We are extremely happy to announce the smallest release version ever - v2.0.0 🎉🎉!
The number one customer request was reducing package size. Some customers use a different tracing provider. Others used Parser (Pydantic) for data modelling and deep data validation instead of JSON Schema Validation. A few brought large machine learning models and every bit of space they can save matters.
The number two request was ARM64 support. Customers want to benefit from performance and cost savings for their workloads. However, they don’t want to invest additional time testing and compiling dependencies they use daily for ARM64.
We’ve spent the past 2 months optimizing as much as we could. We kept breaking changes to a minimum to make your transition to v2 as smooth as possible.
For backwards incompatible changes, we’ve spent considerable effort making sure they are visible, why we implemented them, and and what to do if they affect you.
Our sincerest appreciation for the community help and patience while we’ve worked on this release - Thank you ❤️!
Table of contents
What's New in V2
Python compatibility
We dropped support for Python 3.6. We highly recommend moving to the latest Python available in AWS Lambda (3.9).
Package size reduction by 97.6%
We now rely on AWS SDK available in the Lambda runtime, and all other dependencies are marked as optional.
There are subtle but important differences in the installation experience - PyPi (all optional) and Lambda Layer (all included).
The compressed package size is now approximately 240K (previously 10M).
We updated each documentation to emphasize when an additional dependency is required (Tracer, Validation and Parser). If you prefer to install all of them, use pip install aws-lambda-powertools[all]
Note. If you need to use newer AWS services or features not available in the Lambda runtime provided SDK, you'll need to bundle boto3
as a dependency.
Lambda Layer
The compressed package size is now approximately 2M (previously 17M).
Lambda Layer includes all dependencies. They're also optimized for package size and speed (Pydantic now compiled with Cython for ~30-50% speed gain).
ARM Support
We now offer full support to ARM via Lambda Layer and SAR installation. All C-extension dependencies are compiled, optimized and tested against Lambda environment.
PyPi and Lambda Layer available upon release notes event
You can now safely subscribe to GitHub Release event to know when PyPi and Lambda Layer ARNs have the latest version.
Previously, PyPi, Lambda Layers, and docs were updated after a release notes went live to GitHub (~15m completion). Due to Lambda Layer compilation (x86/ARM64), this process takes on average 30m longer.
As such, we make releases prior to sharing release notes, guaranteeing for customers watching for GitHub Releases that Layer ARNs available in the documentation match PyPi releases (no more delays).
Event Handler REST new features
Multi-value header and cookies support
When returning custom responses, you now can add a list of values for a header, including cookies.
Event Handler will seamless adapt to the expected format based on resolver used, whether that is REST API, HTTP API, ALB, or Function URL.
from http import HTTPStatus
from uuid import uuid4
import requests
from aws_lambda_powertools.event_handler import (
from aws_lambda_powertools.shared.cookies import Cookie
from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.typing import LambdaContext
app = APIGatewayRestResolver()
def get_todos():
todos: requests.Response = requests.get("")
dummy_transactions = [f"{uuid4()}", f"{uuid4()}", f"{uuid4()}"]
multi_value_header = {"X-Transaction-Id": dummy_transactions}
return Response(
status_code=HTTPStatus.OK.value, # 200
headers=multi_value_header, # NEW
cookies=[Cookie(name="session_id", value="12345")], # NEW
def lambda_handler(event: dict, context: LambdaContext) -> dict:
return app.resolve(event, context)
NOTE. For ALB, you have to explicitly enable multi-value headers in the target configuration.
Trailing slash route support
now seamless support route resolution with trailing slashes: /todos/
Previously, requests with a trailing slash would return HTTP 404 due to route mismatch.
Note. This was not necessary for HTTP API and ALB.
Fully qualified names for Tracer subsegments
or tracer.capture_lambda_handler
decorators now use the decorated function or method fully qualified name as the subsegment name.
This enables accurate traces for ABC or Protocol classes, where their method name will be the same but for distinct classes.

Backwards incompatible change in v2
Here’s a quick view of deprecated features removed and backwards incompatible changes.
| Area | Change | Code change required | IAM Permissions change required |
| ---------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------- | ------------------------------- |
| Batch | Removed legacy SQS batch processor in favour of BatchProcessor
. | Yes | - |
| Environment variables | Removed legacy POWERTOOLS_EVENT_HANDLER_DEBUG
in favour of POWERTOOLS_DEV
. | - | - |
| Event Handler | Updated headers response format due to multi-value headers and cookie support. | Tests only | - |
| Event Source Data Classes | Replaced DynamoDBStreamEvent AttributeValue
with native Python types. | Yes | - |
| Feature Flags / Parameters | Updated AppConfig API calls due to GetConfiguration
API deprecation. | - | Yes |
| Idempotency | Updated partition key to include fully qualified function/method names. | - | - |
Event Source Data Classes DynamoDBStreamEvent
Upgrade guide
You will now receive native Python types when accessing DynamoDB records via keys
, new_image
, and old_image
attributes in DynamoDBStreamEvent.
