PyTorchCV: A PyTorch-Based Framework for Deep Learning in Computer Vision
author = {Donny You ([email protected])},
howpublished = {\url{}},
year = {2018}
This repository provides source code for some deep learning based cv problems. We'll do our best to keep this repository up to date. If you do find a problem about this repository, please raise it as an issue. We will fix it immediately.
This project provides abundant choices of quantization strategies (such as the quantization algorithms, training schedules and empirical tricks) for quantizing the deep neural networks into low-bit counterparts.
IceVision is the first agnostic computer vision framework to offer a curated collection with hundreds of high-quality pre-trained models from torchvision, MMLabs, and soon Pytorch Image Models. It orchestrates the end-to-end deep learning workflow allowing to train networks with easy-to-use robust high-performance libraries such as Pytorch-Lightning and Fastai