Python sync/async framework for Interactive Brokers API


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The goal of the IB-insync library is to make working with the Trader Workstation API from Interactive Brokers as easy as possible.

The main features are:

  • An easy to use linear style of programming;
  • An IB component that automatically keeps in sync with the TWS or IB Gateway application;
  • A fully asynchonous framework based on asyncio and eventkit for advanced users;
  • Interactive operation with live data in Jupyter notebooks.

Be sure to take a look at the notebooks, the recipes and the API docs.


pip install ib_insync

For Python 3.6 install the dataclasses package as well (newer Python versions already have it):

pip install dataclasses


  • Python 3.6 or higher;
  • A running TWS or IB Gateway application (version 972 or higher). Make sure the API port is enabled and 'Download open orders on connection' is checked.

The ibapi package from IB is not needed.


This is a complete script to download historical data:

from ib_insync import *
# util.startLoop()  # uncomment this line when in a notebook

ib = IB()
ib.connect('', 7497, clientId=1)

contract = Forex('EURUSD')
bars = ib.reqHistoricalData(
    contract, endDateTime='', durationStr='30 D',
    barSizeSetting='1 hour', whatToShow='MIDPOINT', useRTH=True)

# convert to pandas dataframe:
df = util.df(bars)


                   date      open      high       low     close  volume  \
0   2019-11-19 23:15:00  1.107875  1.108050  1.107725  1.107825      -1
1   2019-11-20 00:00:00  1.107825  1.107925  1.107675  1.107825      -1
2   2019-11-20 01:00:00  1.107825  1.107975  1.107675  1.107875      -1
3   2019-11-20 02:00:00  1.107875  1.107975  1.107025  1.107225      -1
4   2019-11-20 03:00:00  1.107225  1.107725  1.107025  1.107525      -1
..                  ...       ...       ...       ...       ...     ...
705 2020-01-02 14:00:00  1.119325  1.119675  1.119075  1.119225      -1


The complete API documentation.



The insync user group is the place to discuss IB-insync and anything related to it.

Consultancy & Development

IB-insync offers an easy entry into building automated trading systems for both individual traders and fintech companies. However, to get the most out of it is not a trivial matter and is beyond the reach of most developers.

If you need expert help, you can contact me. This can be for a small project, such as fixing something in your own code, or it can be creating an entire new trading infrastructure. Please provide enough details so that I can assess both the feasibility and the scope. Many folks worry about having to provide their 'secret sauce', but that is never necessary (although you're perfectly welcome to send that as well!)


The software is provided on the conditions of the simplified BSD license.

This project is not affiliated with Interactive Brokers Group, Inc.'s.

Good luck and enjoy,

author: Ewald de Wit <[email protected]>
  • Connection raises TimeoutError, but IB gateway is running and port is open

    Connection raises TimeoutError, but IB gateway is running and port is open

    I only have one account and a telnet localhost 4002 gives me a shell as I would expect. Sadly I could not find a way to download and try an older version of the gateway. The current version for linux is 981.3c.

