Image Rotator (imrot10)
Its like rot13 but for images.
Calling the algorithm imrot10 for im = image, rot = rotation, 10 = default magnitude.
Unfortunately it is not symmetric like rot13 but i'm not wasting my time to develop fully symmetric so you have to use the -u parameter to undo it.
python3 -h
usage: [-h] [-i INPUT] [-o OUTPUT] [-u [UNDO]]
[--magnitude MAGNITUDE]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
source image filename
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
destination filename
-u [UNDO], --undo [UNDO]
undo the transformation [y/n]
--magnitude MAGNITUDE
amount to rotate, warning, advanced
May require you to install PIL.
Do that with pip3 install pillow
or python3 -m pip install pillow
May require you to install pip via sudo apt install python3-pip