Multi-Stage Spatial-Temporal Convolutional Neural Network (MS-GCN)

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Deep Learning MS-GCN

Multi-Stage Spatial-Temporal Convolutional Neural Network (MS-GCN)

This code implements the skeleton-based action segmentation MS-GCN model from Automated freezing of gait assessment with marker-based motion capture and multi-stage spatial-temporal graph convolutional neural networks and Skeleton-based action segmentation with multi-stage spatial-temporal graph convolutional neural networks, arXiv 2022 (in-review).

It was originally developed for freezing of gait (FOG) assessment on a proprietary dataset. Recently, we have also achieved high skeleton-based action segmentation performance on public datasets, e.g. HuGaDB, LARa, PKU-MMD v2, TUG.


Tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and Pytorch 1.10.1. Models were trained on a Nvidia Tesla K80.

The c3d data preparation script requires Biomechanical-Toolkit. For installation instructions, please refer to the following issue.


  • data_prep/ -- Data preparation scripts.
  • -- Main script. I suggest working with this interactively with an IDE. Please provide the dataset and train/predict arguments, e.g. --dataset=fog_example --action=train.
  • -- Batch loader.
  • -- Compute metrics and save prediction results.
  • -- train/predict script.
  • models/ -- Location for saving the trained models.
  • models/ -- The MS-GCN model.
  • models/net_utils/ -- Scripts to partition the graph for the various datasets. For more information about the partitioning, please refer to the section Graph representations. For more information about spatial-temporal graphs, please refer to ST-GCN.
  • data/ -- Location for the processed datasets. For more information, please refer to the 'FOG' example.
  • data/signals. -- Scripts for computing the feature representations. Used for datasets that provided spatial features per joint, e.g. FOG, TUG, and PKU-MMD v2. For more information, please refer to the section Graph representations.
  • results/ -- Location for saving the results.


After processing the dataset (scripts are dataset specific), each processed dataset should be placed in the data folder. We provide an example for a motion capture dataset that is in c3d format. For this particular example, we extract 9 joints in 3D:

  • data_prep/ -- Import the joints and action labels from the c3d and save both in a separate csv.
  • data_prep/gen_data/ -- Import the csv, construct the input, and save to npy for training. For more information about the input and label shape, please refer to the section Problem statement.

Please refer to the example in data/example/ for more information on how to structure the files for training/prediction.

Pre-trained models

Pre-trained models are provided for HuGaDB, PKU-MMD, and LARa. To reproduce the results from the paper:

  • The dataset should be downloaded from their respective repository.
  • See the "Data" section for more information on how to prepare the datasets.
  • Place the pre-trained models in models/, e.g. models/hugadb.
  • Ensure that the correct graph representation is chosen in ms_gcn.
  • Comment out features = get_features(features) in model (only for lara and hugadb).
  • Specify the correct sampling rate, e.g. downsampling factor of 4 for lara.
  • Run main to generate the per-sample predictions with proper arguments, e.g. --dataset=hugadb --action=predict.
  • Run label_eval with proper arguments, e.g. --dataset=hugadb.


The MS-GCN model and code are heavily based on ST-GCN and MS-TCN. We thank the authors for publicly releasing their code.



  • Hyperparameter Setting

    Hyperparameter Setting

    Hi,when I use the dataset hugadb I set bz=8 and sample_rate=4,but it does not reach the results of the paper, and it is much worse than the results of the paper.May I ask how you set these parameters?Looking forward to your reply. Thank you.

    opened by Forgetmmmm 12
  • Dimension mismatch

    Dimension mismatch

    Hello,thanks for sharing the code.When I use the lara dataset,I encountered the following problem: Training subject: 1 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/media/hz/A2/cmz/code/MS-GCN/", line 68, in trainer.train(model_dir, batch_gen, num_epochs=num_epochs, batch_size=bz, learning_rate=lr, device=device) File "/media/hz/A2/cmz/code/MS-GCN/", line 36, in train batch_input, batch_target, mask, weight = batch_gen.next_batch(batch_size) File "/media/hz/A2/cmz/code/MS-GCN/", line 69, in next_batch batch_input_tensor[i, :, :np.shape(batch_input[i])[1], :, :] = torch.from_numpy(batch_input[i]) RuntimeError: The expanded size of the tensor (9) must match the existing size (19) at non-singleton dimension 2. Target sizes: [6, 24000, 9, 1]. Tensor sizes: [12, 24000, 19, 1] Do you know how to fix it? Looking forward to your reply.

    opened by Forgetmmmm 4
  • Lara Dataset

    Lara Dataset

    Hi benjamin, Me here again :) Another question haha! I found the joint number of LARa is 39 referred to [LARa: Creating a Dataset for Human Activity Recognition in Logistics Using Semantic Attributes]. However, the norm_data_csv in (downloaded from your LARa link) owns 132/6 = 22 joints. Your report is 17 joints. It confused me a lot. Did I made a mistake somewhere?

    opened by hitcbw 2
  • About files

    About files

    Hello,I would like to ask if the input of file is the video, and the output is the joint data of the people in the video. What does the first dimension 6 of the downloaded feature file represent?

    opened by Forgetmmmm 1
  • action segmentation in PKU_MMD

    action segmentation in PKU_MMD

    Hi Benjamin, Thanks for your exciting efforts. I have modified the code to adjust to the dataset PKU_MMD with your help, thank you very much. However, i noticed that there exists action overlaps in PKU_MMD, e.g., several frames own double labels. How does the MS-GCN work in this situation? As far as I know, the MS_TCN is a single-label classifier.

    opened by hitcbw 1
  • function getfeatures() error

    function getfeatures() error

    Hi, Many thanks for sharing the code. I met trouble when execute function getfeatures() -> get_relative_coordinates. My understanding of this function is to calculate the displacements compared to 4 root nodes (joint index: 4 8 12 16 defined as NTU_RGBD).

    The error appears when execute code: coords_diff = (sample.transpose((2, 0, 1, 3)) - ref_loc).transpose((1, 2, 0, 3)) ERROR: The numpy can't broadcast with shapes (25,3,1838,1) v.s. (3,1838,4,1)

    Then the code shows: # Shape: 4*C, t, V, M rel_coords = np.vstack(rel_coords) so I modified the code as:

        for ref in references:
            ref_loc = sample[:, :, ref, :]
            coords_diff = (sample.transpose((2, 0, 1, 3)) - ref_loc).transpose((1, 2, 0, 3))

    The code runs correctly then. However,

    # Shape: 4*C, t, V, M 
    rel_coords = np.vstack(rel_coords)
    # Shape: C, T, V, M
    final_sample[:, start:end, :, :] = rel_coords

    can't runs correctly because [4*C, t, V, M] can't adjust to [C, t, V, M] Could you help to solve this problem? thanks.

    opened by hitcbw 1
  • How to get the datasets?

    How to get the datasets?

    Hi ,

    Many thanks for sharing the code and I really like this interesting work. However, I can't find a link to download the corresponding dataset. How do I access the dataset?

    Best regards

    opened by lyhisme 1
Benjamin Filtjens
PhD Student working towards at-home freezing of gait detection
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