    API connection failed: TimeoutError()
    TimeoutError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
    <ipython-input-10-13991e279071> in <module>
          1 con = ib.IB()
    ----> 2 con.connect('localhost', 4002, clientId=1)
    ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ib_insync/ in connect(self, host, port, clientId, timeout, readonly, account)
        269             account: Main account to receive updates for.
        270         """
    --> 271         return self._run(self.connectAsync(
        272             host, port, clientId, timeout, readonly, account))
    ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ib_insync/ in _run(self, *awaitables)
        309     def _run(self, *awaitables: Awaitable):
    --> 310         return*awaitables, timeout=self.RequestTimeout)
        312     def waitOnUpdate(self, timeout: float = 0) -> bool:
    ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ib_insync/ in run(timeout, *awaitables)
        320         globalErrorEvent.connect(onError)
        321         try:
    --> 322             result = loop.run_until_complete(task)
        323         except asyncio.CancelledError as e:
        324             raise globalErrorEvent.value() or e
    ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ in run_until_complete(self, future)
         68                 raise RuntimeError(
         69                     'Event loop stopped before Future completed.')
    ---> 70             return f.result()
         72     def _run_once(self):
    /usr/lib/python3.8/asyncio/ in result(self)
        176         self.__log_traceback = False
        177         if self._exception is not None:
    --> 178             raise self._exception
        179         return self._result
    /usr/lib/python3.8/asyncio/ in __step(***failed resolving arguments***)
        278                 # We use the `send` method directly, because coroutines
        279                 # don't have `__iter__` and `__next__` methods.
    --> 280                 result = coro.send(None)
        281             else:
        282                 result = coro.throw(exc)
    ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ib_insync/ in connectAsync(self, host, port, clientId, timeout, readonly, account)
       1624         try:
       1625             # establish API connection
    -> 1626             await self.client.connectAsync(host, port, clientId, timeout)
       1628             # autobind manual orders
    ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ib_insync/ in connectAsync(self, host, port, clientId, timeout)
        216                 b' ' + self.connectOptions if self.connectOptions else b''))
        217             self.conn.sendMsg(msg)
    --> 218             await asyncio.wait_for(self.apiStart, timeout)
        219   'API connection ready')
        220         except Exception as e:
    /usr/lib/python3.8/asyncio/ in wait_for(fut, timeout, loop)
        499             # See
        500             await _cancel_and_wait(fut, loop=loop)
    --> 501             raise exceptions.TimeoutError()
        502     finally:
        503         timeout_handle.cancel()
    opened by KIC 24
  • `IB.client.getReqId()` returns already used ID

    `IB.client.getReqId()` returns already used ID

    I am using IB.client.getReqId() to place my version of bracket orders and set parentId in target and stop loss orders.

    But I have stumbled upon an error:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "_", line 53, in bracket_order
        parent_trade: Trade = ib_client.placeOrder(contract, parent)
      File "/venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ib_insync/", line 528, in placeOrder
        assert trade.orderStatus.status not in OrderStatus.DoneStates

    Which means that trade with such ID was found.

    Parent order is created like that:

    parent = MarketOrder(
        action, quantity,

    Entire bracket_order function is copy of ib_insync.ib.IB.bracketOrder source with parent placed as MarketOrder instead of LimitOrder. So all but stopLoss are transmit=False. Orders are placed in order:

    • parent,
    • target,
    • stop.

    Is there a problem with IB that it start IB.client on wrong ID or does not update it properly?

    opened by radekwlsk 23
  • IB().connect() always fails the first time upon a fresh IBG/TWS start

    IB().connect() always fails the first time upon a fresh IBG/TWS start

    Noticed that IB().connect() always fails with asyncio.exceptions.TimeoutError the very first time it is called upon a fresh IBG/TWS start / re-start. The error occurs with and without providing timeout in connect.

    The second time on it works without an issue.

    Error traceback

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "c:\Users\User\Documents\Business\Projects\learn\ib\", line 142, in <module>
        all_base(MARKET, ip)
      File "c:\Users\User\Documents\Business\Projects\learn\ib\", line 555, in all_base
        with IB().connect(HOST, PORT, CID, timeout=2) as ib:
      File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib\site-packages\ib_insync\", line 260, in connect
        return self._run(self.connectAsync(
      File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib\site-packages\ib_insync\", line 292, in _run
        return*awaitables, timeout=self.RequestTimeout)
      File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib\site-packages\ib_insync\", line 311, in run
        result = loop.run_until_complete(task)
      File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib\asyncio\", line 612, in run_until_complete
        return future.result()
      File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib\site-packages\ib_insync\", line 1619, in connectAsync
        await asyncio.wait_for(connect(), timeout or None)
      File "C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib\asyncio\", line 490, in wait_for
        raise exceptions.TimeoutError()

    Probable causes:

    Investigating the traceback:

    1. It looks like it is caused by _run in, which somehow misses the *awaitables in def run of that gets into run_until_complete of and falls through to line:612 (unreachable by pylance) to return future.result()

    2. seems to take this result forward to to raise the exceptions.TimeoutError(). There is a comment in pointing to a python bug, that seems to have been abandoned in May 2018. However, on August 27, there seems to have been some changes made in the code base to address fut.cancel.


