Versatile async-friendly library to retry failed operations with configurable backoff strategies


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riprova (meaning retry in Italian) is a small, general-purpose and versatile Python library that provides retry mechanisms with multiple backoff strategies for any sort of failed operations.

It's domain agnostic, highly customizable, extensible and provides a minimal API that's easy to instrument in any code base via decorators, context managers or raw API consumption.

For a brief introduction about backoff mechanisms for potential failed operations, read this article.


  • Retry decorator for simple and idiomatic consumption.
  • Simple Pythonic programmatic interface.
  • Maximum retry timeout support.
  • Supports error whitelisting and blacklisting.
  • Supports custom error evaluation retry logic (useful to retry only in specific cases).
  • Automatically retry operations on raised exceptions.
  • Supports asynchronous coroutines with both async/await and yield from syntax.
  • Configurable maximum number of retry attempts.
  • Highly configurable supporting max retries, timeouts or retry notifier callback.
  • Built-in backoff strategies: constant, fibonacci and exponential backoffs.
  • Supports sync/async context managers.
  • Pluggable custom backoff strategies.
  • Lightweight library with almost zero embedding cost.
  • Works with Python +2.6, 3.0+ and PyPy.

Backoff strategies

List of built-in backoff strategies.

You can also implement your own one easily. See ConstantBackoff for an implementation reference.


Using pip package manager (requires pip 1.9+. Upgrade it running: pip install -U pip):

pip install -U riprova

Or install the latest sources from Github:

pip install -e git+git://



You can see more featured examples from the documentation site.

Basic usage examples:

import riprova

def task():
    """Retry operation if it fails with constant backoff (default)"""

def task():
    """Retry operation if it fails with custom max number of retry attempts"""

def task():
    """Retry operation if it fails using exponential backoff"""

def task():
    """Raises a TimeoutError if the retry loop exceeds from 10 seconds"""

def on_retry(err, next_try):
    print('Operation error: {}'.format(err))
    print('Next try in: {}ms'.format(next_try))

def task():
    """Subscribe via function callback to every retry attempt"""

def evaluator(response):
    # Force retry operation if not a valid response
    if response.status >= 400:
        raise RuntimeError('invalid response status')  # or simple return True
    # Otherwise return False, meaning no retry
    return False

def task():
    """Use a custom evaluator function to determine if the operation failed or not"""

async def task():
    """Asynchronous coroutines are also supported :)"""

Retry failed HTTP requests:

import pook
import requests
from riprova import retry

# Define HTTP mocks to simulate failed requests
pook.get('').times(1).reply(200).json({'hello': 'world'})

# Retry evaluator function used to determine if the operated failed or not
def evaluator(response):
    if response != 200:
        return Exception('failed request')  # you can also simply return True
    return False

# On retry even subscriptor
def on_retry(err, next_try):
    print('Operation error {}'.format(err))
    print('Next try in {}ms'.format(next_try))

# Register retriable operation
@retry(evaluator=evaluator, on_retry=on_retry)
def fetch(url):
    return requests.get(url)

# Run task that might fail


MIT - Tomas Aparicio

  • Fault result

    Fault result

    Don't really know does it fits into your library (I mean, you decide what is relevant), but when I wrote my own «restarter» I use some fault_result argument, which returned as function result after attempts gone. In my case this was made to avoid try/except/pass things, cause function fault was like «Oh, fault! Ok, will call it later anyway, does not matter…». It looks like right now we can't do that without external try/except/pass wrapper.

    opened by pohmelie 11
  • How to use retrier inside class function with custom on_retry?

    How to use retrier inside class function with custom on_retry?

