Implementation of "Generalizable Neural Performer: Learning Robust Radiance Fields for Human Novel View Synthesis"

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Generalizable Neural Performer: Learning Robust Radiance Fields for Human Novel View Synthesis


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Abstract: This work targets at using a general deep learning framework to synthesize free-viewpoint images of arbitrary human performers, only requiring a sparse number of camera views as inputs and skirting per-case fine-tuning. The large variation of geometry and appearance, caused by articulated body poses, shapes and clothing types, are the key bot tlenecks of this task. To overcome these challenges, we present a simple yet powerful framework, named Generalizable Neural Performer (GNR), that learns a generalizable and robust neural body representation over various geometry and appearance. Specifically, we compress the light fields for novel view human rendering as conditional implicit neural radiance fields with several designs from both geometry and appearance aspects. We first introduce an Implicit Geometric Body Embedding strategy to enhance the robustness based on both parametric 3D human body model prior and multi-view source images hints. On the top of this, we further propose a Screen-Space Occlusion-Aware Appearance Blending technique to preserve the high-quality appearance, through interpolating source view appearance to the radiance fields with a relax but approximate geometric guidance.

Wei Cheng, Su Xu, Jingtan Piao, Chen Qian, Wayne Wu, Kwan-Yee Lin, Hongsheng Li
[Demo Video] | [Project Page] | [Data] | [Paper]


  • [02/05/2022] GeneBody Train40 is released! Apply here! ๐Ÿ’ฅ Test10 has made some adjustment on data format.
  • [29/04/2022] SMPLx fitting toolbox and benchmarks are released! ๐Ÿ’ฅ
  • [26/04/2022] Code is coming soon!
  • [26/04/2022] Part of data released!
  • [26/04/2022] Techincal report released.
  • [24/04/2022] The codebase and project page are created.

Upcoming Events

  • [08/05/2022] Code and pretrain model release.
  • [01/06/2022] Extended370 release.

Data Download

To download and use the GeneBody dataset set, please read the instructions in


GeneBody provides the per-view per-frame segmentation, using BackgroundMatting-V2, and register the fitted SMPLx using our enhanced multi-view smplify repo in here.

To use annotations of GeneBody, please check the document, we provide a reference data fetch module in genebody.


We also provide benchmarks of start-of-the-art methods on GeneBody Dataset, methods and requirements are listed in

To test the performance of our released pretrained models, or train by yourselves, run:

git clone --recurse-submodules

And cd benchmarks/, the released benchmarks are ready to go on Genebody and other datasets such as V-sense and ZJU-Mocap.

Case-specific Methods on Genebody

NV 19.86 0.774 0.267 ckpts
NHR 20.05 0.800 0.155 ckpts
NT 21.68 0.881 0.152 ckpts
NB 20.73 0.878 0.231 ckpts
A-Nerf 15.57 0.508 0.242 ckpts

(see detail why A-Nerf's performance is counterproductive in issue)

Generalizable Methods on Genebody

PixelNeRF 24.15 0.903 0.122
IBRNet 23.61 0.836 0.177 ckpts


    title={Generalizable Neural Performer: Learning Robust Radiance Fields for Human Novel View Synthesis},
    author={Cheng, Wei and Xu, Su and Piao, Jingtan and Qian, Chen and Wu, Wayne and Lin, Kwan-Yee and Li, Hongsheng},
    journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.11798},
  • recreate fitted smplx mesh from params in '/param' folder

    recreate fitted smplx mesh from params in '/param' folder

    In you mentioned that the mesh can be retrieved by parameters in param folder. I noticed that the param npy files only contains the following information: image there are 135 joints, and a 66x1 pose provided. But it doesn't seem consistent with the smplx model. Could you explain how can we use the parameters in detail? Thank you very much in advance.

    opened by shanemankiw 10
  • Training Error

    Training Error

    Hi, authors

    I follow the README to train GNR, but found the following error:

