Google's Meena transformer chatbot implementation


Meena chatbot

Here's my attempt at recreating Meena, a state of the art chatbot developed by Google Research and described in the paper Towards a Human-like Open-Domain Chatbot.

For this implementation I used the tensor2tensor deep learning library, using an evolved transformer model as described in the paper.

The training set used is the OpenSubtitles corpus in the Italian language. Many other languages are available here.


Similarly to the work done in the paper, this model consists of 1 encoder block and 12 decoder blocks for a total of 108M parameters. The optimizer used is Adafactor with the same training rate schedule as described in the paper.


Here are the results after training the model on 40M sentences of the OpenSubtitles dataset in the italian language. The learning rate starts at 0.01 and remains constant for 10k steps then decay with the inverse square root of the number of steps.

Learning rate schedule

Here's the plot of the evaluation loss during training. Evaluation loss plot

The final perplexity score is 10.4 which is very close to the perplexity score achieved by Google's meena chatbot 10.2.

The paper shows a correlation between perplexity score and the Sensibleness and Specificity Average which is correlated with the "human likeness" of the chatbot. Our perplexity score shows that our bot is better than other chatbots such as Cleverbot and DialoGPT: Perplexity SSA correlation

The dataset used however does not represent well normal conversations between humans. However Opensubtitles provide very large datasets in many languages.

Run pretrained model

Simply run notebook meena_chatbot_inference.ipynb.

Otherwise download the following model and extract it. Set proper MODEL_DIR and CHECKPOINT_NAME in and run

Pretrained model checkpoint

Train a new model

For training simply run the ipython notebook on Google Colab, the model will be saved on Google Drive. At the end of the execution you can interact with the chatbot.

Export the model

The model can be exported by copying the following files in a folder:

  • hparams.json
  • The trained model checkpoint
  • The vocabulary .subwords file

and run after setting the proper model directory.

Serving provides a simple HTTP API for serving the chatbot.

  • bot response is so slow?

    bot response is so slow?

    Hi, first of all am so thankful for your good job creating this bot. But, as i run your bot on google colab it response to me very very slow? it's normal? or anything else? please let me know?

    Best Wishes,

    opened by danial1995 4
  • Not getting good results ?

    Not getting good results ?

    hi @frankplus first of all thanks for your work, so I use your Jupyter notebook to train the model on the open subtitles English dataset but not getting good results. I trained it for like 3 hours on colab pro gpu, but the training goes on then i stopped it and tried the code for testing the model . but seems like the results were not that good. Can you you please suggest some better way to make mods of the meena, or you can guide me how can use your repo to use efficiently.

    opened by alan-ai-learner 2
  • How make working under TF2?

    How make working under TF2?

    First of all, thank you for your effort. I'd like to implement your code on my personal robot, beginning with some tests on PC Unfortunately without success, maybe because I've installed TF2 (2.10.0) on python 3.8.10 and the code seems written for TF1 . Is it true? I spent several days trying to convert code to TF2 using 'tf.compat.v1.xxxx' , but without success ( I'm an absolute newbie in Deep Learning). After loading the model 'model.ckpt-200000' from Italian_108M, in with :

        with tf.compat.v1.Session() as sess:
            new_saver = tf.compat.v1.train.import_meta_graph(MODEL_DIR + CHECKPOINT_NAME +'.meta')
            new_saver.restore(sess, MODEL_DIR+   CHECKPOINT_NAME) #'model.ckpt-200000'

    I get exception 'Attempting to capture an EagerTensor without building a function' on nest statement: output_candidates = [chatbot_model.infer(encoded_inputs, decode_length=1) for _ in range(NUM_SAMPLES)]

    At this point I don't know anymore how to go on... So my question is if is it possible to have some help on porting the code to TF2. Thank you in advance

    opened by Luke1962 0
  • Not getting better results after training for several days?

    Not getting better results after training for several days?

    Hi @frankplus, as you got the better results then might be the problem is from my side so, i used this dataset , so please take a look into this dataset and let me know. Can you suggest me a dataset for the english conversation


    opened by alan-ai-learner 4
  • Where is the source file on the nlpl page exactly?

    Where is the source file on the nlpl page exactly?

    The notebook references as the source, when I visit the linked page I see this grid with a bunch of LANG.xml.gz files - I cannot seem to locate a different file than Italian - can you link me to the exact page where I can find alternatives to Italian language so that I can train the model with a different data source please?

    opened by tgmerritt 1
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