To automate the generation and validation tests of COSE/CBOR Codes and it's base45/2D Code representations

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Testing dgc-testdata

EU Digital COVID Certificate: Test Data Repository for Test Automation

AboutTesting & Status2D CodeHow to ContributeLicensing


To automate the generation and validation tests of COSE/CBOR Codes and it's base45/2D Code representations, a lot of data has to be collected to ensure the variance of the tests. This respository was established to collect a lot of different test data and related test cases of different member states in a standardized manner. Each member state can generate a folder in this section.

Testing & Status

  • If you found any problems, please create an Issue.
  • Please make sure to review the issues to see if any other members states found issues with your provided test data.

2D Code

Test Procedure

The test procedure has the following steps:

  1. Load RAW Data File X
  2. Apply all test and validation rules to File X (from all countries).
  3. If one rule fails, the RAW Data File X is highlighted with the related Validation Rule/TestName Fail Status.

Note: If some of the "EXPTECEDRESULT" values are not present, the steps in the tests run can be skipped. The related data can be removed then as well. E.g. if just a "Expireing" test is constructed, the "EXPECTEDEXPIRATIONCHECK" value can be set together with an "COSE" and "VALIDATIONCLOCK" raw object. All other fields are then not necessary.

Field Definition
JSON The JSON-encoding of the Digital Green Certificate payload
CBOR The CBOR-encoding of the Digital Green Certificate payload
COSE The CWT defined by the hCert Spec.
COMPRESSED A CWT compressed by zLib
BASE45 The base45 encoding of the compression.
PREFIX The base45 string concatenated with the Prefix (HC1 etc.)
2DCODE The base64 encoded PNG of a QR Code.
TESTCTX Testcontext with context information of the raw data.
EXPECTEDRESULTS A list of expected results to the testdata.

Possible boolean variables set in EXPECTEDRESULTS:

  • EXPECTEDSCHEMAVALIDATION: Decoded data is valid according to dgc-schema
  • EXPECTEDDECODE: Data from input in CBOR can be decoded, and the contents match input from JSON
  • EXPECTEDVERIFY: Data from input in COSE can be cryptographically verified, with signer's certificate from TESTCTX.CERTIFICATE
  • EXPECTEDUNPREFIX: Data from input in PREFIX can be decoded, i.e. contains a valid prefix (e.g. HC1: for now), and is equal to input in BASE45
  • EXPECTEDVALIDJSON: Data from input (i.e. 2DCODE or PREFIX) can be decoded (whole chain), and the contents match input from JSON
  • EXPECTEDCOMPRESSION: Data from input in COMPRESSED can be decompressed (with ZLIB), and matches input in COSE
  • EXPECTEDB45DECODE: Data from input in BASE45 can be decoded (from Base45), and matches input in COMPRESSED
  • EXPECTEDPICTUREDECODE: Data from input in 2DCODE can be decoded (from Base64-encoded PNG), and matches input in PREFIX
  • EXPECTEDEXPIRATIONCHECK: Data from input is valid when verifying at the moment defined in TESTCTX.VALIDATIONCLOCK
  • EXPECTEDKEYUSAGE: Data from input in COSE can be verified, and the key usage (defined by the OIDs) from TESTCTX.CERTIFICATE matches the content (i.e. it is a test statement, vaccination statement, or recovery statement)

For all variables above:

  • When not set, this specific validation step is not tested in this input file
  • When set to true, this validation step should succeed
  • When set to false, this validation step should fail


To indidcate which gateway environment is available, the test data context should contain: GATEWAY-ENV:Array



Note: Prod Keys should not be uploaded.

Code Generation

Test Number Test Mandatory Fields Mandatory Test Context Fields Variable
1 Load RAW File and load JSON Object, validate against the referenced JSON schema in the test context(SCHEMA field). JSON SCHEMA EXPECTEDVALIDOBJECT
2 Create CBOR from JSON Object. Validate against the CBOR content in the RAW File. See note 2 below. JSON, CBOR EXPECTEDENCODE

NOTE: DESCRIPTION, VERSION are mandatory for all tests.

