Caffe models in TensorFlow


Caffe to TensorFlow

Convert Caffe models to TensorFlow.


Run to convert an existing Caffe model to TensorFlow.

Make sure you're using the latest Caffe format (see the notes section for more info).

The output consists of two files:

  1. A data file (in NumPy's native format) containing the model's learned parameters.
  2. A Python class that constructs the model's graph.


See the examples folder for more details.


The following converted models have been verified on the ILSVRC2012 validation set using

Model Top 5 Accuracy
ResNet 152 92.92%
ResNet 101 92.63%
ResNet 50 92.02%
VGG 16 89.88%
GoogLeNet 89.06%
Network in Network 81.21%
CaffeNet 79.93%
AlexNet 79.84%


  • Only the new Caffe model format is supported. If you have an old model, use the upgrade_net_proto_text and upgrade_net_proto_binary tools that ship with Caffe to upgrade them first. Also make sure you're using a fairly recent version of Caffe.

  • It appears that Caffe and TensorFlow cannot be concurrently invoked (CUDA conflicts - even with set_mode_cpu). This makes it a two-stage process: first extract the parameters with, then import it into TensorFlow.

  • Caffe is not strictly required. If PyCaffe is found in your PYTHONPATH, and the USE_PYCAFFE environment variable is set, it will be used. Otherwise, a fallback will be used. However, the fallback uses the pure Python-based implementation of protobuf, which is astoundingly slow (~1.5 minutes to parse the VGG16 parameters). The experimental CPP protobuf backend doesn't particularly help here, since it runs into the file size limit (Caffe gets around this by overriding this limit in C++). A cleaner solution here would be to implement the loader as a C++ module.

  • Only a subset of Caffe layers and accompanying parameters are currently supported.

  • Not all Caffe models can be converted to TensorFlow. For instance, Caffe supports arbitrary padding whereas TensorFlow's support is currently restricted to SAME and VALID.

  • The border values are handled differently by Caffe and TensorFlow. However, these don't appear to affect things too much.

  • Image rescaling can affect the ILSVRC2012 top 5 accuracy listed above slightly. VGG16 expects isotropic rescaling (anisotropic reduces accuracy to 88.45%) whereas BVLC's implementation of GoogLeNet expects anisotropic (isotropic reduces accuracy to 87.7%).

  • The support class kaffe.tensorflow.Network has no internal dependencies. It can be safely extracted and deployed without the rest of this library.

  • The ResNet model uses 1x1 convolutions with a stride of 2. This is currently only supported in the master branch of TensorFlow (the latest release at time of writing being v0.8.0, which does not support it).

  • Incompatibility with protocol buffer 3.0.0a4

    Incompatibility with protocol buffer 3.0.0a4

    I updated tensorflow, which updated protocol buffer to version 3.0.0a4. I can't import any model anymore.

    To reproduce the bug, go in the caffe-tensorflow/caffe folder, and execute the following code:

    Python 2.7.10 (default, Jul 13 2015, 12:05:58) 
    [GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 6.1.0 (clang-602.0.53)] on darwin
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
    >>> from google import protobuf
    >>> protobuf.__version__
    >>> import caffepb
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
      File "", line 28, in <module>
      File "/Users/olivier/pythonvenv/tf/lib/python2.7/site-packages/google/protobuf/", line 652, in __new__
    TypeError: Descriptors should not be created directly, but only retrieved from their parent.
    >>> exit()
    opened by leconteur 12
  • Error encountered: Unknown layer type encountered: 4 for VGG-16 laycer CNN

    Error encountered: Unknown layer type encountered: 4 for VGG-16 laycer CNN

    Using the command: ./ VGG_ILSVRC_16_layers_deploy.prototxt

    .prototxt obtained from:

    opened by StephenBydawell 8
  • google.protobuf.text_format.ParseError: 19:3 : Message type

    google.protobuf.text_format.ParseError: 19:3 : Message type "caffe.LayerParameter" has no field named "bn_param".


    I am a beginner to Caffe/TensorFlow/Python. I want to convert existing Caffe's .prototxt to TensorFlow using, i.e. when running:

    root@0352fe53b2be:/src/temporal-segment-networks/lib/caffe-tensorflow-master# ./ /src/temporal-segment-networks/models/ucf101/test1.prototxt

    I get following error:

    WARNING: PyCaffe not found!
    Falling back to a pure protocol buffer implementation.
    * Conversions will be drastically slower.
    * This backend is UNTESTED!