    • Does this happen to others too?
    • Is there something that can be done to address this in ib_insync?
    opened by reservoirinvest 22
  • Don't discard RT Volume time stamps

    Don't discard RT Volume time stamps

    Relates to #274.

    Parse the millisecond time stamps received from genericTick 77 and 48 convert it to float seconds and save to a new attribute Ticker.last_fill_time.

    This field is absolutely essential for anykind of accurate charting on small time frames.

    I'm not married to any particular name for this attribute, some alternatives:

    • last_clearing_time
    • last_volume_time
    • last_trade_time

    Note, I also dropped a duplicate code block for tick 77 which wasn't being executed ever due to the elif.

    I would like to also add some basic tests for this and an example in the docs if that's ok @erdewit.

    I was thinking that the example you provided in #262 using would be a good start.

    For testing I was thinking of starting a suite that can be run by anyone with a data subscription locally. We could do something simple like add some more examples and run them from pytest as well as include them using sphinx's ..literalinclude directive directly from the examples/ directory into the documentation.

    What do you think about working towards using a docker container (choose one from #261 ?) in CI to run tests on commits down the road?


    • [x] change name to rtTime as per @erdewit request and naming consistency
    • [ ] doc string documentation at IB.reqMktData for ID=233
    • [ ] make it a datetime. I'm personally really opposed to this.
    opened by goodboy 18
  • QtWindow stops responding during

    QtWindow stops responding during

    First of all, thank you for sharing this repository. It has saved me days of work and stress that would be put to making sense of the original IB Python API documentation and code.

    I'm currently attempting and failing to run examples/ The QtWindow completely freezes and stops responding while running the main loop

    image After about 5 minutes, the following message gets printed (spammed):

    QEventDispatcherWin32::wakeUp: Failed to post a message (Not enough quota is available to process this command.)
    QEventDispatcherWin32::wakeUp: Failed to post a message (Not enough quota is available to process this command.)
    QEventDispatcherWin32::wakeUp: Failed to post a message (Not enough quota is available to process this command.)
    QEventDispatcherWin32::wakeUp: Failed to post a message (Not enough quota is available to process this command.)
    QEventDispatcherWin32::wakeUp: Failed to post a message (Not enough quota is available to process this command.)

    I'm running Windows 10. I tried using both PyQt5 and PySide2 (including changing the respective imports and util.useQt('PySide2) to no avail.

    Any advice on how to make this work?

    opened by diogoseca 17
  • Problem with ib.reqCurrentTime() with latest TWS version?

    Problem with ib.reqCurrentTime() with latest TWS version?

    It seems this is an issue in TWS itself, but I provide a description here anyhow as it could also be an interaction effect between TWS and ib_insync.

    Since updating TWS to Build 10.16.1f, Jun 2, 2022 4:45:09 PM, my standard loop code breaks. The loop is typically a forever loop with a waitOnUpdate(0.1) to more or less match the rate of ticker update. The code still works running with the gateway.

    After digging, it seems the problem is in reqCurrentTime(), everything else seems to work fine, and specifically when calling reqCurrentTime() faster than once per second. I have no good idea why this would happen. Here is the smallest reproducible code that triggers the behavior

    delay = 1.1 for i in range(10): print(f"Loop {i}, delay {delay:.1f}") print(f"{ib.reqCurrentTime()}") ib.waitOnUpdate(delay) delay = max(0.1, delay - 0.1)

    Running this code result in this output, with the code never returning from reqCurrentTime()

    Loop 0, delay 1.1 2022-06-06 05:09:25+00:00 Loop 1, delay 1.0 2022-06-06 05:09:26+00:00 Loop 2, delay 0.9 2022-06-06 05:09:27+00:00 Loop 3, delay 0.8

