Official PyTorch implementation of "Meta-Learning with Task-Adaptive Loss Function for Few-Shot Learning" (ICCV2021 Oral)


MeTAL - Meta-Learning with Task-Adaptive Loss Function for Few-Shot Learning (ICCV2021 Oral)

Sungyong Baik, Janghoon Choi, Heewon Kim, Dohee Cho, Jaesik Min, Kyoung Mu Lee

Official PyTorch implementation of Meta-Learning with Task-Adaptive Loss Function for Few-Shot Learning (ICCV2021 Oral)

The code is based off the public code of MAML++, where their reimplementation of MAML is used as the baseline. The code also includes the implementation of ALFA.

[Paper-arXiv] [Video]


Ubuntu 18.04

  • Anaconda3
  • Python==3.7.10
  • PyTorch==1.4
  • numpy==1.19.2

To install requirements, first download Anaconda3 and then run the following:

conda create -n metal python=3.7.10
conda activate metal


For miniIamgenet, the dataset can be downloaded from the link provided from MAML++ public code. make a directory named 'datasets' and place the downloaded miniImagnet under the 'datasets' directory.


To train a model, run the following command in experiments_scripts directory

bash $GPU_ID


After training is finished, evaluation is performed automatically. To run an evaluation manually, run the same command

bash $GPU_ID


Model Backbone 1-shot Accuracy 5-shot Accuracy
MAML 4-CONV 49.64 ± 0.31% 64.99 ± 0.27%
MeTAL 4-CONV 52.63 ± 0.37% 70.52 ± 0.29%
ALFA+MAML 4-CONV 50.58 ± 0.51% 69.12 ± 0.47%
ALFA+MeTAL 4-CONV 57.75 ± 0.38% 74.10 ± 0.43%
MAML ResNet12 58.60 ± 0.42% 69.54 ± 0.38%
MeTAL ResNet12 59.64 ± 0.38% 76.20 ± 0.19%
ALFA+MAML ResNet12 59.74 ± 0.49% 77.96 ± 0.41%
ALFA+MeTAL ResNet12 66.61 ± 0.28% 81.43 ± 0.29%


 title={Meta-Learning with Task-Adaptive Loss Function for Few-Shot Learning},
 author={Sungyong Baik, Janghoon Choi, Heewon Kim, Dohee Cho, Jaesik Min, Kyoung Mu Lee}
 booktitle = {International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)}, 
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  • naming confuse from code to paper, and outer-loop procedure.

    naming confuse from code to paper, and outer-loop procedure.

    MeTAL is an inspiring effort for meta learning !!

    I want to understand some details in your work:

    1. Is the generated_alpha_params and generated_beta_params represent the \gamma and \beta for affine transformation in
    2. Can I understand your update for meta-learner as:
    • In inner-loop, the base-model will be trained with adaptive loss generated by \gamma and \beta from meta-learner;
    • In the outer-loop, the query set will be used to check the performance of the base-model from the inner-loop, and these losses will be used to update the meta-learner to generate more generalization loss.
    1. Suppose my comprehension of your work is proper. Could you answer one of my puzzles: when use the same task dataset for the inner and outer loop update, is it a cheat for meta-learner to generate robust and generalized parameters for the inner-loop to perform well? Just like giving the validation dataset for the model to train.

    Thanks for your work again!! I am looking forward to your reply!

    opened by MagicDevilZhang 2
  • the training process got stuck

    the training process got stuck

    when i try to training the model, i prepared like the README says, but i don't konw why the whole process can't keep going after the print of layer_dict

