A simple pygame dino game which can also be trained and played by a NEAT KI


Dino Game AI


The game itself was developed with the Pygame module

pip install pygame

You can also play it yourself by making the dino jump with the space bar.


The AI was programmed using the neat module.

pip install neat-python

The neural network has two inputs, the y-coordinate of the dino and the x-coordinate of the next cactus, and one output, whether the dinosaur should jump or not.

Settings of the AI can be changed in the configuration file, e.g. how many dinos are trained per generation.

With how many generations the AI trains can be changed in the start menu by entering the desired number.

ai-example.pkl is a neural network that was trained with 100 generations. Rename it to ai.pkl so that the AI can play with it again

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