Cryptocurrency Exchange Websocket Data Feed Handler


Cryptocurrency Exchange Feed Handler

License Python Build Status PyPi Codacy Badge

Handles multiple cryptocurrency exchange data feeds and returns normalized and standardized results to client registered callbacks for events like trades, book updates, ticker updates, etc. Utilizes websockets when possible, but can also poll data via REST endpoints if a websocket is not provided.

Supported exchanges

Basic Usage

Create a FeedHandler object and add subscriptions. For the various data channels that an exchange supports, you can supply callbacks for data events, or use provided backends (described below) to handle the data for you. Start the feed handler and you're done!

from cryptofeed import FeedHandler
# not all imports shown for clarity

fh = FeedHandler()

# ticker, trade, and book are user defined functions that
# will be called when ticker, trade and book updates are received
ticker_cb = {TICKER: ticker}
trade_cb = {TRADES: trade}
gemini_cb = {TRADES: trade, L2_BOOK: book}

fh.add_feed(Coinbase(symbols=['BTC-USD'], channels=[TICKER], callbacks=ticker_cb))
fh.add_feed(Bitfinex(symbols=['BTC-USD'], channels=[TICKER], callbacks=ticker_cb))
fh.add_feed(Poloniex(symbols=['BTC-USDT'], channels=[TRADES], callbacks=trade_cb))
fh.add_feed(Gemini(symbols=['BTC-USD', 'ETH-USD'], channels=[TRADES, L2_BOOK], callbacks=gemini_cb))

Please see the examples for more code samples and the documentation for more information about the library usage.

To see an example of an application using cryptofeed to aggregate and store cryptocurrency data to a database, please look at Cryptostore.

National Best Bid/Offer (NBBO)

Cryptofeed also provides a synthetic NBBO (National Best Bid/Offer) feed that aggregates the best bids and asks from the user specified feeds.

from cryptofeed import FeedHandler
from cryptofeed.exchanges import Coinbase, Gemini, Kraken

def nbbo_update(symbol, bid, bid_size, ask, ask_size, bid_feed, ask_feed):
    print(f'Pair: {symbol} Bid Price: {bid:.2f} Bid Size: {bid_size:.6f} Bid Feed: {bid_feed} Ask Price: {ask:.2f} Ask Size: {ask_size:.6f} Ask Feed: {ask_feed}')

def main():
    f = FeedHandler()
    f.add_nbbo([Coinbase, Kraken, Gemini], ['BTC-USD'], nbbo_update)

Supported Channels

Cryptofeed supports the following channels from exchanges:

Market Data Channels (Public)

  • L1_BOOK - Top of book
  • L2_BOOK - Price aggregated sizes. Some exchanges provide the entire depth, some provide a subset.
  • L3_BOOK - Price aggregated orders. Like the L2 book, some exchanges may only provide partial depth.
  • TRADES - Note this reports the taker's side, even for exchanges that report the maker side.
  • OPEN_INTEREST - Open interest data.
  • CANDLES - Candlestick / K-Line data.

Authenticated Data Channels

  • ORDER_INFO - Order status updates
  • TRANSACTIONS - Real-time updates on account deposits and withdrawals
  • BALANCES - Updates on wallet funds
  • FILLS - User's executed trades


Cryptofeed supports backend callbacks that will write directly to storage or other interfaces.

Supported Backends:

  • Redis (Streams and Sorted Sets)
  • Arctic
  • ZeroMQ
  • UDP Sockets
  • TCP Sockets
  • Unix Domain Sockets
  • InfluxDB v2
  • MongoDB
  • Kafka
  • Elastic Search
  • RabbitMQ
  • PostgreSQL
  • GCP Pub/Sub
  • VictoriaMetrics


Note: cryptofeed requires Python 3.7+

Cryptofeed can be installed from PyPi. (It's recommended that you install in a virtual environment of your choosing).

pip install cryptofeed

Cryptofeed has optional dependencies, depending on the backends used. You can install them individually, or all at once. To install Cryptofeed along with all its optional dependencies in one bundle:

pip install cryptofeed[all]

If you wish to clone the repository and install from source, run this command from the root of the cloned repository.

python install

Alternatively, you can install in 'edit' mode (also called development mode):

python develop

See more discussion of package installation in

Rest API

Cryptofeed supports some REST interfaces for retrieving real-time and historical data. These are integrated into the exchange classes directly. You can view the supported methods by calling the info() method on any exchange.