    batch_size 2 <class 'int'> image_height 84 <class 'int'> image_width 84 <class 'int'> image_channels 3 <class 'int'> reset_stored_filepaths False <class 'bool'> reverse_channels False <class 'bool'> num_of_gpus 1 <class 'int'> indexes_of_folders_indicating_class [-3, -2] <class 'list'> train_val_test_split [0.64, 0.16, 0.2] <class 'list'> samples_per_iter 1 <class 'int'> labels_as_int False <class 'bool'> seed 104 <class 'int'> gpu_to_use 4 <class 'int'> num_dataprovider_workers 4 <class 'int'> max_models_to_save 5 <class 'int'> dataset_name mini_imagenet_full_size <class 'str'> dataset_path datasets/datasets/mini_imagenet_full_size dataset_path datasets/mini_imagenet_full_size <class 'str'> reset_stored_paths False <class 'bool'> experiment_name MeTAL <class 'str'> architecture_name None <class 'NoneType'> continue_from_epoch latest <class 'str'> dropout_rate_value 0.0 <class 'float'> num_target_samples 15 <class 'int'> second_order True <class 'bool'> total_epochs 100 <class 'int'> total_iter_per_epoch 500 <class 'int'> min_learning_rate 0.001 <class 'float'> meta_learning_rate 0.001 <class 'float'> meta_opt_bn False <class 'bool'> task_learning_rate 0.1 <class 'float'> norm_layer batch_norm <class 'str'> max_pooling True <class 'bool'> per_step_bn_statistics False <class 'bool'> num_classes_per_set 5 <class 'int'> cnn_num_blocks 4 <class 'int'> number_of_training_steps_per_iter 5 <class 'int'> number_of_evaluation_steps_per_iter 5 <class 'int'> cnn_num_filters 48 <class 'int'> cnn_blocks_per_stage 1 <class 'int'> num_samples_per_class 5 <class 'int'> name_of_args_json_file experiment_config/MeTAL.json <class 'str'> backbone 4-CONV <class 'str'> attenuate False <class 'bool'> alfa False <class 'bool'> random_init False <class 'bool'> meta_loss True <class 'bool'> train_seed 0 <class 'int'> val_seed 0 <class 'int'> sets_are_pre_split True <class 'bool'> evaluate_on_test_set_only False <class 'bool'> num_evaluation_tasks 600 <class 'int'> multi_step_loss_num_epochs 15 <class 'int'> minimum_per_task_contribution 0.01 <class 'float'> learnable_per_layer_per_step_inner_loop_learning_rate False <class 'bool'> enable_inner_loop_optimizable_bn_params False <class 'bool'> evalute_on_test_set_only False <class 'bool'> learnable_batch_norm_momentum False <class 'bool'> load_into_memory False <class 'bool'> init_inner_loop_learning_rate 0.01 <class 'float'> init_inner_loop_weight_decay 0.0005 <class 'float'> learnable_bn_gamma True <class 'bool'> learnable_bn_beta True <class 'bool'> total_epochs_before_pause 101 <class 'int'> first_order_to_second_order_epoch -1 <class 'int'> weight_decay 0.0 <class 'float'> num_stages 4 <class 'int'> conv_padding True <class 'bool'> use_multi_step_loss_optimization False <class 'bool'> use GPU 0 GPU ID 0 Using max pooling torch.Size([2, 48, 84, 84]) torch.Size([2, 48, 42, 42]) torch.Size([2, 48, 21, 21]) torch.Size([2, 48, 10, 10]) VGGNetwork build torch.Size([2, 5]) meta network params layer_dict.conv0.conv.weight torch.Size([48, 3, 3, 3]) layer_dict.conv0.conv.bias torch.Size([48]) layer_dict.conv0.norm_layer.running_mean torch.Size([48]) layer_dict.conv0.norm_layer.running_var torch.Size([48]) layer_dict.conv0.norm_layer.bias torch.Size([48]) layer_dict.conv0.norm_layer.weight torch.Size([48]) layer_dict.conv1.conv.weight torch.Size([48, 48, 3, 3]) layer_dict.conv1.conv.bias torch.Size([48]) layer_dict.conv1.norm_layer.running_mean torch.Size([48]) layer_dict.conv1.norm_layer.running_var torch.Size([48]) layer_dict.conv1.norm_layer.bias torch.Size([48]) layer_dict.conv1.norm_layer.weight torch.Size([48]) layer_dict.conv2.conv.weight torch.Size([48, 48, 3, 3]) layer_dict.conv2.conv.bias torch.Size([48]) layer_dict.conv2.norm_layer.running_mean torch.Size([48]) layer_dict.conv2.norm_layer.running_var torch.Size([48]) layer_dict.conv2.norm_layer.bias torch.Size([48]) layer_dict.conv2.norm_layer.weight torch.Size([48]) layer_dict.conv3.conv.weight torch.Size([48, 48, 3, 3]) layer_dict.conv3.conv.bias torch.Size([48]) layer_dict.conv3.norm_layer.running_mean torch.Size([48]) layer_dict.conv3.norm_layer.running_var torch.Size([48]) layer_dict.conv3.norm_layer.bias torch.Size([48]) layer_dict.conv3.norm_layer.weight torch.Size([48]) layer_dict.linear.weights torch.Size([5, 1200]) layer_dict.linear.bias torch.Size([5])

    after show this the training process doesn't keep going but still hold this states without break down @baiksung would you mind tell me what happened and how to solve it? tks a lot

    opened by Ren-Zixin 0
Sungyong Baik
Ph.D. Student in CVLab, SNU
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