Python 3 script for installing kali tools on your linux machine



Python 3 script for installing kali tools on your linux machine (via apt)


  • Works in 2022
  • Python 3
  • All tools from official kali website
  • No async for custom installation configuration
  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS Installed 265/587 (45.14%) tools


  • sudo git clone
  • cd kalitools-python3
  • sudo python3
  • Installation process started


On Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

wordlists                     : FAILURE (not installed)
bind9                         : SUCCESS (ok)
bing-ip2hosts                 : FAILURE (not installed)
cmseek                        : FAILURE (not installed)
crack                         : SUCCESS (ok)
crackmapexec                  : FAILURE (not installed)
dc3dd                         : SUCCESS (ok)
dradis                        : FAILURE (not installed)
expect                        : SUCCESS (ok)
exploitdb                     : FAILURE (not installed)
flashrom                      : SUCCESS (ok)
freerdp2                      : FAILURE (not installed)
git                           : SUCCESS (ok)
gvm                           : FAILURE (not installed)
httrack                       : SUCCESS (ok)
impacket-scripts              : FAILURE (not installed)
intrace                       : FAILURE (not installed)
isr-evilgrade                 : FAILURE (not installed)
ivre                          : FAILURE (not installed)
john                          : SUCCESS (ok)
jsql                          : FAILURE (not installed)
kali-defaults                 : FAILURE (not installed)
maltego                       : FAILURE (not installed)
mercurial                     : SUCCESS (ok)
metasploit-framework          : FAILURE (not installed)
ohrwurm                       : FAILURE (not installed)
openssh                       : FAILURE (not installed)
plocate                       : FAILURE (not installed)
powershell-empire             : FAILURE (not installed)
samba                         : SUCCESS (ok)
set                           : FAILURE (not installed)
sfuzz                         : FAILURE (not installed)
spiderfoot                    : FAILURE (not installed)
sqlmap                        : SUCCESS (ok)
sslyze                        : FAILURE (not installed)
tcpflow                       : SUCCESS (ok)
theharvester                  : FAILURE (not installed)
tlssled                       : FAILURE (not installed)
usbutils                      : SUCCESS (ok)
util-linux                    : SUCCESS (ok)
wapiti                        : SUCCESS (ok)
watobo                        : FAILURE (not installed)
wifi-honey                    : FAILURE (not installed)
xmount                        : SUCCESS (ok)
xplico                        : FAILURE (not installed)
yersinia                      : SUCCESS (ok)
zaproxy                       : FAILURE (not installed)
aflplusplus                   : FAILURE (not installed)
amass                         : FAILURE (not installed)
android-sdk                   : SUCCESS (ok)
apache2                       : SUCCESS (ok)
asleap                        : FAILURE (not installed)
atftp                         : SUCCESS (ok)
beef-xss                      : FAILURE (not installed)
bulk-extractor                : FAILURE (not installed)
cherrytree                    : FAILURE (not installed)
chkrootkit                    : SUCCESS (ok)
chromium                      : FAILURE (not installed)
commix                        : FAILURE (not installed)
creddump7                     : FAILURE (not installed)
cryptsetup                    : SUCCESS (ok)
dfdatetime                    : FAILURE (not installed)
dirbuster                     : FAILURE (not installed)
dislocker                     : SUCCESS (ok)
dnstracer                     : SUCCESS (ok)
dos2unix                      : SUCCESS (ok)
exiv2                         : SUCCESS (ok)
eyewitness                    : FAILURE (not installed)
feroxbuster                   : FAILURE (not installed)
ffuf                          : FAILURE (not installed)
firefox-developer-edition-kbx : FAILURE (not installed)
firewalk                      : FAILURE (not installed)
firmware-sof                  : FAILURE (not installed)
foremost                      : SUCCESS (ok)