Future Work

There are a lot of planned features, new exchanges, etc planned! If you'd like to discuss ongoing development, please join the slack or open a thread in the discussions in GitHub.


Issues and PRs are welcomed!

Cryptofeed wouldn't be possible without the help of many contributors! I owe them and all other contributors my thanks!

  • binance bug experiment

    binance bug experiment

    EXPERIMENT - proof of internal orderbook inconsistency

    Relates to Issue

    Tested on Binance DASH-BUSD. Ask limit orders added into book: $195.66 (0.06 DASH) $195.67 (0.06 DASH) - added AFTER starting cryptofeed $195.68 (0.06 DASH) $195.69 (0.06 DASH)

    Snap at 1629025913.852 (truncated book from 26 to 20):
    194.18|13.024, 194.19|1.000, 194.21|2.014, 194.24|2.766, 194.26|3.307, 194.27|5.196, 194.36|3.756, 194.37|5.377, 194.42|3.600, 194.43|37.133, 194.46|10.753, 194.62|0.497, 194.77|9.027, 194.81|2.436, 194.87|3.756, 195.16|53.100, 195.67|0.060, 195.69|164.660, 195.70|0.060, 196.00|67.144
    ERROR. 195.66 not in book but should be!!
    ERROR. 195.68 not in book but should be!!

    ^ internal OB top 20 ask levels clearly go up to $196.00 so we would expect all our orders to be in the book.

    The limit orders I added at 195.66, 195.68 BEFORE starting cryptofeed cannot be found (was outside of the first 20 levels in cryptofeed's initial book snapshot collection).

    The limit order at 195.67 added after starting cryptofeed can be found (because binance sent a delta over the WS for this which cryptofeed processed)

    The limit order at 195.69 had more size added to the px level by another participant since starting cryptofeed, so it can be found.

    binance BUG

    What this means: Any orders outside of the initial book snap will NOT be in cryptofeed internal book if: a) the market moves in that direction, and b) those price levels never receive a size change.

    opened by tristan-murfitt-elw 34
  • InfluxDB speed issue

    InfluxDB speed issue

    I know that this problem is NOT a cryptofeed/cryptostore problem, and I can remove post if it's considered too offtopic! I tried asking for this in all the related githubs and forums and have received no answers, so I'm trying here since I expect a lot of people who use cryptofeed to use Influx too, and for the same exact application as me.

    I’m querying BitMEX tick data to process it and aggregate it. Those were my query times (number of rows on the left, query time in hours, minutes and seconds on the right), were every query is 1 month of data:

    9480222, 2:07:46

    12839124, 3:06:02

    17256737, 4:19:54

    13716707, 3:28:37

    12671435, 2:35:27

    11112483, 2:15:53

    17055181, 3:34:21

    21232810, 6:29:42

    16935780, 4:47:56

    Those numbers seem a bit off. The average is around 60-70k rows per minute, 1k rows per second. Since this is my first experience with TS Databases and with Influx, would you consider this performance normal? Do you guys have roughly the same query times? I’m running InfluxDB 1.7.9, Influx Python client 5.2.3, Python 3.7, this was ran from Pycharm, on a MacBook Pro with 16GB Ram. I don’t use any addon like Telegraph or Kapacitor.

    opened by rbdm-qnt 26
  • How to get Kibana to recognize timestamp? -

    How to get Kibana to recognize timestamp? -

    Using the demo in the examples, Kibana does not recognize the time field as a timestamp. Do I need to change how it is indexed? Or do I need to create mappings before starting the

    Any help or direction would be much appreciated!

    (This is an amazing project btw!)

