Face Mask Detector by Live Camera
- Detecting masked or unmasked faces by live camera with percentange of mask occupation
About Project:
This an Artificial Intelligence based project in which we can detect person's faces by live camera and system can predict that person weared a mask or not. A programming language that I used in this project is Python. Where I build a predective model with the help of Neural Networks (Deep Learning). Dataset contains two classes that means two type of images such as With Mask and Without Mask
- Importing machine learning libraries - Tensorflow, Keras and Sklearn
- Loading dataset and divding into two categories - With Mask and Without Mask
- Converting Categories into numbers by LabelBinarizer
- Splitting data into train, test and split
- Data Augmentation by ImageDataGenerator
- Creating neural network with MobileNetV2, and connected entire layers
- Compiling the model Adam optimizer and binray_cross entropy loss
- Using callbacks while model training to avoid overfitting
- Evaluating the model by classification report and confusion matrix
- Visualized model accuracy and val_loss
- Serializing the model and implementing into python code for live camera
- Using OpenCv and imutils for live implementation
Live Demo: