Python API to interact with Uwazi


Python Uwazi API

Quick Start

To use the API install the requirements

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

and use it like this:

uwazi_adapter = UwaziAdapter(user='admin', password='admin', url='http://localhost:3000')
uwazi_adapter.entities.get_one(shared_id='shared_id', language='en')
uwazi_adapter.files.get_document(shared_id='shared_id', language='en')



get_one(shared_id: str, language: str)
get_id(shared_id: str, language: str)
get_shared_ids(to_process_template: str, batch_size: int, unpublished: bool = True)
get(template_id: str, batch_size: int, language: str = 'en', published: bool = False)
get_by_id(entity_id: str)
upload(entity: Dict[str, any], language: str)


get_document(shared_id: str, language: str)
get_document_by_file_name(file_name: str)
save_document_to_path(shared_id: str, languages: List[str], path: str)
upload_file(pdf_file_path, share_id, language, title)
upload_image(image_binary, title, entity_shared_id, language)




set(language, template)


get(language: str)
add_value(thesauri_name, thesauri_id, thesauri_values, language)
  • uploading an entity with a select and multi-select attribute

    uploading an entity with a select and multi-select attribute

    whenever I try to pass a string as the value for a select or multi-select field, I get an error reading: Error uploading entity 422 {"error":"validation failed","validations":[{"keyword":"metadataMatchesTemplateProperties","schemaPath":"#/metadataMatchesTemplateProperties","params":{"keyword":"metadataMatchesTemplateProperties"},"dataPath":".metadata['source']","message":"related dictionary value/s does not exists"

    However, I checked the dictionary for the field, and the value I was trying to upload was present in the dictionary.

    For reference, I was trying to upload an entity of the type "Media Articles" The field in question was "Source" I was trying to upload a "Source" value of "Free Tibet", which is present in the source dictionary according to the "Thesauri" section

    This is how I'm creating the entity:

    entity = {'title': row['title_final'],
                   'template': template_id,
                   'metadata': {
                                'article_contents': [{'value': row['article_final']}],
                                'date_published': [{'value': row['date']}],
                                'date_scrapped': [{'value': row['date_accessed']}],
                                'source': [{'value': 'Free Tibet'}], # gives error
                                'link': [{'value': row['url']}],

    If I comment out the "Source" field, the upload is successful.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

    @natasha-todi @pddocs

    opened by tanner-ducharme 11
  • posting a template entity

    posting a template entity

    I've managed to establish a connection to our server, but I cannot figure out how to post an entity.

    I want to post a basic entity to a template called 'test'

    The template consists of a title string, a text-body string, and a date. How do I achieve this?


    @natasha-todi @pddocs

    opened by tanner-ducharme 6
  • Error trying to connect to Uwazi with UwaziAdapter()

    Error trying to connect to Uwazi with UwaziAdapter()

    Recently, my code started raising an error when I try to connect to Uwazi with UwaziAdapter().

    As far as I know, nothing in my code was changed between the time when it was functional and when it started failing.

    Also, my uwazi credentials have not been changed.

    The error is as follows:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 307, in <module>
        uploadToUwazi(user, password, template_id, url, df)
      File "", line 143, in uploadToUwazi
        uwazi_adapter = UwaziAdapter(user=user, password=password, url=url)
      File "/Users/Tanner1/Desktop/Projects/RightsActionLab/uwazi/uwazi_api/", line 14, in __init__
        self.uwazi_request = UwaziRequest(url, user, password)
      File "/Users/Tanner1/Desktop/Projects/RightsActionLab/uwazi/uwazi_api/", line 16, in __init__
        self.connect_sid = self.get_connect_sid()
      File "/Users/Tanner1/Desktop/Projects/RightsActionLab/uwazi/uwazi_api/", line 24, in get_connect_sid
        return response.cookies['connect.sid']
      File "/Users/Tanner1/miniconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/requests/", line 328, in __getitem__
        return self._find_no_duplicates(name)
      File "/Users/Tanner1/miniconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/requests/", line 399, in _find_no_duplicates
        raise KeyError('name=%r, domain=%r, path=%r' % (name, domain, path))
    KeyError: "name='connect.sid', domain=None, path=None"
    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 314, in <module>
        raise Exception(error)
    Exception: "name='connect.sid', domain=None, path=None"

    The only cause I can think of might have something to do with 2-factor authentication. I first noticed the issue right after I set up 2-factor auth on my account

    Any help is greatly appreciated.


    @natasha-todi @pddocs

    opened by tanner-ducharme 2
  • error upload: maximum field length

    error upload: maximum field length

    When trying to upload an article, I get the following error:

    Error uploading entity 422 
    {"error":"validation failed",
    "message":"maximum field length exceeded"}],
    "prettyMessage":"validation failed",
    {'title': 'Farewell Letters: A Tribute to the Civil Society Groups, Bloggers, and Media Outlets We Lost in 2021', 
    'template': '5d7fa0edabfb862c766385b3', 
    'metadata': {...}

    It appears that the article text is too long. I have two questions related to this issue:

    1. Is there any way around this?
    2. What is the maximum field length for Uwazi?


    @natasha-todi @pddocs

    opened by tanner-ducharme 2
  • Installation error

    Installation error

    when I try to install the repo with: python3 -m pip install git+

    I get the following error: ERROR: git+ does not appear to be a Python project: neither '' nor 'pyproject.toml' found.

    Trying another method, when I try first cloning the repo: git clone

    installing the requirements: cd python_uwazi_API/ && pip3 install -r ./requirements.txt

    and installing the library: pip3 install -e .

    I get a similar error: ERROR: file:///Users/Tanner1/Desktop/Projects/RightsActionLab/uwazi_project/python_uwazi_API does not appear to be a Python project: neither '' nor 'pyproject.toml' found.

    If someone could please advise on how to proceed it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    opened by tanner-ducharme 2
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