    Hi, I'd like to use riprova.Retrier inside my custom class. e.g. I want to try to re-login every time say_trier fails or raises an exception. Is this sample code right? Didn't find a nice way to use decorater for say_trier.

    class SayHello(object):
        def login(self):
            print "log in"
        def say(self):
            retrier = riprova.Retrier(backoff=riprova.ExponentialBackOff(interval=30), on_retry=self.on_retry)
        def say_trier(self):
        def on_retry(self, err, next_try):
            print('Operation error: {}'.format(err))
            print('Next try in: {}ms'.format(next_try))
    sa = SayHello()
    opened by dofine 5
  • Exclude paco

    Exclude paco

    I see nothing wrong with using third party libraries, but in some cases it looks like is-number npm package :laughing:. It means, that js is poor, since it need such third-party «patches». I don't want to think, that python is poor, since it is not.

    • paco.wraps should be removed cause it's enough to wrap functions with asyncio.coroutine without inspecting it.
    >>> def sync(): print("sync")
    >>> async def async_(): print("async")
    >>> asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(asyncio.coroutine(sync)())
    >>> asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(asyncio.coroutine(async_)())
    • paco.TimeoutLimit, async_timeout used when you have couple of things inside with block. If you have one coroutine, which you want to limit, you should use asyncio.wait_for and you don't need to split logic for running with or without timeout. If there is no timeout, then your timeout should be None.

    I hope this two suggestions are strong enough to exclude paco from dependencies.

    opened by pohmelie 5
  • Retry context manager

    Retry context manager

    with riprova.Retrier(backoff=ConstantBackoff()) as retry:, 'foo', bar=1)
    async with riprova.AsyncRetrier(backoff=ConstantBackoff()) as retry:
       await, 'foo', bar=1)
    opened by tomas-fp 4
  • Re-raise exception instance instead of creating a new exception with no args

    Re-raise exception instance instead of creating a new exception with no args

    Currently, the context manager re-raises exception by its type with no args. So, there is no error message anymore. Besides it In some cases, args are mandatory and such behavior may lead to weird error messages. So, we must re-raise an existing exception instance instead of creating the new one.

    opened by ffix 3
  • Cannot retry when `asyncio.TimeoutError` is raised

    Cannot retry when `asyncio.TimeoutError` is raised

    riprova cannot retry when a method raise asyncio.TimeoutError, even when asyncio.TimeoutError is set in blacklist. The reason is that asyncio.TimeoutError is handle explicitly in, thus it cannot trigger retry. Is this an intended behavior?

    The following is sample code to reprocedure this issue.

    import asyncio
    import riprova
    BLACKLIST = riprova.ErrorBlacklist([
    @riprova.retry(backoff=riprova.ConstantBackoff(interval=1, retries=3), error_evaluator=BLACKLIST.isretry)
    async def func():
        raise asyncio.TimeoutError()

    The func will only run once, instead of three times.

    opened by czchen 3
  • Allow newer six

    Allow newer six

    six 1.11 (which has been available for half a year now) doesn't have any backwards incompatible changes that I know of and some other libraries (like CherryPy) depend on newer six which makes it difficult to use them together. Let's relax the version restriction to support such installations.

    opened by jstasiak 3
  • Bug | Inconsistent test

    Bug | Inconsistent test

    timeout = 200 while interval=100 causes the target function to run either twice or thrice (due to machine speed), which makes the following test inconsistent:

    def test_retrier_run_max_timeout(MagicMock):
        iterable = (ValueError, NotImplementedError, RuntimeError, Exception)
        task = MagicMock(side_effect=iterable)
        retrier = Retrier(timeout=200, backoff=ConstantBackoff(interval=100))
        with pytest.raises(RetryTimeoutError):
  , 2, 4, foo='bar')
        assert task.called
        assert task.call_count >= 1
        task.assert_called_with(2, 4, foo='bar')
        assert retrier.attempts >= 1
        assert isinstance(retrier.error, NotImplementedError)

    Sometimes the raised error would be NotImplementedError, while at other times RunTimeError

    I changed this test in my pull request but the core problem needs to be fixed.

    opened by tsarpaul 3
  • Retrier catches internal error

    Retrier catches internal error

     # Get delay before next retry
     delay =
     # If backoff is ready
     if delay == Backoff.STOP:
     return raise_from(MaxRetriesExceeded('max retries exceeded'), err)

    While messing around with the code I checked err value and was surprised to see ImportError:

    err = {ImportError} No module named stackless

    The error was PyCharm related, maybe a similar error would be caused if I forgot to pip install requirements?

