FreeSOLO for unsupervised instance segmentation, CVPR 2022


FreeSOLO: Learning to Segment Objects without Annotations

This project hosts the code for implementing the FreeSOLO algorithm for unsupervised instance segmentation.

FreeSOLO: Learning to Segment Objects without Annotations,
Xinlong Wang, Zhiding Yu, Shalini De Mello, Jan Kautz, Anima Anandkumar, Chunhua Shen, Jose M. Alvarez
In: Proc. IEEE Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2022
arXiv preprint (arXiv 2202.12181)


Visual Results




  • Linux or macOS with Python >= 3.6
  • PyTorch >= 1.5 and torchvision that matches the PyTorch installation.
  • scikit-image

Install PyTorch in Conda env

# create conda env
conda create -n detectron2 python=3.6
# activate the enviorment
conda activate detectron2
# install PyTorch >=1.5 with GPU
conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch

Build Detectron2 from Source

Follow the to install Detectron2 (commit id 11528ce has been tested).


Follow the datasets/ to set up the MS COCO dataset.

Pre-trained model

Download the DenseCL pre-trained model from here. Convert it to detectron2's format and put the converted model under "training_dir/pre-trained/DenseCL" directory.

python tools/ {WEIGHT_FILE}.pth {WEIGHT_FILE}.pkl


Free Mask

Download the prepared free masks in json format from here. Put it under "datasets/coco/annotations" directory. Or, generate it by yourself:



# train with free masks

# generate pseudo labels

# self-train


Download the trained model from here.



Please consider citing our paper in your publications if the project helps your research. BibTeX reference is as follow.

  title={{FreeSOLO}: Learning to Segment Objects without Annotations},
  author={Wang, Xinlong and Yu, Zhiding and De Mello, Shalini and Kautz, Jan and Anandkumar, Anima and Shen, Chunhua and Alvarez, Jose M},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.12181},
  • The training error

    The training error

    Hello, I meet an error when training freesolo: RuntimeError: one of the variables needed for gradient computation has been modified by an inplace operation...

    opened by wavinflaghxm 4
  • Evaluation with FreeSOLO_R101_30k_pl.pth

    Evaluation with FreeSOLO_R101_30k_pl.pth

    Hello, thank you very much for releasing the source code. When I run bash FreeSOLO_R101_30k_pl.pth, I get the following results. The AP on person is 0.903, but all other categories are indeed 0. Am I missing any key experimental settings?

    [04/22 13:53:59] d2.evaluation.evaluator INFO: Inference done 4991/5000. Dataloading: 0.0046 s/iter. Inference: 0.0928 s/iter. Eval: 0.0549 s/iter. Total: 0.1524 s/iter. ETA=0:00:01
    [04/22 13:54:00] d2.evaluation.evaluator INFO: Total inference time: 0:12:40.989735 (0.152350 s / iter per device, on 1 devices)
    [04/22 13:54:00] d2.evaluation.evaluator INFO: Total inference pure compute time: 0:07:43 (0.092807 s / iter per device, on 1 devices)
    [04/22 13:54:05] d2.evaluation.coco_evaluation INFO: Preparing results for COCO format ...
    [04/22 13:54:05] d2.evaluation.coco_evaluation INFO: Saving results to training_dir/FreeSOLO_pl/inference/coco_instances_results.json
    [04/22 13:54:09] d2.evaluation.coco_evaluation INFO: Evaluating predictions with official COCO API...
    [04/22 13:54:55] d2.evaluation.coco_evaluation INFO: Evaluation results for bbox: 
    |  AP   |  AP50  |  AP75  |  APs  |  APm  |  APl  |
    | 0.011 | 0.028  | 0.009  | 0.004 | 0.010 | 0.031 |
    [04/22 13:54:55] d2.evaluation.coco_evaluation INFO: Per-category bbox AP: 
    | category      | AP    | category     | AP    | category       | AP    |
    | person        | 0.903 | bicycle      | 0.000 | car            | 0.000 |
    | motorcycle    | 0.000 | airplane     | 0.000 | bus            | 0.000 |
    | train         | 0.000 | truck        | 0.000 | boat           | 0.000 |
    | traffic light | 0.000 | fire hydrant | 0.000 | stop sign      | 0.000 |
    | parking meter | 0.000 | bench        | 0.000 | bird           | 0.000 |
    | cat           | 0.000 | dog          | 0.000 | horse          | 0.000 |
    | sheep         | 0.000 | cow          | 0.000 | elephant       | 0.000 |
    | bear          | 0.000 | zebra        | 0.000 | giraffe        | 0.000 |
    | backpack      | 0.000 | umbrella     | 0.000 | handbag        | 0.000 |
    | tie           | 0.000 | suitcase     | 0.000 | frisbee        | 0.000 |
    | skis          | 0.000 | snowboard    | 0.000 | sports ball    | 0.000 |
    | kite          | 0.000 | baseball bat | 0.000 | baseball glove | 0.000 |
    | skateboard    | 0.000 | surfboard    | 0.000 | tennis racket  | 0.000 |
    | bottle        | 0.000 | wine glass   | 0.000 | cup            | 0.000 |
    | fork          | 0.000 | knife        | 0.000 | spoon          | 0.000 |
    | bowl          | 0.000 | banana       | 0.000 | apple          | 0.000 |
    | sandwich      | 0.000 | orange       | 0.000 | broccoli       | 0.000 |
    | carrot        | 0.000 | hot dog      | 0.000 | pizza          | 0.000 |
    | donut         | 0.000 | cake         | 0.000 | chair          | 0.000 |
    | couch         | 0.000 | potted plant | 0.000 | bed            | 0.000 |
    | dining table  | 0.000 | toilet       | 0.000 | tv             | 0.000 |
    | laptop        | 0.000 | mouse        | 0.000 | remote         | 0.000 |
    | keyboard      | 0.000 | cell phone   | 0.000 | microwave      | 0.000 |
    | oven          | 0.000 | toaster      | 0.000 | sink           | 0.000 |
    | refrigerator  | 0.000 | book         | 0.000 | clock          | 0.000 |
    | vase          | 0.000 | scissors     | 0.000 | teddy bear     | 0.000 |
    | hair drier    | 0.000 | toothbrush   | 0.000 |                |       |
    [04/22 13:56:08] d2.evaluation.coco_evaluation INFO: Evaluation results for segm: 
    |  AP   |  AP50  |  AP75  |  APs  |  APm  |  APl  |
    | 0.012 | 0.030  | 0.008  | 0.001 | 0.005 | 0.036 |
    [04/22 13:56:08] d2.evaluation.coco_evaluation INFO: Per-category segm AP: 
    | category      | AP    | category     | AP    | category       | AP    |
    | person        | 0.926 | bicycle      | 0.000 | car            | 0.000 |
    | motorcycle    | 0.000 | airplane     | 0.000 | bus            | 0.000 |
    | train         | 0.000 | truck        | 0.000 | boat           | 0.000 |
    | traffic light | 0.000 | fire hydrant | 0.000 | stop sign      | 0.000 |
    | parking meter | 0.000 | bench        | 0.000 | bird           | 0.000 |
    | cat           | 0.000 | dog          | 0.000 | horse          | 0.000 |
    | sheep         | 0.000 | cow          | 0.000 | elephant       | 0.000 |
    | bear          | 0.000 | zebra        | 0.000 | giraffe        | 0.000 |
    | backpack      | 0.000 | umbrella     | 0.000 | handbag        | 0.000 |
    | tie           | 0.000 | suitcase     | 0.000 | frisbee        | 0.000 |
    | skis          | 0.000 | snowboard    | 0.000 | sports ball    | 0.000 |
    | kite          | 0.000 | baseball bat | 0.000 | baseball glove | 0.000 |
    | skateboard    | 0.000 | surfboard    | 0.000 | tennis racket  | 0.000 |
    | bottle        | 0.000 | wine glass   | 0.000 | cup            | 0.000 |
    | fork          | 0.000 | knife        | 0.000 | spoon          | 0.000 |
    | bowl          | 0.000 | banana       | 0.000 | apple          | 0.000 |
    | sandwich      | 0.000 | orange       | 0.000 | broccoli       | 0.000 |
    | carrot        | 0.000 | hot dog      | 0.000 | pizza          | 0.000 |
    | donut         | 0.000 | cake         | 0.000 | chair          | 0.000 |
    | couch         | 0.000 | potted plant | 0.000 | bed            | 0.000 |
    | dining table  | 0.000 | toilet       | 0.000 | tv             | 0.000 |
    | laptop        | 0.000 | mouse        | 0.000 | remote         | 0.000 |
    | keyboard      | 0.000 | cell phone   | 0.000 | microwave      | 0.000 |
    | oven          | 0.000 | toaster      | 0.000 | sink           | 0.000 |
    | refrigerator  | 0.000 | book         | 0.000 | clock          | 0.000 |
    | vase          | 0.000 | scissors     | 0.000 | teddy bear     | 0.000 |
    | hair drier    | 0.000 | toothbrush   | 0.000 |                |       |
    [04/22 13:56:09] d2.engine.defaults INFO: Evaluation results for coco_2017_val in csv format:
    [04/22 13:56:09] d2.evaluation.testing INFO: copypaste: Task: bbox
    [04/22 13:56:09] d2.evaluation.testing INFO: copypaste: AP,AP50,AP75,APs,APm,APl
    [04/22 13:56:09] d2.evaluation.testing INFO: copypaste: 0.0113,0.0283,0.0085,0.0045,0.0101,0.0311
    [04/22 13:56:09] d2.evaluation.testing INFO: copypaste: Task: segm
    [04/22 13:56:09] d2.evaluation.testing INFO: copypaste: AP,AP50,AP75,APs,APm,APl
    [04/22 13:56:09] d2.evaluation.testing INFO: copypaste: 0.0116,0.0296,0.0079,0.0005,0.0055,0.0362
    opened by scarleatt 2
  • how to generate the free mask with my own  custom data?