    INFO:root:train data size: 7200
    INFO:root:test data size: 10
    INFO:root:render data size: 10
    INFO:root:Using Network: gnr
    INFO:root:use Data Parallel...
      0%|                                                                 | 0/1000 [00:06<?, ?it/s]
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "apps/", line 333, in <module>
      File "apps/", line 176, in train
        loss_dict = net(data, train_shape=train_shape)
      File "/home/fuqian/Downloads/Software/anaconda3/envs/2022-GNR-Arxiv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 493, in __call__
        result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
      File "/home/fuqian/Downloads/Software/anaconda3/envs/2022-GNR-Arxiv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/parallel/", line 152, in forward
        outputs = self.parallel_apply(replicas, inputs, kwargs)
      File "/home/fuqian/Downloads/Software/anaconda3/envs/2022-GNR-Arxiv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/parallel/", line 162, in parallel_apply
        return parallel_apply(replicas, inputs, kwargs, self.device_ids[:len(replicas)])
      File "/home/fuqian/Downloads/Software/anaconda3/envs/2022-GNR-Arxiv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/parallel/", line 83, in parallel_apply
        raise output
      File "/home/fuqian/Downloads/Software/anaconda3/envs/2022-GNR-Arxiv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/parallel/", line 59, in _worker
        output = module(*input, **kwargs)
      File "/home/fuqian/Downloads/Software/anaconda3/envs/2022-GNR-Arxiv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 493, in __call__
        result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs)
      File "/home/fuqian/Documents/Research/View-Synthesis/2022-GNR-Arxiv/gnr/lib/model/", line 62, in forward
        error = self.nerf_renderer.render(**data)
      File "/home/fuqian/Documents/Research/View-Synthesis/2022-GNR-Arxiv/gnr/lib/model/", line 419, in render
        calibs[:self.num_views], smpl, mesh_param, scan, persps)
      File "/home/fuqian/Documents/Research/View-Synthesis/2022-GNR-Arxiv/gnr/lib/model/", line 302, in render_rays
        inside, smpl_vis, scan_vis = self.inside_pts_vh(pts, masks, smpl, calibs, persps)
      File "/home/fuqian/Documents/Research/View-Synthesis/2022-GNR-Arxiv/gnr/lib/model/", line 376, in inside_pts_vh
        inside = index(masks, xy, 'nearest')
      File "/home/fuqian/Documents/Research/View-Synthesis/2022-GNR-Arxiv/gnr/lib/", line 77, in index
        samples = torch.nn.functional.grid_sample(feat, uv, mode=mode)
      File "/home/fuqian/Downloads/Software/anaconda3/envs/2022-GNR-Arxiv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/nn/", line 2717, in grid_sample
        return torch.grid_sampler(input, grid, mode_enum, padding_mode_enum)
    RuntimeError: grid_sampler(): expected grid and input to have same batch size, but got input with sizes [1, 1, 512, 512] and grid with sizes [2, 262144, 1, 2]
    epoch 0/1000:   0%|                                                   | 0/7200 [00:06<?, ?it/s]

    I only use one person to train, so the train data size is 7200. But this error is irrelevant with my training data. Can you train GNR with the code in this repo with the following command:

    python apps/ --config configs/train.txt --dataroot ${GENEBODY_ROOT}
    opened by fuqianya 2
  • selected views and distortion

    selected views and distortion


    Thanks for your incredible work! I have two questions:

    1. In the paper, you said only 4 views are given in the model for training, may I know which 4 views?
    2. In dataset Test10, I found camera distortion parameters in the npy files. Do we need to undistort the images before using, or the images are already undistorted so distortion parameters can be ignored?


    opened by YuLiHN 2
  • Issue with pre-trained model link

    Issue with pre-trained model link

    First of all, thank you for the amazing work and the dataset accompanying this project. Looking forward to verifying the results and running into an issue retrieving the provided pre-trained weights using the associated Gdrive path. Could you kindly look into the issue?

    opened by yyeboah 2
  • Dataset of Test10 is missing

    Dataset of Test10 is missing


    Thank you very much for sharing such amazing data with the community. When I was trying to download the Test10 from dataset webpage, it said the link has been removed as following: image Is there any update regarding the Test10?


    opened by JinlongYANG 2
  • Missing Release Agreement form for Train 40

    Missing Release Agreement form for Train 40

    Hello, Thanks for sharing the amazing work and dataset! While I was trying to get access to the dataset, I couldn't find the release agreement form for Train 40 as mentioned in gnr/docs/ Did I miss something?