    When that happens in a normal loop, log message linked to event handler still happens, for example a function called at bar updates still work.

    opened by mdelvaux 13
  • I can't call ib_insync function on the flask server

    I can't call ib_insync function on the flask server

    Hi, there. I am very interested in your project. I am going to integrate tradingview webhook and ib_insync. image image image Can you help me? I will wait for your favorable reply. Thanks.

    opened by lovetrading10 13
  • Consideration for a differently implemented synchronous api

    Consideration for a differently implemented synchronous api

    @erdewit first I want to thank you immensely for this project :smile_cat:

    I've dug through the messaging machinery in and I have to say, thank you so much for allowing the world to avoid having to use the monstrosity that is ibapi.client.EClient :rocket:

    The point of this issue is to suggest a change and possibly start a discussion surrounding an alternative method for giving users a synchronous api around ib_insync.

    I realize the library is supposed to equip users unfamiliar with asynchronous systems but at the moment the approach used is disadvantageous to users who are familiar with async programming and in particular asyncio and the beauty that normally comes with the ability to leverage that ecosystem for data streaming purposes.

    My proposal for the sync API

    • run the asyncio event loop in a separate background thread
    • have synchronous IB API (methods) schedule async calls and receive results using asyncio.run_coroutine_threadsafe()
    • eventually consider use of as the thread entry point (presuming of course that there is an eventual move to 3.7+)

    Why to change this

    • the main reason is to avoid user code being able to ever block the asyncio loop, effectively masquerading as though it is synchronous code while constantly starting and stopping the event loop using, i.e.
      • there will be no need for IB.sleep() calls by "synchronous" user code as is described by:

      The one rule when working with the IB class is therefore that user code may not block for too long.

      • user code will never be able to slow down or unnecessarily block the ib_insync protocol engine resulting in the ability to use deterministic timing logic in async code
      • if there is a reason to rate limit IB requests due to api restrictions on the IB server side, ib_insync asynchronous code will never have to worry about erroneous user code blocking unecessarily
      • backpressure logic for streaming can be delegated to appropriate asyncio data structures instead of haphazardly managed in user functions invoked as callbacks
    • asyncio knowledged programmers will be much happier and able to leverage forwarding streams of real-time data from IB using async functions (which of course asyncio now allows scheduling with .create_task()) and the streaming ecosystem instead of relying on synchronous functions invoked as callbacks.
    • async programmers will be able to run the engine in an async proper way (where the user is capable and in charge of scheduling their own tasks on the loop) without any background thread.
    • there will be no performance penalty; I know this personally from having written a similar protocol-oriented-client type system which was deployed at scale.
    • it should allow for true concurrent api requests to IB's endpoints; eg. getting multiple ContractDetails in "parallel" (in the i/o sense of course) even from the synchronous API.
    • it will make integration with other foreign event loops (trio, curio) in Python's async space much easier.
      • woops, this might be my main reason for this request :detective:

    My apologies if this was a bit long but I'd like to at least open discussion and get your thoughts.

    Thanks :)

    opened by goodboy 13
  • ಥ_ಥ indices TRIN-NYSE, TICK-NYSE    in  reqRealTimeBars()  :  Error 321, reqId 69: Error validating request.-'bT' : cause - Please enter exchangeError 321, reqId 69: Error validating request.-'bT' : cause - Please enter exchange

    ಥ_ಥ indices TRIN-NYSE, TICK-NYSE in reqRealTimeBars() : Error 321, reqId 69: Error validating request.-'bT' : cause - Please enter exchangeError 321, reqId 69: Error validating request.-'bT' : cause - Please enter exchange

    Hey Ewald, @erdewit , there is a TRIN-NYSE, TICK-NYSE problem with reqRealTimeBars(contract, 30, 'MIDPOINT', False). Other indices work just fine.

