Docker Container wallstreetbets-sentiment-analysis
A docker container using restful endpoints exposed on port 5000 "/analyze" to gather sentiment analysis on the wsb subreddit.
Getting Started
These instructions will cover usage information and for the docker container
In order to run this container you'll need docker installed.
Container Startup
List the different parameters available to your container
docker run -p 5000:5000 -e CLIENT_ID= -e CLIENT_SECRET= -e USERNAME= -e PASSWORD= restfulleo/wallstreetbets-sentiment-analysis
Environment Variables
- A client_id from valid reddit account with a developer application setup.CLIENT_SECRET
- A client_secret from that developer application setup for the reddit account.USERNAME
- The username for the reddit account used above.PASSWORD
- The password used for the reddit account.
Useful File Locations
- source directory
Built With
- astroid==2.4.2
- certifi==2020.12.5
- chardet==4.0.0
- click==7.1.2
- colorama==0.4.4
- cycler==0.10.0
- Flask==1.1.2
- idna==2.10
- isort==5.7.0
- itsdangerous==1.1.0
- Jinja2==2.11.2
- joblib==1.0.0
- kiwisolver==1.3.1
- lazy-object-proxy==1.4.3
- MarkupSafe==1.1.1
- matplotlib==3.3.3
- mccabe==0.6.1
- nltk==3.5
- numpy==1.19.5
- pandas==1.2.1
- Pillow==8.1.0
- praw==7.1.0
- prawcore==1.5.0
- pylint==2.6.0
- pyparsing==2.4.7
- python-dateutil==2.8.1
- pytz==2020.5
- regex==2020.11.13
- requests==2.25.1
- rope==0.18.0
- six==1.15.0
- squarify==0.4.3
- toml==0.10.2
- tqdm==4.56.0
- update-checker==0.18.0
- urllib3==1.26.2
- websocket-client==0.57.0
- Werkzeug==1.0.1
- wrapt==1.12.1
Find Us
- asad70 - Initial work - PurpleBooth
- RestfulLeo23 - Docker work - PurpleBooth
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.