Eruditus - CTF helper bot
Eruditus - CTF helper bot
Eruditus is a Discord CTF helper bot built with Python, it was initially designed to be used internally within the CyberErudites CTF team in order to make team work as efficient as possible.
The bot implements a bunch of useful features and uses Discord's Slash commands to make its usage as intuitive as possible.
Core functionalities
- Manage channels and their permissions
- Track CTFTime events and announce them on the server
- Track CTFs progress
- Track members' participation in challenges
- Announcements upon solving a challenge
- Automatic flag submission from within the Discord guild
- Provides a utility to lookup system calls from a specific architecture
- Provides a utility for basic encoding schemes
- Provides a utility for classic ciphers
/ctf createctf <ctf_name> (Create a new CTF)
/ctf renamectf <ctf_name> (Rename a CTF)
/ctf archivectf <mode> [<ctf_name>] (Archive a CTF's channels)
/ctf deletectf [<ctf_name>] (Delete a CTF as well as its channels)
/ctf join <ctf_name> (Join a specific CTF channels)
/ctf leave (Leave a CTF)
/ctf addcreds <username> <password> <url> (Add credentials for the current CTF)
/ctf showcreds (Show credentials of the current CTF)
/ctf status [<ctf_name>] (Show CTF(s) status)
/ctf workon <challenge_name> (Access the private channel associated to the challenge)
/ctf unworkon [<challenge_name>] (Leave the challenge channel)
/ctf solve [<support_member>]... (Mark a challenge as solved)
/ctf unsolve (Mark a challenge as not solved)
/ctf createchallenge <challenge_name> <challenge_category> (Create a new challenge)
/ctf renamechallenge <new_name> <new_category> (Rename a challenge)
/ctf deletechallenge [<challenge_name>] (Delete a challenge)
/ctf pull [<ctfd_url>] (Pull unsolved challenges from the CTFd platform)
/ctf takenote <type> <note_format> (Copies the last message into the notes channel)
/ctf submit <flag> [<support_member>]... (Submits a flag to CTFd)
/syscalls show <arch> <syscall name/syscall id> (Show information for a specific syscall)
/ctftime upcoming [<limit>] (Show upcoming CTF competitions)
/ctftime current (Show ongoing CTF competitions)
/ctftime top [<year>] (Show leaderboard for a specific year)
/cipher caesar <message> [<key>] (Caesar cipher)
/cipher rot13 <message> (Rot13 cipher)
/cipher atbash <message> (Atbash cipher)
/encoding base64 <encode/decode> <data> (Base64 encoding/decoding)
/encoding base32 <encode/decode> <data> (Base32 encoding/decoding)
/encoding binary <encode/decode> <data> (Binary encoding/decoding)
/encoding hex <encode/decode> <data> (Hex encoding/decoding)
/encoding url <encode/decode> <data> (URL encoding/decoding)
Installation (brief explanation)
This is a self hosted bot, just set your bot token
file and run docker-compose up -d --build
In order to use Slash commands, the usual bot
scope in the Discord developer portal is not sufficient, you must also grant the applications.commands
Contribution Guidelines
More information on how to contribute to this project will be provided soon.
This work was inspired from these amazing projects:
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.