Previously, you'd receive an AttributeValue
instance. For most customers, this made it difficult to handle Change Data Capture use cases due to having an additional step to deserialize data to Python native types (str
, dict
etc) when processing them.
from aws_lambda_powertools.utilities.data_classes.dynamo_db_stream_event import (
def send_to_sqs(data: Dict):
body = json.dumps(data)
def lambda_handler(event: DynamoDBStreamEvent, context):
for record in event.records:
new_image: Dict[str, AttributeValue] = record.dynamodb.new_image
event_type: AttributeValue = new_image["eventType"].get_value
if event_type == "PENDING":
# deserialize attribute value into Python native type
# NOTE: nested objects would need additional logic
data = {k: v.get_value for k, v in image.items()}
new_image: Dict[str, Any] = record.dynamodb.new_image
if new_image.get("eventType") == "PENDING":
send_to_sqs(new_image) # Here new_image is just a Python Dict type
Feature Flags and Parameters AppConfig new IAM permission
Upgrade guide. No code changes required.
We replaced GetConfiguration
API (now deprecated) with GetLatestConfiguration
and StartConfigurationSession
As such, you must update your IAM Role permissions to allow the following IAM actions:
Idempotency partition key format
Upgrade guide. No code changes required
Similar to Tracer, we also updated Idempotency to use fully qualified name. This means that recent non-expired idempotent transactions will be ignored.

Deprecated features removed
Legacy SQS Batch Processor
Upgrade guide.
We removed the deprecated PartialSQSProcessor
class and sqs_batch_processor
decorator in favour of BatchProcessor
launched 11 months ago.
provides nearly the same developer experience while improving speed and security, as it natively integrates with Lambda ReportBachItemFailures feature.
environment variable in favour of POWERTOOLS_DEV
POWERTOOLS_DEV consolidate additional features to ease prototyping against local or non-production environment.
🌟New features and non-breaking changes
- feat(ci): release docs as alpha when doing a pre-release (#1624) by @rubenfonseca
- feat(data-classes): replace AttributeValue in DynamoDBStreamEvent with deserialized Python values (#1619) by @shanab
- feat(apigateway): ignore trailing slashes in routes (APIGatewayRestResolver) (#1609) by @walmsles
- docs(homepage): auto-update Layer ARN on every release (#1610) by @rubenfonseca
- feat(data_classes): add KinesisFirehoseEvent (#1540) by @ryandeivert
📜 Documentation updates
- fix(ci): remove v2 suffix from SAR apps (#1633) by @rubenfonseca
- docs(upgrade_guide): add latest changes and quick summary (#1623) by @leandrodamascena
- refactor(apigateway): remove POWERTOOLS_EVENT_HANDLER_DEBUG env var (#1620) by @heitorlessa
- feat(data-classes): replace AttributeValue in DynamoDBStreamEvent with deserialized Python values (#1619) by @shanab
- feat(apigateway): ignore trailing slashes in routes (APIGatewayRestResolver) (#1609) by @walmsles
- docs(homepage): auto-update Layer ARN on every release (#1610) by @rubenfonseca
- feat(data_classes): add KinesisFirehoseEvent (#1540) by @ryandeivert
🐛 Bug and hot fixes
- fix(parser): S3Model Object Deleted omits size and eTag attr (#1638) by @barreeeiroo
- fix(ci): remove v2 suffix from SAR apps (#1633) by @rubenfonseca
🔧 Maintenance
- chore(deps-dev): bump aws-cdk-lib from 2.46.0 to 2.47.0 (#1629) by @dependabot
- chore: merge v2 branch (#1625) by @rubenfonseca
- docs(upgrade_guide): add latest changes and quick summary (#1623) by @leandrodamascena
- chore(deps-dev): bump mypy-boto3-s3 from 1.24.76 to 1.24.94 (#1622) by @dependabot
- chore(ci): remove v1 workflows (#1617) by @rubenfonseca
- feat(apigateway): ignore trailing slashes in routes (APIGatewayRestResolver) (#1609) by @walmsles
- chore(dep): add cfn-lint as a dev dependency (#1612) by @heitorlessa
- chore(deps): remove email-validator; use Str over EmailStr in SES model (#1608) by @rubenfonseca
- docs(homepage): auto-update Layer ARN on every release (#1610) by @rubenfonseca
- chore(deps): bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.21.0 to 5.21.1 (#1611) by @dependabot
This release was made possible by the following contributors:
@barreeeiroo, @dependabot, @dependabot[bot], @heitorlessa, @kt-hr, @leandrodamascena, @rubenfonseca, @ryandeivert, @shanab, @walmsles, @ran-isenberg and Release bot
Source code(tar.gz)
Source code(zip)