Code to monitor limnology RSS feeds and tweet new articles.
The keywords and journal choices herein aim to focus on limnology (the study of inland waters). They are also meant to exclude related topics such as fisheries ecology, water resources engineering, estuarine/marine ecology, ecological genetics, and the study of specific "inland seas" like the North American Great Lakes. Feel free to weigh-in in the repository issues on scope recommendations!
Query papers that came out prior to today without tweeting:
python limnopapers/
Query papers that came out prior to today and open in browser:
python limnopapers/ --browser
Manually approve tweeting of papers that came out prior to today:
python limnopapers/ --interactive
Unsupervised tweeting of papers that came out prior to today:
python limnopapers/ --tweet
Enable tweeting (optional)
- Create a file named
that stores your twitter API keys
Enable unsupervised tweeting (optional)
- Create a cron job. On Linux this can be done with the following commands:
crontab -e
0 15 * * * python /path/to/
Python dependencies
See requirements.txt
Install these to the activated environment with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Please help by adding missing journals to limnopapers/journals.csv or filing an issue
Filtering keywords are located in limnopapers/keywords.csv.