Python interface for the DIGIT tactile sensor



License: CC BY-NC 4.0 PyPI DIGIT-logo

Python interface for the DIGIT tactile sensor.

For updates and discussions please join the #DIGIT channel at the community.


The preferred way of installation is through PyPi:

pip install digit-interface

Alternatively, you can manually clone the repository and install the package using:

git clone 
cd digit-interface
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install

If you cannot access the device by serial number on your system follow adding DIGIT udev Rule


The default connection method to the DIGIT tactile sensor is through the unique device serial number. The serial number is found on the back of each DIGIT. See List all connected DIGIT's to find device serial numbers which are connected to the host.

Once you have the device serial number, reading data from the sensor should be as easy as

from digit_interface.digit import Digit
d = Digit("D12345") # Unique serial number

Upon connection each DIGIT device initializes with a default stream resolution of VGA: 640x480 at 30fps

Further Usage

List all connected DIGIT's:

To list all connected DIGIT's and display sensor information:

from digit_interface.digit_handler import DigitHandler

digits = DigitHandler.list_digits()
Obtain a single frame:
from digit_interface.digit import Digit

d = Digit("D12345") # Unique serial number
frame = d.get_frame()
List supported stream formats:

Additional streams are supported, these streams vary in resolution and frames per second.

To list the available stream formats:

from digit_interface.digit_handler import DigitHandler

print("Supported streams: \n {}".format(DigitHandler.STREAMS))
Change resolution:
Change FPS,

Based on supported fps for each respective resolution. All streams support pre-defined resolutions which can be found in DigitHandler.STREAMS


Adding DIGIT udev Rule

Add your user to the plugdev group,

adduser username plugdev

Copy udev rule,

sudo cp ./udev/50-DIGIT.rules /lib/udev/rules.d/

Reload rules,

sudo udevadm control --reload
sudo udevadm trigger

Replug the DIGIT device into host.


This code is licensed under CC-by-NC, as found in the LICENSE file.


If you use this project in your research, please cite this paper:

  author  = {Lambeta, Mike and Chou, Po-Wei and Tian, Stephen and Yang, Brian and Maloon, Benjamin and Victoria Rose Most and Stroud, Dave and Santos, Raymond and Byagowi, Ahmad and Kammerer, Gregg and Jayaraman, Dinesh and Calandra, Roberto},
  title   = {{DIGIT}: A Novel Design for a Low-Cost Compact High-Resolution Tactile Sensor with Application to In-Hand Manipulation},
  journal = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)},
  year    = {2020},
  volume  = {5},
  number  = {3},
  pages   = {3838--3845},
  doi     = {10.1109/LRA.2020.2977257},
  • access the device by serial number

    access the device by serial number

    I am very appreciate of your work and I have tried to make a DIGIT following the guidance. However, when I tried to access the device by serial number, the device could not be recognized. The same problem happened again after adding DIGIT udev Rule. Then, I called the DigitHandler.list_digits() from digit_interface.digit_handler and it returned an empty list. I have no idea why this happened, since I used Ubuntu 18.04 in VirtualBox to operate and flashed firmware to DIGIT without encountering any error, which means that DIGIT could be recognized by my computer.

    opened by zengpy17 12
  • Set intensity of LEDs independently

    Set intensity of LEDs independently

    Thanks for sharing such awsome work! I have found the intensity setting function in wonder is there a way to set intensity of LEDs independtly?

    opened by lzyplayer 8
  • Image noise

    Image noise

    I have finished assembly a DIGIT PCB part. Here's what I got After flashing the firmwire, I was able to get status of DIGIT. However the image I got is a little wired which seems too noisy. I have tried different resolution and stream mode, bot none of them help. here's image I got: logs:

    >>> # Connect to a Digit device with serial number with friendly name
    >>> digit = Digit("DXXXXX", "Left Gripper")
    DEBUG:digit_interface.digit:Digit object constructed with serial DXXXXX
    DEBUG:digit_interface.digit_handler:Finding udev devices with subsystem=video4linux, id_model=DIGIT
    DEBUG:digit_interface.digit_handler:Following udev devices found: 
    DEBUG:digit_interface.digit_handler:Searching for DIGIT with serial number DXXXXX
    >>> digit.connect()
    INFO:digit_interface.digit:DXXXXX:Connecting to DIGIT
    INFO:digit_interface.digit:DXXXXX:Setting stream defaults to QVGA, 60fps, maximum LED intensity.
    DEBUG:digit_interface.digit:Default stream to QVGA {'width': 320, 'height': 240}
    DEBUG:digit_interface.digit:DXXXXX:Stream resolution set to 240w x 320h
    DEBUG:digit_interface.digit:Default stream with 60 fps
    DEBUG:digit_interface.digit:DXXXXX:Stream FPS set to 60
    DEBUG:digit_interface.digit:Setting maximum LED illumination intensity
    DEBUG:digit_interface.digit:DXXXXX:LED intensity set to 255
    >>> # Print device info
    >>> print(
    Name: Left Gripper /dev/video1
            - Model: DIGIT
            - Revision: 0101
            - CV Device?: True
            - Connected?: True
    Stream Info:
            - Resolution: 320 x 240
            - FPS: 60
            - LED Intensity: 255

    Is there something wrong with my cam? Thanks for any reply!

    opened by lzyplayer 6
  • Ubuntu not seeing the digit

    Ubuntu not seeing the digit


    I bought two digit sensors and it seems I just cant make any of my PCs to see them. When I connect them, their light comes on however when I try to use lsusb to see if they are connected nothing shows up. I tried 3 different ubuntu 20.04 machines and none can detect them. I added the supplied udev rules as per your instruction and still nothing seems to change. My only suspicion is that I need a USB 3.0 cable but to my understanding there are no USB 3.0 cables with micro B male interface. Am I missing something. Thanks for your help in advance.

    opened by stoic-roboticist 4
  • Windows issue

    Windows issue

    Hi there,

    When I try to run the demo code you provided, there is an error "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'fcntl'". I searched that this module is only available on UNIX-based PC.

    Do you know how to solve it?

    Thanks a lot!

    opened by Rudy112 2
  • Capture errors in VGA mode

    Capture errors in VGA mode


    I'm trying to stream images from the DIGIT in 640x480 resolution. However, there seems to be occasional glitches in the frames along with a lateral translation of the entire frame. This doesn't occur for me in the 320 x 240 mode. I've attached a video below illustrating the problem, along with the minimal code example.

    Would you happen to know any reason this occurs? Any pointers would be much appreciated, thank you for your time!


    from digit_interface import Digit, DigitHandler
    connected_digit = DigitHandler.list_digits()[0]
    d = Digit(connected_digit['serial'])


    Name: None /dev/video2
            - Model: DIGIT
            - Revision: 200
            - Connected?: True
    Stream Info:
            - Resolution: 320 x 240
            - FPS: 60
            - LED Intensity: 4095


    opened by suddhu 7
  • Error Opening video stream: /dev/video0

    Error Opening video stream: /dev/video0

    I'm getting "Error Opening video stream: /dev/video0" quite often when I want to call d.connect() and sometimes while already connected I'm getting "Unable to grab frame from D00123 - /dev/video0!", even though my Digit is recognized and video0 is actually active. First I thought it might be a loose contact, but I'm having the same issue when my Digit is just lying around and if I'm trying to connect again, a lot of times my Digit isn't recognized at all and then all of a sudden sometimes it's recognized again. The most reliable solution to get it running again is plugging it out and back in, but that's not a practical solution when trying to work with it.

    opened by roberttamas98 1
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