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "./", line 60, in main() File "./", line 56, in main args.phase) File "./", line 27, in convert transformer = TensorFlowTransformer(def_path, caffemodel_path, phase=phase) File "/src/temporal-segment-networks/lib/caffe-tensorflow-master/kaffe/tensorflow/", line 221, in init self.load(def_path, data_path, phase) File "/src/temporal-segment-networks/lib/caffe-tensorflow-master/kaffe/tensorflow/", line 227, in load graph = GraphBuilder(def_path, phase).build() File "/src/temporal-segment-networks/lib/caffe-tensorflow-master/kaffe/", line 140, in init self.load() File "/src/temporal-segment-networks/lib/caffe-tensorflow-master/kaffe/", line 146, in load text_format.Merge(, self.params) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/google/protobuf/", line 476, in Merge descriptor_pool=descriptor_pool) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/google/protobuf/", line 526, in MergeLines return parser.MergeLines(lines, message) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/google/protobuf/", line 559, in MergeLines self._ParseOrMerge(lines, message) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/google/protobuf/", line 574, in _ParseOrMerge self._MergeField(tokenizer, message) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/google/protobuf/", line 675, in _MergeField merger(tokenizer, message, field) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/google/protobuf/", line 764, in _MergeMessageField self._MergeField(tokenizer, sub_message) File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/google/protobuf/", line 643, in _MergeField (message_descriptor.full_name, name)) google.protobuf.text_format.ParseError: 19:3 : Message type "caffe.LayerParameter" has no field named "bn_param". root@0352fe53b2be:/src/temporal-segment-networks/lib/caffe-tensorflow-master# google.protobuf.text_format.ParseError: 19:3 : Message type "caffe.LayerParameter" has no field named "bn_para

    Anyone has any ideas about it? Many thanks in advance!


    opened by mikeleatila 7
  • Issue Converting AlexNet

    Issue Converting AlexNet

    I have what I imagine is a rather simple problem. I'm trying to import the standard bvlc_alexnet model from the Caffe github (caffe/models/bvlc_alexnet). I've tried both the train_val and the solver prototext file, and get different errors for each - both in the first layer.

    In train_val.prototext, the first layer is:

    layer {
      name: "data"
      type: "Data"
      top: "data"
      top: "label"
      include {
        phase: TRAIN
      transform_param {
        mirror: true
        crop_size: 227
        mean_file: "data/ilsvrc12/imagenet_mean.binaryproto"
      data_param {
        source: "examples/imagenet/ilsvrc12_train_lmdb"
        batch_size: 256
        backend: LMDB

    and the error is "Cannot determine the dimensions of data layer". If I use deploy.prototext:

    layer {
      name: "data"
      type: "Input"
      top: "data"
      input_param { shape: { dim: 10 dim: 3 dim: 227 dim: 227 } }

    I get an error because the "Input" layer is not recognized, and also because the "input_param" property is not recognized.

    I'm sure I'm doing something foolish, but can't seem to figure it out! Perhaps including a sample prototext file that converts successfully would help people like me massage our files into the correct format?

    opened by zplizzi 7
  • Can't convert reference_caffe.

    Can't convert reference_caffe.

    There seems to be an incoherence which prevents me from loading the alexnet weights. I get the following output. As you can see, the output of conv1 is 96 channels, but the input of conv 2 is 48 channels. It does the same with the reference or the alexnet network.

    WARNING: PyCaffe not found! 
    Falling back to protocol buffer implementation. 
    This may take a couple of minutes.
    Type                 Name                                          Param               Output
    Data                 data                                             --    (10, 3, 227, 227)
    Convolution          conv1                               (96, 3, 11, 11)     (10, 96, 55, 55)
    Pooling              pool1                                            --     (10, 96, 27, 27)
    LRN                  norm1                                            --     (10, 96, 27, 27)
    Convolution          conv2                               (256, 48, 5, 5)    (10, 256, 27, 27)
    Pooling              pool2                                            --    (10, 256, 13, 13)
    LRN                  norm2                                            --    (10, 256, 13, 13)
    Convolution          conv3                              (384, 256, 3, 3)    (10, 384, 13, 13)
    Convolution          conv4                              (384, 192, 3, 3)    (10, 384, 13, 13)
    Convolution          conv5                              (256, 192, 3, 3)    (10, 256, 13, 13)
    Pooling              pool5                                            --      (10, 256, 6, 6)
    InnerProduct         fc6                                    (4096, 9216)     (10, 4096, 1, 1)
    InnerProduct         fc7                                    (4096, 4096)     (10, 4096, 1, 1)
    InnerProduct         fc8                                    (1000, 4096)     (10, 1000, 1, 1)
    Softmax              prob                                             --     (10, 1000, 1, 1)
    Converting data...
    Saving data...
    Saving source...
    opened by leconteur 7
  • how can i save the transformed model graph ?

    how can i save the transformed model graph ?

    I managed to convert my caffe model successfully into 2 files (python class and npy weights file). Now i want to save the converted model as ordinary tensorflow graph.

    this is an example for the desired graph file format : [ -o /tmp/inceptionv3.tgz]( -o /tmp/inceptionv3.tgz)

    opened by yossibiton 6
  • Error with 1-d model

    Error with 1-d model

    Hi, I'm trying to convert a model trained on MNIST in caffe. The conversion to tensorflow is raising an error. The conversion utility is missing the number of channels param for the first Convolution layer. Instead of reading the 4d array as (64, 1, 5, 5) for Conv1 layer, it only recognizes the params as a 3d array viz., (64, 5, 5). Can you pls help me.


    opened by RamyaNT 6
  • Unknown layer type error when loading any layer

    Unknown layer type error when loading any layer

    I've been trying to load the standard VGG16 models and prototxt, but am getting the following error when trying to load the very first layer:

    Unknown layer type encountered: None

    The error is thrown in, which has the following lines:

       kind = NodeKind.map_raw_kind(layer.type)
       if kind is None:
          raise KaffeError('Unknown layer type encountered: %s'%kind)

    layer.type here is an integer (4 – no idea where that's coming from), but NodeKind.map_raw_kind is trying to match the layer name (e.g. "Convolution" to LAYER_TYPES, which contains a list of Caffe layer types). Naturally, 4 isn't in LAYER_TYPES, so it throws the error.

    I can't figure out where this 4, instead of "Convolution", is coming from – tracing that back led me to kaffe/caffepb, which I don't understand. The layer object looks like this: <kaffe.caffepb.V1LayerParameter object at 0x1064c2a28>, and this is what print(layer) outputs right before the call to layer.type returns 4:

    bottom: "data"
    top: "conv1_1"
    name: "conv1_1"
    convolution_param {
      num_output: 64
      pad: 1
      kernel_size: 3

    Any thoughts as to what's going on? I imagine the wrong thing is being assigned to type, but I can't figure out where.

    As an aside, the names in LAYER_DESCRIPTORS are all in CamelCase, while the ones in the official prototxts are in all-caps – I've modified manually as a quick fix, but might submit a .lower() fix if I have time today.

    opened by rrshaban 6
  • layer.type returns number instead of string

    layer.type returns number instead of string


    In kaffe/

    def make_node(self, layer):
        '''Create a graph node for the giver layer.'''
        kind = NodeKind.map_raw_kind(layer.type)
        if kind is None:
            raise KaffeError('Unknown layer type encountered: %s' % layer.type)

    layer.type returns number instead of layer name.

    As a consequence:

    ./ --caffemodel model.caffemodel --data-output-path build --code-output-path build deploy.prototxt

    fails with:

    Error encountered: Unknown layer type encountered: 4 For the first CONVOLUTION layer in deploy.prototxt.

    Can anyone help? It seems that protobuf do something wrong. I have 3.0.2 version on my PC.

    opened by joker512 5
  • Protobuf error - truncated message

    Protobuf error - truncated message


    I am running TensorFlow 0.11.0rc0 on Python 3.5 with Mac OSX 10.11.6 and libprotoc 2.6.1.

    When I try to convert a model (new Caffe format) I get this Protobuf error... Has anyone seen this before?