    The error returned by IB:

    Error 321, reqId 69: Error validating request.-'bT' : cause - Please enter exchange, contract: Index(symbol='TRIN-NYSE') Error 10225, reqId 29: Bust event occurred, current subscription is deactivated. Please resubscribe real-time bars immediately., contract: Index(conId=26718743, symbol='TRIN-NYSE', exchange='NYSE', currency='USD', localSymbol='TRIN-NYSE')

    p.s.: thx for ur work!

    opened by fritol 12
  • We're discarding trade RT Volume times

    We're discarding trade RT Volume times

    Is there a reason to do with different asset types?

    I'm also noticing some duplicate code where this seems to be set in Wrapper.tickString():

    Actually these two blocks look almost identical minus this little nested branch section. I'm pretty sure these could be factored.

    I'm only looking at this because I realized we're always discarding the RT Volume, clearing time from the exchange.

    This pairs with questions I had in #272. Normally i would expect tick data to have the exchange clearing time for any trades/volume.

    As an example (after I've patched the code - don't worry I'll make a PR) this is what I now see from my streaming tick data after adding a last_fill_time field from the exchange clearing time we are discarding:

    trio got: {'time': 1593468211.4448721, 'tickType': 3, 'price': 3046.5, 'size': 4, 'last_fill_time': None}
    trio got: {'time': 1593468211.6727612, 'tickType': 77, 'price': 3046.25, 'size': 7, 'last_fill_time': 1593468211.081}
    trio got: {'time': 1593468211.6734376, 'tickType': 3, 'price': 3046.5, 'size': 7, 'last_fill_time': None}
    trio got: {'time': 1593468211.6734376, 'tickType': 3, 'price': 3046.5, 'size': 7, 'last_fill_time': None}
    trio got: {'time': 1593468211.6734376, 'tickType': 3, 'price': 3046.5, 'size': 7, 'last_fill_time': None}
    trio got: {'time': 1593468211.872757, 'tickType': 77, 'price': 3046.25, 'size': 1, 'last_fill_time': 1593468211.281}
    trio got: {'time': 1593468211.872757, 'tickType': 77, 'price': 3046.25, 'size': 1, 'last_fill_time': 1593468211.281}
    trio got: {'time': 1593468212.3658435, 'tickType': 48, 'price': 3046.25, 'size': 1, 'last_fill_time': 1593468211.774}
    trio got: {'time': 1593468212.3662589, 'tickType': 77, 'price': 3046.25, 'size': 1, 'last_fill_time': 1593468211.774}
    trio got: {'time': 1593468212.3925517, 'tickType': 77, 'price': 3046.25, 'size': 8, 'last_fill_time': 1593468211.801}
    trio got: {'time': 1593468212.3925517, 'tickType': 77, 'price': 3046.25, 'size': 8, 'last_fill_time': 1593468211.801}
    trio got: {'time': 1593468212.6746254, 'tickType': 8, 'price': -1.0, 'size': 1699, 'last_fill_time': None}
    trio got: {'time': 1593468212.6753259, 'tickType': 0, 'price': 3046.25, 'size': 5, 'last_fill_time': None}
    trio got: {'time': 1593468212.6753259, 'tickType': 3, 'price': 3046.5, 'size': 8, 'last_fill_time': None}
    trio got: {'time': 1593468212.6753259, 'tickType': 0, 'price': 3046.25, 'size': 5, 'last_fill_time': None}
    trio got: {'time': 1593468212.6753259, 'tickType': 3, 'price': 3046.5, 'size': 8, 'last_fill_time': None}

    Hey @drusakov778, look you can actually see the exchange -> ib_insync latency now :wink:.

    opened by goodboy 11
  • RuntimeError: There is no current event loop in thread 'django-main-thread'

    RuntimeError: There is no current event loop in thread 'django-main-thread'

    Hi, I'm trying to integrate ib-insync with django using django-channels to get real time data from interactive brokers using a socket and using reqTickByTickData. But I'm struggling with the initial connection.

