Balanced API library in python.



Online Marketplace Payments

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v1.x requires Balanced API 1.1. Use v0.x for Balanced API 1.0.


pip install balanced


View Balanced's online tutorial and documentation at


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Write your code and unit tests
  4. Ensure all tests still pass (nosetests)
  5. PEP8 your code
  6. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  7. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  8. Create new pull request

Documentation scenarios

Each scenario lives in the scenarios directory and is comprised of the following:

  • definition.mako - Method definition
  • request.mako - Scenario code
  • - Processed request.mako. Can be executed directly in Python. Generated by
  • python.mako - Documentation template to be consumed by balanced-docs. Generated by -
  • Failed to handle doesn't exist resource correctly

    Failed to handle doesn't exist resource correctly

    Install 1.1.0dev

    pip install balanced==1.1.0dev

    and run following script

    import balanced
    from wac import NoResultFound
    api_key = balanced.APIKey().save()
    balanced.config.Client.config.auth = (api_key.secret, '')
        mp = balanced.Marketplace.my_marketplace
    except (NoResultFound, balanced.exc.NoResultFound):
        mp = balanced.Marketplace().save()
    print mp

    and here is the error

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "tests/rev1/", line 5, in <module>
        mp = balanced.Marketplace.my_marketplace
      File "/srv/acceptance/.tox/rev1/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/balanced/", line 13, in __get__
        return self.fget.__get__(obj, klass)()
      File "/srv/acceptance/.tox/rev1/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/balanced/", line 225, in mine
      File "/srv/acceptance/.tox/rev1/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 783, in one
        items = self.pagination._page(0, 2).items
      File "/srv/acceptance/.tox/rev1/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/balanced/", line 128, in items
        return self.event_callbacks
    AttributeError: 'JSONSchemaPage' object has no attribute 'event_callbacks'

    It should raise NoResultFound, but somehow, something is broken

    bug 1.1 
    opened by fangpenlin 11
  • TypeError at /rider/edit/2/ the_new() keywords must be strings (line 317, branch: requests 1.1.0)

    TypeError at /rider/edit/2/ the_new() keywords must be strings (line 317, branch: requests 1.1.0)

    Able to create bank account (i can see it in my account online), but it throws this error before i am able to parse a response.

    Exception Location: Bustr/bustr/ENV/lib/python2.6/site-packages/balanced/ in save, line 317


    opened by cinquemb 11
  • Debit class has no `self.refunds_uri`

    Debit class has no `self.refunds_uri`

    Been looking at this class:

    class Debit(Resource):
        A Debit represents a transfer of funds from a buyer's Account to your
        Marketplace's escrow account.
        A Debit may be created directly, or it will be created as a side-effect
        of capturing a Hold. If you create a Debit directly it will implicitly
        create the associated Hold if the funding source supports this.
        If no Hold is specified, the Debit will by default be created using the
        most recently added funding source associated with the Account. You
        cannot change the funding source between creating a Hold and capturing
        __metaclass__ = resource_base(collection='debits')
        def refund(self, amount=None, description=None, meta=None):
            Refunds this Debit. If no amount is specified it will refund the entire
            amount of the Debit, you may create many Refunds up to the sum total
            of the original Debit's amount.
            :rtype: Refund
            meta = meta or {}
            return Refund(

    But when you try to use this, you get AttributeError: 'Debit' object has no attribute 'refunds_uri'

    I tried changing self.refunds_uri to self.uri but then I got: HTTPError: Method Not Allowed: 405: Your request id is OHM2f81d254500c11e...redacted....

    opened by peterbe 9
  • Card.associate_to_customer(customer) fails

    Card.associate_to_customer(customer) fails

    When I call: MYCARD.associate_to_customer(customer) It fails to save when adding new attribute 'links' to Card object as indicated in

    class FundingInstrument(Resource):
        def associate_to_customer(self, customer):
            except AttributeError:
                self.links = {}
            self.links['customer'] = utils.extract_href_from_object(customer)

    In fact, at the end of saving process, MYCARD got a new attribute called 'customer_href' instead of 'links' that I expected. Next, I fetch MYCARD again to see its response, but neither 'links' nor 'customer_href' is on MYCARD. However, the number of cards associated with the customer increases by one.

    I'd appreciate any help. Thanks!

    opened by quangkcao 8
  • Implement the Customers resource

    Implement the Customers resource

    We have a new Customer resource.

    With a customer you should be able to debit, credit, as well as add_card and add_bank_account. A customer should be able to tell you their active_card and active_bank_account.

    opened by mjallday 8
  • Does not work with python <= 2.6

    Does not work with python <= 2.6

    >>> balanced.Card(card_number='4111111111111111', expiration_month=12, expiration_year=2020).save()
    Traceback (most recent call last):
       File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
       File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/balanced/", line 356, in the_init
         self.uri = uri_discovery(self)
       File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/balanced/", line 265, in uri_discovery
     ValueError: zero length field name in format
    opened by mjallday 7
  • Upgrade Requests to 1.2.3; #43

    Upgrade Requests to 1.2.3; #43

    This repins requests in requirements.txt. The change is so minor that I can't imagine Requests 1.1.0 wouldn't still work, but it seemed better to stick with pinning and let advanced users manually use an older Requests version as necessary.

    opened by chadwhitacre 6
  • Unable to add buyer w/o card URI

    Unable to add buyer w/o card URI

    I was trying to add a buyer without a card URI as I was wanting to write my program in steps instead of doing 2 things at once.

    client = balanced.Marketplace.my_marketplace.create_buyer(email, None)

    This returns an issue saying that None is not a valid card URI.

    client = balanced.Marketplace.my_marketplace.create_buyer(email, {})

    This returns saying that "{}" needs to be a URI

    client = balanced.Marketplace.my_marketplace.create_buyer(email, "")

    Same as using None.

