A Django based shop system



Django-SHOP aims to be a the easy, fun and fast e-commerce counterpart to django-CMS.

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Here you can find the full documentation for django-SHOP.

Build the database model out of the product's properties – not vice versa

Most e-commerce systems are shipped with a predefined database model for products. But products can vary a lot, and it simply is impossible to create a model which fits for all of them. This is esspecially true for products with a hierarchy of variants. In many popular e-commerce platforms, you either have far too many attributes per product, and/or the really required attributes are missing.

In django-SHOP implementations, the product models reflect their pysical properties making it possible to create complete and deep hierarchies of variations, but without having to fiddle with unneeded properties. It furthermore avoids the need for an Entity Attribute Value Model, which is considered a database anti-pattern, because it produces far too many table joins, when filtering by property.

Don't build pages using hard-coded templates – compose them

With the advent of frameworks, such as Angular, React, Vue and Aurelia, building web-applications shifted from a page-centric to a component-based approach.

In django-SHOP, you are in full control over the page's layout, since all components are encapsulated and independent from each other. This means that instead of adopting the Catalog, Cart, Checkout and Order pages, use the django-CMS plugin system to compose everything required for those pages.

All Views are either HTML or RESTful services

Browser based navigation is important, but nowadays it's only one of many channels clients use to communicate with a web-server. Consider Single Page Applications or other native clients, where we use RESTful APIs instead of pure HTTP.

This substantially reduces the payload having to be transferred. It furthermore gives the client a smoother user experience, since only the content has to be updated, rather than having to do full page reloads.

Programmable cart modifiers

During checkout, taxes have to be applied or attributed. Depending on the shipping destination, the product group and other factors, this computation can either be simple or quite demanding. Django-SHOP offers a pluggable interface to create modifiers which calculate the cart's totals, taxes and other costs.

This same interface can be extended to compute the weight and shipping costs. It also can be used for subtracting discounts or to add additional charges.

Programmable workflow for fulfilment and delivery

Fulfilling and shipping orders probably requires the most individual adaption for an e-commerce business. Django-SHOP offers a programmable interface for order by using a finite state machine to adopt the workflow. Each order may have several states, but the only actions allowed are limited to explicitly defined state transitions.

It's modular

Whenever possible, extra features should be added by third party libraries. This implies that django-SHOP aims to provide an API, which allows merchants to add every feature they desire.

Currently there are third party libraries for several Payment Service Providers, such as PayPal, Stripe, BS-PayOne and Viveum. An open interface allows you to add any other provider.

Shipping Service Providers may be added as third party library as well. With SendCloud, ship your orders using one or more parcel services available for your region.

Start by building your own demo

Instead of providing an accessible online demo, django-SHOP can be set up in less than three minutes and preconfigured to your needs. Having access to the product models, you can immediatly start to play arround with, rename, and modify them to reflect the properties of your products. This is the easiest way to get a shop up and running out of the box with the flexibility of a website that you could have built from scratch.

If you want to start with a fresh demo, please use the prepared Cookiecutter template for django-SHOP and follow the instructions.

Audience of django-SHOP users

Specifically, we aim at providing a clean, modular and Pythonic/Djangonic implementation of an e-commerce framework, that a moderately experienced Django developer should be able to pick up and run easily. Pure Django models are used to describe each product type, and so the Django admin can be used to build a minimalistic editor for each of them.


We provide full consultancy support and are available for building complete e-commerce systems based on django-SHOP. Please contact [email protected] for further questions.


Read the full documentation on Read-the-docs:


  • KeyError in admin using Customer proxy model

    KeyError in admin using Customer proxy model

    In admin, when using a proxy model the class method "decode_session_key" raises a key error