    I wrote this line of code in

    import json, nest_asyncio, asyncio
    from ib_insync import *
    ib = IB()
    def connect_to_ib(): 
        print("Starting IB")
        ib_connection = ib.connect('', 4002, clientId=1,timeout=4, readonly=False, account='')
        print("IB is Connected?", ib.isConnected())
        return ib_connection

    but I'm getting this error:

    RuntimeError: There is no current event loop in thread 'django-main-thread'

    It worked in the past briefly and get an ib Object but I don't know why It fails now.

    I read #33 and #167 in order to solve this error but the problem persist.

    def create_evenloop():
        print("Starting Event Loop")
        loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()

    Those functions were called in a consumer in django channels, (normally django is blocking but AsyncWebsocketConsumer from channels make non-blocking code inside PlotterConsumer class )

    class PlotterConsumer(AsyncWebsocketConsumer):
        ib = connect_to_ib()
    opened by juan9222 10
  • contract description specified for KWEB is ambiguous

    contract description specified for KWEB is ambiguous

    from ib_insync import * #util.startLoop()

    ib = IB() ib.connect('', 7497, clientId=123)

    def getMktData(symbol): contract = Stock(symbol, 'SMART', 'USD') bars = ib.reqHistoricalData( contract, endDateTime='', durationStr='3 M', barSizeSetting='10 mins', whatToShow='TRADES', useRTH=True, formatDate=1) df = util.df(bars) return df



    The contract description specified for KWEB is ambiguous., contract: Stock(symbol='KWEB', exchange='SMART', currency='USD')

    opened by edwardhuanghz 1
  • Timeout when connecting from wsl2 to windows-based TWS

    Timeout when connecting from wsl2 to windows-based TWS

    I've been facing an issue where a connection between a code that runs in WSL2 (ubuntu 22.04) and a TWS running on Windows 10 is disconnected due to timeout.

    Connecting to the same TWS using the same code but directly from Windows (without WSL) works flawlessly.

    In TWS settings, I have enabled connections from

    Log is as follows

    2022-11-21 19:24:14,360 ib_insync.client INFO Connecting to with clientId 999...
    2022-11-21 19:24:14,362 ib_insync.client INFO Connected
    2022-11-21 19:24:18,363 ib_insync.client INFO Disconnecting
    2022-11-21 19:24:18,364 ib_insync.client ERROR API connection failed: TimeoutError()
    opened by yarimiz 1
  • Only first order appears at TWS. Adding ib.sleep(0) solves it

    Only first order appears at TWS. Adding ib.sleep(0) solves it

    ib-insync 0.9.71 Python 3.10.4 Demo account Trader Workstation Build 10.18.1e, Sep 20, 2022 4:11:21 PM Windows10 1809

    Found Bug: only first order appears at TWS if ib.sleep(0) added - all orders appears print shows correct OrdedID assigned to each trade

    code example:

    from ib_insync import *
    ib = IB()
    contract = Stock (symbol='SPY', exchange='SMART',  currency='USD')
    for n in range(3):
        order = MarketOrder('BUY',1,account = ib.wrapper.accounts[0] )
        trade = ib.placeOrder(contract,order)
        # ib.sleep(0)  #uncomment this
    opened by codeserg 5
  • Fill corrections

    Fill corrections

    ib_insync's filled quantity algorithm performs a sum of the quantity of all the trade's fills:

    These fills are communicated as "executions" by IB through the execDetails callback. However IB API's documentation indicates that an execution's ExecId field might indicate in some cases that it is not a new execution but a correction to a previous execution ( " string ExecId The execution's identifier. Each partial fill has a separate ExecId. A correction is indicated by an ExecId which differs from a previous ExecId in only the digits after the final period, e.g. an ExecId ending in ".02" would be a correction of a previous execution with an ExecId ending in ".01". "

    The documentation does not indicate if the correction is a replacement (ie it cancels and replaces the previous execution) or a delta (ie its quantities shall be added to the previous execution's quantities to correct them). ib_insync's code seems to assume the later. Is it a deliberate choice based on observing these cases, or is it a potential bug? I have not observed this case directly in my new logs (my old logs are not usable for such purpose) so maybe this potential bug is pedantic.

