The Black shade analyser and comparison tool.
AKA Richard's personal take at a better black-primer (by stealing ideas from mypy-primer) :p
Basically runs Black over millions of lines of code from various open source projects. Why? So any changes to Black can be gauged on their relative impact.
Features include:
- Simple but readable diffing capabilities
- Repeatable analyses via --repeat-projects-from
- Structured JSON output
- per-project python_requires support
- Oh and of course, pretty output!
Potential tasks / additionals:
- jupyter notebook support
- even more helpful output
- stronger diffing abilities
- better UX (particularly when things go wrong)
- so much code cleanup - like a lot :p
Notice: this is a in-progress rewrite of the original diff-shades. I'm rewriting it as the code was quite unmaintainable as I built it wayy too fast. This time I'm focusing on building a good project structure, prettifying the output, and improving functionality. The thing is that this is a WIP so the claimed features above aren't accurate right now.
Clone the repository
Do a local pip install in the project root (eg.
python -m pip install .
todo: finish the readme once done with the rewrite