Inferoxy is a service for quick deploying and using dockerized Computer Vision models.




What is it?

Inferoxy is a service for quick deploying and using dockerized Computer Vision models. It's a core of EORA's Computer Vision platform Vision Hub that runs on top of AWS EKS.

Why use it?

You should use it if:

  • You want to simplify deploying Computer Vision models with an appropriate Data Science stack to production: all you need to do is to build a Docker image with your model including any pre- and post-processing steps and push it into an accessible registry
  • You have only one machine or cluster for inference (CPU/GPU)
  • You want automatic batching for multi-GPU/multi-node setup
  • Model versioning


Overall architecture

Inferoxy is built using message broker pattern.

  • Roughly speaking, it accepts user requests through different interfaces which we call "bridges". Multiple bridges can run simultaneously. Current supported bridges are REST API, gRPC and ZeroMQ
  • The requests are carefully split into batches and processed on a single multi-GPU machine or a multi-node cluster
  • The models to be deployed are managed through Model Manager that communicates with Redis to store/retrieve models information such as Docker image URL, maximum batch size value, etc.



One of the core Inferoxy's features is the batching mechanism.

  • For batch processing it's taken into consideration that different models can utilize different batch sizes and that some models can process a series of batches from a specific user, e.g. for video processing tasks. The latter models are called "stateful" models while models which don't depend on user state are called "stateless"
  • Multiple copies of the same model can run on different machines while only one copy can run on the same GPU device. So, to increase models efficiency it's recommended to set batch size for models to be as high as possible
  • A user of the stateful model reserves the whole copy of the model and releases it when his task is finished.
  • Users of the stateless models can use the same copy of the model simultaneously
  • Numpy tensors of RGB images with metadata are all going through ZeroMQ to the models and the results are also read from ZeroMQ socket

Cluster management


The cluster management consists of keeping track of the running copies of the models, load analysis, health checking and alerting.


You can run Inferoxy locally on a single machine or k8s cluster. To run Inferoxy, you should have a minimum of 4GB RAM and CPU or GPU device depending on your speed/cost trade-off.

Basic commands

Local run

To run locally you should use Inferoxy Docker image. The last version you can find here.

docker pull

After image is pulled we need to make basic configuration using .env file

# .env

The next step is to create inferoxy Docker network.

docker network create inferoxy

Now we should run Redis in this network. Redis is needed to store information about your models.

docker run --network inferoxy --name redis redis:latest 

Create models.yaml file with simple set of models. You can read about models.yaml in documentation

  batch_size: 256
  run_on_gpu: False
  stateless: True

Now we can start Inferoxy:

docker run --env-file .env 
	-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
	-p 7787:7787 -p 7788:7788 -p 8000:8000 -p 8698:8698\
	--name inferoxy --rm \
	--network inferoxy \
	-v $(pwd)/models.yaml:/etc/inferoxy/models.yaml \${INFEROXY_VERSION}


You can find the full documentation here


Join our community in Discord server to discuss stuff related to Inferoxy usage and development

  • Speed of request processing.

    Speed of request processing.

    I have a problem with very slow requests processing.

    Ten parallel (or sequential) requests with only one image as input are processing for ±8 minutes, while one single (first) request takes ±10 seconds to complete.

    In the logs it seems like inferoxy waits for something before process the image.

    There is a log: log.log

    The image: test

    The model can be dowloaded from docker hub: docker pull smthngslv/clip_vit-b32_no_proj:latest

    Code, image, log.

    Also, does the setting exists , that allow to do not shutdown the container between requests (I mean, run sequential requests on the same container)?

    opened by smthngslv 6
  • Re-usage of a stateful model.

    Re-usage of a stateful model.

    In the documentation:

    Down triggers (↓): time of last use for source_id > T_max - in this case either model release or instance stopping happens depending on whether there are incoming requests to this model

    But now in code:

                if (
                    time.time() - model_instance.sender.get_time_of_last_sent_batch()
                    > self.config.load_analyzer.stateful_checker.keep_model
                    triggers += [self.make_decrease_trigger(model_instance=model_instance)]

    There is no check for incoming request, just deletion procedure.

    opened by wselfjes 0
  • Multiple images at input

    Multiple images at input

    There's a need to send multiple images per request item, for example, when we are running a model for image retrieval task which accepts images of a product from different angles of view. The amount of images of the product is arbitrary. So, it looks like we can make a request object with a list of tensors of different sizes

    opened by VladVin 3
  • Support of multiple models on a single GPU

    Support of multiple models on a single GPU

    Let's imagine the case when we have a stateful model consisting 2 Gb of GPU memory while processing an RTSP stream. If we have a GPU with 16 Gb of memory then theoretically we can run up to 8 copies of such models. This would be currently possible with stateless models but usually RTSP streams are processed by people trackers or similar which are stateful. The issue was first mentioned by @tz3 who designes the system where 8 RSTP streams are processed in parallel.

    opened by VladVin 0
  • Model should have ability to run infinitely

    Model should have ability to run infinitely

    There are currently up and down triggers for models. But if Inferoxy is used in the scenario of hosting a signle model it isn't needed to release this model - it should run without interruptions in order to get rid of the "cold start" effect. Otherwise, we wait 10 seconds for a model to start even if a very simple model is used.

    opened by VladVin 0
  • Profile REST API latency

    Profile REST API latency

    Even a simple REST API request to CPU model has been slowly processed (10 seconds). The reason is probably in latency since computation overhead is minimal. Needed to profile netwok during simple requests

    opened by VladVin 0
  • Drop frames in video processing

    Drop frames in video processing

    Expected behavior

    Pass a video to Inferoxy processing. It processed using some model and returns in the same way that was sent.

    Examples: Input: output:

    Current behavior

    There is frame dropping.

    We can not guarantee an order, because of retriable errors. For example, we have three batches that are passed to Inferoxy in order.

    3 -> 2 -> 1 -> inferoxy

    The first batch processed. When the second batch start processing model failed because processing instance is disappeared. We put the second batch at the end of the queue.

    2 -> 3 -> 1 -> inferoxy

    Possible solution

    Again we don't guarantee order, but users can send an index of the input in parameters and sort output on their side(

    Steps to reproduce

    1. Read video in frames
    2. Send frames in order to Inferoxy
    3. Receive results from Inferoxy
    4. Build a video
    5. Compare input and output video and see frame dropping and unordering
    opened by wselfjes 2
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