forensic-artifacts            : SUCCESS (ok)
forensics-colorize            : SUCCESS (ok)
framework2                    : FAILURE (not installed)
gnuradio                      : SUCCESS (ok)
gpart                         : SUCCESS (ok)
gqrx-sdr                      : SUCCESS (ok)
gr-osmosdr                    : SUCCESS (ok)
gss-ntlmssp                   : SUCCESS (ok)
hashdeep                      : SUCCESS (ok)
hivex                         : FAILURE (not installed)
htshells                      : FAILURE (not installed)
ifenslave                     : SUCCESS (ok)
ike-scan                      : SUCCESS (ok)
impacket                      : FAILURE (not installed)
initramfs-tools               : SUCCESS (ok)
irpas                         : SUCCESS (ok)
jadx                          : FAILURE (not installed)
kali-meta                     : FAILURE (not installed)
kali-tweaks                   : FAILURE (not installed)
king-phisher                  : FAILURE (not installed)
laudanum                      : FAILURE (not installed)
llvm-defaults                 : FAILURE (not installed)
maskprocessor                 : SUCCESS (ok)
mdbtools                      : SUCCESS (ok)
mdk3                          : SUCCESS (ok)
mdk4                          : SUCCESS (ok)
ncat-w32                      : FAILURE (not installed)
net-snmp                      : FAILURE (not installed)
netbase                       : SUCCESS (ok)
netdiscover                   : SUCCESS (ok)
netkit-ftp                    : FAILURE (not installed)
netsniff-ng                   : SUCCESS (ok)
ngrep                         : SUCCESS (ok)
nishang                       : FAILURE (not installed)
nmap                          : SUCCESS (ok)
ophcrack                      : SUCCESS (ok)
p7zip                         : SUCCESS (ok)
patator                       : SUCCESS (ok)
pdf-parser                    : FAILURE (not installed)
pev                           : SUCCESS (ok)
php-defaults                  : FAILURE (not installed)
powershell                    : FAILURE (not installed)
princeprocessor               : SUCCESS (ok)
proxychains-ng                : FAILURE (not installed)
python-faraday                : FAILURE (not installed)
qemu                          : SUCCESS (ok)
recoverdm                     : SUCCESS (ok)
responder                     : FAILURE (not installed)
shellter                      : FAILURE (not installed)
spraykatz                     : FAILURE (not installed)
statsprocessor                : SUCCESS (ok)
subversion                    : SUCCESS (ok)
tcpdump                       : SUCCESS (ok)
teamsploit                    : FAILURE (not installed)                    : SUCCESS (ok)
thc-pptp-bruter               : FAILURE (not installed)
thc-ssl-dos                   : FAILURE (not installed)
tightvnc                      : FAILURE (not installed)
tmux                          : SUCCESS (ok)
u-boot                        : FAILURE (not installed)
udptunnel                     : SUCCESS (ok)
uhd                           : FAILURE (not installed)
unrar-nonfree                 : FAILURE (not installed)
upx-ucl                       : SUCCESS (ok)
urlcrazy                      : FAILURE (not installed)
vim                           : SUCCESS (ok)
winexe                        : FAILURE (not installed)
wireshark                     : SUCCESS (ok)
wotmate                       : FAILURE (not installed)
yara                          : SUCCESS (ok)
zenmap-kbx                    : FAILURE (not installed)
zim                           : SUCCESS (ok)
zsh                           : SUCCESS (ok)
binwalk                       : SUCCESS (ok)
bluez                         : SUCCESS (ok)
cifs-utils                    : SUCCESS (ok)
dnscat2                       : FAILURE (not installed)
ghidra                        : FAILURE (not installed)
iw                            : SUCCESS (ok)
protos-sip                    : FAILURE (not installed)
stegcracker                   : FAILURE (not installed)
stunnel4                      : SUCCESS (ok)
veil                          : FAILURE (not installed)
0trace                        : FAILURE (not installed)
aesfix                        : SUCCESS (ok)
afflib                        : FAILURE (not installed)
aircrack-ng                   : SUCCESS (ok)
