This project was created using Python technology and flask tools to scrape a music site



This project was created using Python technology and flask tools to scrape a music site

You need to install the following packages to get started :

1 - pip install requests

2 - pip install flask

3 - pip install BeautifulSoup

Now just run the following command :


Search Music :

Method : GET

Action : /search

Parameter : q

Description : Returns list of searched music

New Music :

Method : GET

Action : /new

Parameter : None

Description : Returns list of new music

Get Music :

Method : GET

Action : /getmusic

Parameter : link

Description : Retrieve a Music by link

Get Categories :

Method : GET

Action : /categories

Parameter : None

Description : Returns list of categories

Get All Music a Category :

Method : GET

Action : /getcategories

Parameter : link

Description : Returns list of All music a specific category

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