    how to generate the free mask with my own custom data?

    i have a instance segmentation dataset ,but its label mask is too accurate compare free mask,i just want to konw how you generate free mask?and i i use my pretrained model(solo model) to generate the free mask ,is that a bad idea?please let me konw if that's not so unconvient ,thaks a lot......

    opened by Vincent630 1
  • Not able to produce the results

    Not able to produce the results


    When I run bash {MODEL_PATH} and passing the weights of the downloaded trained model, I get the following error:

    Loading and preparing results... Traceback (most recent call last): File "tools/", line 21, in cocoDt=cocoGt.loadRes(resFile) File "python3.7/site-packages/pycocotools/", line 319, in loadRes with open(resFile) as f: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'training_dir/FreeSOLO_pl/inference/coco_instances_results.json'

    opened by h-aboutalebi 0
  • How can i get the result image?

    How can i get the result image?

    When i run bash FreeSOLO_R101_30k_pl.pth.I got the result as this | category | AP | category | AP | category | AP | |:--------------|:------|:-------------|:------|:---------------|:------| | person | 0.665 | bicycle | 0.000 | car | 0.000 | | motorcycle | 0.000 | airplane | nan | bus | 0.000 | | train | 0.000 | truck | 0.000 | boat | 0.000 | | traffic light | 0.000 | fire hydrant | 0.000 | stop sign | 0.000 | | parking meter | nan | bench | 0.000 | bird | 0.000 | | cat | 0.000 | dog | 0.000 | horse | 0.000 | | sheep | nan | cow | 0.000 | elephant | 0.000 | | bear | 0.000 | zebra | 0.000 | giraffe | 0.000 | | backpack | 0.000 | umbrella | 0.000 | handbag | 0.000 | | tie | 0.000 | suitcase | nan | frisbee | 0.000 | | skis | 0.000 | snowboard | 0.000 | sports ball | 0.000 | | kite | 0.000 | baseball bat | 0.000 | baseball glove | 0.000 | | skateboard | 0.000 | surfboard | 0.000 | tennis racket | 0.000 | | bottle | 0.000 | wine glass | 0.000 | cup | 0.000 | | fork | 0.000 | knife | nan | spoon | 0.000 | | bowl | 0.000 | banana | 0.000 | apple | 0.000 | | sandwich | 0.000 | orange | nan | broccoli | 0.000 | | carrot | 0.000 | hot dog | nan | pizza | 0.000 | | donut | 0.000 | cake | nan | chair | 0.000 | | couch | 0.000 | potted plant | 0.000 | bed | 0.000 | | dining table | 0.000 | toilet | 0.000 | tv | 0.000 | | laptop | 0.000 | mouse | 0.000 | remote | 0.000 | | keyboard | 0.000 | cell phone | 0.000 | microwave | 0.000 | | oven | 0.000 | toaster | nan | sink | 0.000 | | refrigerator | 0.000 | book | 0.000 | clock | 0.000 | | vase | 0.000 | scissors | nan | teddy bear | 0.000 | | hair drier | nan | toothbrush | nan | | |

    And it cames from python tools/ Did i missing sth? by the way,how can I get visualization images?

    opened by Drm-hello 0
  • Unable to reproduce results

    Unable to reproduce results


    Thank you for your work. I encountered several issues when using the code.

    • I tried to reproduce the results of Freemask by running the first step of the algorithm on the COCO dataset. However, I'm unable to get the same results as in the provided json: for example, the embedding vector is not included in the annotations of the provided json. Am I missing something here?

    • I ran the code with the provided json on the train2017+unlabeled2017 split, but only get 0.1% mask AP after the first step of FreeSOLO. In particular, ran the tools/ script for the class-agnostic evaluation. I noticed that only the pairwise loss is able to go down.

    • Evaluating the provided final model (in this repo) does not produce 12.2% AP50 for detection (as claimed in the paper) but only obtains 9.6%. Do I need to post-process the results before evaluating?

    Were people able to reproduce this? Thanks.

    opened by MarcVisions 1
  • no

    no "training_dir/instances_train2017_densecl_r101.json" file

    Hi, Thanx for your great work,. when run "$ bash", error existed as :no such file. Pls tell me where can i get this json file?

    opened by cynthia-you 1
  • How can I visualize free mask results?

    How can I visualize free mask results?

    To ensure that the free masks are almost accurate, I add following codes in . However, the results saved in the disks is strange: the foreground part is always at the edge of an image.

    after masks = masks.cpu().numpy() ''' masks = masks.cpu().numpy() ii=0 for mask in masks: masks_save = masks[ii] * 255 cv2.imwrite('./results/'+img_name+'_'+str(ii)+'.jpg', masks_save) ii=ii+1 '''

    opened by STAR-811 2
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