amap                          : FAILURE (not installed)
arpwatch                      : SUCCESS (ok)
curlftpfs                     : SUCCESS (ok)
cutycapt                      : SUCCESS (ok)
dnsmap                        : SUCCESS (ok)
edb-debugger                  : SUCCESS (ok)
fake-hwclock                  : SUCCESS (ok)
freeradius                    : SUCCESS (ok)
gdb                           : SUCCESS (ok)
gdisk                         : SUCCESS (ok)
grokevt                       : SUCCESS (ok)
guymager                      : SUCCESS (ok)
hackrf                        : SUCCESS (ok)
heartleech                    : FAILURE (not installed)
ipv6-toolkit                  : FAILURE (not installed)
legion                        : FAILURE (not installed)
libnfc                        : FAILURE (not installed)
mc                            : SUCCESS (ok)
minicom                       : SUCCESS (ok)
miredo                        : SUCCESS (ok)
myrescue                      : SUCCESS (ok)
nasm                          : SUCCESS (ok)
nasty                         : SUCCESS (ok)
netkit-tftp                   : FAILURE (not installed)
netw-ib-ox-ag                 : FAILURE (not installed)
nfs-utils                     : FAILURE (not installed)
nmapsi4                       : SUCCESS (ok)
openocd                       : SUCCESS (ok)
pack                          : FAILURE (not installed)
radare2                       : SUCCESS (ok)
radare2-cutter                : SUCCESS (ok)
recoverjpeg                   : SUCCESS (ok)
reglookup                     : SUCCESS (ok)
rfdump                        : SUCCESS (ok)
rifiuti2                      : SUCCESS (ok)
rsakeyfind                    : SUCCESS (ok)
rtlsdr-scanner                : FAILURE (not installed)
sipvicious                    : FAILURE (not installed)
sleuthkit                     : SUCCESS (ok)
sniffjoke                     : FAILURE (not installed)
spectools                     : SUCCESS (ok)
sqlitebrowser                 : SUCCESS (ok)
sudo                          : SUCCESS (ok)
thc-ipv6                      : SUCCESS (ok)
traceroute                    : SUCCESS (ok)
unhide                        : SUCCESS (ok)
unhide.rb                     : SUCCESS (ok)
vpnc                          : SUCCESS (ok)
websploit                     : SUCCESS (ok)
abootimg                      : SUCCESS (ok)
aeskeyfind                    : SUCCESS (ok)
airgeddon                     : FAILURE (not installed)
altdns                        : FAILURE (not installed)
apache-users                  : FAILURE (not installed)
apktool                       : SUCCESS (ok)
arjun                         : FAILURE (not installed)
armitage                      : FAILURE (not installed)
arp-scan                      : SUCCESS (ok)
arping                        : SUCCESS (ok)
assetfinder                   : FAILURE (not installed)
autopsy                       : SUCCESS (ok)
axel                          : SUCCESS (ok)
backdoor-factory              : SUCCESS (ok)
bed                           : FAILURE (not installed)
berate-ap                     : FAILURE (not installed)
bettercap                     : FAILURE (not installed)
bloodhound                    : FAILURE (not installed)
bluelog                       : FAILURE (not installed)
blueranger                    : FAILURE (not installed)
bluesnarfer                   : FAILURE (not installed)
braa                          : SUCCESS (ok)
bruteforce-salted-openssl     : SUCCESS (ok)
brutespray                    : SUCCESS (ok)
btscanner                     : SUCCESS (ok)
bully                         : FAILURE (not installed)
burpsuite                     : FAILURE (not installed)
bytecode-viewer               : FAILURE (not installed)
cabextract                    : SUCCESS (ok)
cadaver                       : SUCCESS (ok)
caldera                       : FAILURE (not installed)
capstone                      : FAILURE (not installed)
ccrypt                        : SUCCESS (ok)
certgraph                     : FAILURE (not installed)
cewl                          : SUCCESS (ok)
changeme                      : SUCCESS (ok)
chaosreader                   : SUCCESS (ok)
chirp                         : FAILURE (not installed)
chisel                        : FAILURE (not installed)
chntpw                        : SUCCESS (ok)
