CacheControl is a port of the caching algorithms in httplib2 for use with requests session object.

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Caching cachecontrol


Latest Version

CacheControl is a port of the caching algorithms in httplib2 for use with requests session object.

It was written because httplib2's better support for caching is often mitigated by its lack of thread safety. The same is true of requests in terms of caching.


import requests

from cachecontrol import CacheControl

sess = requests.session()
cached_sess = CacheControl(sess)

response = cached_sess.get('')

If the URL contains any caching based headers, it will cache the result in a simple dictionary.

For more info, check out the docs

  • Use msgpack for cache serialization

    Use msgpack for cache serialization

    This is a pull request meant to improve the efficiency of wheel download caching in pip (

    Msgpack is fast, supports all major Python versions, and does not add overhead for the serialization of large binary values (as commonly handled by pip).

    Benchmark results:

    # Before
    $ python ./examples/
    Total time for 1000 requests: 0:00:00.670020
    # After
    $ python ./examples/
    Total time for 1000 requests: 0:00:00.574051
    opened by StephanErb 20
  • Implementing caching of chunked/streamed responses

    Implementing caching of chunked/streamed responses

    Resolves #105, #81. This takes a different approach from #82 in that it doesn't get rid of CallbackFileWrapper, so there is still the same delay actually caching the response until the calling application itself reads the data.

    On the other hand, this requires dynamically monkeypatching urllib3, so ¯_(ツ)_/¯.

    opened by rmcgibbo 19
  • Make msgpack optional?

    Make msgpack optional?

    We use CacheControl in the Blender Cloud add-on for Blender. Due to the wide range of platforms Blender can run on, binary Python packages are very impractical to use. So, in order to bundle CacheControl with a Blender add-on, we need to restrict ourselves to pure-Python packages.

    Would it be an option to make msgpack an optional feature? If not, we're bound to limit ourselves to older versions of CacheControl.

    opened by sybrenstuvel 17
  • Large responses cause increased memory usage.

    Large responses cause increased memory usage.

    When downloading large files, memory usage is not constant when using CacheControl.

    I believe this is due to the FileWrapper that buffers the response in memory.

    If using requests directly:

    import shutil
    import requests
    response = requests.get(url, stream=True)
    with open('/var/tmp/out.bin') as fh:
        shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, fh)

    Yields constant memory usage. If you throw CacheControl into the mix, memory shoots up based on the size of the downloaded object.

    opened by dsully 17
  • avoid infinite regress in __getattr__

    avoid infinite regress in __getattr__

    After a large amount of debugging a deadlock in pip's test suite, I found an infinite recursion in the below __getattr__ method. I've fixed it and regression-tested it as best I could.

    It's not clear to me how an attribute of this class is referenced after its __fp is deleted, but it did happen.

    For historicity's sake, this is the stack that caused the inifinite recursion:

      File "/tmp/pytest-29/test_upgrade_user_conflict_in_globalsite0/workspace/venv/bin/pip", line 9, in <module>
        load_entry_point('pip==1.6.dev1', 'console_scripts', 'pip')()
      File "/tmp/pytest-29/test_upgrade_user_conflict_in_globalsite0/pip_src/pip/", line 198, in main
        return command.main(cmd_args)
      File "/tmp/pytest-29/test_upgrade_user_conflict_in_globalsite0/pip_src/pip/", line 212, in main
        status =, args)
      File "/tmp/pytest-29/test_upgrade_user_conflict_in_globalsite0/pip_src/pip/commands/", line 317, in run
      File "/tmp/pytest-29/test_upgrade_user_conflict_in_globalsite0/pip_src/pip/req/", line 238, in prepare_files
        req_to_install, self.upgrade)
      File "/tmp/pytest-29/test_upgrade_user_conflict_in_globalsite0/pip_src/pip/", line 284, in find_requirement
        for page in self._get_pages(url_locations, req):
      File "/tmp/pytest-29/test_upgrade_user_conflict_in_globalsite0/pip_src/pip/", line 391, in _get_pages
        page = self._get_page(location, req)
      File "/tmp/pytest-29/test_upgrade_user_conflict_in_globalsite0/pip_src/pip/", line 611, in _get_page
        result = HTMLPage.get_page(link, req, session=self.session)
      File "/tmp/pytest-29/test_upgrade_user_conflict_in_globalsite0/pip_src/pip/", line 693, in get_page
        "Cache-Control": "max-age=600",
      File "/tmp/pytest-29/test_upgrade_user_conflict_in_globalsite0/pip_src/pip/_vendor/requests/", line 463, in get
        return self.request('GET', url, **kwargs)
      File "/tmp/pytest-29/test_upgrade_user_conflict_in_globalsite0/pip_src/pip/", line 286, in request
        result = super(PipSession, self).request(method, url, *args, **kwargs)
      File "/tmp/pytest-29/test_upgrade_user_conflict_in_globalsite0/pip_src/pip/_vendor/requests/", line 451, in request
        resp = self.send(prep, **send_kwargs)
      File "/tmp/pytest-29/test_upgrade_user_conflict_in_globalsite0/pip_src/pip/_vendor/requests/", line 557, in send
        r = adapter.send(request, **kwargs)
      File "/tmp/pytest-29/test_upgrade_user_conflict_in_globalsite0/pip_src/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/", line 38, in send
        return self.build_response(request, cached_response, from_cache=True)
      File "/tmp/pytest-29/test_upgrade_user_conflict_in_globalsite0/pip_src/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/", line 95, in build_response
        request, response
      File "/tmp/pytest-29/test_upgrade_user_conflict_in_globalsite0/pip_src/pip/_vendor/requests/", line 203, in build_response
        response.headers = CaseInsensitiveDict(getattr(resp, 'headers', {}))
      File "/tmp/pytest-29/test_upgrade_user_conflict_in_globalsite0/pip_src/pip/_vendor/requests/", line 46, in __init__
        self.update(data, **kwargs)
      File "/tmp/pytest-29/test_upgrade_user_conflict_in_globalsite0/workspace/venv/lib/python2.7/", line 541, in update
        for key in other:
      File "/tmp/pytest-29/test_upgrade_user_conflict_in_globalsite0/pip_src/pip/_vendor/requests/packages/urllib3/", line 304, in closed
        elif hasattr(self._fp, 'isclosed'):  # Python 2
      File "/tmp/pytest-29/test_upgrade_user_conflict_in_globalsite0/pip_src/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/", line 27, in __getattr__

    I believe that gc is activating during Mapping.update, and jumping to response.closed. Why it would touch a property, I don't know. Further, this is happening after something (the gc I assume) has deleted __fp from the filewrapper. Because filewrapper references self.__fp in __getattr__, and __fp isn't present, it recurses there. Why I don't get a StackOverflowError rather than a busy deadlock, I also don't know.

    But, this fixes it :D

    opened by bukzor 17
  • UnicodeDecodeError raised on some cache max-age headers

    UnicodeDecodeError raised on some cache max-age headers

    I'm encountering this exception when fetching some URLs:

     'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)

    The function that is raising is this:

    def _b64_encode_str(s):
        return _b64_encode_bytes(s.encode("utf8"))

    And some example data that some HTTP servers seem to be sending is for example: '\u201cmax-age=31536000\u2033'

    It would be great if cache-control could handle these edge cases without dying.

    Thanks for a great package!

    opened by hakanw 16
  • Not getting the caching I expected

    Not getting the caching I expected

    Here's my CCSSE:

    import github3
    import cachecontrol
    g = github3.GitHub()
    print(g.rate_limit()['resources']['core']) # initial rate limit
    print(g.rate_limit()['resources']['core']) # rate_limit - should not count
    repository = g.repository('sigmavirus24', '')
    print(g.rate_limit()['resources']['core']) # get repo data - should count
    repository = g.repository('sigmavirus24', '')
    print(g.rate_limit()['resources']['core']) # get repo again - should be served from cache

    In the output, I'm seeing that the rate limit is being ticked off for each g.repository call.

    {u'reset': 1438863563, u'limit': 60, u'remaining': 53}
    {u'reset': 1438863563, u'limit': 60, u'remaining': 53}
    {u'reset': 1438863563, u'limit': 60, u'remaining': 52}
    {u'reset': 1438863563, u'limit': 60, u'remaining': 51}

    With logging cranked up to the max and tons of logging added (see #93 for the exact code, 50a76aa to be specific), I'm seeing the long trace below. Conspicuously, there's no Updating cache with response from "http://...", which is what I added at, so I guess indicating cachecontrol.controller.CacheController.cache_response is never called. Since that call is stashed away in a functools.partial, I have no idea where and when that call should have happened, so I have come to a dead end.

