all-in-one wrapper for NASA API's



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bowshock is an all-in-one wrapper for NASA API's. Here is a list of currently supported API's :


Standart Procedure

pip install bowshock

Important Note: The only requirement is the 'requests' package BUT if you want to use MODIS there is an external requirement which is 'suds' package

Do i need an API Key ?

Earth The rest
Earth Temperature Anomalies

The rest does not require an API key for usage. Get your NASA API KEY from :

Setting up the API Key

=================== set an environment varible NASA_API_KEY which is equal to your key string


from bowshock import apod

# with specific date and tags - For apod all args are optional
apod.apod(date="2015-02-02", concept_tags=True)
from bowshock import asterank

# all args mandatory
            	query={"e": {"$lt": 0.1},
               	       "i": {"$lt": 4},
                       "a": {"$lt": 1.5}},
from bowshock import earth

# imagery endpoint lon & lat mandatory, rest optional
# assets endpoint lon & lat & begin mandatory, end optional
earth.assets(lon=100.75, lat=1.6, begin="2015-02-02", end="2015-02-10")
from bowshock import helioviewer

# args are mandatory
helioviewer.getjp2image(date='2014-01-01T23:59:59', sourceId=14)
#args are mandatory
from bowshock import maas

# mandatory date begin / end
maas.maas_archive('2012-10-01', '2012-10-31')

from bowshock import patents

# only query is mandatory, rest is optional
patents.patents(query="temperature", concept_tags=True, limit=5)
from bowshock import predictthesky

#args are mandatory
predictthesky.space_events(lon=100.75, lat=1.5)
Star API
from bowshock import star


star.search_exoplanet("11 Com")

star.search_local_galaxies("IC 10")

star.search_star_cluster("Berkeley 59")
from bowshock import skymorph

# mandatory obj id

#TODO : add search_position() , search_target_obj()
temperature anomalies
from bowshock import temperature_anomalies

# end arg is optional, rest is mandatory
temperature_anomalies.coordinate(lon=100.3, lat=1.6, begin="1990", end="2005")
from bowshock import techport




BTW What is "bowshock"?


  • Adjust for pytest and add pkg to tests

    Adjust for pytest and add pkg to tests

    This PR implements a few changes that make running the test suite with py.test a cinch:

    1. Test file names were all changed to test_*.py
    2. Test files adjusted to add the package to the PATH (sys.path.append("../bowshock/"))
    3. The file handles all the import statements

    Here are the tweaks in action on a vanilla Precise32 box (though I didn't record ALL of the tests running haha):


    opened by danwagnerco 6
  • Ensure dim param is appended to url if specified

    Ensure dim param is appended to url if specified

    This slight adjustment will fix #4.

    HOWEVER, I suggest NOT merging this into the master branch just yet. It seems that the dim parameter causes some kind of error in the API endpoint:

    $ curl ""
    {"date": "2015-06-15T03:28:16", "url": "", "cloud_score": 1.0, "id": "LC8_L1T_TOA/LC81270592015166LGN00"}

    Compare the nice output from above to the nasty output below (when the dim parameter is included):

    $ curl ""
    {"message": "Admins have been notified.", "error": "unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'unicode' and 'int'"}

    Argh -- that does not look good!

    On the NASA API page, they list Jason Duley ([email protected]) as the contact. Should we reach out to Jason to see if we have uncovered a bug in this endpoint?

    opened by danwagnerco 3
  • Can't run test suite

    Can't run test suite

    Cool project!

    I wanted to kick the tires a bit, but I'm having a really hard time running the test suite. With Python 3.4.1 (via Anaconda) on Windows 8.1, I get an ImportError on the helpers module.


    Figured I was being dumb or it was a Windows problem, so I spun up Vagrant's Precise32 box (Python 2.7.3) to give it a whirl. Unfortunately, that blamed bowshock.


    Can you tell what I'm doing wrong?

    Thanks! Dan

    opened by danwagnerco 2
  • Fix broken headings in Markdown files

    Fix broken headings in Markdown files

    GitHub changed the way Markdown headings are parsed, so this change fixes it.

    See bryant1410/readmesfix for more information.

    Tackles bryant1410/readmesfix#1

    opened by bryant1410 1
  • Point NASA API links to documentation

    Point NASA API links to documentation

    Small change introduced with this PR. It seems that the NASA documentation for the Earth, APOD, Patents and Earth Temperature Anomalies APIs has changed -- the updated links point to NASA's examples.

    opened by danwagnerco 1
  • Adjust for pytest and add pkg to tests

    Adjust for pytest and add pkg to tests

    This PR implements a few changes that make running the test suite with py.test a cinch:

    1. Test file names were all changed to test_*.py
    2. Test files adjusted to add the package to the PATH (sys.path.append("../bowshock/"))
    3. The file handles all the import statements

    Here are the tweaks in action on a vanilla Precise32 box (though I didn't record ALL of the tests running haha):


    opened by danwagnerco 1
  • Typo in the address method for the temperature_anomalies module

    Typo in the address method for the temperature_anomalies module

    It looks like there was a small mistake in the definition of the adress method:

    This results in a 404:


    By converting from adress to address (two ds), the server response is as expected (even though I can't quite figure out how to form addresses for success haha):


    opened by danwagnerco 0
  • In the earth#imagery method, `dim` parameter is not added to the URL

    In the earth#imagery method, `dim` parameter is not added to the URL

    When using earth.imagery, the dim parameter is not added to the URL even if it is specified.

    >>> from bowshock import earth
    >>> lon = 100.75
    >>> lat = 1.5
    >>> dim = 0.025
    >>> date = "2015-07-04"
    >>> cloud_score = True
    >>> r_without_dim = earth.imagery(lon=lon, lat=lat, date=date, cloud_score=cloud_score)
    # ... print stuff
    >>> r_with_dim = earth.imagery(lon=lon, lat=lat, dim=dim, date=date, cloud_score=cloud_score)
    # ... print stuff
    >>> r_without_dim.url == r.with_dim.url

    (here's a screenshot of the above in action)


    It looks like this issue comes from a mised += in the earth module:

    opened by danwagnerco 0
  • - Migrate API to Mars weather data from APSS instrument (Auxiliary Payload Subsystem) on InSight Rover - Migrate API to Mars weather data from APSS instrument (Auxiliary Payload Subsystem) on InSight Rover

    Since ingenology/MAAS isn't available anymore, use the more precise Mars InSight Mission weather API.

    opened by Strykar 0
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