cisco-auditing-tool           : FAILURE (not installed)
cisco-global-exploiter        : FAILURE (not installed)
cisco-ocs                     : FAILURE (not installed)
cisco-torch                   : FAILURE (not installed)
cloud-enum                    : FAILURE (not installed)
cloudbrute                    : FAILURE (not installed)
cmospwd                       : SUCCESS (ok)
code-oss                      : FAILURE (not installed)
command-not-found             : SUCCESS (ok)
copy-router-config            : FAILURE (not installed)
covenant-kbx                  : FAILURE (not installed)
cowpatty                      : SUCCESS (ok)
crackle                       : FAILURE (not installed)
crowbar                       : FAILURE (not installed)
crunch                        : SUCCESS (ok)
cryptcat                      : SUCCESS (ok)
cryptsetup-nuke-password      : FAILURE (not installed)
cutecom                       : SUCCESS (ok)
cymothoa                      : FAILURE (not installed)
darkstat                      : SUCCESS (ok)
davtest                       : FAILURE (not installed)
dbd                           : FAILURE (not installed)
dbeaver                       : FAILURE (not installed)
dcfldd                        : SUCCESS (ok)
ddrescue                      : FAILURE (not installed)
de4dot                        : FAILURE (not installed)
dex2jar                       : FAILURE (not installed)
dfvfs                         : FAILURE (not installed)
dfwinreg                      : FAILURE (not installed)
dhcpig                        : SUCCESS (ok)
dirb                          : SUCCESS (ok)
dirsearch                     : FAILURE (not installed)
distorm3                      : FAILURE (not installed)
dmitry                        : SUCCESS (ok)
dns2tcp                       : SUCCESS (ok)
dnschef                       : FAILURE (not installed)
dnsenum                       : SUCCESS (ok)
dnsgen                        : FAILURE (not installed)
dnsrecon                      : SUCCESS (ok)
dnstwist                      : FAILURE (not installed)
dnswalk                       : SUCCESS (ok)
doona                         : SUCCESS (ok)
dotdotpwn                     : FAILURE (not installed)
driftnet                      : SUCCESS (ok)
dsniff                        : SUCCESS (ok)
dumpsterdiver                 : FAILURE (not installed)
dumpzilla                     : FAILURE (not installed)
eaphammer                     : FAILURE (not installed)
eapmd5pass                    : FAILURE (not installed)
emailharvester                : FAILURE (not installed)
enum4linux                    : FAILURE (not installed)
enumiax                       : FAILURE (not installed)
ethtool                       : SUCCESS (ok)
evil-ssdp                     : FAILURE (not installed)
exe2hexbat                    : FAILURE (not installed)
exifprobe                     : SUCCESS (ok)
exploitdb-bin-sploits         : FAILURE (not installed)
exploitdb-papers              : FAILURE (not installed)
ext3grep                      : SUCCESS (ok)
ext4magic                     : SUCCESS (ok)
extundelete                   : SUCCESS (ok)
fcrackzip                     : SUCCESS (ok)
fern-wifi-cracker             : FAILURE (not installed)
fierce                        : FAILURE (not installed)
fiked                         : FAILURE (not installed)
finalrecon                    : FAILURE (not installed)
firmware-mod-kit              : FAILURE (not installed)
fping                         : SUCCESS (ok)
fragrouter                    : FAILURE (not installed)
freeradius-wpe                : FAILURE (not installed)
ftester                       : FAILURE (not installed)
galleta                       : SUCCESS (ok)
getallurls                    : FAILURE (not installed)
gitleaks                      : FAILURE (not installed)
gobuster                      : SUCCESS (ok)
godoh                         : FAILURE (not installed)
golang-github-binject-go-donut: FAILURE (not installed)
goldeneye                     : SUCCESS (ok)
goofile                       : FAILURE (not installed)
gospider                      : FAILURE (not installed)
gparted                       : SUCCESS (ok)
gpp-decrypt                   : FAILURE (not installed)
gr-air-modes                  : SUCCESS (ok)