    Thank you!

    opened by brizzbane 24
  • Fix Binance snapshot race condition

    Fix Binance snapshot race condition


    • [X] - Tested
    • [X] - Changelog updated
    • [X] - Tests run and pass
    • [X] - Flake8 run and all errors/warnings resolved
    • [X] - Contributors file updated (optional)
    opened by jinusean 20
  • Binance futures now has stream limit 200

    Binance futures now has stream limit 200

    Describe the bug Binance futures now has 200 stream limit (2020-10-27)

    To Reproduce Use pairs=binance_futures_pairs() the app will freeze without getting any update. I have to make an array of SYMBOLS and remove some from the full list. Full list has 216 symbols.

    opened by OnlyC 19
  • Kraken: KeyError: 400?

    Kraken: KeyError: 400?

    Describe the bug From time to time, I get this error message.

    2020-12-05 20:48:42,032 : ERROR : KRAKEN: encountered an exception, reconnecting
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/cryptofeed-1.6.2-py3.8.egg/cryptofeed/", line 271, in _connect
        await self._handler(websocket, feed.message_handler, feed.uuid)
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/cryptofeed-1.6.2-py3.8.egg/cryptofeed/", line 300, in _handler
        await handler(message, self.last_msg[feed_id])
      File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/cryptofeed-1.6.2-py3.8.egg/cryptofeed/exchange/", line 150, in message_handler
        if self.channel_map[msg[0]][0] == 'trade':
    KeyError: 400

    To Reproduce Extract of the config file.

                trades: 90
                l2_book: 90
            retries: -1
            trades: [BCH-BTC,BTC-USD,LTC-BTC]
                symbols: [BCH-BTC,BTC-USD,LTC-BTC]
                book_delta: true
                book_interval: 100000
    storage_interval: 2M

    Expected behavior I have no idea what a KeyError: 400 refers to, but it seems that if a key is not existing, it is masking another trouble that might be worth to catch.

    Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04

    Cryptofeed Version 1.6.2

    opened by yohplala 17
  • Pipenv installation broken

    Pipenv installation broken

    Describe the bug When installing via git clone and pipenv, the user must also run python3 -m pip install ., running python3 -m pipenv install is not enough (with Python 3.7.5), but the documention does not mention this.

    The error appears to be that the pipenv install does not result in uvloop (or cryptofeed itself ) being installed.

    To Reproduce

    user@Ubuntu18:~/cryptofeed$ git log | head -n 1
    commit 6eafd56b98a6a895d7485d46841e908992082e92
    user@Ubuntu18:~/cryptofeed$ python3.7 -m pipenv install
    Creating a virtualenv for this project...
    Pipfile: /home/user/cryptofeed/Pipfile
    Using /usr/bin/python3.7 (3.7.5) to create virtualenv...
    ⠇ Creating virtual environment...created virtual environment in 433ms
      creator CPython3Posix(dest=/home/user/.local/share/virtualenvs/cryptofeed-XkEPfgbK, clear=False, no_vcs_ignore=False, global=False)
      seeder FromAppData(download=False, pip=bundle, setuptools=bundle, wheel=bundle, via=copy, app_data_dir=/home/user/.local/share/virtualenv)
        added seed packages: pip==20.3.1, setuptools==51.0.0, wheel==0.36.1
      activators BashActivator,CShellActivator,FishActivator,PowerShellActivator,PythonActivator,XonshActivator
    ✔ Successfully created virtual environment! 
    Virtualenv location: /home/user/.local/share/virtualenvs/cryptofeed-XkEPfgbK
    Installing dependencies from Pipfile.lock (ba6a78)...
    Ignoring idna-ssl: markers 'python_version < "3.7"' don't match your environment
    Ignoring typing: markers 'python_version < "3.7"' don't match your environment
      🐍   ▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉▉ 64/64 — 00:00:54
    To activate this project's virtualenv, run pipenv shell.
    Alternatively, run a command inside the virtualenv with pipenv run.
    user@Ubuntu18:~/cryptofeed$ pipenv shell
    Launching subshell in virtual environment...
    user@Ubuntu18:~/cryptofeed$  . /home/user/.local/share/virtualenvs/cryptofeed-XkEPfgbK/bin/activate
    (cryptofeed) user@Ubuntu18:~/cryptofeed$ python examples/ 
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "examples/", line 9, in <module>
        from cryptofeed.pairs import binance_pairs
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cryptofeed'
    (cryptofeed) user@Ubuntu18:~/cryptofeed$ python -m pip install .
    [... log entries omitted ...]
    Installing collected packages: uvloop, cryptofeed
    Successfully installed cryptofeed-1.7.0 uvloop-0.14.0
    (cryptofeed) user@Ubuntu18:~/cryptofeed$ python examples/                                                                              
    Timestamp: 1.609108 Feed: BLOCKCHAIN Pair: BTC-USD Book Bid Size is 189 Ask Size is 113
    Timestamp: 1.609108 Feed: BLOCKCHAIN Pair: ETH-USD Book Bid Size is 58 Ask Size is 28   

