Free Data Engineering course!


Data Engineering Zoomcamp


Taking the course

Self-paced mode

All the materials of the course are freely available, so you can take the course at your own pace

  • Follow the suggested syllabus (see below) week by week
  • You don't need to fill in the registration form. Just start watching the videos and join Slack
  • Check FAQ if you have problems
  • If you can't find a solution to your problem in FAQ, ask for help in Slack

2022 Cohort

Asking for help in Slack

The best way to get support is to use DataTalks.Club's Slack. Join the #course-data-engineering channel.

To make discussions in Slack more organized:


Week 1: Introduction & Prerequisites

  • Course overview
  • Introduction to GCP
  • Docker and docker-compose
  • Running Postgres locally with Docker
  • Setting up infrastructure on GCP with Terraform
  • Preparing the environment for the course
  • Homework

More details

Week 2: Data ingestion

  • Data Lake
  • Workflow orchestration
  • Setting up Airflow locally
  • Ingesting data to GCP with Airflow
  • Ingesting data to local Postgres with Airflow
  • Moving data from AWS to GCP (Transfer service)
  • Homework

More details

Week 3: Data Warehouse

  • Data Warehouse
  • BigQuery
  • Partitoning and clustering
  • BigQuery best practices
  • Internals of BigQuery
  • Integrating BigQuery with Airflow
  • BigQuery Machine Learning

More details

Week 4: Analytics engineering

  • Basics of analytics engineering
  • dbt (data build tool)
  • BigQuery and dbt
  • Postgres and dbt
  • dbt models
  • Testing and documenting
  • Deployment to the cloud and locally
  • Visualising the data with google data studio and metabase

More details

Week 5: Batch processing

  • Batch processing
  • What is Spark
  • Spark Dataframes
  • Spark SQL
  • Internals: GroupBy and joins

More details

Week 6: Streaming

  • Introduction to Kafka
  • Schemas (avro)
  • Kafka Streams
  • Kafka Connect and KSQL

More details

Week 7, 8 & 9: Project

Putting everything we learned to practice

  • Week 7 and 8: working on your own project
  • Week 9: reviewing your peers

More details


Architecture diagram


  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP): Cloud-based auto-scaling platform by Google
    • Google Cloud Storage (GCS): Data Lake
    • BigQuery: Data Warehouse
  • Terraform: Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC)
  • Docker: Containerization
  • SQL: Data Analysis & Exploration
  • Airflow: Pipeline Orchestration
  • dbt: Data Transformation
  • Spark: Distributed Processing
  • Kafka: Streaming


To get most out of this course, you should feel comfortable with coding and command line, and know the basics of SQL. Prior experience with Python will be helpful, but you can pick Python relatively fast if you have experience with other programming languages.

Prior experience with data engineering is not required.



For this course you'll need to have the following software installed on your computer:

  • Docker and Docker-Compose
  • Python 3 (e.g. via Anaconda)
  • Google Cloud SDK
  • Terraform

See Week 1 for more details about installing these tools


  • Q: I registered, but haven't received a confirmation email. Is it normal? A: Yes, it's normal. It's not automated. But you will receive an email eventually
  • Q: At what time of the day will it happen? A: Office hours will happen on Mondays at 17:00 CET. But everything will be recorded, so you can watch it whenever it's convenient for you
  • Q: Will there be a certificate? A: Yes, if you complete the project
  • Q: I'm 100% not sure I'll be able to attend. Can I still sign up? A: Yes, please do! You'll receive all the updates and then you can watch the course at your own pace.
  • Q: Do you plan to run a ML engineering course as well? A: Glad you asked. We do :)
  • Q: I'm stuck! I've got a technical question! A: Ask on Slack! And check out the student FAQ; many common issues have been answered already. If your issue is solved, please add how you solved it to the document. Thanks!

Our friends

Big thanks to other communities for helping us spread the word about the course:

Check them out - they are cool!

  • networking for docker-compose.yaml is not available

    networking for docker-compose.yaml is not available

    In week 1, we are supposed to create a network to connect pgadmin to postgres database.

    Alexey shows how to do it from CLi, which is the less recommended way if we want to keep the network bridge available for the future.

    I did some research online but want able to find a solution. Is it possibile to update docker-compose.yaml with the above specification please?

    opened by giuliosmall 6
  • URL in Readme on week_1_basics_n_setup/2_docker_sql needs changed to .parquet

    URL in Readme on week_1_basics_n_setup/2_docker_sql needs changed to .parquet

    The under Data ingestion -> Running locally is: URL=""

    It should be URL=""

    opened by kyleaddis 6
  • Setup dbt locally with BQ on Docker

    Setup dbt locally with BQ on Docker

    Raising a PR to add a quick guide to set up dbt on Docker.

    Added three files docker-compose.yml, Dockerfile and for ease of access. Changed the to link it to the setup markdown.