gr-iqbal                      : SUCCESS (ok)
hamster-sidejack              : FAILURE (not installed)
hash-identifier               : FAILURE (not installed)
hashcat                       : SUCCESS (ok)
hashcat-utils                 : FAILURE (not installed)
hashid                        : SUCCESS (ok)
hashrat                       : SUCCESS (ok)
hb-honeypot                   : FAILURE (not installed)
hcxtools                      : FAILURE (not installed)
hexinject                     : FAILURE (not installed)
hostapd-mana                  : FAILURE (not installed)
hostapd-wpe                   : FAILURE (not installed)
hosthunter                    : FAILURE (not installed)
hotpatch                      : FAILURE (not installed)
hping3                        : SUCCESS (ok)
httprint                      : FAILURE (not installed)
httprobe                      : FAILURE (not installed)
hurl                          : FAILURE (not installed)
hydra                         : SUCCESS (ok)
hyperion                      : FAILURE (not installed)
i2c-tools                     : SUCCESS (ok)
iaxflood                      : FAILURE (not installed)
ibombshell                    : FAILURE (not installed)
ident-user-enum               : FAILURE (not installed)
inetsim                       : SUCCESS (ok)
inspectrum                    : SUCCESS (ok)
inspy                         : FAILURE (not installed)
instaloader                   : FAILURE (not installed)
inviteflood                   : FAILURE (not installed)
iodine                        : SUCCESS (ok)
ismtp                         : FAILURE (not installed)
javasnoop                     : FAILURE (not installed)
jboss-autopwn                 : FAILURE (not installed)
jd-gui                        : FAILURE (not installed)
johnny                        : FAILURE (not installed)
joomscan                      : FAILURE (not installed)
joplin                        : FAILURE (not installed)
kali-community-wallpapers     : FAILURE (not installed)
kali-wallpapers               : FAILURE (not installed)
kalibrate-rtl                 : FAILURE (not installed)
kismet                        : SUCCESS (ok)
knocker                       : SUCCESS (ok)
koadic                        : FAILURE (not installed)
lbd                           : FAILURE (not installed)
libewf                        : FAILURE (not installed)
libfindrtp                    : FAILURE (not installed)
libfreefare                   : FAILURE (not installed)
libpst                        : FAILURE (not installed)
linux-exploit-suggester       : FAILURE (not installed)
lvm2                          : SUCCESS (ok)
lynis                         : SUCCESS (ok)
mac-robber                    : SUCCESS (ok)
macchanger                    : SUCCESS (ok)
magicrescue                   : SUCCESS (ok)
masscan                       : SUCCESS (ok)
massdns                       : FAILURE (not installed)
medusa                        : SUCCESS (ok)
memdump                       : SUCCESS (ok)
metacam                       : SUCCESS (ok)
metagoofil                    : FAILURE (not installed)
mfcuk                         : SUCCESS (ok)
mfoc                          : SUCCESS (ok)
mfterm                        : FAILURE (not installed)
mimikatz                      : FAILURE (not installed)
missidentify                  : SUCCESS (ok)
mitmproxy                     : SUCCESS (ok)
msfpc                         : FAILURE (not installed)
multimac                      : FAILURE (not installed)
multimon-ng                   : SUCCESS (ok)
mysql-defaults                : FAILURE (not installed)
nbtscan                       : SUCCESS (ok)
nbtscan-unixwiz               : FAILURE (not installed)
ncrack                        : SUCCESS (ok)
ncurses-hexedit               : SUCCESS (ok)
netcat                        : SUCCESS (ok)
netkit-telnet                 : FAILURE (not installed)
netmask                       : SUCCESS (ok)
netsed                        : SUCCESS (ok)
nextnet                       : FAILURE (not installed)
nikto                         : SUCCESS (ok)
nipper-ng                     : FAILURE (not installed)
o-saft                        : SUCCESS (ok)
oclgausscrack                 : FAILURE (not installed)
odat                          : FAILURE (not installed)
offsec-courses                : FAILURE (not installed)
