Python 3 tool for finding unclaimed groups on Roblox. Supports multi-threading, multi-processing and HTTP proxies.
usage: scanner [-h] [-t THREADS] [-w WORKERS] [-r RANGE] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [-p PROXY_LIST] [-u WEBHOOK_URL]
[-f MIN_FUNDS] [-m MIN_MEMBERS] [-n] [-c CUT_OFF]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
Number of threads per worker
-w WORKERS, --workers WORKERS
Number of workers
-r RANGE, --range RANGE
Group id range
--timeout TIMEOUT Max. time for connections and responses
-p PROXY_LIST, --proxy-list PROXY_LIST
File containg list of proxies
-u WEBHOOK_URL, --webhook-url WEBHOOK_URL
URL of webhook to be called when a claimable group is found
-f MIN_FUNDS, --min-funds MIN_FUNDS
Min. amount of funds in a group
-m MIN_MEMBERS, --min-members MIN_MEMBERS
Min. amount of members in a group
-n, --no-close If enabled, connections won't be closed based on responses. This is useful for proxies that
switch IPs per request.
-c CUT_OFF, --cut-off CUT_OFF
Non-existent groups with IDs past this point won't be automatically skipped after the first
python scanner --proxy-list proxies.txt --workers 8 --threads 100 --range 1-11000000