NOTE 2: CBOR objects that are maps (i.e., the Digital Green Certificate), have an undefined order. This means that the actual encodings between two objects containing the same elements may differ since the ordering may be different. Therefore the validation can not be as simple as comparing two byte arrays against each other. The best method is to decode both elements that are to be compared with the same decoder, encode both objects with the same encoder, and then compare.

Code Validation

Test Number Test Mandatory Fields Mandatory Test Context Fields Variable
1 Load the picture and extract the prefixed BASE45content. PREFIX , 2DCode EXPECTEDPICTUREDECODE
2 Load Prefix Object from RAW Content and remove the prefix. Validate against the BASE45 raw content. PREFIX, BASE45 EXPECTEDUNPREFIX
3 Decode the BASE45 RAW Content and validate the COSE content against the RAW content. BASE45, COSE EXPECTEDB45DECODE
5 Verify the signature of the COSE Object against the JWK Public Key. COSE JWK EXPECTEDVERIFY
6 Extract the CBOR content and validate the CBOR content against the RAW CBOR content field. See note 2 below. COSE,CBOR EXPECTEDDECODE
7 Transform CBOR into JSON and validate against the RAW JSON content. See note 3 below. CBOR,JSON EXPECTEDVALIDJSON
8 Validate the extracted JSON against the schema defined in the test context. CBOR,JSON SCHEMA EXPECTEDSCHEMAVALIDATION
9 The value given in COMPRESSED has to be decompressed by zlib and must match to the value given in COSE COSE,COMPRESSED EXPECTEDCOMPRESSION

NOTE: DESCRIPTION, VERSION are mandatory for all tests.

NOTE 2: CBOR objects that are maps (i.e., the Digital Green Certificate), have an undefined order. This means that the actual encodings between two objects containing the same elements may differ since the ordering may be different. Therefore the validation can not be as simple as comparing two byte arrays against each other. The best method is to decode both elements that are to be compared with the same decoder, encode both objects with the same encoder, and then compare.

NOTE 3: As CBOR objects, JSON objects are not ordered, and a plain string comparison of two objects can not be performed.

File Structure



COUNTRY is defined as the country code by ISO 3166.

Number must be a unique number by country/type.

JSON Schema

A number which identifies the used schema (used in the RAW Data).

RAW Content

The JSON Content under RAW is defined as:

   "CBOR": **CBOR (hex encoded)**,
   "COSE": **COSE (hex encoded)**,
   "COMPRESSED": **COMPRESSED (hex encoded)**,
   "BASE45": **BASE45 Encoded compressed COSE**,
   "PREFIX": **BASE45 Encoded compressed COSE with Prefix HC(x):**,
   "2DCODE": **BASE64 Encoded PNG**,
       "VERSION": **integer**,
       "SCHEMA": **string (USED SCHEMA, semver)**,
       "CERTIFICATE": **BASE64** ,
       "VALIDATIONCLOCK": **Timestamp**, ( ISO8601)
       "DESCRIPTION": **string**,
       "EXPECTEDVALIDOBJECT": **boolean**,
       "EXPECTEDENCODE": **boolean**,
       "EXPECTEDDECODE": **boolean**,
       "EXPECTEDVERIFY": **boolean**,
       "EXPECTEDCOMPRESSION": **boolean**,
       "EXPECTEDKEYUSAGE": **boolean**,
       "EXPECTEDUNPREFIX": **boolean**,
       "EXPECTEDVALIDJSON": **boolean**,
       "EXPECTEDB45DECODE": **boolean**,
       "EXPECTEDPICTUREDECODE": **boolean**,
       "EXPECTEDEXPIRATIONCHECK": **boolean**,


    "JSON": {
        "ver": "1.0.0",
        "nam": {
            "fn": "Musterfrau-Gößinger",
            "fnt": "MUSTERFRAU

Validation Content (TBD)

Javascript validation rules which must be passed during the testing of a 2D Code of the country. Each rule is applied on the decoded JSON Content. The function body is defined as

function [name] ([Decoded JSON Object]) {
    return [boolean]

Image Content

Contains images of the generated base45 contents(PNG).