ollydbg                       : FAILURE (not installed)
onesixtyone                   : SUCCESS (ok)
openvpn                       : SUCCESS (ok)
oscanner                      : FAILURE (not installed)
osrframework                  : FAILURE (not installed)
outguess                      : SUCCESS (ok)
owasp-mantra-ff               : FAILURE (not installed)
owl                           : FAILURE (not installed)
p0f                           : SUCCESS (ok)
pacu                          : FAILURE (not installed)
padbuster                     : FAILURE (not installed)
paros                         : FAILURE (not installed)
parsero                       : SUCCESS (ok)
parted                        : SUCCESS (ok)
pasco                         : SUCCESS (ok)
passing-the-hash              : FAILURE (not installed)
payloadsallthethings          : FAILURE (not installed)
pdfcrack                      : SUCCESS (ok)
pdfid                         : FAILURE (not installed)
peirates                      : FAILURE (not installed)
perl-cisco-copyconfig         : FAILURE (not installed)
phishery                      : FAILURE (not installed)
photon                        : FAILURE (not installed)
phpggc                        : FAILURE (not installed)
pipal                         : FAILURE (not installed)
pixiewps                      : SUCCESS (ok)
plaso                         : FAILURE (not installed)
plecost                       : FAILURE (not installed)
pnscan                        : SUCCESS (ok)
polenum                       : SUCCESS (ok)
pompem                        : SUCCESS (ok)
powercat                      : FAILURE (not installed)
powersploit                   : FAILURE (not installed)
proxytunnel                   : SUCCESS (ok)
pskracker                     : FAILURE (not installed)
ptunnel                       : SUCCESS (ok)
pwnat                         : FAILURE (not installed)
pwncat                        : FAILURE (not installed)
python-defaults               : FAILURE (not installed)
qsslcaudit                    : FAILURE (not installed)
quark-engine                  : FAILURE (not installed)
rainbowcrack                  : FAILURE (not installed)
rake                          : SUCCESS (ok)
rarcrack                      : SUCCESS (ok)
rcracki-mt                    : FAILURE (not installed)
rdesktop                      : SUCCESS (ok)
reaver                        : SUCCESS (ok)
rebind                        : FAILURE (not installed)
recon-ng                      : SUCCESS (ok)
recordmydesktop               : SUCCESS (ok)
redfang                       : FAILURE (not installed)
redsnarf                      : FAILURE (not installed)
redsocks                      : SUCCESS (ok)
regripper                     : FAILURE (not installed)
rephrase                      : SUCCESS (ok)
requests                      : FAILURE (not installed)
rfcat                         : FAILURE (not installed)
ridenum                       : FAILURE (not installed)
rifiuti                       : SUCCESS (ok)
rkhunter                      : SUCCESS (ok)
robotstxt                     : FAILURE (not installed)
ropper                        : FAILURE (not installed)
routerkeygenpc                : FAILURE (not installed)
routersploit                  : FAILURE (not installed)
rsmangler                     : FAILURE (not installed)
rtpbreak                      : FAILURE (not installed)
rtpflood                      : FAILURE (not installed)
rtpinsertsound                : FAILURE (not installed)
rtpmixsound                   : FAILURE (not installed)
safecopy                      : SUCCESS (ok)
sakis3g                       : FAILURE (not installed)
samdump2                      : SUCCESS (ok)
sbd                           : SUCCESS (ok)
scalpel                       : SUCCESS (ok)
scapy                         : FAILURE (not installed)
screen                        : SUCCESS (ok)
scrounge-ntfs                 : SUCCESS (ok)
sctpscan                      : FAILURE (not installed)
seclists                      : FAILURE (not installed)
secure-socket-funneling       : FAILURE (not installed)
sendemail                     : SUCCESS (ok)
shed                          : SUCCESS (ok)
shellnoob                     : FAILURE (not installed)
sherlock                      : FAILURE (not installed)