    Operating System:

    • Ubuntu 18

    Cryptofeed Version

    opened by UnitNote 15
  • Connection refactor

    Connection refactor

    • New connection design. Handles rest and websocket connections seamlessly for websocket and REST endpoint exchanges. Will allow exchanges to use more than 1 websocket connection seamlessly.
    • Update BitMax to use their new pro API
    • [X] - Tested
    • [X] - Tests run and pass
    • [X] - Flake8 run and all errors/warnings resolved
    opened by bmoscon 15
  • Problem with InfluxDB and filedKey type for trade ID

    Problem with InfluxDB and filedKey type for trade ID

    When inserting Trades into influxDB the ID field is of type float for Binance and Coinbase while for Poloniex is type string.

    When the program is runing it seems to be doing OK insetring data for all three exchanges but periodically it will produce this error.

    2021-02-24 14:17:08,143 : ERROR : POST to http://localhost:8086/write?db=CryptoDataV2 failed: 400 - {"error":"partial write: field type conflict: input field "id" on measurement "trades-POLONIEX" is type float, already exists as type string dropped=1"}

    To Reproduce f.add_feed(Poloniex(subscription={'TUSD-USDT'], }, callbacks={TRADES: TradeInflux(db_addr, db = db_name , numeric_type=float )}))

    Expected behavior Trade ID type should be consistent for all exchanges. Dropping values because of wrong ID type should be avoided.

    Operating System:

    • rpi4 linux
    opened by igorjan 14
  • Explain when Cryptofeed crashes during pairs retrieval

    Explain when Cryptofeed crashes during pairs retrieval

    During the pairs retrieval at startup time, some exchanges may reply an erroneous response. Currently Cryptofeed does not always handle the exception, and crashes.

    Some users think this is a bug in Cryptofeed:

    This PR improves the user experience by providing a clear explanation of the failure.

    opened by olibre 14
  • Binance top of the book (best ask/bid) access.

    Binance top of the book (best ask/bid) access.


    Could you advice me how I access Binance top of the book quotes instead of L2? Top of the book updates real time and L2 each 100ms only.

    Regards, Eugene.

    opened by elabunsky 13
  • OKX L2-Book's price volume seems  incorrect

    OKX L2-Book's price volume seems incorrect

    Describe the bug

    by using the follow : f.add_feed(OKX(checksum_validation=True, symbols=['BTC-USDT-PERP'], channels=[TRADES, TICKER, FUNDING, OPEN_INTEREST, LIQUIDATIONS, L2_BOOK], callbacks={L2_BOOK: book, TICKER: ticker, LIQUIDATIONS: liquidations, FUNDING: funding, OPEN_INTEREST: oi, TRADES: trade}))

    I try to compare the L2_book to the orderbook on OKX . the price is match, however, the volume attach with the price is incorrect. different coin has different scale up or down.