    Here's the code:

    class UserCustomerManager(models.Manager):
        def get_queryset(self):
            qs = super(UserCustomerManager, self).get_queryset()
            qs = qs.filter(customer__isnull=False)
            return qs
    class CustomerInlineAdmin(CustomerInlineAdminBase):
        fieldsets = (
            (None, {'fields': ('salutation', 'get_number', 'recognized',
                               'commercial_license_no', 'legal_structure',
                               'phone', 'logo')}),
            (_("Shipping Addresses"), {'fields': ('get_shipping_addresses',)})
    class CustomerAdmin(CustomerAdminBase):
        add_form = UserCreationForm
        form = UserChangeForm
        fieldsets = (
            (None, {'fields': ('email', 'password')}),
            (_('Permissions'), {'fields': ('is_active', 'is_staff', 'is_superuser',
                                           'groups', 'user_permissions')}),
            (_('Important dates'), {'fields': ('last_login', 'date_joined')})
        add_fieldsets = (
            (None, {'fields': ('email', 'password1', 'password2'),
                    'classes': ('wide',)}),
        list_display = ['get_username', 'salutation', 'recognized', 'last_access',
        inlines = (CustomerInlineAdmin,)
        def get_fieldsets(self, request, obj=None):
            return super(CustomerAdminBase, self).get_fieldsets(request, obj)
    class UserCustomer(get_user_model()):
        objects = UserCustomerManager()
        class Meta:
            proxy = True
            verbose_name = _("customer")
            verbose_name_plural = _("customers")
    admin.site.register(UserCustomer, CustomerAdmin)```
    opened by jab3z 28
  • LookupError: Model 'email_auth.User' not registered

    LookupError: Model 'email_auth.User' not registered

    I am trying to setup the project by cloning and installing all the apps listed. when i try to run migrate I am getting the error LookupError: Model 'email_auth.User' not registered. Please help me out

    blocker bug documentation 
    opened by raoarun25 23
  • Proposal for refactoring the way models are handled in Django-Shop.

    Proposal for refactoring the way models are handled in Django-Shop.

    Currently there are concrete and abstract models: BaseProductand Product, BaseCartand Cart, BaseCartItem and CartItem, BaseOrderand Order and finally, BaseOrderItem and OrderItem.

    The concrete models are stored in shop.models, whereas abstract models are stored in shop.models_bases. This is quite confusing and makes it difficult to find the right model definition whenever one has to access the definition of one of the models. Additionally, if someone wants to override a model, he must use a configuration directive, say PRODUCT_MODEL, ORDER_MODEL, ORDER_MODEL_ITEM from the projects settings.py. This makes configuration quite complicate and causes other drawbacks:

    • Unless someone overrides all models, the native ones appear in the administration backend below the category Show, while the customized ones appear under the given application name. To a customer, this backend inconsistency is quite difficult to explain.
    • In the past, having overriden and native models caused some issues with circular dependencies.

    Therefore my proposal is to remove all the configuration settings PRODUCT_MODEL, ORDER_MODEL, ORDER_MODEL_ITEM, etc. from django-shop. Additionally all concrete models, Product, Order, OrderItem, Cart, CartItem are removed from django-shop. These model definitions are just stubs, so removing them should not cause any harm. All abstract models are moved into the directory shop/models/; this is where a programmer expects them.

    For an application using django-shop this should not be a big deal. Each application simply derives each model from one of the abstract base models and thus creates its concrete model. This also avoids another problem, one might easily encounter: Say, one starts with django-shop and uses the built-in Cart model. In the database this is handled by a table named shop_cart. Sometimes later, he decides to add an extra field to the model Cart. He then has to create a customized cart model in his own application, but now the database table will have a different name and it is not possible to override this using app_name in the model's Meta class. These kinds of migration are not handled by South and therefore he has to write a migration for renaming the table by hand.

    Mapping of Foreign Keys

    One might argue, that this can't work, since foreign keys must refer to a real model, not to abstract ones! Therefore one can not add a field ForeignKey, OneToOneField or ManyToManyField which refers an abstract model in the Django-Shop project. However, these relations are fundamental for a properly working software. Imagine a CartItem without a foreign relation to Cart.

    Fortunately there is a neat trick to solve this problem. By deferring the mapping onto a real model, instead of using a real ForeignKey, one can use a special placeholder field defining a relation with an abstract model. Now, whenever the models are “materialized”, then these abstract relations are converted into real foreign keys. The only drawback for this solution is, that one may derive from an abstract model only once, but that's a non-issue and doesn't differ from the current situation, where one for instance, also can override Cart only once.

    I therefore would strongly encourage to refactor Django-Shop, since this will hugely simplify the current model system.