    opened by dmoklaf 1
  • Cancellation of inactive orders

    Cancellation of inactive orders

    The code managing the cancellation of inactive orders ( declares them immediately as Cancelled, as opposed to PendingCancel. There is one common case where this seems premature: unavailable shares to short. In these case, IB declares the order as inactive, but it is still looking for these shares and could at any moment execute the order should new borrowable shares become available (I practice short-selling quite a lot and this is often unpredictable). To handle these cases properly inactive orders shall be removed from this condition, i.e. declared as PendingCancel until the server confirms the effective cancellation.

    Note: I have only a cursory understanding of how the library and the IB API interact so I may be completely wrong. For example I don't know if the server does send a cancellation confirmation for inactive orders.

    opened by dmoklaf 4
Ewald de Wit
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Cuemacro 3k Dec 30, 2022
Python Backtesting library for trading strategies

backtrader Yahoo API Note: [2018-11-16] After some testing it would seem that data downloads can be again relied upon over the web interface (or API v

DRo 9.8k Dec 30, 2022
Python Algorithmic Trading Library

PyAlgoTrade PyAlgoTrade is an event driven algorithmic trading Python library. Although the initial focus was on backtesting, paper trading is now pos

Gabriel Becedillas 3.9k Jan 1, 2023
ARCH models in Python

arch Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (ARCH) and other tools for financial econometrics, written in Python (with Cython and/or Numba used

Kevin Sheppard 1k Jan 4, 2023
:mag_right: :chart_with_upwards_trend: :snake: :moneybag: Backtest trading strategies in Python. Backtest trading strategies with Python. Project website Documentation the project if you use it. Installation $ pip install backtestin

null 3.1k Dec 31, 2022
Q-Fin: A Python library for mathematical finance.

Q-Fin A Python library for mathematical finance. Installation pip install qfin Bond Pricing Option Pricing Black-Schol

Roman Paolucci 247 Jan 1, 2023
personal finance tracker, written in python 3 and using the wxPython GUI toolkit.

personal finance tracker, written in python 3 and using the wxPython GUI toolkit.

wenbin wu 23 Oct 30, 2022
Beibo is a Python library that uses several AI prediction models to predict stocks returns over a defined period of time.

Beibo is a Python library that uses several AI prediction models to predict stocks returns over a defined period of time.

Santosh 54 Dec 10, 2022
Indicator divergence library for python

Indicator divergence library This module aims to help to find bullish/bearish divergences (regular or hidden) between two indicators using argrelextre

null 8 Dec 13, 2022
Python wrapper for Interactive Brokers Client Portal Web API

EasyIB: Unofficial Wrapper for Interactive Brokers API EasyIB is an unofficial python wrapper for Interactive Brokers Client Portal Web API. Features

null 39 Dec 13, 2022
TradingView Interactive Brokers Integration using Webhooks

TradingView Interactive Brokers Integration using Webhooks

null 84 Dec 19, 2022
Replit theme sync; Github theme sync but in Replit.

This is a Replit theme sync, basically meaning that it keeps track of the current time (which may need to be edited later on), and if the time passes morning, afternoon, etc, the theme switches. The idea came from GitHub's theme sync. Except this is a separate program, not attached to Replit.

Glitch 8 Jun 25, 2022
sync/async MongoDB ODM, yes.

μMongo: sync/async ODM μMongo is a Python MongoDB ODM. It inception comes from two needs: the lack of async ODM and the difficulty to do document (un)

Scille 428 Dec 29, 2022
Async and Sync wrapper client around httpx, fastapi, date stuff

lazyapi Async and Sync wrapper client around httpx, fastapi, and datetime stuff. Motivation This library is forked from an internal project that works

null 2 Apr 19, 2022
Async timeit - Async version of python's timeit

Async Timeit Replica of default python timeit module with small changes to allow

Raghava G Dhanya 3 Apr 13, 2022