    opened by JinlongYANG 2
  • Cannot reproduce the results in the paper

    Cannot reproduce the results in the paper

    Hi authors

    Thanks for your great work! I am trying to reproduce the results in your paper (i.e., Table 2). 1659147894(1)

    I download the pretrained model from here, and download the amanda.tar.gz and fuzhizhi.tar.gz from test data at here. Then I evaluate the pretrained model with the following command:

    python apps/ --config configs/test.txt --dataroot ${GENEBODY_ROOT}

    However, I only get the following results which are inferior than the results in the Table 2

      2 amanda_0045_0
      3 lpips: 0.09362
      4 psnr: 22.27188
      5 ssim: 0.92902
      6 ------[total] lpips: 0.09362
      7 [total] psnr: 22.27188
      8 [total] ssim: 0.92902
      9 ******
     10 amanda_0060_0
     11 lpips: 0.09209
     12 psnr: 22.25502
     13 ssim: 0.93011
     14 ------[total] lpips: 0.09209
     15 [total] psnr: 22.25502
     16 [total] ssim: 0.93011
     17 ******
     18 amanda_0075_0
     19 lpips: 0.09473
     20 psnr: 21.96191
     21 ssim: 0.92794
     22 ------[total] lpips: 0.09473
     23 [total] psnr: 21.96191
     24 [total] ssim: 0.92794
     25 ******
     81 ******
     82 fuzhizhi_0400_0
     83 lpips: 0.10973
     84 psnr: 20.23185
     85 ssim: 0.87784
     86 ------[total] lpips: 0.10973
     87 [total] psnr: 20.23185
     88 [total] ssim: 0.87784
     89 ******
     90 fuzhizhi_0415_0
     91 lpips: 0.10417
     92 psnr: 20.62145
     93 ssim: 0.88344
     94 ------[total] lpips: 0.10417
     95 [total] psnr: 20.62145
     96 [total] ssim: 0.88344
     97 ******
     98 fuzhizhi_0430_0
     99 lpips: 0.10447
    100 psnr: 20.55725
    101 ssim: 0.88434
    102 ------[total] lpips: 0.10447
    103 [total] psnr: 20.55725
    104 [total] ssim: 0.88434
    105 ******

    I wonder how can I get the results reported in the paper?

    opened by fuqianya 1
  • Can't Reproduce the results after retrain on the Genebody datasets.

    Can't Reproduce the results after retrain on the Genebody datasets.

    Hi, thanks for your great work! I downloaded the Genebody dataset and the checkpoint file you provided and ran python apps/ --config configs/test.txt --dataroot ${GENEBODY_ROOT} I got this results:

    lpips: 0.09972
    psnr: 27.69579
    ssim: 0.90346
    ------[total] lpips: 0.09972
    [total] psnr: 27.69579
    [total] ssim: 0.90346
    lpips: 0.09971
    psnr: 27.69578
    ssim: 0.90346
    ------[total] lpips: 0.09971
    [total] psnr: 27.69578
    [total] ssim: 0.90346
    lpips: 0.09037
    psnr: 28.67422
    ssim: 0.91727
    ------[total] lpips: 0.09504
    [total] psnr: 28.18500
    [total] ssim: 0.91036
    lpips: 0.09253
    psnr: 28.23362
    ssim: 0.91410
    ------[total] lpips: 0.09420
    [total] psnr: 28.20121
    [total] ssim: 0.91161
    lpips: 0.09349
    psnr: 28.37666
    ssim: 0.91344
    ------[total] lpips: 0.09403
    [total] psnr: 28.24507
    [total] ssim: 0.91207
    lpips: 0.09973
    psnr: 27.67875
    ssim: 0.90606
    ------[total] lpips: 0.09517
    [total] psnr: 28.13181
    [total] ssim: 0.91087
    lpips: 0.09706
    psnr: 28.00067
    ssim: 0.91053
    ------[total] lpips: 0.09548
    [total] psnr: 28.10995
    [total] ssim: 0.91081
    lpips: 0.10081
    psnr: 28.21361
    ssim: 0.90858
    ------[total] lpips: 0.09624
    [total] psnr: 28.12476
    [total] ssim: 0.91049
    lpips: 0.10152
    psnr: 27.73827
    ssim: 0.90574
    ------[total] lpips: 0.09690
    [total] psnr: 28.07645
    [total] ssim: 0.90990
    lpips: 0.10628
    psnr: 27.61590
    ssim: 0.90546
    ------[total] lpips: 0.09794
    [total] psnr: 28.02528
    [total] ssim: 0.90940
    lpips: 0.10986
    psnr: 27.20037
    ssim: 0.90278
    ------[total] lpips: 0.09914
    [total] psnr: 27.94279
    [total] ssim: 0.90874
    lpips: 0.08471
    psnr: 31.28509
    ssim: 0.95712
    ------[total] lpips: 0.08471
    [total] psnr: 31.28509
    [total] ssim: 0.95712
    lpips: 0.08354
    psnr: 25.24519
    ssim: 0.94436
    ------[total] lpips: 0.08354
    [total] psnr: 25.24519
    [total] ssim: 0.94436
    lpips: 0.07934
    psnr: 25.16945
    ssim: 0.94545
    ------[total] lpips: 0.08144
    [total] psnr: 25.20732
    [total] ssim: 0.94490
    lpips: 0.08654
    psnr: 24.65632
    ssim: 0.94178
    ------[total] lpips: 0.08314
    [total] psnr: 25.02365
    [total] ssim: 0.94386
    lpips: 0.07523
    psnr: 25.14850
    ssim: 0.94716
    ------[total] lpips: 0.08116
    [total] psnr: 25.05487
    [total] ssim: 0.94469
    lpips: 0.07832
    psnr: 25.29658
    ssim: 0.94659
    ------[total] lpips: 0.08059
    [total] psnr: 25.10321
    [total] ssim: 0.94507
    lpips: 0.07361
    psnr: 25.59872
    ssim: 0.94851
    ------[total] lpips: 0.07943
    [total] psnr: 25.18579
    [total] ssim: 0.94564
    lpips: 0.08354
    psnr: 24.58870
    ssim: 0.94137
    ------[total] lpips: 0.08002
    [total] psnr: 25.10050
    [total] ssim: 0.94503

    But I retrained for about 5 days using 1*A100 on the Genebody datasets by running python apps/ --config configs/train.txt --dataroot ${GENEBODY_ROOT} and tested it again. I got the worse results:

    lpips: 0.10840
    psnr: 22.11704
    ssim: 0.92772
    ------[total] lpips: 0.10840
    [total] psnr: 22.11704
    [total] ssim: 0.92772
    lpips: 0.10840
    psnr: 22.11703
    ssim: 0.92772
    ------[total] lpips: 0.10840
    [total] psnr: 22.11703
    [total] ssim: 0.92772
    lpips: 0.09554
    psnr: 22.90970
    ssim: 0.93347
    ------[total] lpips: 0.10197
    [total] psnr: 22.51336
    [total] ssim: 0.93060
    lpips: 0.11125
    psnr: 21.87503
    ssim: 0.92636
    ------[total] lpips: 0.10506
    [total] psnr: 22.30059
    [total] ssim: 0.92918
    lpips: 0.09465
    psnr: 22.69352
    ssim: 0.93380
    ------[total] lpips: 0.10246
    [total] psnr: 22.39882
    [total] ssim: 0.93034
    lpips: 0.09909
    psnr: 22.91820
    ssim: 0.93177
    ------[total] lpips: 0.10179
    [total] psnr: 22.50270
    [total] ssim: 0.93063
    lpips: 0.09723
    psnr: 22.39970
    ssim: 0.93193
    ------[total] lpips: 0.10103
    [total] psnr: 22.48553
    [total] ssim: 0.93084
    lpips: 0.10496
    psnr: 22.01777
    ssim: 0.92860
    ------[total] lpips: 0.10159
    [total] psnr: 22.41871
    [total] ssim: 0.93052
    lpips: 0.09524
    psnr: 22.69962
    ssim: 0.93307
    ------[total] lpips: 0.10079
    [total] psnr: 22.45382
    [total] ssim: 0.93084
    lpips: 0.10263
    psnr: 21.81576
    ssim: 0.92782
    ------[total] lpips: 0.10100
    [total] psnr: 22.38292
    [total] ssim: 0.93050
    lpips: 0.10262
    psnr: 22.13429
    ssim: 0.92957
    ------[total] lpips: 0.10116
    [total] psnr: 22.35806
    [total] ssim: 0.93041
    lpips: 0.10182
    psnr: 29.63145
    ssim: 0.94742
    ------[total] lpips: 0.10182
    [total] psnr: 29.63145
    [total] ssim: 0.94742
    lpips: 0.10144
    psnr: 29.62394
    ssim: 0.94776
    ------[total] lpips: 0.10163
    [total] psnr: 29.62769
    [total] ssim: 0.94759
    lpips: 0.10197
    psnr: 29.60396
    ssim: 0.94759
    ------[total] lpips: 0.10174
    [total] psnr: 29.61978
    [total] ssim: 0.94759
    lpips: 0.10644
    psnr: 29.34926
    ssim: 0.94334
    ------[total] lpips: 0.10292
    [total] psnr: 29.55215
    [total] ssim: 0.94653
    lpips: 0.12176
    psnr: 28.73875
    ssim: 0.93779
    ------[total] lpips: 0.10669
    [total] psnr: 29.38947
    [total] ssim: 0.94478
    lpips: 0.13284
    psnr: 28.55375
    ssim: 0.93174
    ------[total] lpips: 0.11105
    [total] psnr: 29.25019
    [total] ssim: 0.94261
    lpips: 0.14998
    psnr: 27.93862
    ssim: 0.92479
    ------[total] lpips: 0.11661
    [total] psnr: 29.06282
    [total] ssim: 0.94006
    lpips: 0.11500
    psnr: 28.90834
    ssim: 0.94383
    ------[total] lpips: 0.11641
    [total] psnr: 29.04351
    [total] ssim: 0.94053
    lpips: 0.11905
    psnr: 28.66862
    ssim: 0.93959
    ------[total] lpips: 0.11670
    [total] psnr: 29.00186
    [total] ssim: 0.94043
    lpips: 0.10585
    psnr: 29.35440
    ssim: 0.94593
    ------[total] lpips: 0.11562
    [total] psnr: 29.03711
    [total] ssim: 0.94098
    lpips: 0.16066
    psnr: 17.13793
    ssim: 0.85665
    ------[total] lpips: 0.16066
    [total] psnr: 17.13793
    [total] ssim: 0.85665
    lpips: 0.14772
    psnr: 17.77316
    ssim: 0.86888
    ------[total] lpips: 0.15419
    [total] psnr: 17.45555
    [total] ssim: 0.86276
    lpips: 0.14802
    psnr: 17.87505
    ssim: 0.86473
    ------[total] lpips: 0.15213
    [total] psnr: 17.59538
    [total] ssim: 0.86342

    The visualization results are also bad: image

    opened by JanaldoChen 0
  • Questions about the smpl depth

    Questions about the smpl depth The program will execute the above code, which seems to indicate that โ€˜smpl depthโ€™ is not used?

    opened by caiyongqi 0
  • A bug in make_nerf_output()

    A bug in make_nerf_output() The 'dists' is not used, which is inconsistent with the original nerf. Is this a bug?

    opened by caiyongqi 0
  • Annotations for Benchmarks

    Annotations for Benchmarks

    Hi, I want to perform novel-view synthesis on Genebody dataset using the methods released in Genebody-Benchmarks. Should I first use the bodyfitting repo to generate necessary annotation files? It seems that the genebody interface in each branch is inconsistent with the genebody in the gnr, which results in errors when I try to load the mesh obj and smpl params in GeneBody-Test10.

    opened by zwx8981 1
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A PyTorch re-implementation of the paper 'Exploring Simple Siamese Representation Learning'. Reproduced the 67.8% Top1 Acc on ImageNet.

Exploring simple siamese representation learning This is a PyTorch re-implementation of the SimSiam paper on ImageNet dataset. The results match that

Taojiannan Yang 72 Nov 9, 2022
PyTorch implementation of "A Full-Band and Sub-Band Fusion Model for Real-Time Single-Channel Speech Enhancement."

FullSubNet This Git repository for the official PyTorch implementation of "A Full-Band and Sub-Band Fusion Model for Real-Time Single-Channel Speech E

้ƒ็ฟ” 357 Jan 4, 2023