links and status of cool gradio demos



This is a list of some wonderful demos & applications built with Gradio. Here's how to contribute yours!

🖊️ Natural language processing

Demo name (link to demo) input type(s) output type(s) status badge
ruDALL-E Text Image demo status
Mandarin Text-to-Speech (TTS) Text Audio demo status
Multilingual Summarization model (MLSUM) Radio, Text Text demo status
News Summarizer Text Text demo status
KoGPT Text Text demo status
Sentiment Histogram For Turkish Text Image demo status
GPT-J-6B Text Text demo status
Adverse Drug Reaction Xtractor Text HTML demo status
Neural Search Engine Text Text demo status
E-Coicop-food-classifier Text Text demo status
twitter_emotions Text Label demo status
Language Detector Text Label demo status
Question Answering in English, Spanish and Basque Text Text demo status
Table Question Answering (TAPAS) Text, CSV JSON, Dataframe demo status
Song Genre Predictor Text Label demo status

📷 Computer vision

Demo name (link to demo) input type(s) output type(s) status badge
ruDALL-E Text Image demo status
Animeganv2 Image Image demo status
Bytetrack Image Image demo status
Anime Face Detector Image, Slider Image demo status
super-image Image, Radio, Dropdown Image demo status
Pet Breed Classifier Image Label demo status
LayoutLMv2 Image Image demo status
Yolov5 Image Image demo status
VQGAN + CLIP Text, Image, Slider, Number Image, Video demo status
CLIP Guided Diffusion Text, Image, Slider, Number Image, Video demo status
BlendGAN Image, Slider Image demo status
SAHI + YOLOv5 Image, Number, Dropdown, Checkbox Image demo status
Pose Estimation for Humans, Vehicles and Animals Image, Radio, Checkbox Image demo status
Convolutional Hough Matching Networks Image, Slider Image demo status
CRAFT-OCR Image Image, Text demo status
AnimeGANv2 for Videos Video, Slider Video demo status
CLIP Image Search Image, Radio, Text Image demo status

🔬 Science

Demo name (link to demo) input type(s) output type(s) status badge
MolDesigner Text, Image, Dropdown Text demo status

💊 Medicine

Demo name (link to demo) input type(s) output type(s) status badge
Echocardiogram-Segmentation Image Image demo status
Adverse Drug Reaction Xtractor Text HTML demo status
Sartorius Cell Instance Segmentation (detectron2) Image Image demo status
Cell Instance Segmentation (MMDetection) Image Image demo status

🎵 Audio processing

Demo name (link to demo) input type(s) output type(s) status badge
Mandarin Text-to-Speech (TTS) Text Audio demo status
Demucs Audio Audio demo status
XLS-R 2B 22-to-16 Speech Translation Audio, Dropdown Text demo status
YourTTS Audio, Dropdown, Textbox Audio demo status

🔢 Math

Demo name (link to demo) input type(s) output type(s) status badge
GP Posterior Approximation with Transformers Dataframe, Radio Text, Image demo status

🤗 Fun

Demo name (link to demo) input type(s) output type(s) status badge
Animeganv2 Image Image demo status
AnimeGANv2 for Videos Video, Slider Video demo status
Anime Face Detector Image, Slider Image demo status
Song Genre Predictor Text Label demo status
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  • fixing badge for #6

    fixing badge for #6

    Sorry I just realized that "status badge" (for instance segmentation apps) were not right, it's fixed now. Can you please merge again ? Thank you

    opened by rashmibanthia 2
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