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 60, in main() File "", line 56, in main args.phase) File "", line 27, in convert transformer = TensorFlowTransformer(def_path, caffemodel_path, phase=phase) File "/Users/thomaswood/Documents/Clones/caffe-tensorflow/kaffe/tensorflow/", line 221, in init self.load(def_path, data_path, phase) File "/Users/thomaswood/Documents/Clones/caffe-tensorflow/kaffe/tensorflow/", line 227, in load graph = GraphBuilder(def_path, phase).build() File "/Users/thomaswood/Documents/Clones/caffe-tensorflow/kaffe/", line 140, in init self.load() File "/Users/thomaswood/Documents/Clones/caffe-tensorflow/kaffe/", line 144, in load self.params = get_caffe_resolver().NetParameter() File "/Users/thomaswood/Documents/Clones/caffe-tensorflow/kaffe/caffe/", line 32, in get_caffe_resolver SHARED_CAFFE_RESOLVER = CaffeResolver() File "/Users/thomaswood/Documents/Clones/caffe-tensorflow/kaffe/caffe/", line 7, in init self.import_caffe() File "/Users/thomaswood/Documents/Clones/caffe-tensorflow/kaffe/caffe/", line 17, in import_caffe from . import caffepb File "/Users/thomaswood/Documents/Clones/caffe-tensorflow/kaffe/caffe/", line 799, in options=_descriptor._ParseOptions(descriptor_pb2.FieldOptions(), '\020\001')), File "/Users/thomaswood/anaconda/envs/py35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/google/protobuf/", line 872, in _ParseOptions message.ParseFromString(string) File "/Users/thomaswood/anaconda/envs/py35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/google/protobuf/", line 185, in ParseFromString self.MergeFromString(serialized) File "/Users/thomaswood/anaconda/envs/py35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/google/protobuf/internal/", line 1088, in MergeFromString raise message_mod.DecodeError('Truncated message.')

    opened by woodthom2 5
  • Poissible problems with BatchNorm

    Poissible problems with BatchNorm

    I trained GoogleNet (v1) with BatchNorm on Caffe. Prediction is OK on Caffe. When converting to TF model, prediction results are quite random and unpredictable! Then I trained another GoogleNet (v1) without BatchNorm layers on Caffe. Now predictions are OK on both Caffe and the converted TF model. So I think there may be some bugs relevant to BatchNorm part. Have you tested it?


    opened by vodp 5
  • Cannot determine dimensions of data layer

    Cannot determine dimensions of data layer

    I am giving deploy_vgg.prototxt as input and followed the instructions given in this site but I get this error: Error encountered: Cannot determine dimensions of data layer. See comments in function shape data for more info. python 3.8 Thank you in advance for your help.

    opened by appbaz 0
  • Doesn't work

    Doesn't work

    Have tried with python 2 and 3, but keep getting 'multiple top nodes are not supported' then when i remove the top: label from the prototxt it says Layer not found: label

    opened by ryanh18 0
  • numpy array is an unnatural container for weights

    numpy array is an unnatural container for weights

    I had an issue loading a model's weights after converting with some error about dtype being object in numpy.load with allow_pickle=False, which must be some sort of environment issue I haven't dug into. Looking into it I see the weights are dumped as a numpy "scalar" of type object, and it's really just a dict of dicts of arrays. hdf5 is a much more natural datatype for this which would be less fragile, and is what keras, tensorflow and scipy use too, so users will have it installed already. Would you be open to a pull request to change this?

    Although this library doesn't use keras, keras saves the model architecture in hdf5 too.

    opened by Permafacture 0
  • Generic conv implementation does not support grouped convolutions for now.

    Generic conv implementation does not support grouped convolutions for now.

    2019/12/17 16:50:04 Generic conv implementation does not support grouped convolutions for now. [[{{node conv1/Conv2D}} = Conv2D[T=DT_FLOAT, data_format="NHWC", dilations=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding="VALID", strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], use_cudnn_on_gpu=true, _device="/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:CPU:0"](_arg_Placeholder_0_0, conv1/weights)]]

    opened by zhuqiming678 0
  • Can't Convert Example

    Can't Convert Example

    I tried to convert a caffe model, but I got an error. I tried convert the provided example, and I got the same error below.

    Python 3.7.4 caffe 1.0.0 tensorflow 1.14.0

    $ python examples/mnist/lenet.prototxt Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 60, in main() File "", line 56, in main args.phase) File "", line 27, in convert transformer = TensorFlowTransformer(def_path, caffemodel_path, phase=phase) File "/mnt/e/Programming/python/ml/caffe-tensorflow-master/kaffe/tensorflow/", line 221, in init self.load(def_path, data_path, phase) File "/mnt/e/Programming/python/ml/caffe-tensorflow-master/kaffe/tensorflow/", line 254, in load print_stderr(self.graph) File "/mnt/e/Programming/python/ml/caffe-tensorflow-master/kaffe/", line 7, in print_stderr sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % msg) File "/mnt/e/Programming/python/ml/caffe-tensorflow-master/kaffe/", line 125, in str tuple(out_shape))) TypeError: unsupported format string passed to tuple.format

    opened by jsl303 2
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