trackbranch is a tool for developers that can be used to store collections of branches in the form of profiles.



trackbranch is a tool for developers that can be used to store collections of branches in the form of profiles. This can be useful for situations where you have multiple branches to group into the same action.


Users can install the trackbranch package via PyPi:

$ pip install trackbranch

Or, clone the repository, build it and install it with pip (depends on python==^3.6, poetry and pip):

$ poetry lock
$ poetry update
$ poetry build
$ pip install dist/*.whl

Getting Started

See trackbranch --help for details on command line arguments and program usage.


Create a branch profile my-profile consisting of branch1 and branch2:

# Add branch1 and branch2 to my-profile.
$ trackbranch -p my-profile add branch1 branch2
added 'branch1' to 'my-profile'
added 'branch2' to 'my-profile'

This will automatically create a .trackbranch.json file if one cannot be found in the current directory or upwards.

List all profiles:

$ trackbranch ls
my-profile: ['branch1', 'branch2']

List specific branches by providing -p|--profile:

# List branches in the my-profile collection.
$ trackbranch -p my-profile ls
branch1 branch2

For each branch in my-profile, execute the command -c. Each {br} string format piece is replaced by the branch name.

# Execute -c for each branch found in my-profile.
$ trackbranch -p my-profile exec -c 'bash -c "git checkout {br}; git rebase -i base"'

Remove branch1 from my-profile.

# Remove branch1 from my-profile; branch2 remains.
$ trackbranch -p my-profile rm branch1
removed 'branch1' from 'my-profile'

Completely clear out my-profile.

# Clear my-profile.
$ trackbranch -p my-profile clear
profile 'my-profile' has been removed


This project operates under The MIT License.


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Kevin Morris
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