sidguesser                    : FAILURE (not installed)
siege                         : SUCCESS (ok)
silenttrinity                 : FAILURE (not installed)
siparmyknife                  : FAILURE (not installed)
sipcrack                      : SUCCESS (ok)
sipp                          : FAILURE (not installed)
sipsak                        : SUCCESS (ok)
skipfish                      : FAILURE (not installed)
sliver                        : FAILURE (not installed)
slowhttptest                  : SUCCESS (ok)
smali                         : FAILURE (not installed)
smbmap                        : SUCCESS (ok)
smtp-user-enum                : FAILURE (not installed)
snmpcheck                     : FAILURE (not installed)
snmpenum                      : FAILURE (not installed)
snowdrop                      : SUCCESS (ok)
socat                         : SUCCESS (ok)
spike                         : FAILURE (not installed)
spooftooph                    : FAILURE (not installed)
sqldict                       : FAILURE (not installed)
sqlninja                      : FAILURE (not installed)
sqlsus                        : FAILURE (not installed)
ssdeep                        : SUCCESS (ok)
ssldump                       : SUCCESS (ok)
sslh                          : SUCCESS (ok)
sslscan                       : FAILURE (not installed)
sslsniff                      : SUCCESS (ok)
sslsplit                      : SUCCESS (ok)
starkiller                    : FAILURE (not installed)
steghide                      : SUCCESS (ok)
stegsnow                      : SUCCESS (ok)
subfinder                     : FAILURE (not installed)
subjack                       : FAILURE (not installed)
sublist3r                     : FAILURE (not installed)
sucrack                       : SUCCESS (ok)
swaks                         : SUCCESS (ok)
t50                           : SUCCESS (ok)
tcpick                        : SUCCESS (ok)
tcpreplay                     : SUCCESS (ok)
termineter                    : SUCCESS (ok)
testdisk                      : SUCCESS (ok)
tftpd32                       : FAILURE (not installed)
tnscmd10g                     : FAILURE (not installed)
truecrack                     : FAILURE (not installed)
tundeep                       : FAILURE (not installed)
twofi                         : FAILURE (not installed)
ubertooth                     : SUCCESS (ok)
uhd-images                    : FAILURE (not installed)
undbx                         : SUCCESS (ok)
unicornscan                   : FAILURE (not installed)
uniscan                       : FAILURE (not installed)
unix-privesc-check            : FAILURE (not installed)
vboot-utils                   : SUCCESS (ok)
vinetto                       : SUCCESS (ok)
vlan                          : SUCCESS (ok)
voiphopper                    : FAILURE (not installed)
wafw00f                       : SUCCESS (ok)
wce                           : FAILURE (not installed)
webacoo                       : FAILURE (not installed)
webscarab                     : FAILURE (not installed)
webshells                     : FAILURE (not installed)
weevely                       : SUCCESS (ok)
wfuzz                         : SUCCESS (ok)
wgetpaste                     : FAILURE (not installed)
whatweb                       : SUCCESS (ok)
whois                         : SUCCESS (ok)
wifiphisher                   : FAILURE (not installed)
wifite                        : SUCCESS (ok)
wig                           : SUCCESS (ok)
wig-ng                        : FAILURE (not installed)
windows-binaries              : FAILURE (not installed)
windows-privesc-check         : FAILURE (not installed)
winregfs                      : SUCCESS (ok)
witnessme                     : FAILURE (not installed)
wordlistraider                : FAILURE (not installed)
wpa-sycophant                 : FAILURE (not installed)
wpscan                        : FAILURE (not installed)
xprobe                        : SUCCESS (ok)
xspy                          : FAILURE (not installed)
xsser                         : FAILURE (not installed)
zerofree                      : SUCCESS (ok)
zonedb                        : FAILURE (not installed)
zsh-autosuggestions           : SUCCESS (ok)
zsh-syntax-highlighting       : SUCCESS (ok)
ettercap-graphical            : SUCCESS (ok)