    Technical Details

    Instead of using models.ForeignKey, models.OneToOneField or models.ManyToManyField, I use special pseudo-fields: DeferredForeignKey, DeferredOneToOneField and DeferredManyToManyField. During model instantiation, these pseudo-fields are replaced against real foreign keys.

    Have a look at this meta class: https://github.com/jrief/django-shop/blob/refactor-models/shop/deferred.py

    Now an abstract model can be defined as: https://github.com/jrief/django-shop/blob/refactor-models/shop/models/abstract.py

    and the materialized model then is just as simple as:

    from shop.models import abstract
    class RealModel1(abstract.AbstractModel1):
    class RealModel2(abstract.AbstractModel2):
    class RealModel3(abstract.AbstractModel3):

    Gone are the days with dozens of configurations settings to hard wire the real models in Django-Shop.

    opened by jrief 22
  • Add ``data`` to extra price fields.

    Add ``data`` to extra price fields.

    Cart modifiers can add additional text data beside label and value (this data would be saved in ExtraOrderPriceField and ExtraOrderItemPriceField models).

    This allows filtering and identifying extra order and extra order item fields by some criteria.

    This change is full backward compatible.

    I hesitated to serialize extra data as json and tried to keep things as simple as possible.

    opened by bmihelac 22
  • Warehouse management and product availability.

    Warehouse management and product availability.

    Hi, I have a question about managing the available product quantity. I have reviewed the documentation and have not found any information about product stock management, as well status informing of product availability (Out in stock, Available, Waiting for delivery).

    Are these solutions planned to be introduced at django-shop?

    feature request 
    opened by maltitco 21
  • Payment modul

    Payment modul

    I have a question about creating a payment module for one of the operators. The operator I want to integrate requires that POST data to the transaction log after it returns a token for further authorization. One of these data is OrderId, which can be sent only once to the payment system. After this authorization and status check is carried out by the token given when the payment is registered.

    Should I implement the payment as it is with the "Pay in advance" method? Where an order is created with the possibility of later payment.

    Or is it possible to give the orderID in advance to the operator and go to his site to pay for the order?

    I have tracked how it is in the case of paypal payment and there the orderID is created only after returning from paypal with information on the correct payment of the order.

    opened by maltitco 21
  • Prevent circular imports when defining custom shop models

    Prevent circular imports when defining custom shop models

    The underlying problem is when you import


    or the other base models in your project. It will also import shop/models/init.py if you then have the SHOP_x_MODEL set to a Model you later define in this same file, you will get a circular import. Or if you use the other solutions so far, django-SHOP will try and import the custom model before it has been instantiated. The only way to fix this is to move anything the project needs to build a custom module outside shop.models. At the moment that is base models and managers. This needs to be done in combination with the previous solution, which I have included here.

    There are a few fixes that can be applied to make this backwards compatible. Are you maintaining backwards compatibility before 1.0?

    Tests are on their way. But right now it is an unusually sunny day for this time of year :)

    Signed-off-by: Simon Luijk [email protected]

    opened by simonluijk 18
  • Fixes circular importation problem.

    Fixes circular importation problem.

    This fixes the circular importation problem discussed here:


    and here:




    opened by legutierr 16
  • How to add some products to cart?

    How to add some products to cart?

    My shop needs to add some products to cart. Look to screen: test product

    I take screen from real working shop, which sales wholesale products, so there are some input fields under corresponding size label. At this moment I can add one product only. You can test on page http://xn--i1afgbfs.xn--p1ai/shop/tops/testovyj-produkt

    I placed two buttons. One of them is standart behavior (product-add2cart.html), which works very well. Second button is my trying - I cannot realize functionality of adding of some product. Unfortunatelly, I don't know how do it with angular. My tryings fails.

    Could you help me?

    And I think that django-shop needs more complex examples. I ready to add cloth example to django-shop as PR. Although I haven't cool programmer knowledge for it, but I want to help development of django-shop.

    opened by vivazzi 15
  • Error if email field is not unique

    Error if email field is not unique

    The docs quote:

    The savvy reader may have noticed that in email_auth.models.User, the email field is not declared as unique. This by the way causes Django to complain during startup with:

    However, I see that this is not a warning, it is an error:

    $./manage.py makemigrations
    SystemCheckError: System check identified some issues:
    email_auth.User: (auth.E003) 'User.email' must be unique because it is named as the 'USERNAME_FIELD'.


    AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'email_auth.User'
    SILENCED_SYSTEM_CHECKS = ['auth.W004']

    Shall I make it unique or did I miss a setting?

    opened by raratiru 14
  • Multilingual django-shop models

    Multilingual django-shop models

    I try to make it with django-hvad, but is going very dificult because of inheritance on PolymorphicModel, my question is what should we use for model translations in django-shop?

    opened by ikresoft 14
  • error while installation

    error while installation

    python -m pipenv install

    File "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\pipenv\resolver.py", line 845, in <module> main() File "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\pipenv\resolver.py", line 831, in main _main( File "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\pipenv\resolver.py", line 811, in _main resolve_packages( File "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\pipenv\resolver.py", line 759, in resolve_packages results, resolver = resolve( File "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\pipenv\resolver.py", line 738, in resolve return resolve_deps( File "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\pipenv\utils\resolver.py", line 1100, in resolve_deps results, hashes, markers_lookup, resolver, skipped = actually_resolve_deps( File "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\pipenv\utils\resolver.py", line 899, in actually_resolve_deps resolver.resolve() File "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\pipenv\utils\resolver.py", line 685, in resolve results = resolver.resolve(self.constraints, check_supported_wheels=False) File "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\pipenv\patched\pip\_internal\resolution\resolvelib\resolver.py", line 92, in resolve result = self._result = resolver.resolve( File "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\pipenv\patched\pip\_vendor\resolvelib\resolvers.py", line 481, in resolve state = resolution.resolve(requirements, max_rounds=max_rounds) File "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\pipenv\patched\pip\_vendor\resolvelib\resolvers.py", line 373, in resolve failure_causes = self._attempt_to_pin_criterion(name) File "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\pipenv\patched\pip\_vendor\resolvelib\resolvers.py", line 211, in _attempt_to_pin_criterion for candidate in criterion.candidates: File "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\pipenv\patched\pip\_internal\resolution\resolvelib\found_candidates.py", line 143, in <genexpr> return (c for c in iterator if id(c) not in self._incompatible_ids) File "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\pipenv\patched\pip\_internal\resolution\resolvelib\found_candidates.py", line 47, in _iter_built candidate = func() File "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\pipenv\patched\pip\_internal\resolution\resolvelib\factory.py", line 206, in _make_candidate_from_link self._link_candidate_cache[link] = LinkCandidate( File "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\pipenv\patched\pip\_internal\resolution\resolvelib\candidates.py", line 301, in __init__ super().__init__( File "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\pipenv\patched\pip\_internal\resolution\resolvelib\candidates.py", line 163, in __init__ self.dist = self._prepare() File "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\pipenv\patched\pip\_internal\resolution\resolvelib\candidates.py", line 232, in _prepare dist = self._prepare_distribution() File "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\pipenv\patched\pip\_internal\resolution\resolvelib\candidates.py", line 312, in _prepare_distribution return preparer.prepare_linked_requirement(self._ireq, parallel_builds=True) File "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\pipenv\patched\pip\_internal\operations\prepare.py", line 491, in prepare_linked_requirement return self._prepare_linked_requirement(req, parallel_builds) File "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\pipenv\patched\pip\_internal\operations\prepare.py", line 536, in _prepare_linked_requirement local_file = unpack_url( File "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\pipenv\patched\pip\_internal\operations\prepare.py", line 176, in unpack_url unpack_file(file.path, location, file.content_type) File "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\pipenv\patched\pip\_internal\utils\unpacking.py", line 246, in unpack_file untar_file(filename, location) File "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\pipenv\patched\pip\_internal\utils\unpacking.py", line 188, in untar_file ensure_dir(path) File "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python38\site-packages\pipenv\patched\pip\_internal\utils\misc.py", line 105, in ensure_dir os.makedirs(path) File "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\os.py", line 225, in makedirs mkdir(name, mode) FileNotFoundError: [WinError 206] The file name or its extension is too long: 'C:\\Users\\xxx\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\pip-temp-2cu_5tkh\\django-rest-auth_ca48644e708044e6ac8b0f892d1498d2\\rest_auth/rest_auth/rest_auth/rest_auth/rest_auth/rest_auth/rest_auth/rest_auth/rest_auth/rest_auth/rest_auth/rest_auth/rest_auth/rest_auth/rest_auth/'

    opened by vyual 0
  • An admin for model

    An admin for model "User" has to be registered to be referenced by FolderAdmin.autocomplete_fields

    When doing a basic install, as indicated in the tutorial and running pipenv run ./manage.py initialize_shop_demo, I get the following error.