    This code ignores all errors, even if it is caused internally and not by the function.

    A possible solution is to blacklist certain errors, such as ImportError

    opened by tsarpaul 3
  • Can't pass sleep_fn from retry to Retrier

    Can't pass sleep_fn from retry to Retrier

    >>> import riprova
    >>> import time
    >>> def my_sleep(*args, **kwargs): print("my sleep", args, kwargs); time.sleep(*args, **kwargs)
    >>> my_sleep(1)
    my sleep (1,) {}
    >>> def fail(): raise Exception
    >>> riprova.retry(backoff=riprova.ConstantBackoff(interval=2, retries=5), sleep_fn=my_sleep)(fail)()
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
        riprova.retry(backoff=riprova.ConstantBackoff(interval=2, retries=5), sleep_fn=my_sleep)(fail)()
      File "/home/poh/pro/py/riprova/riprova/", line 132, in wrapper
        return retry_runner(*args, **kw)
      File "/home/poh/pro/py/riprova/riprova/", line 294, in run
        delay = self._get_delay()
      File "/home/poh/pro/py/riprova/riprova/", line 246, in _get_delay
      File "<string>", line 2, in raise_from
    riprova.exceptions.MaxRetriesExceeded: max retries exceeded

    The reason is identical names for keyword only arguments for decorator and wrapper:

    opened by pohmelie 2
  • Feature: support custom error exception evaluator

    Feature: support custom error exception evaluator

    The API might look like:

    def error_evaluator(err):
       return not isinstance(err, (MyCustomError, AnotherCustomError))
    def task():
    opened by h2non 1
  • Deprecation warnings

    Deprecation warnings

    Few deprecation warnings. FYI.

    /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/riprova/ DeprecationWarning: "@coroutine" decorator is deprecated since Python 3.8, use "async def" instead
    self.on_retry = asyncio.coroutine(on_retry) if on_retry else None
    /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/riprova/ DeprecationWarning: The loop argument is deprecated since Python 3.8, and scheduled for removal in Python 3.10.
    return (yield from asyncio.wait_for(
    opened by alekna 0
  • asyncio concurrent asyncio retry does not work.

    asyncio concurrent asyncio retry does not work.

    When calling asyncio.gather with functions decorated retry, the retries would finish earlier than expected.

    import asyncio
    import logging
    import riprova
        format='[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s - %(message)s',
        datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
    LOG = logging.getLogger()
    def do_retry(val):"do retry %s", val)
        return True
    async def do_stuff(name):'calling %s', name)
        if name == 'bar':
            await asyncio.sleep(1.0)
            await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
        raise ValueError('value-error-{}'.format(name))
    async def process():
        coros = [do_stuff('foo'), do_stuff('bar')]
        # coros = [do_stuff('foo')]
        await asyncio.gather(*coros, return_exceptions=True)
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()


    [2018-03-29 19:17:42] INFO - calling bar
    [2018-03-29 19:17:42] INFO - calling foo
    [2018-03-29 19:17:42] INFO - do retry value-error-foo
    [2018-03-29 19:17:42] INFO - calling foo
    [2018-03-29 19:17:43] INFO - do retry value-error-foo
    [2018-03-29 19:17:43] INFO - calling foo
    [2018-03-29 19:17:43] INFO - do retry value-error-foo
    [2018-03-29 19:17:43] INFO - calling foo
    [2018-03-29 19:17:43] INFO - do retry value-error-foo
    [2018-03-29 19:17:43] INFO - calling foo
    [2018-03-29 19:17:43] INFO - do retry value-error-foo
    [2018-03-29 19:17:43] INFO - do retry value-error-bar
    [2018-03-29 19:17:43] INFO - calling foo
    [2018-03-29 19:17:43] INFO - do retry value-error-foo

    The expected result is that foo and bar should be both called 6x.

    opened by bt-wil 0
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