    INFO:github3:Building a url from ('', 'rate_limit')
    INFO:github3:Missed the cache building the url
    DEBUG:github3:GET with {}
    DEBUG:cachecontrol.controller:Looking up "" in the cache
    DEBUG:cachecontrol.controller:No cache entry available
    INFO:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
    DEBUG:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:"GET /rate_limit HTTP/1.1" 200 None
    INFO:github3:Attempting to get JSON information from a Response with status code 200 expecting 200
    INFO:github3:JSON was returned
    INFO:github3:Building a url from ('', 'rate_limit')
    DEBUG:github3:GET with {}
    {u'reset': 1438867921, u'limit': 60, u'remaining': 60}
    DEBUG:cachecontrol.controller:Looking up "" in the cache
    DEBUG:cachecontrol.controller:No cache entry available
    DEBUG:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:"GET /rate_limit HTTP/1.1" 200 None
    {u'reset': 1438867922, u'limit': 60, u'remaining': 60}
    INFO:github3:Attempting to get JSON information from a Response with status code 200 expecting 200
    INFO:github3:JSON was returned
    INFO:github3:Building a url from ('', 'repos', 'sigmavirus24', '')
    INFO:github3:Missed the cache building the url
    DEBUG:github3:GET with {}
    DEBUG:cachecontrol.controller:Looking up "" in the cache
    DEBUG:cachecontrol.controller:No cache entry available
    DEBUG:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:"GET /repos/sigmavirus24/ HTTP/1.1" 200 None
    INFO:github3:Attempting to get JSON information from a Response with status code 200 expecting 200
    INFO:github3:JSON was returned
    INFO:github3:Building a url from ('', 'rate_limit')
    DEBUG:github3:GET with {}
    DEBUG:cachecontrol.controller:Looking up "" in the cache
    DEBUG:cachecontrol.controller:No cache entry available
    DEBUG:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:"GET /rate_limit HTTP/1.1" 200 None
    INFO:github3:Attempting to get JSON information from a Response with status code 200 expecting 200
    INFO:github3:JSON was returned
    INFO:github3:Building a url from ('', 'repos', 'sigmavirus24', '')
    DEBUG:github3:GET with {}
    {u'reset': 1438867922, u'limit': 60, u'remaining': 59}
    DEBUG:cachecontrol.controller:Looking up "" in the cache
    DEBUG:cachecontrol.controller:No cache entry available
    DEBUG:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:"GET /repos/sigmavirus24/ HTTP/1.1" 200 None
    INFO:github3:Attempting to get JSON information from a Response with status code 200 expecting 200
    INFO:github3:JSON was returned
    INFO:github3:Building a url from ('', 'rate_limit')
    DEBUG:github3:GET with {}
    DEBUG:cachecontrol.controller:Looking up "" in the cache
    DEBUG:cachecontrol.controller:No cache entry available
    DEBUG:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:"GET /rate_limit HTTP/1.1" 200 None
    INFO:github3:Attempting to get JSON information from a Response with status code 200 expecting 200
    INFO:github3:JSON was returned
    {u'reset': 1438867922, u'limit': 60, u'remaining': 58}
    opened by toolforger 14
  • Excessive memory usage, part 2

    Excessive memory usage, part 2

    I'm testing new cachecontrol 0.12.8 with pip, and it only partially solves the excess memory usage: memory usage goes down from 1300MB to 900MB when doing pip install tensorflow.

    The next bottleneck is the fact msgpack doesn't have a streaming interface, so packing always makes a copy of the data in memory. (I believe something like this was mentioned as a potential issue in the previous issues #145, but unfortunately the test script I was using didn't use that code path).

    Some potential approaches:

    1. Modify msgpack upstream to support streaming writes, perhaps coupled with streaming API on cachecontrol side.
    2. Switch to a new data format where instead of having one giant bytestring, the msgpack is a series of bytestrings. This requires no changes to msgpack, and perhaps no public API changes assuming more mmap hackery.
    3. Re-implement msgpack serialization just for this use case; essentially the code only packs a byte string, so just need to write the appropriate header beforehand. Depending on what APIs are public this may be the least intrusive option; hacky, but it'll work.
    4. No doubt others (e.g. some other data format).
    opened by itamarst 13
  • FileCache does not work

    FileCache does not work

    I tried to test for existence of cache directory, similar to included test but it does not get created. forever=True flag does not help, changing directory .web_cache to something else neither.

    import os.path
    import logging
    import requests
    from cachecontrol import CacheControl
    from cachecontrol.caches import FileCache
    webcache_dir = ".web_cache"
    cache = FileCache(webcache_dir)
    sess = CacheControl(requests.Session(), cache=cache)
    response = sess.get("")
    print("%s exists?" % webcache_dir, os.path.exists(webcache_dir))