Certificate Content

The public key to validate the data structure. This is defined as base64 encoded datastructure (PEM).

How to contribute

Contribution and feedback is encouraged and always welcome. For more information about how to contribute, the project structure, as well as additional contribution information, see our Contribution Guidelines. By participating in this project, you agree to abide by its Code of Conduct at all times.


Copyright (C) 2021 T-Systems International GmbH and all other contributors

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the LICENSE for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

  • Automation of dgc testdata verification

    Automation of dgc testdata verification

    Dear Team

    We have developed scripts to run dgc testdata verification of all test JSON files against expected rules. It uses GitHub CI/CD to run tests automatically whenever a country adds/updates their test files. This would help identify all test data issues in an automated manner and help everyone comply with expected rules.

    An example of current test reports available under fork @ and

    Would like to contribute this for wider benefits.

    Would appreciate your feedback / suggestions for further enhancement / refinement and assistance to accept this pull request and make it a part of the process.

    Regards Bhavin Sanghvi Qryptal Pte Ltd, Singapore

    opened by bhavin-qryptal 25
  • How to get access to Document Signing Certificates ?

    How to get access to Document Signing Certificates ?


    I wrote an opensource privacy-preserving verification application for the certificates that are currently being emitted in France (in the 2D-DOC format):

    I would like to add support for digital green certificates, but there is one point in the implementation that is still not clear to me: where do I get access to the public keys needed to check the certificates ? Are they to be retrieved from my national backend ? I am interested by the french national backend in particular. @adelourme, maybe you can point me to resources about it ? Or should I get them from the secretariat mentioned in Volume 1 ?

    The specification states that

    there are no confidentiality requirements for the lists of CSCAs and DSCs.

    However, I cannot seem to get a hold on the these lists.

    If this is not the right place for this kind of question, or if there is something I misunderstood, I'm sorry (and I would love if you could point me in the right direction).

    @M3kH, @AlexConnat, I'm tagging you so that you can follow the discussion.

    general duplicate 
    opened by lovasoa 21
  • Clarification Needed: A single DGC with multiple certificates of different types

    Clarification Needed: A single DGC with multiple certificates of different types

    Issue Description

    Question: Is it legit to have a single DGC with multiple certificates of different types (e.g. One or more Vaccination Record(s) , Recovery Report(s) and/or Test Report(s)) ?

    I recall having read somewhere (could not find that reference anymore) which mentioned that a single DGC could have one more certificates of same types. e.g. Two Vaccination Records (for 1st dose and 2nd dose), however, It could not contain a combination of Vaccination Report and Recovery Report. Now, I am having a doubt whether this understanding is correct or not. Please help with some reference, if you could. I have noticed quite a few examples (an example) in test data repository which contains more than one types of the certificates under single DGC.

    Also, if certificates of different types are allowed in single DGC, I believe, we would need to ensure that given DSC is eligible (extended Key Usage ) to sign all underlying types of the certificates. Please do opine on this.

    Proposed Solution

    Seeking clarification with some references to the documents.

    opened by bhavin-qryptal 16
  • ES: Broken test files

    ES: Broken test files

    Files 1201, 1202 and 1203 has wrapped JSON object within ". Should be a JSON-object Files 2001 and 2002 has a } in the wrong place (after 2DCODE).

    Please fix.

    A question to @SchulzeStTSI: When you approve the PR, don't you check that the files are valid with some sort of tool?

    member state data issue 
    opened by martin-lindstrom 16
  • RO: PL: AT: IS: Issues with expired certificates.

    RO: PL: AT: IS: Issues with expired certificates.

