linux terminal limitation?


    I'd like to have a 16ms frequency to match it to my monitor (60Hz) or even further. Do you think is possible to get it?


    opened by vergelli 1
  • UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position

    UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position

    Describe the bug UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters

    [A clear and concise description of what the bug is.] cat txt.txt Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/bin/bpytop", line 11, in sys.exit(main()) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/", line 4872, in main Init.start() File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/", line 4414, in start Draw.out("banner") File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/", line 955, in out File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/", line 914, in now print(*args, sep="", end="", flush=True) UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 26-31: ordinal not in range(128)

    To Reproduce

    [Steps to reproduce the behavior:] bpytop

    Expected behavior

    [A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.]


    [If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.]

    Info (please complete the following information):

    • bpytop version: bpytop -v

    • bpytop version: 1.0.54

    • psutil version: bpytop -v (version 5.7.0 or above is required) psutil version: 5.9.2

    • (Linux) Linux distribution and version: "18.04.6 LTS (Bionic Beaver)"

    • Terminal used: any

    • Font used: any

    • Python version, python3 --version (version 3.6 or above is required): Python 3.6.9

    Additional context

    contents of ~/.config/bpytop/error.log

    (try running bpytop with --debug flag if error.log is empty)

    opened by freeload101 0
  • [REQUEST] CPU/Core section with many cores

    [REQUEST] CPU/Core section with many cores


    I am running a dual socket setup with 64 Core AMD Epyc CPUs. This results in 256 threads/cores that are displayed by the bpytop. If I am not using an ultra-wide monitor, this ends up looking bad with sections on the screen overlapping. Could you please style this better? One suggestion that I could make is adding a scrollbar within this section (when/as needed), very similar to the process list section.


    opened by crtamaz 0
  • [BUG] incorrect theme colors on macOS in zsh

    [BUG] incorrect theme colors on macOS in zsh

    Describe the bug

    Terminal colors on macOS 12.4 (Apple Silicon) in zsh are completely wrong.

    To Reproduce

    Run bpytop on macOS 12.4 (Apple Silicon) in zsh.

    Expected behavior

    Should display correctly.


    Screenshot 2022-07-22 at 10 07 05 PM

    Info (please complete the following information):

    • bpytop version: 1.0.68
    • psutil version: 5.9.1
    • (Linux) Linux distribution and version:
    • (OSX/FreeBSD) Os release version: 12.4
    • Terminal used: zsh
    • Font used: Basic profile
    • Python version: 3.9.13
    opened by WMRamadan 2
  • [BUG] bpytop do not started

    [BUG] bpytop do not started

    Describe the bug

    On terminal the application do not started.

    To Reproduce

    It doesn't happen frequently, it happens randomly.

    Info (please complete the following information):

    • bpytop version: 1.0.68
    • psutil version: 5.8.0
    • (Linux) Linux distribution and version: Fedora 36
    • Kernel version: 5.17.13-300.fc36.x86_64
    • Terminal used: Tilix 1.9.5
    • Font used: Source Code Pro
    • Python version, 3.10.4

    Additional context

    13/06/22 (17:51:10) | ERROR: Data collection thread failed with exception: Sign not allowed in string format specifier Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/bpytop", line 2959, in _runner collector._draw() File "/usr/bin/bpytop", line 3991, in _draw ProcBox._draw_fg() File "/usr/bin/bpytop", line 2739, in _draw_fg label = (f'{THEME.title}{Fx.b}{, x)}{"Pid:":>7} {"Program:" if prog_len > 8 else "Prg:":<{prog_len}}' + (f'{"Arguments:":<{arg_len-4}}' if arg_len else "") + ValueError: Sign not allowed in string format specifier 13/06/22 (17:51:10) | WARNING: Exiting with errorcode (1). Runtime 0:00:00

    opened by denisoft81 0
  • Bpytop have all features from bashtop ?

    Bpytop have all features from bashtop ?

    Hello. Bpytop have all features from bashtop ? Reading in bpytop features is how if better than bashtop. If not what have better and more features ? bashtop or bpytop ? Only trying understand what to install here.

    Thanks for read.

    opened by Augusto7743 1
Downtime code generator
Monitor Memory usage of Python code

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Development tool to measure, monitor and analyze the memory behavior of Python objects in a running Python application.

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Monitor Memory usage of Python code

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The Linux defender anti-virus software ported to work on CentOS Linux.

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