    The fix for this is to do the following:

    client = balanced.Account(uri=balanced.Marketplace.my_marketplace.accounts_uri,email_address=email).save()

    Perhaps there can be an easier fix for this, though?

    opened by SecurityForUs 5
  • Edit cancel function to void holds

    Edit cancel function to void holds wasn't actually working for the python library. The holds object voided_at would just return as null when you called cancel.

    opened by rserna2010 4
  • Is our version schema correct (for pip)?

    Is our version schema correct (for pip)?

    I just tried to install it with

    pip install "balanced<1.0"

    But what I got looks like this

    Downloading/unpacking balanced<1.0
      Downloading balanced-1.beta3.tar.gz
      Running egg_info for package balanced

    I am pretty familiar with how pip handles version number, maybe we can figure it out, see is this our problem or that's a bug of pip or something else.

    An article to reference to:

    opened by fangpenlin 4
  • update to newest version of requests

    update to newest version of requests

    The requests library has gone through big changes since the April 2012 version the balanced python client requires:

    It had some backwards incompatible changes w/ the big refactor/rewrite 1.0 release, but that's now 2 months ago, so it might be stable enough to rely on by now. Might take a bit of reworking of our code, I don’t know how hard it would be.

    Also worth investigating is version 0.14.2 of Requests from the end of October, the last version before the big refactor.

    When trying to run on google app engine, the python client currently fails, because requests can't find a list of certificate authority keys, and therefore raises an exception. It’s possible to work around this by leaving the same requests version and modifying the balanced python client. But it also might fix things to just use a newer version of the library. I haven’t done much testing of it.

    opened by jrus 4
  • docs: fix simple typo, resouce -> resource

    docs: fix simple typo, resouce -> resource

    There is a small typo in tests/

    Should read resource rather than resouce.

    Semi-automated pull request generated by

    opened by timgates42 1
  • Exception Type for NoResultFound is incorrect

    Exception Type for NoResultFound is incorrect

    For instance when running a simple query that returns no results:

    customer = balanced.Customer.query.filter(

    the error type should be balanced.exc.NoResultFound, instead it's wac.NoResultFound.

    opened by rserna2010 0
  • The NoResultFound should be the one in balanced rather than wac

    The NoResultFound should be the one in balanced rather than wac

    I noticed that the NoResultFound raised was the one from balanced in revision 1.0 client. However, it appears that becomes the one from wac in revision 1.1.

    2014-04-21 11:31:52,489 ERROR [billy.models.base][Dummy-3] Failed to process transaction TX7SpmonpnuYoDt4JF1Yetsq, failure_count=1
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/Users/VictorLin/Documents/workspace/billy/billy/models/", line 316, in process_one
        result = method(transaction)
      File "/Users/VictorLin/Documents/workspace/billy/billy/models/processors/", line 49, in callee
        return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
      File "/Users/VictorLin/Documents/workspace/billy/billy/models/processors/", line 333, in debit
      File "/Users/VictorLin/Documents/workspace/billy/billy/models/processors/", line 286, in _do_transaction
        record = self._get_resource_by_tx_guid(resource_cls, transaction.guid)
      File "/Users/VictorLin/Documents/workspace/billy/billy/models/processors/", line 254, in _get_resource_by_tx_guid
        .filter(**{'meta.billy.transaction_guid': guid})
      File "/Users/VictorLin/Documents/workspace/billy/env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/", line 788, in one
        raise NoResultFound()

    IMHO, that should be the one from balanced.

    opened by fangpenlin 0
  • Python3 support

    Python3 support

    Implemented python3 support (HOWEVER: at the cost of python2 support). Currently, requires wac to be installed from my fork, since I had to port that to python3 as well. However, I will be submitting a pull request to wac's author as well. Passed all test cases of nosetests.

    opened by zmike808 6
  • Write a test for sideloading

    Write a test for sideloading

    Given the payload

        "debits": [
                "amount": 5000, 
                "appears_on_statement_as": "BAL*Statement text", 
                "created_at": "2014-02-27T20:03:06.176697Z", 
                "currency": "USD", 
                "description": "Some descriptive text for the debit in the dashboard", 
                "failure_reason": null, 
                "failure_reason_code": null, 
                "href": "/debits/WD1l5vYA21ZP24LMQMqHizea", 
                "id": "WD1l5vYA21ZP24LMQMqHizea", 
                "links": {
                    "customer": null, 
                    "dispute": null, 
                    "order": null, 
                    "source": "CC1diaA1Lunr4RlelwKQ8C4v"
                "meta": {}, 
                "status": "succeeded", 
                "transaction_number": "W347-910-8642", 
                "updated_at": "2014-02-27T20:03:07.629780Z"
        "foos": [
        "links": {
            "debits.customer": "/customers/{debits.customer}", 
            "debits.dispute": "/disputes/{debits.dispute}", 
            "": "/debits/{}/events", 
            "debits.order": "/orders/{debits.order}", 
            "debits.refunds": "/debits/{}/refunds", 
            "debits.source": "/resources/{debits.source}"

    Make sure that this client library does not choke and return the wrong object.

    opened by mjallday 0
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