Safe temperature monitor for baby's room. Made for Raspberry Pi Pico.


Baby Safe Temperature Monitor


This project is meant to build a temperature safety monitor for a baby or small child's room.

Studies have shown the risk for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) increases when a baby's room temperature is outside the range of 20-22.2°C (68-72°F).

This little bit of MicroPython code works with the Raspberry Pi RP2040 chip in the Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller to monitor the temperature in a room, and show whether the temperature is safe via three status LEDs:

  • Green means safe for baby
  • Red means too hot
  • Blue means too cold

Obviously, this is NOT a medical device, just a little side project from a crazy guy who once built a cluster of Pis to monitor his house's room temperatures.

If you want to see how it was put together and used, please check out my Review of the Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller on my YouTube channel.

Circuit Diagram

Fritzing sketch of LED connections to Raspberry Pi Pico

See also: Fritzing sketch


  1. Make sure you have MicroPython flashed to your Raspberry Pi Pico.
  2. Copy the script from this repository to your board.
  3. Connect LEDs to the board following the circuit diagram shown above.
  4. Power up the board, and watch the LEDs.

Similar Projects

I also created a Raspberry Pi-based temperature monitoring cluster for my entire house back in 2016, and I open sourced the design and code for that system.

You can find it here: Raspberry Pi Temperature Monitoring App.


MIT License


This project was created by Jeff Geerling in 2021.

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    In my initial design of this board, I wanted to use an external DS18B20 temperature sensor (either the little chip package or a waterproof probe) for more accuracy and better placement (the RP2040 chip is on the board, and could have temperature fluctuations based on the power supply and/or what's being processed).

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Jeff Geerling
Catholic dad and husband. I write, build, and tinker on a Mac. #stl #drupal #ansible #k8s #raspberrypi #crohns
Jeff Geerling
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