    Attached log:

    INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:Setting read timeout to None
    DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:"GET / HTTP/1.1" 302 258
    INFO:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTP connection (1):
    DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:Setting read timeout to None
    DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:"GET /?gfe_rd=cr&ei=DnKeVs2tOOWI8QfDyYbwDw HTTP/1.1" 200 7699
    <cachecontrol.caches.file_cache.FileCache object at 0x7f72120f4b00>
    .web_cache exists? False
    opened by burtgulash 13
  • recent change to urllib3's is_fp_closed broke cachecontrol for Python 3 and PyPy

    recent change to urllib3's is_fp_closed broke cachecontrol for Python 3 and PyPy

    FileCache stopped working for me with Python 3 and PyPy, and I think I tracked down the cause to a recent change to urllib3's is_fp_closed utility.


            # Is this the best way to figure out if the file has been completely
            #   consumed?
            if is_fp_closed(self.__fp):

    In my Python 3 and PyPy environments, is_fp_closed was never returning True. Reverting the changes in shazow/urllib3#435 fixed it.

    I tried cloning urllib3 and running the tox tests to dig in further but couldn't get the tests to run, and thought my best next step would be reporting here.

    It may be that cachecontrol's code is just fine and the issue is in urllib3, but I figured I'd confirm here first. Does that look like the problem?

    Thanks in advance for taking a look!

    opened by requiredfield 12
  • No cache when no internet connection - even with forever set to True

    No cache when no internet connection - even with forever set to True


    I try this code with my internet connection enabled

    import requests
    from cachecontrol import CacheControl
    from cachecontrol.caches import FileCache
    req_session = requests.session()
    cache = FileCache('web_cache', forever=True)
    session = CacheControl(req_session, cache=cache)
    response = session.get('')

    I disabled my internet connection and run again this code.

    It raised ConnectionError: ('Connection aborted.', gaierror(8, 'nodename nor servname provided, or not known'))

    That's probably a misunderstanding from my side. But I thought that if I store in a file both request and response I could get it when my connection was disabled.

    I also don't understand why this forever flag exists. In my understanding we should pass a custom caching strategies (aka caching heuristics) to CacheControl

    class Forever(BaseHeuristic):

    and use it like

    req_session = requests.session()
    cache = FileCache('web_cache')
    session = CacheControl(req_session, cache=cache, heuristic=Forever())
    response = session.get('')

    Any idea ? but that's like I said probably a misunderstanding from my side.

    Kind regards

    opened by femtotrader 11
  • New release with SeparateBody cache fixes?

    New release with SeparateBody cache fixes?


    I just spent an hour trying to get split body/metadata to work for a cache until I realized that (a) it's broken due to the body not being loaded when updating the cache and (b) it's already fixed here. Unfortunately it seems like this was in the now yanked 0.12.12, which was slated to be re-released as 0.13 as I understand it. Is there a schedule for this happening? Any help needed? Would be much appreciated!

    Thanks! :-)

    opened by tgolsson 0
  • Packaging the tests, or not

    Packaging the tests, or not

    Fixes #281, #282

    • first commit explicitly excludes tests from the binary distribution, it is indeed unconventional to include them
    • second commit explicitly re-adds them to the source distribution
      • I don't think there's universal consensus about whether this is desirable or not eg here is a recent discussion
      • but it seems harmless and seeing as how #281 explicitly asks for them, well why not?
    opened by dimbleby 1
  • No tests in pypi sdist tarball

    No tests in pypi sdist tarball

    Hi! I'm packaging this project for Arch Linux.

    We usually try to rely on for sdist tarballs to build from. In a packaging context we also run tests to ensure, that the given project is compatible with our own Python ecosystem. Unfortunately the tests are not included in the sdist tarball on, so it would be awesome if you could add them there. It allows anyone to also rely on tests when they build a wheel from source! :)

    opened by dvzrv 1
  • Add type annotations

    Add type annotations

    I probably should have checked first whether this is something you even want, but if the answer is "no thanks" then fair enough: it wasn't so much work that either of us need feel bad about that.

    I've added type annotations everywhere, and mypy configuration to check them. I haven't tried to update your github workflows, but all you should need to do is run like this:

    $ mypy cachecontrol
    Success: no issues found in 13 source files
    opened by dimbleby 2
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