    Affected Country: PL, AT, IS, RO

    Issue Description

    Currently there is a problem in the validation application with PL certificates 4,5/ AT certificates 3 and 4(Also test certificate in onboarding)/ IS certificates 1 and 2/RO test certificate in onboarding. Upon scanning the QR codes, the validation application produces

    2021-05-25 19:20:44.862 14909-14968/ D/CBOR: After expirationTime, expirationTime = 2021-05-25T10:38:52Z 2021-05-25 19:20:44.863 14909-14968/ E/CBOR: Error while decoding cbor java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Expiration not correct: 2021-05-25T10:38:52Z at at$decode$1$1.invokeSuspend(VerificationViewModel.kt:108) at kotlin.coroutines.jvm.internal.BaseContinuationImpl.resumeWith(ContinuationImpl.kt:33) at at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler.runSafely(CoroutineScheduler.kt:571) at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.executeTask(CoroutineScheduler.kt:738) at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$Worker.runWorker(CoroutineScheduler.kt:678) at kotlinx.coroutines.scheduling.CoroutineScheduler$

    The screen after scanning:


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Scan the certificates mentioned above.

    Expected result: Proper display of information and validity/invalidity of the certificate Actual result: No information is being displayed and the certificate is invalid.

    Proposed Solution

    Estonia is planning to use our own solution for scanning and verification and our developers have said that this is mostly an implementation question. But it seems that several countries are experiencing issues with this in testing right now in the mobile verification application.

    member state data issue 
    opened by Mark-Selezenev 15
  • DE: LU: IS: Public keys do not pass validity check against CSCA. (Acceptance)

    DE: LU: IS: Public keys do not pass validity check against CSCA. (Acceptance)

    Affected Country: DE: LU: IS:

    Issue Description

    Your public keys do not verify against CSCA so they are not trusted and although they are in the acceptance test, we can't accept them according to the reference materials.

    Proposed Solution

    I am not sure, technically we can drop the check but that will make the solution less secure. And if it was part of the reference materials then we should do it.

    I thought about adding KIDS here but everyone should know their KID.

    member state data issue 
    opened by Mark-Selezenev 14
  • Who would help me and teach me how to create a Covid certificate (I will pay)

    Who would help me and teach me how to create a Covid certificate (I will pay)

    hey i'm new here. I understand a lot about it, what's going on and how, but I can't connect it all. if someone invested some time to explain, I would be grateful. End of course I will pay for this help. I speak 3 languages: German, Polish and English, but a bit weaker

    opened by zielony666 10
  • LV: Schema failed too many miliseconds.

    LV: Schema failed too many miliseconds.

    Affected Country: LV:

    Issue Description

    Currently the test certificate in onboarding is giving isSchemaValid: false


    error: string "2021-05-25T18:33:59.7315849+03:00" is invalid against requested date format(s) [yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ, yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ] level: "error" schema: {"loadingURI":"#","pointer":"/$defs/test_entry/properties/dr"} instance: {"pointer":"/t/0/dr"} domain: "validation" keyword: "format" attribute: "date-time" value: "2021-05-25T18:33:59.7315849+03:00" expected: ["yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ","yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"]

    error: string "2021-05-24T18:33:59.7247166+03:00" is invalid against requested date format(s) [yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ, yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ] level: "error" schema: {"loadingURI":"#","pointer":"/$defs/test_entry/properties/sc"} instance: {"pointer":"/t/0/sc"} domain: "validation" keyword: "format" attribute: "date-time" value: "2021-05-24T18:33:59.7247166+03:00" expected: ["yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ","yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"]

    You have too many miliseconds added.

    Proposed Solution

    Send sc and dr in proper format.

    member state data issue 
    opened by Mark-Selezenev 9
  • CZ: invalid `iat` field

    CZ: invalid `iat` field

    Affected Country: CZ

    Issue Description

    All json test data provided by CZ contain an iat that is later than the contained VALIDATIONCLOCK

    Proposed Solution

    Please amend the test data to contain iat field earlier than the VALIDATIONCLOCK

    member state data issue 
    opened by JChrist 8
  • Not allowed characters in UVCI for DK entries

    Not allowed characters in UVCI for DK entries

    @jvitrifork Creating an issue since we don't have a better way of communicating.

