Tree-based Search Graph for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search

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Deep Learning TBSG

TBSG: Tree-based Search Graph for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search.

TBSG is a graph-based algorithm for ANNS based on Cover Tree, which is also an approximation of Monotonic Search Network (MSNET). TBSG is very efficient with high precision.

Benchmark datasets

Datasets | No. of base | dimension | No. of query | download link
Sift | 1,000,000 | 128 | 10,000 | (
Gist | 1,000,000 | 300 | 1,000 | (
Glove | 1,183,514 | 100 | 10,000 | (
Crawl | 1,989,995 | 300 | 10,000 | (

How to use TBSG

1) compile

  • Prerequisite : openmp, cmake, eigen3
$ cd /path/to/project  
$ cmake . && make  

2) build an approximate kNNG

We use efanna_graph to build the kNNG.

3) create a TBSG index

$ cd /path/to/project/  
$ ./TBSG_index data_path M S MP nnfile save_path  

data_path is the path of base data.
M is the maximum of size of neighbors.
S is the candidate set size to build TBSG.
MP is the minimum of min_prob.
nnfile is the file of k nearest neighbor graph.
save_path is the path to save the index.

4) search with TBSG index

$ cd /path/to/project/
$ ./TBSG_search data_path query_path groundtruth_path save_path step

data_path is the path of base data.
query_path is the path of query data.
groundtruth is the path of groundtruth data.
save_path is the path to save the index.
step is the step size to expand the search pool.

Parameters used for four datasets

parameters for building kNNG

Dataset K L iter S R
Sift 200 200 12 10 100
Gist 400 400 12 15 100
Glove 400 420 12 20 300
Crawl 400 420 12 20 100

parameters for building index

Datasets M S MP
Sift 50 100 0.53
Gist 70 200 0.515
Glove 80 300 0.53
Crawl 50 200 0.53
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