🎈 `st` is a CLI to quickly kick-off your new Streamlit project

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CLI Tools st

🎈 st - a friendly Streamlit CLI

st is a CLI that helps you kick-off a new Streamlit project so you can start crafting the app as soon as possible!

How it works

✨ Simple as:

$ st .

πŸš€ Usage


This is a working setup for anyone using Microsoft VS Code. Has been tested solely on Mac OSX.


  1. Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Make sure to enable your CLI to access VS Code. See this link.

  2. Add the alias to your ~/.bashrc:

# Alias for st
alias st='python ~/your/path/to/st/st.py -p'
  1. Source it:
source ~/.bash_profile

Getting started


$ st {directory}


$ python st.py --help

Usage: st.py [OPTIONS]

  -p, --path TEXT                 Path where you want to create your Streamlit

  --open_project_in_vs_code INTEGER
                                  Open VS code with the newly created file.
  --run_app INTEGER               Run Streamlit script
  --open_app_in_browser INTEGER   Open Streamlit app in browser
  --help                          Show this message and exit.


xcode-select --install
  • Cookiecutter, tests and new API

    Cookiecutter, tests and new API

    πŸ“š Context

    Adding some work on top of what @snehankekre started! Inspired by thoughts in here

    🧠 Description of changes

    On top of https://github.com/arnaudmiribel/st/pull/3:

    • Replaced pip with pip3 and python with python3
    • Added tests for GitHub URL validation and parsing
    • Better .gitignore!
    • Now using st-cookiecutter to enable customizing the template

    πŸ”₯ In addition, now supporting...

    $python3 main.py
    Usage: main.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
      🎈 Welcome to st 🎈
      This is an experimental CLI to help you kick off and maintain Streamlit
      projects as fast as possible!
      --help  Show this message and exit.
      clone  πŸ‘― Clone an existing Streamlit project
      go     😎 Open VS Code and your app in Chrome!
      kill   πŸ”« Kill a given Streamlit app running locally!
      list   🀯 List running Streamlit apps under ports 85**
      new    πŸ†• Create a new Streamlit project from an empty template
    • clone:
    python3 main.py clone https://github.com/arnaudmiribel/stoggle/blob/main/streamlit_app.py 
    βž• Cloning repo https://github.com/arnaudmiribel/stoggle
    βž• Changing directory to 'app/'
    βž• Creating a new environment with venv
    βž• Installing dependencies
    DEPRECATION: Configuring installation scheme with distutils config files is deprecated and will no longer work in the near future. If you are using a Homebrew or Linuxbrew Python, please see discussion at https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/issues/76621
    DEPRECATION: Configuring installation scheme with distutils config files is deprecated and will no longer work in the near future. If you are using a Homebrew or Linuxbrew Python, please see discussion at https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/issues/76621
    WARNING: You are using pip version 22.0.4; however, version 22.1.2 is available.
    You should consider upgrading via the '/usr/local/opt/[email protected]/bin/python3.9 -m pip install --upgrade pip' command.
    βž• Opening project in VS Code...
    βž• Running app...
    • list:
    $python3 main.py list
    Let's look at your apps running locally...
                           App URL
    App ID                        
    1110    http://localhost:8501 
    • kill:
    $python3 main.py kill --id 1110
    Killing 1110...
    • new:
    $python3 main.py new
    You just asked for a `new` Streamlit project. Let's go!
    New directory name [app]: 
    Want to customize the template? [y/N]: y
    Title of your app [Balloons]: Surfin' USA
    Will you be using secrets? [Y/n]:  
    Will your app use more than one page? [Y/n]: 
    Are you connecting to Snowflake in this app? [y/N]: y
    πŸŽ‰ Successfully created your new Streamlit app in directory 'app'!

    πŸ–₯️ Test!

    1. Clone this repo and go on this branch
    2. Now go ahead and try out python3 main.py!
    opened by arnaudmiribel 2
  • Support GitHub url of main script

    Support GitHub url of main script

    :books: Context

    @arnaudmiribel you had mentioned that you'd someday like to support st {template}, where template is a GitHub repo. This PR makes incremental progress towards that vision.

    :brain: Description of changes

    • Supports st {template}, where template is the GitHub (.py) url of the main script. E.g.

      st https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit-example/blob/master/streamlit_app.py
    • Creates a virtualenv with venv


    • Refactor into functions to more conveniently reuse code
    • Support Conda, Poetry
    opened by snehankekre 1
  • added a couple new features

    added a couple new features

    Hey @arnaudmiribel, I thought it might be interesting to add a snowflake flag that automatically adds space in the secrets file for usernames, passwords, etc, and also adds a sample query. This isn't exactly ready yet (mostly because the streamlit app doesn't work OOB with this setup), but I just wanted to toss this idea by you (i'm also super bored)

    opened by tylerjrichards 1
  • Refactoring + CI

    Refactoring + CI

    • Split all main.py into multiple files, one for the entrypoint and one for each command (within their own subdirectory)
    • Remove unused functions
    • Set up GitHub Action for releases to PyPi
    opened by arnaudmiribel 0
  • Show main file name in `st list`

    Show main file name in `st list`

    Shows the Streamlit apps' main file name in the output of st list:

    $python3 main.py list
    Let's look at your apps running locally...
                           App URL          Main file
    App ID                                           
    6487    http://localhost:8501              yes.py
    7121    http://localhost:8502             user.py
    9239    http://localhost:8505   get_mainscript.py
    opened by snehankekre 0
  • v0.1.0(Sep 11, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Support GitHub url of main script by @snehankekre in https://github.com/arnaudmiribel/streamlit-kickoff-cli/pull/3
    • Show main file name in st list by @snehankekre in https://github.com/arnaudmiribel/streamlit-kickoff-cli/pull/5
    • Cookiecutter, tests and new API by @arnaudmiribel in https://github.com/arnaudmiribel/streamlit-kickoff-cli/pull/4
    • Pass directory name even if not customizing template by @blackary in https://github.com/arnaudmiribel/streamlit-kickoff-cli/pull/6
    • Handle cases where python is a substring of the command by @blackary in https://github.com/arnaudmiribel/streamlit-kickoff-cli/pull/7
    • Refactoring + CI by @arnaudmiribel in https://github.com/arnaudmiribel/streamlit-kickoff-cli/pull/8

    New Contributors

    • @snehankekre made their first contribution in https://github.com/arnaudmiribel/streamlit-kickoff-cli/pull/3
    • @arnaudmiribel made their first contribution in https://github.com/arnaudmiribel/streamlit-kickoff-cli/pull/4
    • @blackary made their first contribution in https://github.com/arnaudmiribel/streamlit-kickoff-cli/pull/6

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/arnaudmiribel/streamlit-kickoff-cli/commits/v0.0.4

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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