This enforces signatures for CVE-2021-44228 across all policies on a BIG-IP ASM device



This enforces signatures for CVE-2021-44228 across all policies on a BIG-IP ASM device


This script enforces all signatures present in the list below related to CVE-2021-44228 across all policies in blocking mode in the Adv. WAF/ASM.

sigs = ['200104768', '200104769', '200004450', '200004451','200004474','200104770','200104771']

This was tested on BIG-IP ASM/Adv.WAF v15.x but I expect this to work in v13/v14/v16 as well.


Python 3.7+

The host machine needs to have connection to the BIG-IP management interface.

How to Use

usage: f5-waf-enforce-sig-CVE-2021-44228 device

positional arguments:
  device      File with IP adrresses of the target BIG-IP devices separated by line
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    One request to update matching signatures


    To improve this code, you can add required signatures in filter instead of loop on each signatures

    This URL matches all staging signatures matching IDs


    You can replace following lines

        # enforce each signature
        for s in sigs:
            url_cve_sigs  = 'https://%s/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/%s/signatures?$expand=signatureReference&$filter=inPolicy+eq+true+and+signature/signatureId+eq+\'%s\'' % (device,policy_id,s)
            r = bigip.patch(url_cve_sigs,payload_enfor)
            print("Status code for enforcement: " + str(r.status_code))


        # enforce each signature
        url_cve_sigs  = 'https://%s/mgmt/tm/asm/policies/%s/signatures?$expand=signatureReference&$filter=inPolicy+eq+true+and+signature/signatureId+in+(\'%s\')' % (device,policy_id, "','".join(sigs))
        r = bigip.patch(url_cve_sigs,payload_enfor)
        print("Status code for enforcement: " + str(r.status_code))
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    error when executing script

    Hello, when i run the script, the following error message appears :

    [ijjo5560@rcxxxxx1:Active:Standalone] f5-waf-enforce-sig-CVE-2021-44228-main # python device Enter your username: root Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 123, in username = input('Enter your username: ') File "", line 1, in NameError: name 'root' is not defined

    Thank you for your help

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