Installed 265/587 (45.14%) kali tools on your machine
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Control your gtps with gtps-tools!

Note Please give credit to me! Do not try to sell this app, because this app is 100% open source! Do not try to reupload and rename the creator app! S

This repo will have a small amount of Chrome tools that can be used for DFIR, Hacking, Deception, whatever your heart desires.
This repo will have a small amount of Chrome tools that can be used for DFIR, Hacking, Deception, whatever your heart desires.

Chrome-Tools Overview Welcome to the repo. This repo will have a small amount of Chrome tools that can be used for DFIR, Hacking, Deception, whatever

Senior full stack web dev (Django+React)
Script to change official Kali repository to mirrors

Script to change official Kali repository to mirrors. This helps increase packages update and downloading for some user.

Vineet Bhavsar 2 Nov 29, 2021
List of Linux Tools I put on almost every linux / Debian host

Linux-Tools List of Linux Tools I put on almost every Linux / Debian host Installed: geany --> GUI editor/ notepad++ like chkservice --> TUI Linux ser

Stew Alexander 20 Jan 2, 2023
B-Pkg is a simple tool in python for installing all basic package in termux

Basic-Pkg ???? Basic-Pkg ???? B-Pkg is a simple tool in python for installing all basic package in termux This is my first tool, I hope you will like

Macgaiver 3 Oct 21, 2021
This is a practice on Airflow, which is building virtual env, installing Airflow and constructing data pipeline (DAGs)

airflow-test This is a practice on Airflow, which is Builing virtualbox env and setting Airflow on that env Installing Airflow using python virtual en

Jaeyoung 1 Nov 1, 2021
Organize seu linux - organize your linux

OrganizeLinux Organize seu linux - organize your linux Organize seu linux Uma forma rápida de separar arquivos dispersos em pastas. formatos a serem c

Marcus Vinícius Ribeiro Andrade 1 Nov 30, 2021
LSO, also known as Linux Swap Operator, is a software with both GUI and terminal versions that you can manage the Swap area for Linux operating systems.

LSO - Linux Swap Operator Türkçe - LSO Nedir? LSO, diğer adıyla Linux Swap Operator Linux işletim sistemleri için Swap alanını yönetebileceğiniz hem G

Eren İnce 4 Feb 9, 2022
Islam - This is a simple python script.In this script I have written all the suras of Al Quran. As a result, by using this script, you can know the number of any sura at the moment.

Introduction: If you want to know sura number of al quran by just typing the name of sura than you can use this script. Usage in termux: $ pkg install

Fazle Rabbi 1 Jan 2, 2022
Um Script De Mensagem anonimas Para linux e Termux Feito em python

Um Script De Mensagem anonimas Para linux e Termux Feito em python feito em um celular

null 6 Sep 9, 2021
A very small (15 lines of code) and beautiful fetch script (exclusively for Arch Linux).

minifetch A very small (15 lines of code) and beautiful fetch script (exclusively for Arch Linux). There are many fetch scripts out there but I wanted

null 16 Jul 11, 2022
x-tools is a collection of tools developed in Python

x-tools X-tools is a collection of tools developed in Python Commands\

null 5 Jan 24, 2022