    The format of the UVCI (ci) used in DK files contains characters outside of the allowed character set. See

    opened by martin-lindstrom 8
  • Clarify CBOR

    Clarify CBOR

    There is a bit of confusion about the CBOR-field. SE and RO has added the CBOR-encoding of the payload but BG has added the CBOR-encoding of the entire CWT.

    Both are CBOR-encoded, so I blame the test instructions ;-)

    Extract the CBOR content and validate the CBOR content against the RAW CBOR content field.

    Should be: Extract the CBOR-encoded DGC payload from the CWT and ...

    Or something like this.

    ping @stamo

    opened by martin-lindstrom 8
  • DE: Update test certificate (2DCode/raw/2.json) data

    DE: Update test certificate (2DCode/raw/2.json) data

    Affected Country: DE

    Issue Description

    COVID-19 specification COVID-19 JSON example

    1. On raw test data test type is LP217198-3 (Rapid immunoassay COVID-19 antigen test). For this test type field (Test device identifier) is required, but missed in json example.

    2. t.dr deprecated.

    3. Order of JSON data is messed up

    Proposed Solution

    Update JSON example and recalculate all test data (COSE, CBOR etc.)

    member state data issue 
    opened by jacomogrelli 0
  • Support for booster vaccinations?

    Support for booster vaccinations?

    Issue Description

    Schema version 1.3.0 (9th June 2021), which is still the latest release, ​states that a certificate will only contain one vaccination entry:

    "Vaccination group, if present, MUST contain exactly 1 (one) entry describing exactly one vaccination event."

    How will booster (3rd) jabs, from different manufacturers than the first/second one be represented? Will there be a different Vaccination Certificate altogether, or will this schema be enhanced to support multiple entries (as it was originally before 1.3.0)?

    For example: 1st and 2nd jabs were AstraZeneca, but Booster (3rd) jab is Pfizer.

    Proposed Solution

    Specifications clarification needed and test-data needs to be updated with new examples that demonstrate how boosters will be included.

    opened by jbx1 4
  • DE: Recovery Certificate 3.json not valid

    DE: Recovery Certificate 3.json not valid

    Affected Country: DE

    Issue Description

    The recovery certificate (see here) is no longer valid or it fails with the current date when checking the business rules with certlogic. It is very difficult to set the validation clock, so it should be replaced with a newer certificate.

    Or is there a way to generate a new one for the ACC environment without having to register somewhere?

    Proposed Solution


    member state data issue 
    opened by pascalkania 0
  • 2-SE: The “certificate valid until” field is missing from the QR code

    2-SE: The “certificate valid until” field is missing from the QR code

    Affected Country:

    Issue Description

    In the QR code data structure, the field “Certificate valid until” is missing”. This means if someone want to verify and automate it directly from the QR code it is not possible today.

    Proposed Solution

    Add valid to field in the data structure.

    member state data issue 
    opened by lalc 0
  • Need Help with the Generation of QR Code

    Need Help with the Generation of QR Code

    Hi there,

    You did an amazing work, but wich Software does I need to convert the json to a QRCode? I tried different website with converters but doesn't work.

    Can you give me a tip?


    opened by Spamuser00 5
  • SG: expiration_time claim is missing (key 4)

    SG: expiration_time claim is missing (key 4)

    Issue Description

    During our automated testing, we encountered an issue with the new raws published by SG.

    Expiration time claim is missing (see CWT Structure Overview) Expiration Time (exp, claim key 4)

    Proposed Solution

    Add the claim

    member state data issue 
    opened by ikbendewilliam 0
Official GitHub Organization of the EU Digital COVID Certificates (EUDCC) project, previously known as the EU Digital Green Certificates (DGC).
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