strbind - lapidary text converter for translate an text file to the C-style string



strbind - lapidary text converter for translate an text file to the C-style string. My motivation is fast adding large text chunks to the C code


Transform your text with python --from= --to=

List of possible arguments:

  • --from - File with original content
  • --to - Target file. Text will be written in the original file, when --to argument are not used
  • --arr - To add const char array syntax. The argument value is array name
  • --def - To add preprocessor definition syntax. The argument value is definition name
  • --end - String end (LF/lf or CRLF/crlf). LF by default


Certificate definition

  1. Existing cert.pem file:
  1. Transforming command: python --from=cert.pem --to=cert.h --def=CERTIFICATE_ROOT_CA

  2. Target cert.h file:

    "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n" \
    "VQQLExtHbG9iYWxTaWduIEVDQyBSb290IENBIC0gUjQxEzARBgNVBAoTCkdsb2Jh\n" \
    "bFNpZ24xEzARBgNVBAMTCkdsb2JhbFNpZ24wHhcNMTIxMTEzMDAwMDAwWhcNMzgw\n" \
    "UjQxEzARBgNVBAoTCkdsb2JhbFNpZ24xEzARBgNVBAMTCkdsb2JhbFNpZ24wWTAT\n" \
    "BgcqhkjOPQIBBggqhkjOPQMBBwNCAAS4xnnTj2wlDp8uORkcA6SumuU5BwkWymOx\n" \
    "uYb4ilfBV85C+nOh92VC/x7BALJucw7/xyHlGKSq2XE/qNS5zowdo0IwQDAOBgNV\n" \
    "+wpu+74zyTyjhNUwCgYIKoZIzj0EAwIDRwAwRAIgIk90crlgr/HmnKAWBVBfw147\n" \
    "bmF0774BxL4YSFlhgjICICadVGNA3jdgUM/I2O2dgq43mLyjj0xMqTQrbO/7lZsm\n" \
    "-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"

Text array

  1. Existing lorem.txt file:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc aliquam non sapien a rhoncus.
Curabitur hendrerit neque et sapien eleifend, vitae rutrum enim lacinia.
Aliquam non dui eget metus auctor porta. Ut volutpat dolor vitae rhoncus tristique.
Proin finibus tellus quam, suscipit molestie orci condimentum ac. Nullam et sem justo.
Maecenas nibh lectus, vehicula ut mollis ut, scelerisque eu felis. Nunc non cursus quam, et
  1. Transforming command: python --from=lorem.txt --to=poem.h --arr=lorem_ipsum --end=crlf

  2. Target poem.h file:

const char lorem_ipsum[435] = 
    "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc aliquam non sapien a rhoncus.\r\n"
    "Curabitur hendrerit neque et sapien eleifend, vitae rutrum enim lacinia.\r\n"
    "Aliquam non dui eget metus auctor porta. Ut volutpat dolor vitae rhoncus tristique.\r\n"
    "Proin finibus tellus quam, suscipit molestie orci condimentum ac. Nullam et sem justo.\r\n"
    "Maecenas nibh lectus, vehicula ut mollis ut, scelerisque eu felis. Nunc non cursus quam, et.\r\n"
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