    (base) ➜  my-shop  pipenv run ./manage.py initialize_shop_demo
    /home/user/.local/share/virtualenvs/my-shop-mW1dO9i8/lib/python3.7/site-packages/shop/apps.py:32: UserWarning: 
    Your caching backend does not support invalidation by key pattern.
    Please use `django-redis-cache`, or wait until the product's HTML
    snippet cache expires by itself.
    SystemCheckError: System check identified some issues:
    <class 'filer.admin.folderadmin.FolderAdmin'>: (admin.E039) An admin for model "User" has to be registered to be referenced by FolderAdmin.autocomplete_fields.
    <class 'filer.admin.permissionadmin.PermissionAdmin'>: (admin.E039) An admin for model "User" has to be registered to be referenced by PermissionAdmin.autocomplete_fields.
    opened by artforlife 2
  • Is project still active?

    Is project still active?


    i just looking for django eshop, and this project look promisely is it still active? i am asking because of dependency django<3.1 from django 3.x only 3.2 is still alive and also it is LTS are you planning to add support for django 3.2?

    or is there any fork which continues in this project?

    thanks for reply

    opened by tyctor 2
  • Clear Cart functionality (aka delete all items in Cart at once)

    Clear Cart functionality (aka delete all items in Cart at once)

    Feature Request: REST API to delete all items in a cart (or delete the cart itself) e.g.

    DELETE /shop/api/cart

    Reason: There is currently no way to do this other than running a loop over each cart item and setting its quantity to 0, which is more of a hack and puts load on the server + is not stable enough.

    opened by SaadBazaz 0
  • Cannot install: No module named weakref

    Cannot install: No module named weakref

    I'm looking forward to trying django-SHOP. in following the tutorial here: https://django-shop.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial/intro.html

    I cannot get the following step to run when installing django-SHOP on Ubuntu 18.04: pipenv install --sequential or another version suggested in another ticket: pipenv install --sequential --skip-lock

    The traceback I get is:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/rob/.local/bin/pipenv", line 7, in <module>
        from pipenv import cli
      File "/home/rob/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pipenv/__init__.py", line 22, in <module>
        from pipenv.vendor.vistir.compat import ResourceWarning, fs_str
      File "/home/rob/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pipenv/vendor/vistir/__init__.py", line 4, in <module>
        from .compat import (
      File "/home/rob/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pipenv/vendor/vistir/compat.py", line 13, in <module>
        from .backports.tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile as _NamedTemporaryFile
      File "/home/rob/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pipenv/vendor/vistir/backports/__init__.py", line 6, in <module>
        from .tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
      File "/home/rob/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pipenv/vendor/vistir/backports/tempfile.py", line 15, in <module>
        from backports.weakref import finalize
    ImportError: No module named weakref

    note that is trying to use python 2.7. So I did the following: pipenv install --python 3.9 --sequential


    pipenv install --python=/usr/local/bin/Python3.9.9 --sequential


    pipenv install --python '/usr/local/bin/Python3.9.9' --sequential

    It is still trying to use python 2.7 and gives the same error.

    I have setup virtual environments with Python 3.6, which failed because some dependencies needed >3.7. I tried python 3.8, 3.10.0, and 3.9.9. I tried pip install and pip3 install. Tried installing Python to /usr/bin and usr/local/bin. I have updated pip to the latest version, and manually installed backports.weakref using pip and pip3.

    I have tried with and without optimizations: sudo ./configure --enable-optimizations

    when I open a python 3.9.9 prompt and import weakrefs, it is there. When I pip install, it say requirement is already satisfied. When I run pipenv install --sequential I get ImportError: No module named weakref and referencing 2.7 instead of 3.9.9. I am out of ideas to try.

    opened by robline 0
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