    If this is too much clutter then I will just link my repo guide in the and remove all other files from here. Let me know :D

    opened by ankurchavda 5
  • Data in week 1 is not available(yellow_tripdata_2021-01.csv)

    Data in week 1 is not available(yellow_tripdata_2021-01.csv)

    I have tried requesting data from, It seems not available now. Please update the data link from s3. Thanks

    opened by toandaominh1997 4
  • update read_csv to parquet, add iteration function, change while to loop

    update read_csv to parquet, add iteration function, change while to loop

    A few changes to for week 1:

    • cleared the cell outputs (helps with future diffs)
    • changed read_csv to read_parquet to reflect the file format change on the TLC Trip Record Data website
    • created an interate_df function to emulate the previous read_csv iteration since there is no equivalent for read_parquet
    • changed the while loop to a for loop so the StopIteration error is handled automatically
    opened by joeeoj 3
  • Week 2 - Task stuck at up_for_retry

    Week 2 - Task stuck at up_for_retry


    I tried to run data_intestrion_gcs_dag from the webserver but the first task stuck at up_for_retry stage. When I tried to check the log this is the only thing I found:


    However, I can still run this dag via the Airflow CLI. I'm not sure what's the problem here - I built the image on two different machines, one worked fine, and one got stuck like this.

    opened by hoanghapham 3
  • Ingesting Data to GCP with Airflow - parquet update

    Ingesting Data to GCP with Airflow - parquet update

    Hi guys,

    Really enjoying the course! Thanks for putting this together.

    I couldn't get the to work, as the NYC taxi data has been updated to parquet format on the website. Here's my workaround, I left in the comments so you can easily see what I changed:

    • Changed the dataset_file variable to yellow_tripdata_2021-01.parquet
    • Commented out the format_to_parquet function
    • Commented out the format_to_parquet_task in the DAG declaration
    • Removed format_to_parquet_task from the workflow line at the end of the code

    Cheers, Martin

    import os
    import logging
    from airflow import DAG
    from airflow.utils.dates import days_ago
    from airflow.operators.bash import BashOperator
    from airflow.operators.python import PythonOperator
    from import storage
    from import BigQueryCreateExternalTableOperator
    import pyarrow.csv as pv
    import pyarrow.parquet as pq
    PROJECT_ID = os.environ.get("GCP_PROJECT_ID")
    BUCKET = os.environ.get("GCP_GCS_BUCKET")
    dataset_file = "yellow_tripdata_2021-01.parquet"
    # dataset_file = "yellow_tripdata_2021-01.csv"
    dataset_url = f"{dataset_file}"
    path_to_local_home = os.environ.get("AIRFLOW_HOME", "/opt/airflow/")
    # parquet_file = dataset_file.replace('.csv', '.parquet')
    parquet_file = dataset_file
    BIGQUERY_DATASET = os.environ.get("BQ_DATASET", 'trips_data_all')
    # this is not needed anymore since the file is already in parquet format
    # def format_to_parquet(src_file):
    #     if not src_file.endswith('.csv'):
    #         logging.error("Can only accept source files in CSV format, for the moment")
    #         return
    #     table = pv.read_csv(src_file)
    #     pq.write_table(table, src_file.replace('.csv', '.parquet'))
    # NOTE: takes 20 mins, at an upload speed of 800kbps. Faster if your internet has a better upload speed
    def upload_to_gcs(bucket, object_name, local_file):
        :param bucket: GCS bucket name
        :param object_name: target path & file-name
        :param local_file: source path & file-name
        # WORKAROUND to prevent timeout for files > 6 MB on 800 kbps upload speed.
        # (Ref:
        storage.blob._MAX_MULTIPART_SIZE = 5 * 1024 * 1024  # 5 MB
        storage.blob._DEFAULT_CHUNKSIZE = 5 * 1024 * 1024  # 5 MB
        # End of Workaround
        client = storage.Client()
        bucket = client.bucket(bucket)
        blob = bucket.blob(object_name)
    default_args = {
        "owner": "airflow",
        "start_date": days_ago(1),
        "depends_on_past": False,
        "retries": 1,
    # NOTE: DAG declaration - using a Context Manager (an implicit way)
    with DAG(
    ) as dag:
        download_dataset_task = BashOperator(
            bash_command=f"curl -sSL {dataset_url} > {path_to_local_home}/{dataset_file}"
        # format_to_parquet_task = PythonOperator(
        #     task_id="format_to_parquet_task",
        #     python_callable=format_to_parquet,
        #     op_kwargs={
        #         "src_file": f"{path_to_local_home}/{dataset_file}",
        #     },
        # )
        # TODO: Homework - research and try XCOM to communicate output values between 2 tasks/operators
        local_to_gcs_task = PythonOperator(
                "bucket": BUCKET,
                "object_name": f"raw/{parquet_file}",
                "local_file": f"{path_to_local_home}/{parquet_file}",
        bigquery_external_table_task = BigQueryCreateExternalTableOperator(
                "tableReference": {
                    "projectId": PROJECT_ID,
                    "datasetId": BIGQUERY_DATASET,
                    "tableId": "external_table",
                "externalDataConfiguration": {
                    "sourceFormat": "PARQUET",
                    "sourceUris": [f"gs://{BUCKET}/raw/{parquet_file}"],
        # download_dataset_task >> format_to_parquet_task >> local_to_gcs_task >> bigquery_external_table_task
        download_dataset_task >> local_to_gcs_task >> bigquery_external_table_task
    opened by MartyC-137 3
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