    To Reproduce just using the, and just catch one symbol. such as BTC-USDT-PERP. will notice the volume is big differntthan the OKX's website

    Operating System:

    • linux,

    Cryptofeed Version -Dec 21,2022's latest version (v2.3.1)

    opened by 9cat 0
  • Funding rate DyDx

    Funding rate DyDx

    Issue/Feature request: Missing funding rate for dydx. I am able to use dydx and call other functions: for example

    pairs = ['ETH-USD-PERP'] f.add_feed(dYdX(symbols=pairs, channels = [TRADES], callbacks= {TRADES: trade}))

    generates ETH/USD data --> exchange: DYDX symbol: ETH-USD-PERP side: sell amount: 2.996 price: 1273.8 id: None type: None timestamp: 1670913339.171

    However funding generates: cryptofeed.exceptions.UnsupportedDataFeed: funding is not supported on DYDX

    Looking at dydx client there is an option to query funding rate using client.get_perpetual_market so I was wondering if this will be included. Thanks!

    Feature Request 
    opened by vijayengineer 0
  • Inconsistent TICKER implementations

    Inconsistent TICKER implementations

    TICKER sometimes means 'bookTicker' (real-time best bid and ask updates), but sometimes 'ticker' (slow, usualy ever second updates with a bunch of extra info like volume in last 24h).

    E.g. on binance it correponds to 'bookTicker':

        websocket_channels = {
        L2_BOOK: 'depth',
        TRADES: 'aggTrade',
        TICKER: 'bookTicker',
        CANDLES: 'kline_',

    But on gateio to 'ticker', despite that the 'bookTicker' endpoint is also available on gateio:

    websocket_channels = {
         L2_BOOK: 'spot.order_book_update',
         TRADES: 'spot.trades',
         TICKER: 'spot.tickers',
         CANDLES: 'spot.candlesticks'

    Are there plans to make TICKER, or to maybe have L1_BOOK correspond to 'bookTicker', while TICKER to 'ticker' endpoints?

    opened by L1nkus 2
  • Support for Bybit spot websocket endpoints

    Support for Bybit spot websocket endpoints

    Description of code - what bug does this fix / what feature does this add?

    Added support for spot websocket endpoints on Bybit. Current implementation includes trade and orderbook channels.


    To connect to a spot endpoint, specify a standardised spot symbol. See example code below, connecting to both spot and perpetual endpoints for trades and orderbook.

    from decimal import Decimal
    from cryptofeed import FeedHandler
    from cryptofeed.exchanges import Bybit
    from cryptofeed.defines import TRADES, L2_BOOK, BID, ASK
    async def book(book, receipt_timestamp):
        print(f'Book received at {receipt_timestamp} for {} - {book.symbol}, with {len(} entries. Top of book prices: {[0]} - {[0]}')
            print(f"Delta from last book contains {len([BID]) + len([ASK])} entries.")
        if book.sequence_number:
            assert isinstance(book.sequence_number, int)
    async def trade(t, receipt_timestamp):
        assert isinstance(t.timestamp, float)
        assert isinstance(t.side, str)
        assert isinstance(t.amount, Decimal)
        assert isinstance(t.price, Decimal)
        assert isinstance(, str)
        print(f"Trade received at {receipt_timestamp}: {t}")
    def main():
        f = FeedHandler()
        f.add_feed(Bybit(symbols=["ETH-USDT", "ETH-USDT-PERP"], channels=[TRADES, L2_BOOK], callbacks={TRADES: trade, L2_BOOK: book}))
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    • [x] - Tested
    • [x] - Changelog updated
    • [x] - Tests run and pass
    • [x] - Flake8 run and all errors/warnings resolved
    • [x] - Contributors file updated (optional)
    opened by kieran-mackle 2
  • Add Inlock Tokenmarket support

    Add Inlock Tokenmarket support

    • Support REST API only
    • Support on OrderBook, Ticker

    Web: Public API Doc: Private API Doc:

    Description of code - what bug does this fix / what feature does this add?

    • [x] - Tested
    • [ ] - Changelog updated
    • [ ] - Tests run and pass
    • [ ] - Flake8 run and all errors/warnings resolved
    • [x] - Contributors file updated (optional)
    opened by prt1999 2
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